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The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:55 PM

~ a Menewshan fairy charity ~

Slight change in how things work - check post #3 for details!

NOTE: The regular schedule for this thread is hosed. Code-free events means tons more work for staff, so things won't be back to normal until after VDay (sometime in Feb). Thanks for understanding! <3

Page & Post Prizes:
  • Each post number ending in "33" ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile!

Past PrizesX

  • Post #133 ~ 100g ~ awarded to The Liztress!
  • 3 Posters on pg10 (random) ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to Demoscout, sadrain & dragoness129!
  • Post #233 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Demoscout!
  • 3 Posters on pg20 (random) ~ 100g/ea ~ split between HamletSpamlet & Demoscout!
  • Post #333 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile + Random low-end common ~ awarded to dragoness129!
  • Post #433 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to The Liztress!
  • 3 Posters on pg30 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to dragoness129, HamletSpamlet, & briannamal!
  • All Posters on pg33 ~ A free pair of linty socks! ~ awarded to Winter Wind, Estrella, briannamal, The Liztress, Demoscout, and HappyStarr!
  • Post #533 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to briannamal!
  • 3 Posters on pg40 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to [Pokered Face], Demoscout & Sadrain!
  • Post #633 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Demoscout!
  • 3 Posters on pg50 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to The Liztress, dragoness129 & blueblackrose!
  • Post #733 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to The Liztress!
  • Post #833 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to The Liztress!
  • 3 Posters on pg60 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to Estrella, The Liztress & Demoscout!
  • Post #933 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to The Liztress!
  • Post #1033 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Sidhe!
  • 3 Posters on pg70 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to Sidhe, The Liztress and The_Crow
  • Post #1133 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Briannamal!
  • 3 Posters on pg80 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to Estrella, The Liztress and Dystopia!
  • Post #1233 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Saravi Boo!
  • Post #1333 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to briannamal!
  • 3 posters on pg90 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to blueblackrose, Hadsvich and The_Crow!
  • Post #1433 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ awarded to Saravi Boo
  • All posters on pg100 ~ 100g/ea ~ awarded to Saravi Boo, Vexatious~Venom, Estrella, Darke, The_Crow, Kent
  • Post #1533 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ Awarded to The Liztress!
  • Post #1633 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ Awarded to The Liztress!
  • Post #1733 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ Awarded to The Liztress!
  • Post #1833 ~ Bonus Pluck from the Pile ~ Awarded to SaraVI Boo!

Last edited by BellyButton; 02-10-2011 at 05:50 PM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:55 PM


[IMGleft][/IMGleft] Don’t be a doodyhead, or you’ll be branded a Stinky One and asked to stay away forever!

[IMGleft][/IMGleft] You can win plucks from the Pile just once per round*, so please don’t post additional Deed/Bribe forms in the same round. Other folks need a chance too!

[IMGleft][/IMGleft] Don’t enter things with multiple accounts. Once per person, per round, please!

[IMGleft][/IMGleft] Don’t freak out if I change something midway through. Fairies are fickle and must be free to bend at will! <3

[IMGleft][/IMGleft] YOU MAY SELL YOUR PRIZES, reuse them in your own threads, or give them to your uncle, I won't be cross. Just don’t be a Stinky One!

*The one-pluck-per-round rule is for Deeds and Feeding the Pile (bribes); you may be able to win extra plucks in other ways (page or post prizes, for example) ~ these special things will be explained as they appear. <3

Last edited by BellyButton; 10-23-2010 at 04:49 PM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:56 PM



Feeling daring, lovelies?

Once per round, you may compete for a chance to pluck an item from the pile. It’s got everything from fantastic rares worth thousands of gold to measly commons worth considerably less. The only catch is that the pile is so linty you won’t be able to tell what you’re going to get until you pull out your hand.. but you’re guaranteed to win something every time!

How do I do it?

Do the necessary Deed or offer the requested Bribe, complete the form from the appropriate section below (details in post#4-5) and post it in this thread. As soon as I’ve received and accepted your report, I’ll add your name to the Lint Pluckers list. If I decide not to accept your report I’ll let you know why, so if it’s been a while and you don’t see your name on the list and haven’t heard a peep, go ahead and PM me.

Next Plucking Day: TBA

Openings for Round #13:

Number of secret treasures currently in the pile: 60!

Approximation of Pile Contents: (update pending)
?% Special NPC Gifts (SNGs)
?% Commemorative & Limited Items
?% Contribution Items (CIs)
?% Event Items (EIs)
?% Commons
?% Cash Prizes
?% Art Shop Vouchers

But Fairy! I’m simply no fun at all -- you must show me the treasures immediately! X

Well fine, if you insist. But I won't show you everything and don’t blame me if it ruins the surprise!

Treasures currently in the pile include the following:

(note: this is only halfway correct, being updated next)
  • There are currently 0 NPC Gift items in the pile. Bummer, dude!
  • A few Commemorative & Limited Shop Items, like , and !
  • Assorted Contribution Items, like and !
  • Assorted Event Items, like and !
  • Assorted commons worth as much as 4500g, including , and !
  • There are three cash prizes: one for 500g, and two for 250g!
  • There's currently one art shop voucher from The Liztress ~ details here.

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 12-22-2010 at 02:46 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:56 PM

Current Deed: TBA

Deeds from Prior WeeksX

Pick yourself a present!
So, we won't be having Pile plucks for deeds this time around. Belly's simply been too busy getting ready for Winter Nights to throw anything together. BUT, she did just drop by with a wagonload of holiday gifts and she's asked me to pass them out to all of you. All you need to do is choose one! Then, on plucking day, I'll pass them out and you can see what you've won, okay? <3 (Those with pending plucks listed will still get a regular Pile pluck so we're all caught up though!)

*SPOILER for highlighting --> These gifts will just contain Winter Nights EIs from prior years and holiday themed commons,
and will not be dipping into the Pile at all. Just thought I'd warn you in case you're feeling scroogey. <3

Please post this form in the thread to choose your gift:
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Red"][B]I've been a good little Menewshan, honest![/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="Green"][B]I'd like gift #[ insert number here ], please![/B][/COLOR]

Current Deed: Unscramble this anagram!

Belly's finally let us out of the shed, but I'm afraid to say she hasn't recovered the full use of her cranium yet. We thought some word puzzles might help, but she just stared and stared. Can you help us solve them instead? They're the names of people, places or things in Menewsha -- only the letters have been rearranged to make different words. If you manage to solve one, I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

Note: The spaces in the anagram won't necessarily correspond with spaces in the original word ~
a three word anagram may be a two word name, for example.

  1. Thrash Cow Jerky
    Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
    I've solved #1!
    The answer: Jeryck Ashworth

  2. Caldera Pies
    Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
    I've solved #2!
    The answer: Celes Paradi

  3. Nacho's Oat Chip
    Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
    I've solved #3!
    The answer: Captain's Hooch

  4. A Cobbling Gumshoe Split
    [COLOR="Blue"][size=4][B]I've solved #4![/B][/size]
    [B]The answer:[/B]

  5. Actor Drawn
    [COLOR="Blue"][size=4][B]I've solved #5![/B][/size]
    [B]The answer:[/B]

  6. Bop Eel
    Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
    I've solved #6!
    The answer: Peeblo

  7. Thrift Twins Solving a Fee
    Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
    I've solved #7!
    The answer: Festival of Winter Nights

  8. Acid Mouths
    Originally Posted by briannamal View Post
    I've solved #8!
    The answer: Midas Touch

  9. Overrate a Drama Cart
    Originally Posted by Kent View Post
    I've solved #9!
    The answer: Dream Avatar Creator

  10. Appears Tailed
    Originally Posted by Alaunt View Post
    I hope this one is right. >.<
    I've solved #10!
    The answer: petal paradise

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. dragoness129
  2. The_Crow
  3. Hadsvich
  4. .
  5. .
  6. Liztress
  7. Seridano
  8. briannamal
  9. Kent
  10. Alaunt

Current Deed: Tricks and treats!

