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KeiKei Shunu
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Not at home in my home..

Not at home in my home..

Posted 06-16-2008 at 01:29 PM by KeiKei Shunu
I really don't feel at home at my dad's house.
Well, no. I do. I feel like it is a second home. That is, until it's time to go to sleep.
Currently, my room is in limbo. My brother had his room built out of the garage. He has a nice room. My dad and I were going to switch rooms, since Aaron and I no longer needed to share the bigger bedroom (on different nights). So. That's not happened yet. It's been a few months.
Currently my room has my bed, my bookshelf (empty), and my empty dresser in a little corner. The rest of the room is storage, and my brother's shit that he doesn't want.
My dad is still fine with the not switching, his room is exactly as he likes it. (well, minus more space)
It's not that he doesn't want to switch them. It's just not a high enough priority, apparently. Because I don't nag, and I trust that he'll do it when he has time/has people helping him, etc. I trust that he'll organize it. But apparently, I shouldn't be doing that.
I usually don't get more than 1 or 2 hours of sleep at my dad's house, but I don't want to tell him and make him feel bad. I just really don't feel at home, or that I have a bedroom here. It's filled with my dad and brother's stuff. It's not MY room. I have a bed. An empty dresser, and an empty bookshelf.
It's not an option for me to sleep at my mom's full time. I WANT to sleep here.. but I just can't sleep now.
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