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✖~ list of my injuries..

✖~ list of my injuries..

Posted 06-25-2008 at 11:51 PM by Julianna
Updated 07-26-2008 at 03:27 AM by Julianna
[color=deeppink][size=1]in jiujitsuuu~

✔ skinned toee ] :
☆ ts very painful.. when i was grappling,
somehow it was skinned across the mats >___< ''
✔ really hugeeee bruises on my right hip~
☆the guys in jiujitsu seem to prefer hitting on just on side xD
but its painful~ their kicks are very lethal D:
✔ bruised elbows and knees
☆ from grappling, i should get some elbow and knee pads? O:
or are we not allowed that in jiujitsu.. xD
✔ broken nail ~
☆ much more painful than it seems! and it wasn't my finger nail~
about half my nail ripped off when i was doing jiujitsu rolls x___x
☆ the most pain i have ever been in was from grapping
and being thrown into an arm bar, wrist throw,
or anything else that involves my wrist being twisted >.<
the senseis are very scary when they show wrist moves..
-shivers- the painn! xDD
✔ not falling properly
☆ x___x which is my own mistake.. but it still hurts!
i will forget to slap the mat with my arm when i fall,
or i forget to keep my neck in Dx or i fall instead on my partners' feet xDDD ''
✔ big bruise on my right forearm.. ]:
☆ i'm not exactly sure how i got it,
but using that arm to block punches didn't help the bruise go away xD
✔ right wrist hurts when bent! </3
☆ its been armbarred, pulled and grabbed!
now its pretty much limp.. xDD ;;

;____; thats about it for my injuries.. so far! xD
Comments 4
Total Comments 4
Old Comment Posted 06-26-2008 at 01:26 AM
What are you, an accident magnet? XD I'm sorry you got hurt Juju-bean! <33
  Seiki Nova is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-26-2008 at 04:16 AM
[color=deeppink][size=1]ooh! and i discovered more bruises on my left elbow just a few minutes ago when i was brushing my teeth D: .. i was wondering why i was in pain whenever i was lending my elbow against things xDD

awwh but its okay though! <333 it will only make me stronger? 8DD [ doesn't that sound like lyrics from kanye wests' song? xD <3 ] but all my injuries didn't happen in one class! x] so most of the pain was very little! ^^[/size][/color]
  Julianna is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-26-2008 at 06:04 AM
I have a little knick on my left middle finger that I have no idea where it came from. I just looked down at my hand and saw blood on it and I was like T________T because I don't like blood haha.
  Seiki Nova is offline
Old Comment Posted 06-26-2008 at 05:47 PM
[color=deeppink][size=1]D: awwh! <3 did you get bandaid for it? <3 ooh! apparently you need to disinfect it before using a bandaid.. x___x -shivers- the pain of a cut being disinfected hurts more than an actual cut? xD
  Julianna is offline