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[color=#a0199b][size=1]So this shall be the place where I will post my thoughts. Not likely going to put any rantings here at least for i'm not the type of person who likes to rant at people. I'll likely be posting some somewhat confusing philosophical ideas in here. You're free to try to decipher what I say.

Oh yeah. May or may not put book reviews here. Maybe random awesome things I find.[/size][/color]
One hellofa night. D<

One hellofa night. D<

Posted 06-16-2008 at 10:36 AM by Yreka
Updated 06-16-2008 at 09:50 PM by Yreka
[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=#a0199b]Okay. This starts off easy enough. Since Thursday i've been gone towards Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. 'Tis one of the best Shakespeare/acting in general festivals in the world. This year, their productions of [I]Othello[/I][I]A Midsummer Night's Dream[/I] were amazing with [I]Corialanus[/I] and an old Indian play, [I]The Clay Cart[/I] also being...wow. This year's production of [I]Comedy of Errors[/I] still needs a bit of work, but not much. Would have liked to see the other plays, but time and money constricted. [I]Our Town, [/I]August Wilson's [I]Fences[/I], [I]Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, A View From the Bridge, Welcome Home Jenny Sutter, [/I]and finally, [I]The Further Adventures of Hedda Gabler[/I] are the plays I was not able to see.

If anyone else can go to it, GO. This year's productiong of Midsummer is just brilliant. Basically, this one is a "fairy dance party," complete with hippies, men in tutus (not tacky at least), and so much more. xD

Well, now to the woes of this night.

I think we offended some traffic gods.

We left after seeing the matinee performance of Clay Cart.

We left. All was good for a while. Then some idiot shot a police officer about half way back home. Complete stop on south-bound I-5. Apparently, that's still going. We waited an hour (one of the first to be caught by the blockage) and then broke a few laws by crossing the median, got slightly lost, yelled at by a stressed police officer for going too fast at one point when he was directing traffic, and basically added two hours to the whole driving time. Our arrival now is set at 2:15 AM or so. Part of it was the perimiter which was kinda crazy to get through. You can also kinda understand why the officer was yelling. Heck, one of his co-workers had been shot.

Second was road work near Vacaville. People were being asses and merging literally, last second. As in, knocking over the traffic cones, must get as far ahead of as many people as possible type asses. Okay, I may exaggerate a bit, but they were still being really annoying. That added another 45 min or so.

We thought to get home at midnight originally.
We ended up here at 3.

Ah well. It's all over now.

Link to story on shooting which stopped traffic the first time. I completely understand why they blocked off the area since heck, he was an ex-convict and used a high-powered rifle to punch through a kevlar jacket and mortally wound a police officer.
Comments 3
Total Comments 3
Old Comment Posted 03-29-2015 at 06:29 AM
Actually, he's still a convict and will continue to be for the next 99 years.
  Mr. Wrong is offline
Old Comment Posted 03-29-2015 at 09:42 AM
Well....in literal terms, he may have been an ex-convict until he was re-incarcerated for this crime.. Actually,...if that had happened in the Denver area, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy had met with an early demise during his incarceration!
  Inzanebraned is offline
Old Comment Posted 03-29-2015 at 10:00 AM
Well....in literal terms, he may have been an ex-convict until he was re-incarcerated for this crime.. Actually,...if that had happened in the Denver area, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy had met with an early demise during his incarceration!
  Inzanebraned is offline