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Posted 08-03-2008 at 06:11 PM by Julianna
[color=deeppink][size=1]my right wrist is sprained.. >.<
but apparently its very common with the sport/martial arts i'm doing? Dx
ahh~ the pain hurts very much.. but i just need to ice it for 15mins, three times a day~

but yesterday night was super fun though! ^^ i met up with friends; kasey, alisa, shawnna and candice<3 there was a rock and roll picnic/festival at the huge park! *____* and yess! i was at rock and roll shows xD i love that park though x) <3 but sooo many people were there! it was very fun! much more fun than the other festival in june.. though i use to love ____, they weren't that good live.. Dx i didn't know any of the bands that played yesterday.. but the two we seen ______ _____ and ___ _____ , were actually very amusing to watch! ^^ <3 even though the music was very loud.. xDD ;; i ended up listening to my own music~ which included Fahrenheit, Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Rainie Yang and more.. XDD yay for asian music! <3 ~ before we sat down and watched the shows, there were carnival rides! so we went on the "Berry Go Round" which is where we sat in big strawberries and it spins in cicles once you turn the wheel? -hopes that makes sense- xD but we got very dizzy! x___x ~ then onto the Spiderman inflatable obstacle course thingy! xDD i'm very sure it was for little kids.. but it was soo much fun! it rained a bit before we got there, which means.. inflatable thingy = was wet! xD we only stayed until only 10pm though because shawnna had already left, and alisa had to get home early.. >.< ~ me and kasey wanted to stay until midnight like during the last festival, but there is another festival coming up soon! so we will just stay late then xD

* i didn't include band names.. which are the ____ ! >.<
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 07-08-2009 at 12:22 AM
okay sounds kool i i skate board and broke my wrist before it hurts alot more
  orochimaru166 is offline
Old Comment Posted 07-08-2009 at 12:40 AM
@_____@ uhm.. my injury was not "kool"
i'm sorry you have also hurt your wrist too
but your comment does not sound too polite,
you really shouldn't compare people's injuries..
  Julianna is offline