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Watch My Eyes
halfbreedfox is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:45 PM

What cute and crazy things does your pet do? Post them here so everyone on Mena can fall in love with them!

My doggy (Pomeranian) has a habit and sitting in front of me and whining a little bit. I'll stand up and go to him, and then he runs away! I chase him around the house a few times before he rolls over and wants me to rub his belly. :3
My favorite part is when he kicks his leg very quickly while I'm petting him.

Your turn. :)

Tall Jake's Queen
Sindima is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:48 PM

My Gerbil, Miguel, he is an escape artist!

He likes to jump out of his cage so now I have to keep the top on.. He has a little couch in his tank, and I have noticed that, that is his way of getting out.. He stands on the couch, aims and fires. Lol

He can jump really high...

He also jumps off of me.. which has scared me a few times.. one time he was on my shoulder while we were outside and then he jumped into the grass and scared the crap out of me.. But he was okay.. a little grass stained but okay (he is white lol)

Watch My Eyes
halfbreedfox is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by Sindima View Post
My Gerbil, Miguel, he is an escape artist!

He likes to jump out of his cage so now I have to keep the top on.. He has a little couch in his tank, and I have noticed that, that is his way of getting out.. He stands on the couch, aims and fires. Lol

He can jump really high...

He also jumps off of me.. which has scared me a few times.. one time he was on my shoulder while we were outside and then he jumped into the grass and scared the crap out of me.. But he was okay.. a little grass stained but okay (he is white lol)
Lol. Miguel is awesome. He's a natural adventurer/daredevil.
Can he do tricks? Lol. That's be great to see.

Life is all about resolve; outco...
Vamien is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:52 PM

My cat, who is generally a very calm and quiet fellow, will jerk and jump randomly if something miniscule sets him off.

Smoky's over 10 years old now, and he looks incredibly wise and regal. But the other day when I was letting him sniff my hand (he found something particularly interesting on it that I have no idea of what it was) and he suddenly just jumped a foot straight upward.

It was hilarious.

Tall Jake's Queen
Sindima is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:53 PM

I wish he could do tricks.. No he just sleeps most of the time, or runs on his wheel or tries to escape.. You know he doesn't really understand the purpose of the rat ball lol

One is never too early to monolo...
Ponta is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:53 PM

Aww, I love Pomeranians!

My cat Leo really likes to stretch out his body. He is so long! He will try to stretch out far as possible and then just lay there like that for hours. He also used to have this thing of taking one of my Barbie dolls out of my room and dragging it by the hair everywhere around the house. It was weirdest thing.

Watch My Eyes
halfbreedfox is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by Vamien View Post
My cat, who is generally a very calm and quiet fellow, will jerk and jump randomly if something miniscule sets him off.

Smoky's over 10 years old now, and he looks incredibly wise and regal. But the other day when I was letting him sniff my hand (he found something particularly interesting on it that I have no idea of what it was) and he suddenly just jumped a foot straight upward.

It was hilarious.

I think that's mostly why I like cats; they can be very random when the mood strikes them. So unpredictable. :3

Originally Posted by Ponta View Post
Aww, I love Pomeranians!

My cat Leo really likes to stretch out his body. He is so long! He will try to stretch out far as possible and then just lay there like that for hours. He also used to have this thing of taking one of my Barbie dolls out of my room and dragging it by the hair everywhere around the house. It was weirdest thing.

Lol. As if he wants to say, "My prisoner" or "my toy."
Cats can stay in one position for so long, I don't even notice them after a while. My father's cats will just walk right up to me and scare the be-jesus out of me because I didn't notice them.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 10-26-2009 at 10:46 PM.. Reason: Double Posting

chibi-sorrow is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 07:57 PM

I've had my cat, Charmed, for eight years - since she was only a few weeks old. Now, she's typically a big cuddler when it comes to me - and only me - simply because she sleeps next to me every night.

She started to form a weird habit this year...

I'm well known to be a heavy sleeper/not easy to wake up. So, needless to say, when I'm actually home and not in my dorm and my Mum wakes me up in the morning for whatever reason, I refuse to move. I groan, moan, and do whatever I can to ignore her. This typicall also involves putting a pillow over my face.

Well, over the past few months whenever this occurs, my cat will proceed to meow repeatedly - trying to get my attention - before crawling up onto my stomach (or side if I'm lying on one side) and laying her head RIGHT ON MY CHEST. She'll lay there, purr, and generally just kneed into me until I get up.