It's nearly Halloween, and we've heard the kiddies are all excited about Trick or Treating. Mousie and I were talking and we thought that the whole thing sounded interesting, but that it would be even BETTER if people brought the tricks and treats to us! For this Deed, we want you to go out into the interwebs and find pictures of the things we're asking for. Post the images (or links) below, and if they match up with what we asked for we'll give you a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. I heard there was a trick in which it looks like you've got an arrow stuck through the side of your head!
    SOLVED by Saravi Boo!
    Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
    Sorry Linty. I'll go accept it now.

    I've seen that trick!
    Here's #1:
  2. Mousie wants a treat! Bring us some gummy cheese!
    SOLVED by the antitwite!
    Originally Posted by the antitwite View Post
    I've seen that treat!
    Here's #2:

    Poor little mousie may have to pick the cheese out of this gummy taco set
  3. You know what's a nasty trick to play on someone? Putting fake dog poo in their bed!
    SOLVED by The_Crow!
    Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
  4. Having a nice hot cappuccino with a spooky design in the foam would be quite a treat right about now!
    SOLVED by Seridano!
    Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
    I've seen that treat!
    Here's #4:

  5. You know what's really tricky for me? Trying to solve a word puzzle in japanese!
    SOLVED by Kent!
    Originally Posted by Kent View Post
    I've seen that trick!
    Here's #5:
  6. I know it isn't exactly candy, but I'm really craving some nice stuffing with mushrooms and cranberry in it -- you know, the kind you might stuff a turkey with!
    SOLVED by Alaunt!
    Originally Posted by Alaunt View Post
    Hey there! This is my first time posting here. I thought that I'd get out and visit the fellow charities. :D

    Any who. Here is my Deed, as I don't want to miss the deadline date. :P

    I've seen that treat!
    Here's #6:

    Now, it doesn't look like it has mushrooms, but the recipe calls for a whole lot of it. :sweat:
  7. I've always wondered how you do that trick where you pull the tablecloth from the table without breaking all the dishes..
    SOLVED by Estrella!
    Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
    I've seen that trick!
    Here's #7: Step by step instructions
  8. Oh dear.. now you've got me thinking what a treat it would be to have a nice new bed with lovely violet linens and a whole bunch of pillows!
    SOLVED by Hadsvich!
    Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
    I've seen that treat!
    Here's #8:

  9. It's extremely tricky to set up a room full of dominos without knocking one over before you're ready!
    SOLVED by The Liztress!
    Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
    I've seen that trick!
    Here's #9: YouTube - Dominoes World Record

    Not an image, but rather a video.

  10. Oh my, we've reached #10 and we barely have any candy! You've got to bring us lots and lots of candy.. at least three bags full!
    SOLVED by lunanuova!
    Originally Posted by lunanuova View Post
    I've not done this before- Sorry if i'm completely wrong haha!

    I've seen that treat!

    Here's #10:

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. Saravi Boo
  2. the antitwite
  3. The_Crow
  4. Seridano
  5. Kent
  6. Alaunt
  7. Estrella
  8. Hadsvich
  9. The Liztress
  10. lunanuova

Current Deed: Help put the Garden to Rest

Belly's back yard is a mess. She's got what *used to* be a nice little raised bed garden out there, but the thing has gone uncared for for so long that's it's all crazy and overgrown. Mousie and I want to help her out, only I know nothing at all about plants and am afraid to touch anything! Do you think you can help us decide what to take and what to leave? Just post the form in the thread & if your advice is sound we'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. There's a bunch of this smelly shrubbery-looking thing in the corner of one of the garden boxes..
    It's taking up a lot of space but I can't tell if it's supposed to be there or not!

    [COLOR="Green"][B][SIZE="3"]I can help with the Garden![/SIZE][/B]
    [B]That stuff is:[/B]
    [B]And I think you should:[/B] (leave it be? remove it? etc)
    [B]Because:[/B] (why do you think that?)

  2. I'm noticing quite a few of these little critters hanging around - are they dangerous??

    SOLVED by The Liztress!
    Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
    I can help with the Garden!
    That thing is: Asian lady beetle larva
    And I think you should: Leave it outside but remove it if it gets in your house.
    Because: I've had the adult lady beetles infest the house a few winters in a row. They are good for the garden but if you have openings in your windows, you're likely to see them "lodging" with you.

  3. After we moved some of the fallen leaves away to uncover the soil, we found patches of this stuff everywhere!
    It's so gross!! But.. is it harmful?

    [COLOR="Green"][B][SIZE="3"]I can help with the Garden![/SIZE][/B]
    [B]That stuff is:[/B]
    [B]And I think you should:[/B] (leave it be? remove it? etc)
    [B]Because:[/B] (why do you think that?)

  4. There's a bunch of this shiny red-leafed plant growing all around the water faucet.
    It's rather pretty to look at, but I'm not quite sure what it is..

    SOLVED by Saravi Boo!
    Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
    I can help with the Garden!
    That stuff is: Poison Ivy
    And I think you should: Get rid of it! And be sure to wear gloves!
    Because: It causes a nasty, itchy, blistery rash! O_O'

  5. This rambly vine has completely overtaken one of Belly's garden boxes. It doesn't have thorns though,
    so it should be easy to clear away..

    [COLOR="Green"][B][SIZE="3"]I can help with the Garden![/SIZE][/B]
    [B]That stuff is:[/B]
    [B]And I think you should:[/B] (leave it be? remove it? etc)
    [B]Because:[/B] (explain your reasons)

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. (open)
  2. The Liztress
  3. (open)
  4. Saravi Boo
  5. (open)

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 12-22-2010 at 07:48 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:57 PM

In lieu of winning contests or doing deeds, each round there will be a fixed number of "bribe" slots you can use to gain a pluck from the Pile. One might opt to do this if one is feeling particularly lazy, if they've got an item they no longer want and would like a chance for something different, if they've entered late and there are no other slots available, or if they simply don't like the current Contest or Deed but still wish to participate.

Currently accepting as Bribes: Nothing right now


How it's done:
Open a trade to me with the item, and then post the following form into the thread so I know to check for it (Fairy never gets trade notifications, it's quite bothersome!). If your Bribe is sufficient, I'll accept the trade and add your name to the list of pluckers! <3

[B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]O glorious Pile, please accept my bribe![/COLOR][/B]
[B]I just sent it in a trade![/B]
[b]Here's what it is:[/b]
Accepted Bribes for this round:

Note: If you're not interested in plucking and simply wish to donate to the charity,
details can be found on the Business Matters page, a few posts down!

Oh, wait! I almost forgot! There is still one more way
for folks to get a pluck from the pile:

Nominate Someone for a Free Pluck!

Have you seen something particularly delightful or amusing out there in Menewsha that begs rewarding? Nominate the person for a free pluck from the pile. Each round I’ll look over nominations and pick a person (or people) to receive free plucks according to my whim and your ability to sell your friend. But don't try to nominate yourself, sillies! Just fill out the following form and send it to me in a PM (we wouldn't want people to be disappointed if they aren't chosen, now would we?):

[COLOR="Blue"][B]I saw something marvelous![/B][/COLOR]
[B]Did/said what:[/B] 
[B]Evidence:[/B] (link, screenshot, etc)
[B]Do you want to be anonymous?[/B] (y/n)

Previous chosen ones, you are marvelous!
Siti_Hajar ~ Carzeebear ~ HappyStarr ~ iiToxicRainbow ~ The_Crow

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 12-22-2010 at 02:47 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:58 PM

Note: Things have changed a wee bit ~ "Contest" is now for actual contests, and not for silly little things I make you do for Pile plucks. It was getting confusing and a bit messy to update things the old way. Don't worry, we'll add extra Deeds to compensate - they'll just all be in one post instead of spread out! <3

Prior ContestsX

Let's have an Avatar Contest!

