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Overatedsmileyface is offline
Old 03-19-2012, 08:04 AM

I'm a keen baker/cooker so I might as well share some recipes here:

Chocolate Chip donuts (using a doghnut machine):

You will need:
1 and a half cups of flour
Half a cup of caster sugar
1 and a half teaspoons of baking powder
125g butter
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
As many choc chips as you want

1. Preheat doughnut machine
2. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl
3. Make a well in the centre
4. Whisk in the butter, milk and egg. Add choco chips until mixture forms a smooth batter.
5. Spray machine with cooking oil.
6. Scoop the mixture into the preheated doughnut rings close the lid and let them cook for 6 minutes or until doughnuts are golden brown and cooked.

Hope you enjoy your'e doughnuts!!!