This normally wouldn't be such a big deal if she didn't weigh over 20 lbs O.O...

Watch My Eyes
halfbreedfox is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by chibi-sorrow View Post
I've had my cat, Charmed, for eight years - since she was only a few weeks old. Now, she's typically a big cuddler when it comes to me - and only me - simply because she sleeps next to me every night.

She started to form a weird habit this year...

I'm well known to be a heavy sleeper/not easy to wake up. So, needless to say, when I'm actually home and not in my dorm and my Mum wakes me up in the morning for whatever reason, I refuse to move. I groan, moan, and do whatever I can to ignore her. This typicall also involves putting a pillow over my face.

Well, over the past few months whenever this occurs, my cat will proceed to meow repeatedly - trying to get my attention - before crawling up onto my stomach (or side if I'm lying on one side) and laying her head RIGHT ON MY CHEST. She'll lay there, purr, and generally just kneed into me until I get up.

This normally wouldn't be such a big deal if she didn't weigh over 20 lbs O.O...
Lol. So cute!
Charmed knows just how to get you up in a good way, huh? :3 Besides being heavy.

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 08:08 PM

the most random thing any of my pets have done was just yesterday my chihuahua lady was sitting on the couch while me and my sis-in-law was playing with my 2 year old neice...summer was holding lilly while i tickled her and lady went spastic and started barking and growling before she launched herself off the couch and right into my arms...we never figured out what got into rottweiler bruno bounces when he barks...lady wags her butt and looks over her shoulder as she rat fred crawls onto the back of my neck or on top of my head and then launches himself off into the air with his legs spread out like he thinks he can fly...cocoa my cat will start rubbing against u like she wants to be petted but when u reach down to pet her she starts hissing and growling and bites...weird...

Watch My Eyes
halfbreedfox is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mehimaru View Post
the most random thing any of my pets have done was just yesterday my chihuahua lady was sitting on the couch while me and my sis-in-law was playing with my 2 year old neice...summer was holding lilly while i tickled her and lady went spastic and started barking and growling before she launched herself off the couch and right into my arms...we never figured out what got into rottweiler bruno bounces when he barks...lady wags her butt and looks over her shoulder as she rat fred crawls onto the back of my neck or on top of my head and then launches himself off into the air with his legs spread out like he thinks he can fly...cocoa my cat will start rubbing against u like she wants to be petted but when u reach down to pet her she starts hissing and growling and bites...weird...
Wow. Lots of pets for lots of fun. :3
Your rat, Fred, is really cool. No fear!

Hey, peoples. I know I have been...
Mehimaru is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 08:21 PM

well, actually those arent really a lot i have tons more pets, but they are all normal...lets see...there is fred and mr. bo (rats) tweety (parakeet) 2 goldfish and 1 guppy, lady and chico (chihuahuas) bruno (rott) houch (aussie) and bear (mutt) and 7 cats (cooca, abbi, lil ty, ichigo, butterfly, solice, oriele) and then whatever other cats decided to show up for breakfast...i dont turn away any animal...many animals have found a home here because they just showed up one day....thats how i got cocoa...she just showed up 8 years ago and never yea i love fred...he is my hates him but oh fear at all...he even bucks up to the cats who are 5 times his

Joey Kitsune
Joey Kitsune is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 09:44 PM

Our runty Staffordshire bull-terrier will run around really fast barking her little head off. She can also jump really high that it's almost like she's trying to climb a tree when she's squirrel hunting in the backyard.

Marquisse is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 09:57 PM

My dog like oranges, I always found that weird. My other dog is just strange he is the classic 'dog' he love his toys and he love to stick his head out the window while driving. I have never had a dog so involved with toys then he is. Oh My big dog is very protective if any one walks by my room he will bark and he will nock you over throwing his butt at you to scratch it.

Then I have horses and that a completely different zone. They all have there strange quirks.

I once have a dog who would chase airplane like he would birds.

Dead Account Holder
SamuraiPanda is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 10:18 PM

My cat Geta, well he's a pervert and likes to share his perverted ways with others. Go to the bathroom? Well he'll open the door on you. Doing things you don't want others to see? Oh well that door needs to be opened too.

My kitty Dusk, she steals anything shiny as well as needing to try to eat everything at least once. She's gnawed on levers for computer chairs and cell phones ffs D:.

And last but not least the kitty Floppy. He has to play Flopalopagus monster in the bathroom. This game consists of him attacking your various body parts through the shower curtain while he's hiding in the tub. You also need to pet him before he will sit down and it. Its like he's seeking approval to chow down.