Theme: A Long Winter's Nap

Deadline: Sunday, Nov 28th at 7PM PST

  1. A shiny new December CI set!
  2. 700 gold!
  3. 300 gold!

*Note: If several entries are tied for 2nd or 3rd place, the prize money will be split
among the winners. If there's a tie for 1st place, Mousie will decide the winner. <3

This cold and damp weather has me wishing I was the sort of creature that could hibernate, at least for a week or two. Can you design an avatar that captures the theme of "a long winter's nap"? Entries will be judged by vote in a poll that will be open for 2 days over in the quick ratings forum of Avatar Chat ~ you are welcome to vote for yourself if you like your own avatar best! Whomever is chosen as the top favorite will win a shiny new December CI set! <3


Originally Posted by Demoscout View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: The winter queen strolling through Dream Land.
Originally Posted by the antitwite View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: All tuckered out from spinning snowflakes, even Floss and Whiskers need a bit of hibernation through the dark of long Winter nights...
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
Ello folks ^.^
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: The spirit of winter sleeps amongst the pines. Curled up in a pile of snow as though it were home, she dreams of better days, when her powers went unchecked.
Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: Mm...I'm all ready to settle in for a nice long holiday nap, with my warm blankie and my snuggly snowflake pillows. *yawns* I better go lie down before I fall asleep stan...ding....zzzzZZZ....
Originally Posted by Computosaurus View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: All snuggly in PJs and ready for Santa, she drifts off into a dreamful sleep entering a cloud filled winterland filled with giant candy canes and cozy blankets.
Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!
Description: Everyone should know the tale of Rip Van Winkle... This is his younger sister Pip Van Winkle. Similar to her brother, she too fell into a deep slumber. It happened on Christmas Eve as she was trying her best to stay up and greet Santa Claus. But her eyes grew heavy and before anyone knew it, she was out and has been sleeping for nearly twenty years now.
Originally Posted by neller View Post
I'm ready for a long winter's nap!

Description: Well, I wanted to make a spin off of the theme and create someone who needs a long winter nap. Say hello to my over worked and totally stressed out college girl who just experienced her first finals week. After all that chaos, her first wish is to go home for break and sleep off the stress, merely preparing herself for her next semester's worth of work. Poor dear, what have you gotten yourself into?

Let's have an Avatar Contest!

  1. A shiny new November CI set!
  2. 700 gold!
  3. 300 gold!

Time to vote! Poll closes Nov 2nd:
Go here to vote

Theme: Trick or Treat!

Show me your best Trick-or-treat outfit! It can be scary or cute, or just plain weird. Entries will be judged by vote in a poll that will be open for 1 day over in the quick ratings forum of Avatar Chat ~ you are welcome to vote for yourself if you like your own avatar best! Vote here.


Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: Let's just say he's not much of a man by the light of day... He's Dr. Frank N Furter!
Originally Posted by Seridano View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: A Trophy Wife.
Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: I'm a sexy vampire. Note the lack of sparkles. :P
Originally Posted by Alaunt View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:

Description: Your everyday blood-drinking devil-zombie hybrid.
Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: Jack Skellington 8'D;

Thank for the gold, by the way. :'3
Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: She once was just a normal girl, but due to the villain known only as The Puppet Master, she is in an undead doll, a puppet if you will, whom he controls.
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: A ghost
Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I guess I'll enter~ > w>
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: He's a prince/king. Of what? Umm, you guess.
Originally Posted by briannamal View Post
Trick or Treat!
My Costume:
Description: My entry is inspired by the Mexican holiday, Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. During this Holiday, the dead are thought to walk the earth again (not as zombies, mind you, more like ghosts) and family members bring the deceased's favorite foods and beverages as well as sugar skulls and marigolds. They bring these to the deceased's grave.

All of the entries are so pretty! :drool:

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 12-22-2010 at 07:49 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Sidhe
My dear linty pile,
Your multicolored socks are,
Better than Bowie

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 07-20-2010 at 06:13 PM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:00 PM


Here are the names of those who have been exalted for their devoted service to the Pile, and who shall, from this moment forth, forever-and-ever be known as Linty Lovers..

Notice! In order to encourage and reward ongoing participation in the thread I have decided to rework this section with a points system that can be used to acquire additional goodies. Once I've got the details worked out and the separate prize pool a bit fuller, I'll edit them in. <3

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 07-22-2010 at 05:11 PM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:00 PM

So here's where we'll keep all that important and unfairylike information for perusal. Mousie (my lawyer) tells me that perhaps you might like some cheese, but that can't be right.. Hrm. Perhaps I'll simply ask you to send me a Private Message if you think of anything we missed?


Lint Pile FAQ

Q. How exactly will you decide who gets what? I demand to know the details so I know you’re not cheating me out of my FREE!
a. You’re one of those, hm? Well, I have each item assigned a number in a word document (no, you can't see it), and then I’ll go through and do a random number for each pluck – you get whatever prize goes with your number, you dig? You’ll get to see everyone’s numbers and prizes when I post the list. Then I’ll renumber the remaining loot for the next round. Easy peasy, si?

Q. I peeked into the pile and some of that stuff sucks. Are you crazy or something?
a. Well you know what they say, one fairy’s treasure is another fuddy-duddy’s trash. You can always sell it. Maybe you’ll have better luck next time.

Q. I bet half of the items in there are easter eggs.
a. That's not a question, sir! But no, there is not a single easter egg in the pile - EGGS ARE STINKY!

Q. I can really sell what I win, even if it’s something super awesome and expensive like the mayor's toenail or an old CI?
a. Yup! You're also free to use it in your own charities, threads, etc. Once it's yours, it's yours.

Q. I'm a Moderator, Event Coordinator, Pink Neenja or other Menewsha staff member - can I play too?
a. Sure can! Staff are welcome and will be treated just like anybody else here. <3

Q. What happens to the Pile during site events?
a. There is a chance that this thread will be put on Hiatus briefly during site events so that Belly can work ~ it will vary depending on how busy she is, but I'll be sure to let you know if/when we need to rest the Pile.

Q. So, I won a prize, but never checked my trades.. then I didn't log into Menewsha for 23 years. Do I still get my prize?!
a. Um.. no. Please do check back to see if you've won anything before departing from the site. If trades are not accepted after 30 days, I may cancel the trade and return your items to the Pile!

Got other questions? PM me or post in the thread!

Say, I'd really like to support the Charity - Please tell me how!

The lint pile will grow ever larger and lovelier with your support. If you have something you’d like to stick into it, no matter how strange, send me a trade with LINT PILE DONATION in the message someplace. You may also donate gold, naturally – just please write LINT PILE DONATION in your message so I don’t it get confused with contest entries. ;)

Sidhe provided some early art to decorate the thread while I was still in the planning stages <3

Demoscout drew fabulous art that finally inspired me to open the thread to the public! <3

The Liztress donated some lovely items to the Pile <3

Facade gave us a fondle and then donated some lovely Event Items to the Pile <3

Silenia donated some lovely CIs and gold for our fund <3

Flink donated some lovely CIs to the Pile <3

BananaCheeps gave us some lovely Event and Limited items for the Pile <3

Porkbackfat donated an amazing number of IEs, CIs, a Commemorative Item and some fun commons! <3

Starkeyy donated some gold for our fund <3

Channah donated some wonderful Commemorative items, older CIs, some fabulous commons, and gold for our fund! <3

Hadsvich donated our first Special NPC gifts to grace the Pile! <3

Kent donated all sorts of goodies, including many EIs, for the Pile! <3

Lance from Headworks donated several special-coloured limited edition Squiddly Hats! <3

The Mayor graciously shared his stash and gave us a Bottle of Grog! <3

CK drew a marvelous picture of mousie to help decorate the thread! <3

Choke from the Champagne Supernova charity donated an EI and some lovely commons for the Pile! <3

dragoness129 donated some lovely EIs for the Pile! <3

Alexis Durem and Firelight donated some wonderful water-themed CIs as they parted from Menewsha. Farewell and best wishes! <3

jellysundae donated some gold to help with prizes! <3

Bootylicious donated some gold and assorted goodies for the Pile! <3

Magnus donated some lovely V.Day commons for the Pile! <3

Peeblo graciously parted with several of his leftover Trick-or-Treat candies! <3

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 11-09-2010 at 03:46 PM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:01 PM

Here rest the names of those who have been such an affront to the senses that they have been banished from the Pile and shall forevermore be known as the Stinky Ones..

