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Summer Activities

Summer Activities

Posted 07-17-2017 at 12:00 AM by Shadami
Updated 07-17-2017 at 12:04 AM by Shadami
My favorite thing about summer is hard to decide. There's my birthday which is the only day I think about myself over others. There's my family reunion that I get to spend time with family I get to see once a year and I adore my family. Now I have a second family that also has family reunions. I also have created a tradition on Saturdays to got to a park and Barbaque, go swimming and spend time outdoors with my friends that are practically family. So overall I think i have to say that my favorite summer time activity is spending quality time with the people I love. And if that's not good enough that swimming duh!

I love spending time outdoors by the water, weather its just next to it looking at the beautiful reflections. Under it swimming and floating. doing laps. Whatever. Or even on top in a boat. Just everything about water is awesome! So yeah. Take your pick. Those are my favorites and I couldn't have a summer without them.

But I still really want to say that its my friends and family that are the most important. It's about spending time with others that is where your heart glows as bright as the summer sun right? So that's what makes the most sense to me. So I definetly need to go with that one as the absolute best thing. and this should be 250 words now dang it. That's way more paragraphs than i expected to need to type to get in what I wanted to say.
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Total Comments 1
Old Comment Posted 07-17-2017 at 01:08 PM
Sound good
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