Brownies Yum
Brownies Yum is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 11:05 PM

I have this cat play thing, and when I twirl it around he does a back flip trying to catch it.

Double S
wannabe princess
Double S is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 11:11 PM

My cat plays tag C:

Sprinklebuns is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 01:58 AM

My cute little American short hair kitty, named Odin, would get excited when I get home. He would place his paws on my knee and look up at me with meows (this is his way of saying "pick me up!"). When I pick him up and hold him, he would purr really loudly. I call this particular purr his "pigeon purr" since he sound like he is cooing like a pigeon.

Michy Lea
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Old 10-27-2009, 02:04 AM

My mom said the other day, my cat came to her and wouldn't stop meowing. Finally, she got up and followed him. He kept looking behind him to make sure she was following. He took her to her litter box. The litter needed to be changed. So, he followed her while she dumped it out and poured fresh litter in.

I love when I lay down at night to go to bed, I lay on my side, and he climbs up and lays on my arm/side with his head facing me. I miss him. I can't wait to go home.

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JapaneseCherryBlossom is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 05:25 AM

I like it when my cat licks himself and forgets to put his tongue back in :D

Another cat that I do not have anymore used to take dollar bills in her mouth and run away. It was so funny, but you had to be careful where you put your money!

Leenalia is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 05:45 AM

Dogs and Oranges do not mix. Citrus fruits are particularly toxic to dogs and can cause some problems. My bichon-frise poodle mix dog Daisy, loves food that isn't good for her ... we used to feed her everything until we looked up "toxic foods for dogs" and stopped feeding her food that were bad for her.

My dog daisy has a habit of scratching her butt, by sitting on the carpet, her two back legs stretched outwards, and using her front paws to drag her butt across the carpet. It's hilarious.

Sprinklebuns is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 06:32 AM

Originally Posted by First to Never Know View Post
My mom said the other day, my cat came to her and wouldn't stop meowing. Finally, she got up and followed him. He kept looking behind him to make sure she was following. He took her to her litter box. The litter needed to be changed. So, he followed her while she dumped it out and poured fresh litter in.

I love when I lay down at night to go to bed, I lay on my side, and he climbs up and lays on my arm/side with his head facing me. I miss him. I can't wait to go home.
Hee hee, that's good that your cat tells others when his litter box is full. That story reminds me of my litter box cleaning days when my kitty was a kitten. When Odin was smaller he would always watch me clean the litter box with his big curious eyes, it was like a special event to him. He would even try to swat at the pooper-scooper while I was scooping.... -_-;

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Xurxo is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 06:45 AM

I have 3 cats and one dog.

I used to have a pet Crawfish but Cobalt died, and I have an 8-9 year old goldfish named Flounder.

My one cat, Angel, is the oldest will sleep in any weird spot she can get her body into. She also begs for food like a dog at the dinner table.

My Siamese gives me nasty looks then curls up on my lap. He's a sweety.

My dog..loves ice. It's his favorite food.

BinkaKitty is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 06:59 AM

my cat, Binka (where i got my user name), sleeps in some of the weirdest positions you'll ever see. somewhere, i have a picture where she fell asleep, aparently right after cleaning her bottom. you know, where cats lift up their leg to clean there. well, in the pic, she looks like she's doing yoga in her sleep. she all has her back leg behind her head while she's fast asleep.
i have another cat, Mimi, who often sit like a seal. really! she looks like a seal half the time! she also runs in circles around my feet everytime i'm holding a plate or bowl. she thinks that whatever food i have, it's for her, too.

Halcyon Dreams
Halcyon Dreams is offline
Old 10-27-2009, 07:20 AM

My pets are deceased now. One died from breathing complications and the other had cancer. I always remember when they were alive and the adorable things they used to do.

Pennie- Black Lab- Pennie used to get upset when I left the house for school. On chilly winter days when I was leaving the house she would nip my fingers so that I would stick around and play with her. Then she would grab my scarf and refuse to let go to keep me from going to school. It was sweet but she would choke me.@_@

Muggsie- Brown Pug- Muggsie was little baby. He was also completely nuts. He would steal my shoes and made sure I saw when he did it. Then he would taunt me, placing my shoe in front of me until I made a move to grab it. That is when he took off, scampering under the bed with it. Then he would nudge the shoe out a bit and dear you to try and take it. He also used to keep his biscuits in my shoes.


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