[ Thankfully, no-one has offended us terribly yet! ]

Last edited by fiarra; 11-06-2010 at 06:41 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:05 PM

7.5 Opened charity!
7.5 Had first visitor, Sadrain!
7.5 Received first donation, from the Liztress!

Round 1 Pile Pluckers: RESULTS HERE
  1. dragoness129 (Contest winner!)
  2. Demoscout (Bribed the Pile!)
  3. The Liztress (Contest winner!)
  4. Sadrain (Contest winner!)
  5. Sidhe (Did a deed!)
  6. Keyori (Contest winner!)
  7. Autumnsong (Bribed the Pile!)
  8. Hadsvich (Contest winner!)
  9. Demoscout - BONUS PICK (Prize for post #233!)

Round 1 Contest: Help Return the Sticky Bits!X

Round 1: Help return the sticky bits!

Oh dear.. little bits of the site seem to have wound up in my lint pile somehow. Won’t you help me figure out where they belong so I can put them back? Once you've found one, you must post the matching form in the thread. Each sticky bit can be solved only once, so you’d better hurry if you want credit for helping! I’ll even let you have a pluck at the pile afterward -- but only one solution per person please! <3

  1. [IMGleft][/IMGleft] The first one was stuck to my sock before I came to the Forums, so it must be from somewhere else on the site. Please help me find it?

    #1 SOLVED by Hadsvich - see entry

  2. [IMGleft][/IMGleft] Oh! I see the second one a lot in the forums. I think it goes with a certain thread, but I can’t remember which.. Will you find it for me?

    #2 SOLVED by dragoness129 - see entry

  3. [IMGleft][/IMGleft] Mousie brought the third one to me while I was shopping. He can be so naughty! *giggle*

    #3 SOLVED by The Liztress - see entry

  4. [IMGleft][/IMGleft] The fourth one wasn’t from the Forums or the Shops, so it must have been somewhere else on the site. Golly, it’s so cute I hate to part with it..

    #4 SOLVED by Keyori - see entry

  5. [IMGleft][/IMGleft] Mousie brought the last one back after I told him to go have fun while I work on the thread. I’m not sure if that helps at all, but I hope you can find it!

#5 SOLVED by sadrain - see entry

Accepted Contest Winners for this round:
  1. Hadsvich
  2. dragoness129
  3. The Liztress
  4. Keyori
  5. sadrain

Round 1 Deed: Pay tribute to the Pile!X

Current Deed: Pay tribute to the Pile!

The Lint Pile is quite vain and requires flattery from time to time. As we've only just begun, the Shrine is quite empty and that simply won't do! For this deed, you must create some art (drawings, photos, sculptures, etc) of the Pile, or write it a bit of poetry or prose that will appeal to its linty ego. Once you’ve finished, you may return and post the following form in the thread:
[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I have an offering for the shrine![/COLOR][/B]
[B]Here’s what I made:[/B]  (paste URL, image, text, etc here)
Accepted Tributes for this round:
  1. Sidhe - wrote a haiku!
  2. [ open slot ]
  3. [.. and so on, etc!]

Round 2 Pluckers: - RESULTS HERE
  1. The Liztress ~ Did a Deed!
  2. dragoness129 ~ BONUS PLUCK + random low-end common ~ Won post 333 prize!
  3. dragoness129 ~ Did a Deed!
  4. Hadsvich ~ Won a Contest!
  5. Sidhe ~ Won a Contest!
  6. Kent ~ Won a Contest!
  7. Siti_Hajar ~ Was nominated!
  8. Carzeebear ~ Was nominated!
  9. HappyStarr ~ Was nominated!
  10. The Liztress ~ BONUS PLUCK ~ Won post 433 prize!

Round 2 Contest: Help find Mousie!X

Current Contest: Help me find mousie!

Mousie has gone and done a naughty thing. He's hiding away and has only left me a cryptic note about his whereabouts that I simply can't figure out. I've taken it to Jeryck, and he says that it looks like anagrams of specific places in Menewsha! Please help me unscramble them so I can get my mousie back!
Note: In order to solve the following anagrams, you must reassemble the letters so that each is used only once and creates the name of an area of Menewsha. The actual spacing may be different (a 3 word anagram can become a 2 word location, for example). One of these will be the actual location of mousie, and that person will get an extra prize once the contest is over.

1. A pizza pole room

SOLVED by Hadsvich - entry here
Answer: Emporio Palazzo

2. A burned wooden quilt

SOLVED by Sidhe - entry here
Answer: Wonderland Boutique

3. A hefted sink monitor

SOLVED by Kent - entry here
Answer: The Information Desk

Accepted Contest Winners for this round:
  1. Hadsvich
  2. Sidhe
  3. Kent

Round 2 Deed: Encourage Questers!X

Current Deed: Encourage Questers!

Questing for items in Menewsha can be a difficult and lonely process. For this deed, I would like you to find a person who is searching for one of the items I list below. When you find them, read the first few posts in his or her quest thread and then post a genuine message of encouragement as a reply. Once you've done this you may return and post the corresponding form in this thread. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with a pluck from the Pile! Each deed can be completed only once; only one deed per person, please. And please don't use your own quest thread ~ that would just be silly! <3

1. Midas Touch ~
SOLVED by dragoness129 - see entry

2. Orchid Faerie Wings ~
SOLVED by The Liztress - entry here

3. On the Farm ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing an [B][U]On the Farm[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
4. Dance's Sky Sash ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing a [B][U]Dance's Sky Sash[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
5. Halloween Pumpkin and Booger Cookie ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing a [B][U]Halloween Pumpkin and Booger Cookie[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
6. Diana's Moonlight Dress ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing [B][U]Diana's Moonlight Dress[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
7. Evil Overlord ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing an [B][U]Evil Overlord[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
8. Jade Ronin ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing a [B][U]Jade Ronin[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >
9. Voodoo Doll Skin ~
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]I found someone questing [B][U]Voodoo Doll Skin[/U][/B]![/SIZE]
Who it was:
Link to my message of encouragement: < copy link to your post here >

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. dragoness129
  2. The Liztress
  3. [ open ]
  4. [ open ]
  5. [ open ]
  6. [ open ]
  7. [ open ]
  8. [ open ]
  9. [ open ]

Round 3 Pluckers: - RESULTS HERE
  1. Kent ~ BONUS PLUCK for finding mousie in round 2!
  2. Sadrain ~ Won a contest!
  3. Demoscout ~ Won a contest!
  4. dragoness129 ~ Offered a Bribe!
  5. Hadsvich ~ Won a contest!
  6. Kent ~ Won a contest!
  7. The_Crow ~ Won a contest!
  8. The Liztress ~ Did a deed!
  9. briannamal ~ BONUS PLUCK ~ post #533 prize!
  10. Sidhe ~ Did a deed!
  11. blueblackrose ~ Did a deed!
  12. [Pokered Face] ~ Did a deed!
  13. Estrella ~ Did a deed!
  14. Demoscout ~ BONUS PLUCK ~ post #633 prize!
  15. HappyStarr ~ Did a deed!

Round 3 Contest: Help Fix Cessy's Books!X

Current Contest: Help Fix Cessy's Books!

Mousie has gone and done it again. While trying to "decorate" his nest with illustrations, he seems to have dismantled several of Cecilia's picture books. They're mostly classic fairy tales, I think.. Can you help us put them back together by recognizing which stories the following images belong to? You needn't be too specific since there are many versions of these tales ~ just the basic story name will do fine. If you're able do this, I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile!

SOLVED by Sadrain ~ entry here
Answer: Puss in Boots

SOLVED by Hadsvich - entry here
Answer: Goldilocks (or Goldilocks & the Three Bears)

SOLVED by The_Crow ~ entry here
Answer: Rapunzel

SOLVED by Demoscout ~ entry here
Answer: Hansel & Gretel

SOLVED by Kent ~ see entry
Answer: Jack and the Beanstalk (or Jack the Giant Killer)

Accepted Contest Winners for this round:
  1. Sadrain
  2. Hasdvich
  3. The_Crow
  4. Demoscout
  5. Kent

Round 3 Deed: Help Cheer Up DariaMorgendorfer!X

Current Deed: Help Cheer up DariaMorgendorfer!

