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Parents are annoying

Posted 05-20-2009 at 09:45 PM by Palmoun

My mom is so annoying. I mean it is the end of the school year and she is still yelling at me about grades and all that. I am trying my best to get A's but she still pushes me. That puts me under a lot of stress and makes me get very annoyed with everything she says. Sometimes I want to yell at her to shut up since her voice sometimes annoys me. How is that even possible?
Just today she was yelling at me since I was getting annoyed wiht her again. I cant even say I am sorry now since she left for my little sisters baseball game.
My mom wonders why I keep my big mouth shut and this is why, because I am afraid that my voice and mouth will betray me and make me say things that I dont want. So now I feel like I have lost my voice and so does she. But it was my chose to and I am sort of happy about it. But also sad since my mom hardly talk to me anymore. But what can you do about if since you feel like your mouth is going to betray you and your afraid of what you might say.
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A poem that I made that is not very good

Posted 11-20-2008 at 01:41 AM by Palmoun

this is a poem that I made but I think it is not very good.

How Do you know when someone loves you? Do you know it when they hug you, kiss you or hold you. No you know it when you look into there eye's and see there feelings. That is when you know that they love you.
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Posted 08-25-2008 at 12:42 AM by Palmoun

I am so bored right now that I have nothing to do and I am watching the Mask 2. But I wonder why the baby wants to Make his dad go insane. I mean why does he?
I have a question for any one who reads this and that is how many people do you think tasted Ramen with kool-aid in it? More people then you think. I have and it tasts very bad but It will not make you puck. I know about Five or seven other people who have done it.
I have yet another question for any one who is reading this and that is what kind of person do you like to play in a Rp? I like to play a person who is a out cast or who is a little bit crazy. My one friend likes to play some one who is a weird, crazed, and is kind of mean. But every one is different and that is why I love this Rp site so much.
I have one final question for the read and that is why do you go on this wed site? I go on this wed site because a lot of my friends go on this site and I like the people who go on this site. I have made a lot of friends on this site and I wish that I knew them in real life. They are a lot of fun to Rp with and or just talk to.
If you just read this whole entire post then that means that you have nothing better to do with your life at the moment. But then again you could be just bored like I was when I wrote this.:insane:
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Views 1251 Comments 4 Palmoun is offline


Posted 07-13-2008 at 05:03 PM by Palmoun

I am bored my friends are not on and I have no one to talk to and I am bored!!!!!!! Wait did I say bored twice ......... Yay I did that means I am twice as bored hahahahaha<:insane:> I wish that my friends are on now or at least meet a new friend online :drool: I am hunngry now I am going to eat something:)
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Views 1451 Comments 4 Palmoun is offline