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Micki Chiba
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Gaia,You Cheated!!!

Posted 09-12-2014 at 06:13 PM by Micki Chiba (Micki's Personal Journal..)

Dear Journal,
It's been awhile since I wrote in this blog, I'm very upset and disappointed at not only CEO but whole staff members over the rigging INFLATION!!!
I discover it after reading [URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/site-feedback/133tgate-staff-interfering-with-the-mp-inflation-tickets/t.94022785/"]this topic[/URL],my questing,earn the old fashion way [b]WILL NOT[/b] work in their society!

So,you wanna cheat,lie and steal,huh?! I'm sorry but you not getting a gold coin ( or GC) from me while play favorites w/ staff member!! (Like P.U.G. Halloween contest)

Now I find out you are USING OUR kick starter gold to curate AI our hard to earn item( like SD dolls the one I questing for?) So we can buy over MP price (400 bil!!)? FORGET IT!!

Well two can play THIS GAME!!! Guess what I'm not selling anymore RARES in my shop!! You are gonna have PMed me for an offer and better NOT see you be a mule for staff member!!

Members ONLY!!!

Also,CEO...congratulations... You just brought the F***** royal heir out of me!!
I don't wanna use this,but when comes to Gaia cheating,lying and stealing I have no choice.. (Take her queenie gloves off..)
This a duel.. You are mine,CEO..anytime cause problem on Gaia you THINK twice.. I make your time miserable...

Sincerely yours,
Very upset gaian and Queen of Gaia.
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Video Contest!!

Posted 05-25-2014 at 05:04 PM by Micki Chiba (Micki's Personal Journal..)
Updated 06-04-2014 at 05:54 PM by Micki Chiba

Dear Journal,

Right now things not looking too good for Gaia.

1.CEO told everyone it the "Elite" has privilege has the right think for Gaia and SAID the Ecomony is HEALTHY?!!

Healthy,my @$$!!

Money wise,yes.
Gold value,no.

this the time to strike back by showing him NO mercy!!
1.DO NOT DONATE HIM ANY THING!!! (No coins, no cash,etc.)throw your old Gaia Cash card that you used (the one you got from wal-mart or 7-11) and write with this one word"[B]THE ELITE HAS NO RIGHT ON GAIA!![/B]" put in envelope address to CEO with alias in your name.

2.DO NOT JOIN CON GUILD!! that showing him he's treating you like "elite" person that belong to him. IF you are AGAINST him DENY this guild.

Join these Guilds instead:[URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds-home/loyal-s-bazaar/g.417791/"]Loyal's Guild[/URL],[URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds-home/revolution-gaia/g.409847/"]Gaia: REVOLUTION Guild[/URL]and[URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds-home/why-you-no-gaia/g.419791/"]Why you no gaia guild[/URL].

3.Also join the [URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?page=1&t=24374725"]WALKOUT[/URL] and let them know it's not right.

4.if you was banned by him,get a lawer and [URL="https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/Information#crnt&panel1-6"]Go to FTC[/URL] or [URL="http://www.ic3.gov/complaint/default.aspx"]ICC[/URL] and file a complaint.


what's the requirements?
it has to 1:30 mins long, use video maker programs into make about gaia along subliminal message in it allowing newbies know it's exciting but,put hidden messages makes them hate gaia.
Like this:[URL="http://youtu.be/GktwJnWt9nY"]Neopet commercial idea[/URL]
but do like this:[URL="http://youtu.be/F_4pXusde8s"]Smoke Guy[/URL]
this commercial idea make them realize gaia not like it used to.
send it me though PM on Menewsha,Solia,Syndrone,Recolor.me and Ernya with the title"video contest" and on Daily motion or other places.
there will be ten contestants and whoever receive the Most votes will displayed on Youtube via Facebook. get the WORD out!!

Like I said last journal entry,he gonna get into trouble for what he doing right now.

sincerely yours,
Concern Gaian.
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Thank-you Gaia Devs for bringing PRISM back!!