Poor DariaMorgendorfer is not having a very relaxing summer at all. It's nothing tragic, she's just very busy with a rather stressful job. But that's no fun at all! I want to cheer her up! For this deed, I would like to you create something that you think might help. You can draw, write, or link to songs, videos or images, or simply discuss your great idea ~ anything you can dream up! When we've got them all, I'll put them together and present them to Daria. Hint: Daria loves to laugh, so humor is a plus!

Note: You're welcome to do one of these for fun if you've already had
an accepted contest or bribe entry this round ~ you won't get an extra pluck,
but it'll make it nicer for Daria. :heart:

Please use this form to post your entries in the thread:
[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][B]I've got something for Daria![/B][/SIZE]

[B]Here it is: [/B]
(post text, image, vid, etc here!)

[B]Why I chose this:[/b]

Here's a simple example to get you started:

I've got something for Daria!

Here it is:

Why I chose this: Aromatherapy candles are great mood boosters, and citrus scents are supposed to be refreshing and revitalizing. And if she gets hungry she can eat the oranges. :D

Accepted Deeds for this round*:
  1. The Liztress ~ entry here
  2. Sidhe ~ entry here
  3. blueblackrose ~ entry here
  4. [Pokered Face] ~ entry here
  5. Estrella ~ entry here
  6. HappyStarr ~ entry here

Just for fun/Extra Deeds:
  1. BellyButton ~ entry here
  2. [ open - no slot limits yet ]

* The number of deeds I'll accept is unlimited for now, but I may change this later if there are too many entries ~ there are only so many treasures in the Pile!

7.28 Decided to add three "satchels of gold" to the pile: two worth 250g and one worth 500g.
7.28 Added first Avatar Contest in Other Things

Round 4 Pluckers: RESULTS HERE
  1. The_Crow ~ Won a Contest!
  2. HappyStarr ~ Won a Contest!
  3. The Liztress ~ Won a Contest!
  4. Hadsvich ~ Won a Contest!
  5. Kent ~ Won a Contest!
  6. Sidhe ~ Won a Contest!
  7. The Liztress ~ BONUS PLUCK - Got post#733!

Round 4 Contest: Help sort the Toymaker's Game Pieces!X

Current Contest: Help sort the Toymaker's Game Pieces!

While I was out returning Cecilia's repaired picture books to her, Mousie decided to go and torment the Toymaker by rummaging through his games and getting the pieces all mixed up. I hate to ask this already, but.. would you help me figure out which pieces go with which games or toys? If you do, I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3 (Post your forms in the thread, please! Not through PMs.)

SOLVED by The_Crow ~ entry here
Answer: "Lead Pipe" from Clue

SOLVED by Kent ~ entry here
Answer: Butterfly ("Butterflies in stomach") piece from Operation

SOLVED by Hadsvich ~ entry here
Answer: Scottie playing piece from Monopoly

SOLVED by HappyStarr ~ entry here
Answer: Marker pegs from Battleship

SOLVED by The Liztress ~ entry here
Answer: Colored pegs from Lite Brite

SOLVED by Sidhe ~ entry here
Answer: Wooden spool from Tinkertoys

Accepted Contest Winners for this round:
  1. The_Crow
  2. Kent
  3. Hadsvich
  4. HappyStarr
  5. The Liztress
  6. Sidhe

Round 4 Deed: Make someone laugh!X

Current Deed: Make someone laugh!

This week, I would like you to go out into Menewsha and spread cheer by making someone laugh!* All you need to do is post a link that shows the moment (your prompt, and the other person's response), and you'll be granted a pluck from the Pile!
* What qualifies as laughter? LOL, ROFL, haha, heehee, etc - any of these, or others
that convey the same emotion. The date of the post must be during this particular round,
so no digging up last week's jokes now. <3

Please use the following form:

[COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"][b]I made someone laugh![/b][/SIZE]
[b]What I did:[/b] (told a joke, etc)
[b]Here's a link:[/b]
Accepted Deeds for this Round:
  1. [ open slot ]
  2. [ open slot ]
  3. [ open slot ]
  4. [ open slot ]

8.7 Moved our first Avatar Contest to judging in AC

Avatar Contest: "Summertime"X

Hello everyone! Over at the Lint Pile charity we're trying something a little different for our avatar contests and hoping you can help. We'd like your votes to decide the winner of our little contest! The lucky gal will get an August CI set.

The theme: "Summertime"

Which of the following avatars do you feel best captures this?

Daisy Mae, the Country Gal:

Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
My "Summertime" Avatar is here!
I call this avatar: Daisy Mae, the Country Gal

Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
My "Summertime" Avatar is here!
I call this avatar: Bree

At the Beach:
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
My "Summertime" Avatar is here!
I call this avatar: At the Beach

"Summertime" Avatar Contest Results: - POST
  1. Daisy Mae, the Country Gal (The Liztress)- 7 votes
  2. At the Beach (dragoness129) - 6 votes
  3. Bree (blueblackrose) - 4 votes

Round 5 Pluckers: - RESULTS HERE
  1. The Liztress ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #833!
  2. dragoness129 ~ Did a Deed!
  3. briannamal ~ Won a Contest!
  4. Hadsvich ~ Won a Contest!
  5. blueblackrose ~ Won a Contest!
  6. The Liztress ~ Offered a Bribe!
  7. Demoscout ~ Won a Contest!
  8. Kent ~ Did a Deed!
  9. The Liztress ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #933!
  10. The_Crow ~ Did a Deed!

Round 5 Contest: Tea party mishap!X

Current Contest: Tea party mishap!

Mousie and I were thinking how lovely it would be to have a few of our friends over for a moonlight tea party by the beach. I meant to send the invitations myself, but I was so busy collecting treasures for the pile that when Mousie offered to help I couldn't resist! Only something has gone terribly wrong! The guests have written back to say that they aren't coming, and what's worse is that the letters I've received aren't from the proper people at all. I just know Mousie must have sent them to the wrong NPCs. Please, you have to help save our tea party!

How it works:
Read over the following letters from NPCs and see if you can tell, from what they write, who the originally intended recipient of the invitation was. When you've got the answer, post the corresponding form in the thread.

Letter #1:

Dear Lint Fairy,

I am quite sorry, but it seems there is some kind of mixup. It is true that I am a learned man and I thank you for that compliment, but I'm afraid that I don't have any "cute little" grandchildren who enjoy parties, or even children at all for that matter. Perhaps you meant this letter for someone else?

Mr. Mayor

SOLVED by Hadsvich ~ entry here
Answer: Jeryck Ashworth. He has a granddaughter (Cessy) and is a learned man.

Letter #2:

Hello Lint Fairy,

First I would like to say, I was surprised and a bit flattered by your invitation. I had noticed you hovering around the compost bin before, but I didn't realize that you were there because you thought I was "AWESOME." Um.. I'm not quite sure what you mean about my "shiny butt" though.. Anyway, I'm sorry but I won't be able to come to your party this time. I have to, um.. do some.. things. See you later, though, ok? :oops:

Thank you,
Nalin Sun

SOLVED by Briannamal ~ entry here
Answer: Afrodonkey. He's AWESOME, BBY.. and has a shiny butt.

Letter #3:

MRrrrooow! RWrooooww. Meoowww love mroooww? MRrRRROooOWWW!! MEoooooow meowmeow cookies mrrooowww. Meeeow! Meoooooooowrrrr roww meeeoww. Mrrrrooowwww!

(( there are some scratch marks at the bottom of the page that can only have been made by Yumeh ))

SOLVED by Demoscout ~ entry here
Answer: Vicktoria Valentine. Love and cookies!

