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Posted 08-25-2008 at 12:42 AM by Palmoun
I am so bored right now that I have nothing to do and I am watching the Mask 2. But I wonder why the baby wants to Make his dad go insane. I mean why does he?
I have a question for any one who reads this and that is how many people do you think tasted Ramen with kool-aid in it? More people then you think. I have and it tasts very bad but It will not make you puck. I know about Five or seven other people who have done it.
I have yet another question for any one who is reading this and that is what kind of person do you like to play in a Rp? I like to play a person who is a out cast or who is a little bit crazy. My one friend likes to play some one who is a weird, crazed, and is kind of mean. But every one is different and that is why I love this Rp site so much.
I have one final question for the read and that is why do you go on this wed site? I go on this wed site because a lot of my friends go on this site and I like the people who go on this site. I have made a lot of friends on this site and I wish that I knew them in real life. They are a lot of fun to Rp with and or just talk to.
If you just read this whole entire post then that means that you have nothing better to do with your life at the moment. But then again you could be just bored like I was when I wrote this.:insane:
Comments 4
Total Comments 4
Old Comment Posted 09-08-2008 at 11:42 PM
((poke your bloggie)) hellooooooooooo. I luv this site cause i do. I accidentally found it and told all meh buddies (well, the ones i know like the net...) and as for RPing, I like to go with flow. But I am ALWAYS a girl, and I don't know why that is.
  Explosive Rainbows is offline
Old Comment Posted 02-20-2009 at 09:17 PM
I like being that person who is either an outcast with no friends or the shy girl who loves to have friends. Explosive Rainbows showed me this site!
  silverkittyempress is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-15-2009 at 11:07 AM
0.o I can honestly say that the thought of combining ramen and koolaid has never even crossed my mind...
I like playing the sarcastic guy who's actually pretty cool when you get to know him, and usually has some sort of hidden power.
I was introduced to this site by a friend and I like it because it's better than gaia in a lot of ways. If only they combined and made some sort of amazing inbred child :insane:
  Contra_Mundi is offline
Old Comment Posted 05-26-2010 at 04:55 AM
[COLOR="Teal"]I just finished eating Ramen right now! LOL!
But I never tried it with kool aid...sounds gross.
I like to rp elves most of the time...or a loner. ^_^
I go on this web site, because I love making friends and my sister joined so I also decided to join. I'm glad I did, I met wonderful people and made some amazing friends. One of course, is you. ^_^
I do wish we could see each other in real never know what the future holds though. ^_^[/COLOR]
  Evergreen Goddess is offline