Posted 04-06-2014 at 06:50 PM by Micki Chiba (Micki's Personal Journal..)

Dear Journal,
I have not posted my resent entry on resent return PRISM on Gaia.

I personally want to thank the Gaia Devs for bringing her back,safe and sound.

far as I'm concern about the CEO,he gonna get caught for breaking 2 laws:
1. Freedom of Speech (which BLIZZARD got into trouble For Banning a USER speaking his/her mind on what's wrong with WOW)
2.Embezzlement (some of you guys who was banned for double paypal look into your case,I reconmend a LAWER!!)
also,let me remind you,GAIA IS NOT NEOPETS!! SO stop treating like it is!!
For the COO the same thing:
Embezzlement,Force [URL="http://www.oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/gambling/gambling_law_2014.pdf"]Gambling to Minors[/URL] and [URL="http://www.webpronews.com/ftc-warns-publishers-of-illegal-native-advertising-2013-12"]Illegal advertizing without permession of FTC.[/URL]
Thank-you for bring PRISM and bring the gold sinks in WE NEED THEM!!
also,Gaians SURPORT Loyal's shop!! I have a feeling CS problem will go down by 2 months
and uppdate w/examples of [URL="http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/site-feedback/frequently-mentioned-issues/t.52097497/"]Frequently Mentioned Issues[/URL] why we can't do certain things like GG,recolors,etc.
This is tip of frost on the cake,but it's just the start.

Sincerly yours,
Concern Gaian.
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thank you Gaia devs!!

Posted 02-14-2014 at 03:14 AM by Micki Chiba (Micki's Personal Journal..)
Updated 02-14-2014 at 05:49 AM by Micki Chiba

Dear Journal,
It looks like Gaia devs and mods taken the words we have to say..

First of all thank you letting us know we are having an event.
I personally will gift you on valentines day for hard work. I will make chat thread on there as well some free art.

To CEO of Gaia,beware of Chan's party van. You Could be marked as their enemy. My advise: stop releasing cs related CIs and gold generators! They causing problems outside of Gaia..selling illegal gold!
If want to get gaian respect again,start working gaia Gold shops(items),Fix serval problems w/capcha in fishing game,there's a lot that pointed in occupy Gaia thread!
Also let's not forget arena contests house and aquarium updates along wing scouts store!
Also bring back magna,and ATA!
That's all I can point out,but next time don't cut events not everybody made of money!
If want know us,join Us on the form board we will be happy get new clothes so you won't like newbie. Can you use GC to buy your own MC.[:D] and like pinkie pie said"you have lots, lots friends!" When you get to know us a little better! I know it's rough being new on Gaia.
BTW,thank you listening
Sincerely yours,
A concerned gaian..
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Once again another gaia's event(s) is ruin!

Posted 02-10-2014 at 03:50 AM by Micki Chiba (Micki's Personal Journal..)
Updated 02-10-2014 at 04:26 PM by Micki Chiba

Dear Journal,
I not express myself presently because the total BS that been going on Gaia online.
Presently most of cs ads in announcements keeping our beloved devs doing the planning of the events.

I remember this happened once before in easter event.(anyone easter egg that we got on April fools?) This is like it except it not funny anymore and I'm totally pissed!

So... Have your fun ruining Gaia? I don't think so..I'm about to do something you will not like!

Gaians,if you do not like this jerk,start sending a letter to Gaia w/pennies!(it don't have be that much,it will show how much we not paying for his services!) If he gonna cut our beloved events,then we can cut his services too!

Also take advise from [URL="http:// http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/site-feedback/occupy-gaia-say-no-to-buying-gc/t.88156141"]Occupy gaia[/URL] and do not give him any donations he'll pocket in.

Also gift him coal instead box of chocolates. This show we hate him!![t2h][mad]
Well I got off my shoulders,
Sincerely yours,
Concern gaian...
PS giftrape him!
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