Letter #4:

Lint Fairy,

I haven't seen a beehive recently, are you being troubled by bees? They're really nothing to be afraid of and are quite content to do their work if left alone. If I'm reading this correctly you're also worried that I might hit you with my purse? *chuckles* Well, I don't know what to say to that. Tea sounds like a fine idea, but are you sure you're drinking enough water? It's been hot out lately and it's easier than you might think to get dehydrated. I think I'll come by with Nalin in a bit and see if you're okay.


SOLVED by blueblackrose ~ entry here
Answer: Channah. She's got a beehive and is known for purse-swinging.

Accepted Contest entries for this round:
  1. Hadsvich
  2. Briannamal
  3. Demoscout
  4. blueblackrose

Round 5 Deed: Go out and play!X

Current Deed: Go out and play![/center]

There's nothing sadder than a well-planned party with not enough guests. For this week's deed, I would like you to go out and participate in a game, contest, or other event being held in a thread other than this one. It needn't be terribly complicated or involve much commitment - I just want you to spread your little wings and go out and enjoy what others have prepared for you. And who knows, you may even enjoy yourself! If you manage this, you'll be granted a pluck from the Pile!

Please post the following form in this thread once you've finished:
[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I've gone out and played![/B]
[B]Here’s what I did:[/B]  (briefly describe the contest/game/event)
[b]You should go check it out!:[/b] (link to your entry/participation post)
Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. dragoness129 ~ participated in an avatar contest!
  2. Kent ~ entered a raffle!
  3. The_Crow ~ entered a raffle!
  4. [ open slot ]
  5. [ open slot ]

Round 6 Pluckers: - RESULTS HERE
  1. Hadsvich ~ Did a Deed!
  2. The Liztress ~ Did a Deed!
  3. Estrella ~ Won a Contest!
  4. Kent ~ Won a Contest!
  5. blueblackrose ~ Did a Deed!
  6. The_Crow ~ Won a Contest!
  7. Sidhe ~ Won a Contest!
  8. dragoness129 ~ Did a Deed!
  9. Sidhe ~ BONUS pluck for post #1033!
  10. Darke ~ Did a Deed!
  11. iiToxicRainbow ~ Was Nominated!

Round 6 Contest: Return "Stolen" MerchandiseX

Current Contest: Return "stolen" merchandise![/center]

I suppose you expect I'll be blaming Mousie for some fiasco again, but this time it's all my fault. I was strolling along in the alleyway behind the shops the other evening when I noticed a promising looking crate propped up against the back wall of one of the buildings, near the garbage.. Naturally I believed it to be cast-away used items, as I often find around there -- but when I opened it up the quality was superb, and I was so excited by my find that I snatched up everything I could and headed towards home.

Just when I reached the end of the alleyway, I heard the shopkeeper from Hopscotch screaming "STOP! THIEF!!" and coming towards me -- a crowd had started to gather and I was so startled I dropped my goods and ran as fast as I could! But when I was finally home, I realized that I still had a few things from that crate tucked into my hat. I really need to get these back to the proper owners right away! Only I don't really know which shops they're from.. Can you please help me correct my honest mistake? Once you figure out where the item is from, and how much it costs there, please post the corresponding form in this thread. <3


SOLVED by The_Crow ~ entry here
Answer: Basic Silver Boxers, 150g @ 52


SOLVED by Estrella! ~ entry here
Answer: Golden Slave Collar, 710g @ Blackjack


SOLVED by blueblackrose ~ entry here
Answer: Dango, 200g @ Snack Attack


SOLVED by Sidhe ~ entry here
Answer: Deep Crimson Musketeer Pantaloons, 395g @ Menewshan Imports


SOLVED by Kent ~ entry here
Answer: Fan of Light, 1k @ Menewsha Mercantile

HINT: These images look much more recognizable at their original size.

Accepted Contest entries for this round:
  1. The_Crow
  2. Estrella
  3. blueblackrose
  4. Sidhe
  5. Kent

Round 6 Deed: Help me Shop!X

Current Deed: Help me shop![/center]

The pile is beginning to run low on items. I'd like to buy a few things for it, only I simply loathe searching and haggling in the Exchange! Would you be a doll and find me a seller for the following items? If you're able, I'll let you have a pluck from the Pile! Once you've found an item, please post the corresponding form into this thread. <3

1. I'd really like to find a Book of Daydreams! Those little animals are so cute!

SOLVED by The Liztress! ~ entry here

2. Do you think you could find me an Easter Basket? They're so handy for carrying things.

SOLVED by Darke! ~ entry here

3. I'd really like to buy some Ghosty Kitties before the Halloween season starts.

SOLVED by dragoness129! ~ entry here

4. I hope you can find me a Drawing Room. It's such a nice indoor background, and there aren't many of those!

SOLVED by Hadsvich!
~ entry here

HINT: You may find this thread useful in tracking down the items.

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. The Liztress
  2. Darke
  3. dragoness129
  4. Hadsvich

8.16 Put the charity on hiatus to go on Vacation!
8.26 Took the charity off hiatus, started Round 7!
8.29 Moved our 2nd avatar contest to judging in the AC

Round 7 Pluckers: RESULTS HERE
  1. Briannamal ~ BONUS pluck for post#1133!
  2. The Liztress ~ Won a Contest!
  3. blueblackrose ~ Won a Contest!
  4. Hadsvich ~ Won a Contest!
  5. Darke ~ Won a Contest!
  6. The_Crow ~ Won a Contest!
  7. dragoness129 ~ Offered a Bribe!
  8. Estrella ~ Did a Deed!
  9. Saravi Boo ~ BONUS pluck for post#1233!
  10. Saravi Boo ~ Did a Deed!

Round 7 Contest: Find the Hidden Stuff!X

Current Contest: Find the hidden stuff![/center]

You've probably all gathered by now that I just love finding things! Well the other day I was going through some discarded potato peels outside the Champagne Supernova Charity's kitchen window, and I couldn't help but overhear them having great fun playing "I Spy" .. I thought to myself, "You know, we should totally do that too!" As luck would have it, I found an old Highlights magazine that very same day which contained a lovely drawing full of hidden objects.. <3

How it works:
Scan the image below (with your eyeballs, silly!), and when you've located one of the hidden items, post the corresponding form in the thread. You'll need to tell me which square you found it in, by lining up the number and letter. For example, the main body of the Nature Trail sign is in B4. If you're able to do this successfully, you'll be granted a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. Find the Sail Boat.
    SOLVED by The_Crow - entry here
    Answer: C2

  2. Find the Cupcake.
    SOLVED by The Liztress - entry here
    Answer: D3

  3. Find the Fishie.
    SOLVED by Hadsvich - entry here
    Answer: B3

  4. Find the Dolly.
    SOLVED by blueblackrose - entry here
    Answer: C4

  5. Find the Tea Cup.
    SOLVED by Darke - entry here
    Answer: B2

Accepted Contest entries for this round:
  1. The_Crow
  2. The Liztress
  3. Hadsvich
  4. blueblackrose
  5. Darke

Round 7 Deed: Write a Menewshan Fairy Tale for MousieX

Current Deed: Write a Menewshan Fairy Tale for Mousie![/center]
So you remember that little problem we were having with Mousie messing with Cecilia's storybooks? Well it turns out that Mousie really loves stories. Especially fairy tales! But he kind of has a short attention span, so reading actual books to him is proving to be a bit of a problem.. I thought, if I could learn some stories, I could just tell them to him and there needn't be any ripping or shredding of paper involved! Won't you help by writing a short fairy tale for Mousie?

How it works:
Write a short fairy tale, 100-300 words, that a Mousie might enjoy. It can be silly and fun, but it must be your own work and it must also be related to Menewsha in some way (using people, places, events, etc). If this sounds like something you can do, and your story meets these conditions, you'll be granted a pluck from the Pile! Also, Mousie will have a special gift for the author of his favorite story at the end of the round. <3

Please submit your fairy tale using the following form. I'd prefer it be posted in the thread, but if you're too embarrassed to share I suppose I can take it via PM. ;)

[SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I have a short Menewshan Fairy Tale for Mousie![/B][/SIZE]
[B]I'm pasting it below:[/B]
( Paste fairy tale here! )


Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. Estrella - story here <3
  2. Saravi Boo - story here <3
  3. ( open )
  4. ( open )
  5. ( open )

Round 8 Pluckers: RESULTS HERE
  1. Saravi Boo ~ BONUS PLUCK for writing Mousie's favorite fairy tale in round 7!
  2. briannamal ~ Contest winner!
  3. briannamal ~ BONUS PLUCK for post#1333!
  4. dragoness129 ~ Contest winner!
  5. Saravi Boo ~ Deed doer!
  6. Estrella ~ Deed doer!
  7. Hadsvich ~ Contest winner!
  8. Darke ~ Contest winner!
  9. The_Crow ~ Deed doer!
  10. The Liztress ~ Deed doer!
  11. Sidhe ~ Deed doer!

