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New bbcodes for the new forum

Posted 05-01-2008 at 09:54 AM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

[justify]New bbcodes that did not exist from the old forum software have now been added on our vBulleting forum :D
[I]There's a short guide/description about this on [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3011666#post3011666"]this thread[/URL]

Note: Just remove the * when using the code formats stated.[/I][/COLOR] [B]

Alignment : Justify
[/B]Aside from the built in left, center, and right alignment codes, you can also use justify to align your text.

[I] Format[/I]: [*justify]Insert text here[*/justify]

[B]Floating Images
[/B][imgright]http://www.menewsha.com/images/forum/custom/logo1.png[/imgright]You can now insert images that has the float property, allowing you to position it either on the leftmost or rightmost side of your post, along your text. An example is the image on the right which uses the [B]imgright[/B] bbcode.

[I] Format[/I]:
[*imgright]Insert URL of image here[*/imgright]

[*imgleft]Insert URL of image here[*/imgleft]

[/B]I don't think I'll need to explain what this is - it's one of the bbcodes not present on the old forum that everyone's been looking for.

[I] Format[/I]: [*strike]Insert text here[*/strike]

You want to post an image, but it stretches the page for a few pixels? Or do you just want to create a thumbnail for your image? Use this bbcode to create a thumbnail for your image and link it to the original image.

[I] Format[/I]: [*thumb]Insert URL of image here[*/thumb]

That's all of the additional bbcodes that we have for this update. Those codes currently do not have any buttons on the text editor, we'll try to add them at a later time. :D
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in Mene Tutorials
Views 1196 Comments 2 yanyan13 is offline

The Menewshan Blog

Posted 04-26-2008 at 05:59 PM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

[justify]One of the new features of Menewsha.com released in the switch to vBulletin forums is the availability of blogs for each member of the community.

I've been using a couple of blogs for the past few years, and I can say that Menewsha's blog is simple and easy to use, but is equipped with useful features.

[/B]Express your thoughts and ideas. Share relevant, informative articles to the community. Create blogging groups, trackback to/comment on articles, form a network of information with people sharing the same interests. You can do almost anything with blogs these days. And you can easily get traffic into your blog on Menewsha.com through your buddies and contacts.

[/B]To post an article, all you need to do is hit the [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blog_post.php?do=newblog"]Post to your Blog[/URL] link on the sidebar [I]options panel[/I]. Write the title of your post/article, and blog away.

One thing that you might miss on using Menewsha's blog is the [I]CATEGORIES[/I] for your articles. You can use categories to organize articles - put together posts about Art on one category and name it ART; compile posts about your day to day experience and name the category MY LIFE, and others.

To create/edit a Category, on your blog home page, click on the [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blog_usercp.php?do=editoptions"]Blog Control Panel[/URL] link on the sidebar [I]options panel[/I].

On the Blog Control Panel, click on the [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blog_usercp.php?do=editcat"]Blog Categories[/URL] link. You can then add/edit categories on that page.

To set categories:
[LIST][*]If you are creating a new article, make sure to [U]check the box of the category[/U] you want on the [I]Additional Options panel[/I] at the bottom of the [I]posting page[/I].[*]If you have an existing post and want to change its category, just edit the post, and change the checkbox on the [I]Additional Options panel[/I].[/LIST][B]
[/B]Found an interesting blog and want to stay up to date with the author's posts? Then why don't you [I]SUBSCRIBE[/I] to his/her blog?

Subscribing to blogs is the same as subscribing to threads or adding friends - it lets you check for new entries when the author publishes something new.

[B]To subscribe to a blog[/B], go to a user's blog homepage and click on the sidebar link, '[U]SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG[/U]'

[B]To subscribe to a specific entry[/B], go to that entry, and [I]click on the[/I] [IMG]http://www.menewsha.com/images/forum/misc/blog/newspaper_add.gif[/IMG] icon on the lower right.

[B]To check your subscriptions[/B], go to the [I]Blog Control Panel[/I], and check on either the [U]Blog Subscriptions[/U] or [U]Blog Entry Subscriptions[/U] link, whichever applies.

[COLOR=Silver][I]Note: I think there's a bug in the blog subscriptions page - you can see how many blogs you've subscribed to, but the page doesn't list them. We'll try to get this fixed as soon as we can[/I][/COLOR]

[B]RSS Feed
[/B]For intermediate to advanced bloggers, you can subscribe to a specific blog's feed via the [U]View RSS Feed[/U] link on the sidebar [I]options panel[/I].

[COLOR=Silver][I]A small tip to get others to read your blog: [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]comment on other's posts[/COLOR]. Readers also want to get their posts read and reviewed. Do the same for them if they post comments on your article/s. :eager:[/I][/COLOR]

That's about all the things you'll need to know to get started with your Menewshan blog. :D

If you found this post to be helpful, you can keep track of updates by [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/blog_subscription.php?do=subscribe&b=115"]subscribing to this entry[/URL][/justify]
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in Mene Tutorials
Views 560 Comments 0 yanyan13 is offline