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Starting school (again)

Posted 02-27-2013 at 08:28 PM by Risque (Meow :3)

I graduated from HS almost two years ago and I still only have 2 classes worth of credit under my belt, so I really can't wait to start up spring semester again.
I think that if I stayed out of school long enough I would have lost most desire to return, but now that everyone is telling me to go back to school and I've started the process.. I am getting really impatient with the waiting times associated.
It would be really nice to just be able to dive right in to the mix of things... before I change my mind about everything, haha.
But anyways, I've got a good feeling about this school year. With all the CS courses being offered online I will be able to get a lot of flexibility with things. I just hope that the classes don't fill up. D:< I'd hate to get all excited to go to school again just to get the proverbial cockblock.
bing chilling
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Views 1069 Comments 0 Risque is offline


Posted 02-25-2013 at 08:09 AM by Risque (Meow :3)

Fucking slow ass lady customer is so gonna file a complaint against me. uggggh I fucking hate slow customers that hold up the damn line and then get pissed at me when I just want to keep the workflow moving. [headdesk]
Hope she chokes on the burrito I made for her.
bing chilling
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Views 984 Comments 0 Risque is offline

I love you Mene

Posted 02-05-2013 at 08:27 AM by Risque (Meow :3)

Love you enough that I don't ever want to start flame wars with anyone for fear that they are a site donator and would take their money somewhere else [lol]
bing chilling
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Posted 01-22-2013 at 09:53 AM by Risque (Meow :3)

I feel compelled to donate more to Menewsha. I want my instant gratification of pretty pixel items and I know that the site will benefit from my donation.. but I am not made of money! I need to remind myself that donating is mostly a win-win situation but I need to save money. >_< It's a very slippery slope, indeed.
bing chilling
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Views 992 Comments 0 Risque is offline


Posted 01-04-2013 at 08:57 AM by Risque (Meow :3)

I am getting a graphics tablet soon.. I hope I have enough courage so I can keep drawing despite having no artistic abilities. My boyfriend says that I can draw just fine, and I know that with practice I can draw up to my standards.. but it's a matter of not getting fed up with my crappy drawings long enough to get better.
I probably should've started sooner. If I had started drawing as a kid I would have been too stupid to notice how ugly my drawings really were. [headdesk]
bing chilling
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Views 971 Comments 0 Risque is offline