Round 8 Contest: Take your Brain for a jog!X

Current Contest: Take your brain for a jog![/center]

Loads of kids (and grownups too!) are heading back to school this time of year. Fairy can't be bothered by such things herself, of course, but it seems like as good a time as any to get rid of these bothersome math puzzles! Care to see how smart you are? All you'll need to do is do the math and use the corresponding form to post your answer in the thread. If your guess happens to be correct, I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. This is the number of days in December, plus the number of letters in the name of Spain's capital city, minus the number of teaspoons in a tablespoon.
    SOLVED by dragoness129 ~ post here
    Answer: 34

  2. This is the (approximate) number of weeks in a year, plus the number of letters in the mayor of Menewsha's first name, divided by 2.
    SOLVED by Hadsvich ~ post here
    Answer: 29

  3. This is the number of seconds in an hour, divided by the date of the shopkeeper of Emporio Palazzo's birthday. (Hint: Ignore the month. ex: If the birthday were the 23rd, you'd divide by "23")
    SOLVED by Darke ~ post here
    Answer: 1200

  4. This is the number of ounces in a pound, times the number of legs Afrodonkey has in his rainbow avatar picture thingie, minus the number of legs on an ant.
    SOLVED by briannamal ~ post here
    Answer: 74

Accepted Contest entries for this round:
  1. dragoness129
  2. Hadsvich
  3. Darke
  4. briannamal

Round 8 Deed: Help Fairy to fly again!X

Current Deed: Help Fairy to fly again![/center]

I've been having a bit of trouble during "liftoff" lately. It's just not as easy to achieve flight as it used to be.. I fear it may have something to do with my fondness for blueberry cobbler. :oops: Anyhow, Mousie thinks that if I simply exercise a bit more, I'll be able to fly again and keep my cobbler - how can I resist that? I even found a box of exercise gear at a yard sale!

The trouble, my dears, is that I haven't the slightest idea what all of this stuff is, let alone how to use it. Think you can solve this little quandary for me? I'll need to know what each item is called, and how to use it (so I don't injure myself, of course!). When you've got one figured out, just fill out the corresponding form and post it in the thread. And then I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. Item #1:
    SOLVED by Estrella!
    Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
    I know what that thing is!
    #1 is called an: Exercise Ball
    And it's used like this: I've seen them used many ways but more commonly people use the for sits ups and side bends. It's a lot easier on the back and you get a much better ab workout with one of these balls. I've also hear a lot of people use them for desk chairs because their better for your back.

    Though, I never use mine as a chair because I have horrible posture and if there isn't something behind me, I don't remember to sit up straight. :oops:

  2. Item #2:
    SOLVED by The_Crow!
    Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
    I know what that thing is!
    #2 is called a: Hand Grip/Grip Strengthener
    And it's used like this: It is an item you hold in one hand and squeeze and release repeatedly to build up the muscles in your hand (and forearm).

  3. Item #3:
    SOLVED by Saravi Boo!
    Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
    I know what that thing is!
    #3 is called a: Hula Hoop
    And it's used like this: You place the hula hoop around you at your hips and start it swinging around your waist. Then you gyrate in a spastic, yet circular motion of your torso and hips as you attempt to keep the hoop swinging around your waist for as long as possible. NOTE: Boo is incapable of doing this for more than three seconds. Hopefully you will have better luck. Alternative uses include swinging it around on your arms, ankles, or neck. The last of which can be quite uncomfortable. I don't see how circus people do it. O_o'

  4. Item #4:
    SOLVED by Sidhe!
    Originally Posted by Sidhe View Post
    I know what that thing is!
    #4 is called a: "Cardio Blade" :gonk:
    And it's used like this: You shake them back and forth and they fly around.
    Good for spontaneous assassination.

  5. Item #5:
    SOLVED by The Liztress!
    Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
    I know what that thing is!
    #5 is called a: Exercise/Resistance Bands
    And it's used like this: Used to strengthen muscles similar to free weights. They're a lot lighter to use and easy to carry when you travel.

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. Estrella
  2. The_Crow
  3. Saravi Boo
  4. Sidhe
  5. The Liztress

Avatar Contest: "Back to School"X

Let's try an avatar contest!


"Back to School"

  1. September '10 CI set
  2. [ other prizes TBD ]


Sunday, August 29th at 7:30PM PST

Kent's entry won ~ GO HERE to see results!

How it will work:
Design an avatar that matches the theme.
Host the image someplace (tinypic is fast and easy, doesn't require signups).
Post your completed form in this thread.

Judging will occur via a poll in the Quick Ratings subforum of Avatar Chat. Once the deadline passes, I'll post the entries there by the names that people have given them (not by username) and attach a poll that will be open for 2 days. Folks will be able to vote for their own entries, but there will also be the more random element of passersby and their varying opinions. In the unlikely event of a tie, I will let Mousie choose.

Here's the form:

[SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="Sienna"]Aw, Back to School already??[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[B]My avatar:[/B] ( insert image here )
[B]I call it:[/B] ( give it a name )
[B]Comments:[/B] ( optional fluff text to help explain your outfit )

Accepted Entries:

Originally Posted by Demoscout View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: The New Girl
Comments: Just an ordinary outfit for an ordinary girl who is anxious to start off the new year in a new neighborhood. :D
Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: The Loner
Comments: The has her own style and doesn't care what other people think about it or her.
Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: The Book Worm
Comments: She's rarely seen anywhere outside of class or the library and when she is, her nose is in a book.
Originally Posted by Sidhe View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: The Prissy One
Comments: /stabs you with the rotten hoof of the last unicorn.
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: The Fashionista
Comments: She loves to wear anything that is "in".
Originally Posted by emma22422 View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: Walking to school
Comments: Biiig mistake to walk to school on a rainy day... You arrive late, and what's worse, drenched.
Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: College Student
Comments: He's one of those young men who studies late into the night. He loves going to his college library to study. When he gets to studying, he loses track of time. X3 He's a hard working young student! * O*
Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
Aw, Back to School already??
My avatar:
I call it: First Day Excitement!
Comments: A three year old girl off to her first day of preschool. She got dressed all by herself this morning and Mommy helped her put a pretty bow in her hair. She's taking her favorite book of stories to show her new classmates and she even has a cookie for snack time. She also packed lots of important stuff in her bunny bag. Stuff like crayons, acorns, a pretty rock she found in the parking lot, and some stickers. This is going to be the best day ever! She'll have so much to tell Mommy when she gets home. ^_^

Round 9 Pluckers: RESULTS HERE
  1. Saravi Boo ~ BONUS PLUCK for post#1433!
  2. dragoness129 ~ Did a Deed!
  3. The Liztress ~ Did a Deed!
  4. Estrella ~ Won a Contest!
  5. blueblackrose ~ Did a Deed!
  6. Hadsvich ~ Did a Deed!
  7. Sidhe ~ Won a Contest!
  8. Saravi Boo ~ Won a Contest!
  9. Darke ~ Won a Contest!
  10. The_Crow ~ Did a Deed!
  11. Kent ~ Won a Contest!

