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Posted 08-14-2008 at 02:44 AM by Esmereina

[COLOR="Magenta"][B][SIZE="5"]Wow I am finally moving tomorrow night!!!!! Its been such a rough week preparing for the its time to say goodbye to Tampa...and hello again to NYC... I hope that my new laptop arrives next week so I can return online.. I will miss you guys greatly. **cries**

I feel that this is my community because I never felt such love and acceptance in a site like this before. I am very grateful to be part of menewsha. I just hope that I get that laptop soon...

Have a wonderul week everyone!! I will miss all of you!!! **huggles everyone**<3[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
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Views 1530 Comments 1 Esmereina is offline


Posted 08-03-2008 at 02:22 AM by Esmereina

[COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"]Hi guys! *huggles*

Oh gosh....guess what happened? My computer suddenly doesn't work at all.. I mean as soon as I put in the password it gives me error messages and the start menu never comes up. I have a really bad computer now...sigh..

I am currently using someone elses computer and i have a limited amount of time on menewsha. Well i am waiting until i get my new laptop...thats in 2 1/2 weeks... until then I won't be online as much.

I am sorry guys but I have no choice...for a couple of weeks my activity will be alot less than usual. but just know that I will return my normal activity after I get my laptop...YAY!

I am always thinking about my wonderful friends here! I hope to speak with you all soon!

~<3 Esme [/color][/size]
Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
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Views 1033 Comments 0 Esmereina is offline

Moving can be stressful

Posted 08-02-2008 at 03:15 AM by Esmereina

[SIZE="4"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Magenta"]Yeah rumor has it that I am moving in two weeks to NYC, my birthplace. Yep, it something I have to do since my mother is sick. She has diabetes that is a bit uncontrolled and she has had triple bypass surgery. Sometimes it gets hard for her to do simple tasks.. so I do need to live near her.

I am so nervous about the move, I only have one week left of my current job.. and then to be jobless in NYC... its a scary feeling. But I do have lots of if I just don't give up.. i should have a job by September... i hope. :\

I Must Power Up! AHHHHHH!!!!!![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [IMG][/IMG]
Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
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Views 1000 Comments 0 Esmereina is offline

Shall I...

Posted 07-14-2008 at 03:15 AM by Esmereina

Sure, why not!

This is my first expereince in this site. I am a bit happy about it. Maybe I can spill my guts in here without fear of being mocked.

Meh, it doesn't matter either way. But I do feel better when I talk about whatever is bothering me. and even happy things! ^^

As for now, I need to rest. I am fighting the sleep I so desperately need. :sweat:

Maybe I should pay attention to my body more.

Well I will try to blog again soon.

My prayer: Everyone is safe and sound in their homes.:angel:
Self proclaimed ingenius ^^
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Views 1011 Comments 0 Esmereina is offline