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[CENTER]:gold:[COLOR=RoyalBlue]This is a mental dumping ground.[/COLOR]:gold:[/CENTER]
Random Personal Stuff This is me talking about IRL stuffs.

Fanfic ch 1 vb

Posted 10-21-2008 at 03:03 AM by Enzeru (Enzeru's Blog.)

“Imagine that’s your child on the other side of the fence!” The trainer yelled as three young women climbed a wooden fence.

An older woman in white robes approached the trainer and smiled, “I see the new recruits are doing well.”

“Lady paladin,” the trainer gasped and bowed slightly.

“No need for that. Tell me, how are they advancing?”

“Quickly. I’ll be able to have them in the field soon.”

“Give them an extra hour of handbook study. Knowledge is a greater weapon than any blade.”

“As you wish.”

The young women reached the end of the course.

“Take five ladies,” the trainer ordered before returning her attention to the paladin, “I heard you will be leaving us for a while.”

“Yes. I have some personal matters and a lot of vacation time to attend to.”

“The master ordered it, didn’t he?”

“Why else would I leave my home?”

“I wish you the best, I will keep you no longer.”

The two women bowed lightly to each other before the paladin walked away.

It wasn’t long before she had went back inside the main building before a druid rushed up to her.

“Lady paladin, please be careful. There are reports that the guild is more active than ever.”

“The guild is no worry of mine. They are just normal humans capable of extraordinary things for the most part.”

“What about…”

“Stop. I will not have my cousin’s name spoken in these hallowed halls.”

“I’m sorry.”
“Easily forgiven, you had no way of knowing. One of the new recruits will probably become your apprentice.”

“Thank you for the warning.”

“I must finish preparations.”

“Good luck.”

“I’ll need it where I’m going.”

“Where’s that?”

“The Venture compound.”

“Oh my goddess, you have to be kidding.”


“You old boyfriend is a Venture?”

“Eww, no. He’s a necromancer, wait, he was never my boyfriend. Don’t try to confuse me.”

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”

“I have to go, like, now if I want to get the rest of my things.”

The paladin began jogging up a staircase.

“Don’t forget your crystal!”

“I won’t!”

The paladin left the druid behind and made her way to the third floor of the massive structure. Two doors away she entered a room that was cleared of everything save a crystal sphere and a suitcase.

She waved a hand over the crystal, “Are you there master?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“I am leaving now, as you ordered.”

“Don’t think of this as a mission, more of a visit, a chance to see an old friend.”

“Thank you master, I will.”

“Then go and be you.”

The crystal went dark and then clear again. The paladin packed it in the open suitcase on her bed. This was it, she was leaving her home for the first time in twenty years to stay somewhere she didn’t know that wasn’t a forest, swamp, or desert.

The paladin left her room, suitcase in hand, and hurried down the stairs. She made her way to the platform in front of the main building.

“The lady wishes to travel?” A mage asked her.

“Yes, you know where I must go.”

“Then speak you name and be on your way.”

“Enzeru Tomoshibi.”
Her Ladyship
Views 786 Comments 0 Enzeru is offline

new fanfic ><

Posted 10-20-2008 at 03:17 AM by Enzeru (Enzeru's Blog.)

I'm working on a new fanfic but it's giving me fits. -kicks third season- I'll be working on it off and on.

Want to know what it will be? ask.:angel:
Her Ladyship
Views 372 Comments 0 Enzeru is offline

DBZ fic notes & draft

Posted 08-16-2008 at 06:03 AM by Enzeru (Enzeru's Blog.)

Character profile

Enzeru Tomoshibi
Starts at 16, Goku is 7.
Family is her half brother Goku. She knows nothing of any more. Her mother died a few years earlier.
Height: 5
Weight: 115 lbs
Eyes: bright blue
Skin: Fair Asian complexion
Hair: black and striped with different colors depending on which one she wants to use and if she has the dye.
Occupation: Archeologist. Prefers to study sites of tombs and pyramids.

Her mother and father met a year before her birth. Apparently her father was scouting the planet for resources. His ship was damaged on landing so he ended up living in a wooded area near her mother’s house. Lina, Enzeru’s mother was walking in the woods one day and found the ship, and a slightly injured man. She bandaged the man with fabric ripped from her dress and brought him food. The man was confused by her kindness. Lina was smart, and had an even smarter brother who was an engineer. Her brother spent the next year fixing the man’s ship. Lina and the stranger married and had a girl. When the man’s ship was fixed he left his wife and daughter.
Years later the girl would grow into a young woman and study martial arts while in school. Both fighting and world history became her hobbies.

A young woman entered the gateway and took a look at the list of fighters for the tournament.

“Are you going to sign up miss?” A man asked her.

“Not this year, I have more training to do before I will allow myself to compete,” She answered.

“Hey, I know you, you’re that girl who discovered that ancient monument in the woods by her house. You’re Enzeru!” another man said.

Enzeru blushed, “It wasn’t that big of a deal.”

“Not a big deal?! The university that is studying it gave you a scholarship to study with them and then your school graduated you early,” the man replied, “You young people take everything for granted.”

Enzeru rolled her eyes and then turned back to the man who was asking her to sign up, “I’ll sign up if he’s fighting.”

“I guess you’ll just be watching then, if you want a good seat you should hurry, once the finals start then everyone will be waiting for the semifinals.” the man replied.

“So we don’t get to watch the beginning?” Enzeru asked.

“Well, since you put it that way, no. You only get to see the last four fights,” the man said.

