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Posted 01-04-2010 at 03:33 AM by IchirusVampireGirl
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Purple"]Okay so its been a while since my last blog.

But this one i need to vent out my fushtration .... i have had this friend for like seven years ... we can handel anything together. But within the past two days , things have became overly stupid.

Her ex who i had just met 4 days ago had asked me out on a date . I had said yes since my friend told me that she was over him and that if he ever asked me out on a date to go for it. Then she would flurt with him infront of me , on purpose , but she would also treat him and another friend like dirt.

Anywho , at first i debated on telling her ... because her reactions are usualy ... well verry bad to say it in a nice manner.

So when i did tell her she was calm and said , "Why would you think i would react badly?",i shrugged.Then we happed to run into 'him' in the store ... he pulled me to the side and asked me if we were still on for our date.

I said yes and that our friend knew. We laughed as he sighed in relief , she came over and siad in a veruy rude angrey manner"SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH GUTS TO ASK MY FRIEND OUT ,BUT WHEN WE WERE DATEING I HAD TO ASK YOU!".

I looked at her like,[I]'and you wondered why i was nervous about telling you??[/I]

then she was all calm and okay.Then today i here that she had been talking behind my back, pissed that i had been worried to tell her , and i mena after how she treated him , can she blame me?!

and she said to our other friend there is an unritten rule that he had to ask her permission to ask me out. And knowing her she would have been gellious and said no. Maybe he would have asked her out again if she actualy was noice to him.But late;y shes been treting everyone around her like dirt and we are all getting sick of it and fed up.Also she never asked my permissoin when she asked my EX to go out. She told me AFTERWORDS that they had wnet out. So she cant talk about the secret code when she broke it herself.

I emailed her saying we should talk things over ... because of how we are supose to be great friends. So i dont know how this will result. Wish me luck though.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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