Round 9 Contest: Solve a Rebus!X

Current Contest: Solve a rebus![/center]

Not so long ago, folks would amuse themselves on rainy days with rebuses. Since it's rainy here where Fairy lives, I thought I'd make up a few for you to solve! The concept is simple: a given word is broken into bits by the sounds that make it up, and images representing each bit are used to help create a puzzle. The theme for this batch is sovereign state names (or "names of countries" if you prefer). When you solve one, post the corresponding form in the thread and I'll grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

  1. SOLVED by Saravi Boo!
    Answer: Georgia

  2. SOLVED by Kent!
    Answer: Guyana

  3. SOLVED by Sidhe!
    Answer: Jamaica

  4. SOLVED by Estrella!
    Answer: Botswana

  5. SOLVED by Darke!
    Answer: Madagascar

Accepted Contest entries for this round:
  1. Saravi Boo
  2. Kent
  3. Sidhe
  4. Estrella
  5. Darke

Round 9 Deed: I Dream of Google!X

Current Deed: I dream of Google![/center]

I've been having some very strange dreams as of late, the sort that make a girl start to wonder if everything's all right upstairs if you know what I mean.. I've been talking to Mousie about it, and he thinks it might have something to do with me staying up late and looking up stuff on the internet when I should be sleeping. I guess he could be on to something, right?

So once in the Wardrobe de la Sprinkles Charity, they did a little activity whereby folks would scour the internet for images that fit a certain description. A scavenger hunt of sorts. I'm thinking, if I can get you to find some image that represents some of the stranger pieces of my dreams, then I'll know that it's not the product of my addled mind; that I'm not crazy at all, and that I simply need to spend less time on the internet! Do you think you could do this for me, and post your form with the image into this thread? I'd be ever so grateful.. I'd even grant you a pluck from the Pile! <3

Note: Find images for the bold/italicized portions of the dream bits I post below.

  1. So, it all began when I thought I was waking up.. I rolled over and turned to find a large bouquet on my nightstand. I thought, "how nice!" and I leaned forward and inhaled deeply, but the flowers smelled exactly like bacon!
    SOLVED by blueblackrose!
    Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
    You're not crazy, Fairy! I found the image for #1!
    It's right here:

  2. I heard some sizzling from the other room, so I thought I must just be smelling breakfast cooking. I called out, "Mousie! Are you making bacon and eggs for breakfast?" And then who should enter my room but my breakfast, walking and talking as though it were alive!!
    SOLVED by The_Crow!
    Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
    You're not crazy, Fairy! I found the image for #2!
    It's right here:

  3. I began to panic then. I tried to get up and grab my robe, but I couldn't control my arms. I looked down and my hands began to crumble apart as though they were made of popcorn!
    SOLVED by dragoness129:
    Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
    You're not crazy, Fairy! I found the image for #3!
    It's right here:

  4. I was utterly horrified. My breakfast had long since run away, and I screamed for Mousie for what seemed like a long while. I realized that I wasn't getting tired, and then it dawned on me that my screams weren't making any sound at all. I closed my mouth then, just as a tattooed cat appeared at the foot of my bed!
    SOLVED by The Liztress!
    Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
    You're not crazy, Fairy! I found the image for #4!
    It's right here:

  5. "It's alright, baby," he said with a sly grin. "If you're still hungry, I know where there's a button you can push to get free cheese." Utterly perplexed, I tilted my head and mouthed, "Wha?" ..and then I woke up.
    SOLVED by Hadsvich!
    Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
    You're not crazy, Fairy! I found the image for #5!
    It's right here:

Accepted Deeds for this round:
  1. blueblackrose
  2. The_Crow
  3. dragoness129
  4. The Liztress
  5. Hadsvich

Round 10:
  1. The Liztress ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #1533
  2. Demoscout ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #1633*
  3. Estrella ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #1733*
  4. Seridano ~ won a contest!
  5. briannamal ~ won a contest!
  6. Hadsvich ~ won a contest!
  7. dragoness129 ~ won a contest!
  8. The Liztress ~ did a deed!
  9. Saravi Boo ~ did a deed!
  10. Saravi Boo ~ BONUS PLUCK for post #1833
  11. The_Crow ~ was nominated!

    *At Liz's request, her two extra bonus plucks will be redistributed to other posters on that page.
    How generous of her! <3

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 10-20-2010 at 03:28 AM..

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 07:07 PM

Prior ActivitiesX

Guess the number of jellybeans in the glass!

ANSWER: 176!

Thank you all for playing! We'll add some new activities soon. <3

  1. Closest guess ~ Oct 10 CI Set (+500g if exact number) ~ Dystopia (120)
  2. 2nd closest guess ~ 500g ~ blueblackrose (108)
  3. 3rd closest guess ~ 250g ~ Kent (87)
  4. Most perplexing guess ~ 0.03g ~ Estrella (400M)

Belly found this glass at an estate sale ~ that cat looks curiously like Yumeh, don't you think? Anyhow, it was such a nice fall day that we thought we'd fill it with jellybeans and set it outside, to see if you can guess how many! Whomever guesses the closest to the actual number will win an October '10 CI set! If you manage to guess the exact number, we'll throw in 500 gold. Please paste the form into this thread when you've got your answer. <3

Accepted guesses:
Originally Posted by Saravi Boo View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 42
Originally Posted by Vexatious~Venom View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 37
Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 63
Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 62
Originally Posted by Demoscout View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 55
Originally Posted by briannamal View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 85
Originally Posted by blueblackrose View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 108
Originally Posted by Darke View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 48
Originally Posted by Ascuba View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 52
Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 72
Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 87
Originally Posted by Hadsvich View Post
I'd like to change my guess~

I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 74

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 400M

Bahaha, make sense of that Lint Fairy. <3
Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
I think I know how many jellybeans are in the glass!
My guess: 120

I remember doing this in elementary school. o___o I sucked at it.

Last edited by BellyButton; 11-11-2010 at 05:32 PM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 10:03 PM

Omg! Yay! A new charity! <3 This makes me happy! 8D
-hopes they can post since reserves were made-
If not, i will ask Mod delete this. </3

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-05-2010, 10:31 PM

*hugs Sadrain* It's perfectly fine to post now, dear. I'm back from lunch and finishing this up now ~ :heart:

Last edited by The Lint Fairy; 07-06-2010 at 12:09 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 12:19 AM

Omg, yay! I gotsies the first post then. -dances and hugs Fairy-
I kind of need to go soon, though, due to the need to sleeep, tho'!
But I will be here for a sec more, I suppose.
Good luck with updating AND the charity it self. ^^

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 01:19 AM

Second person besides the owner to post here! -dances-

I will chat more when I have time. -hugs-

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 01:44 AM

How lovely, another visitor! I do apologize for taking so long setting things up. I saw something shiny and just had to follow it!

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
Send a message via AIM to Liztress
Liztress is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 02:05 AM

Aw, I was hoping to be one of the first two posters for the new charity. But I had to cut my stalking short since I had to return a movie. Anyways, I adore the charity name, idea, and well... the charity. ^_^

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 04:28 AM

Hello Liz, glad you could visit! I hope you enjoyed your movie. :)

Whew, I've finally got things sorted out. There is a contest and stuff to check out now, yippee!

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 04:39 AM

Oh, I know far too many of the Sticky Bits. Hmm, which to choose. I will go for one that will hopefully be harder to figure out.

I’ve found the 2nd sticky bit!
What it was: Part of the Feast of Fools 2010 user-event banner.
Where it goes:

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 04:43 AM

Very nice, dragoness! I'll add your name to the front right away! <3

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 04:43 AM

Thank you very much. ^_^
-crosses fingers and hopes for a common-

Chickie Nuggs
❀◕ ‿ ◕&...
Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 04:55 AM

O glorious pile, please accept my bribe!
I just sent it to you in a trade <3

I'm lovin your lint pile. I will add this place to my "places to frequent" list! :D

The Lint Fairy
The Lint Fairy is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 05:00 AM

O faithful servant, the pile accepts your bribe!
I've added you to the front. <3

And the Lint Pile loves you too, ms. Demoscout. *bows*

Chickie Nuggs
❀◕ ‿ ◕&...
Chickie Nuggs is offline
Old 07-06-2010, 05:04 AM

Oh should not be the one bowing. :talk2hand:
*bows heavily before the almighty lint fairy*
*slams head into the floor*
It was worth eet :gonk:


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