“Wow, bummer. Say, since someone here noticed I’m a celebrity maybe you can get me in?” Enzeru asked.

“Sorry, no exceptions,” the man said.

“Damn. Alright,” Enzeru sighed and left to find her seat.

She managed to get a front row seat. Enzeru hoped to learn a few things from watching these fights. As the announcer read off the names of the people she couldn’t help but wonder who these people were.

A very smelly, very large man came out followed by a small boy. Enzeru gasped, “They’re kidding, right?” She plugged her nose as the gong sounded.

“Get up Krillin!” A woman yelled from beside her.

“Are you the boy’s sister?” Enzeru asked.

“No, he’s a friend of mine,” the woman replied.

“I see.” Enzeru said as the big man sat on the kid. “Come on! That’s just not right!”

“I’m not sure how much more of this I can watch, it’s so awful,” the woman said.

“Krillin! The crowd is on your side!” Enzeru yelled out. She heard another boy yell from behind the gate to the arena.

Krillin got back up. The crowd really was on his side, apparently, because there wasn’t a single person not cheering for the little underdog.

“That is certainly unorthodox,” Enzeru said as the child knocked the giant out with flatulentence.

The crowd cheered and the people next to her were hugging. It seems they all knew each other.

“That kid just beat the odds. Not sure how he did it,” Enzeru said calmly.

“You bet he did! I knew he would do it.” The woman replied.

“I’m Enzeru,” Enzeru said as she smiled at the people next to her.

“I’m Bulma, this is Oolong and Phuar,” Bulma replied with a smile of her own, “You are by yourself?”

“Yes, I am.” Enzeru said as she watched the tournament staff clean the ring.

“You’re welcome to watch the tournament with us,” Bulma offered.

“Thank you, I will,” Enzeru replied.

“My boyfriend is fighting in the next match,” Bulma said fondly.

“That’s nice,” Enzeru yawned.

“Is your boyfriend fighting too?” Bulma asked.

“No, I don’t have one,” Enzeru replied.

“So is your father or brother in the tournament?” Bulma asked.

“Not that I know of but I would love to meet up with my father here and give him a piece of my mind though.” Enzeru growled.

“So you’re just a fan of fighting then?” Bulma asked.

“Yes, and I’m looking to learn some new stuff from this,” Enzeru spoke in a serious tone.

“Well, have some fun, loosen up,” Bulma said with a laugh.

Enzeru sighed, “You’re right.”

Before they knew it Bulma’s boyfriend was knocked out of the ring by an old guy.

“That match didn’t last long. That old man was strange.” Enzeru whispered.

The next match was soon under way. A woman and a foreign man.

The woman started crying.

Enzeru raised an eyebrow, “Faker,” she hissed.

“I hope he beats her,” Bulma yelled.

The woman in the ring stripped to her under wear.

“Put your clothes back on! Don’t fall for her trick Nom!” Enzeru yelled.

Nom turned the fight around and won.

“Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” Enzeru yelled out. “That was a great move.”

“You really do get into this fighting stuff, don’t you?” Bulma asked.

“Yes, I do. Apparently my father was a fighter so I suppose his genes were not totally useless,” Enzeru smiled and laughed a little.

When the fighters for the next match came out Enzeru froze.

Bulma cheered, “Go get em Goku!”

“That kid, you know him?” Enzeru asked.

“Yeah, his name is Goku,” Bulma replied.

“He looks like a chibi version of a picture my mother had taken of her and my father.” Enzeru was shocked.

“Then maybe Goku is your brother. But that’s impossible, he’s not even from Earth,” Bulma said.
“Neither was my father,” Enzeru whispered.

“No way, he might be your brother. We should have your DNA tested,” Bulma replied.

Rain had been threatening and finally started. The announcer called the match postponed and everyone madder their way to an inn nearby.

Enzeru left for her room so she didn’t get to see the mess the monster caused. She wanted to be well rested before she met her brother.

A few hours later she woke up and made her way to the ringside.

The match took a while but by the end the monster Goku was fighting surrendered.

“I have no doubts that he is my brother now,” Enzeru said, “Why do you look so scared?”

Bulma and the two animals she had with her were cowering.

“That tail,” Bulma replied.

“What about it?” Enzeru asked.

“He’s going to turn into a giant monkey if we don’t remove it,” Bulma squeaked.
Her Ladyship
Views 396 Comments 0 Enzeru is offline

6 to go...

Posted 05-26-2008 at 03:37 AM by Enzeru (Enzeru's Blog.)
Updated 08-03-2008 at 05:34 PM by Enzeru

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm down to 6 numerology freebies. I got lazy and didn't do many this weekend.

If you're interested in paying for one go to my userbar shop and we'll talk.

Work is tomorrow at 11am, I'm leaving out at 10.[/COLOR]
Her Ladyship
Views 422 Comments 0 Enzeru is offline

So I have the day off...

Posted 05-24-2008 at 09:08 PM by Enzeru (Enzeru's Blog.)
Updated 08-03-2008 at 05:34 PM by Enzeru

[COLOR=RoyalBlue]And that means more numerology reports. I have 4 to do today and 4 to do tomorrow. I have all the math done just have to do the research.

I haven't been on HNZ in a while and I really should let them know what's going on.

TNR probably misses me too.

Other than that by the end of the weekend I should be taking numerology orders in my userbar shop.

Oh, I am starting a new quest, this one is to gather all the commons I want.

If you read me leave me comments.[/COLOR]
Her Ladyship
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