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sarofset 01-09-2011 02:16 AM

Saving Gold.
I have recently noticed how many of my friends on this site, have tons of gold, and how little I tend to have. I save up until I can afford one Item I want, and then blow all I have. So I've decided to experiment, and save up at least five thousand gold... maybe ten thousand we'll see. Either way I want to know what your most expensive item is, how much it cost, and what your dream Item is... and how much it costs. Also how many items do you have in all? I tend to only have what I'm wearing, and sell what I have to buy my next outfit.

HamletSpamlet 01-09-2011 02:31 AM

Gonna move this over to Community Discussion. :)

sarofset 01-09-2011 02:32 AM

Ah thank you. I wasn't quite sure, because I'm asking people about their Items, and I've seen threads like that here. Sorry. :(

Nice art there by the way. :)

HamletSpamlet 01-09-2011 02:36 AM

If it's specifically concerning Mene-related things, then it belongs here. If you see one that seems misplaced, you should report it. :yes:

Oh, and thank you for the art compliment~

PWEEP 01-09-2011 02:37 AM

I think the most I had at one point was 11,000 gold. The most expensive item I have...gee, I don't know. Maybe my Wood Sprite, think I spent 5k on it? I'd have to check. I have almost 70 items.

I'm on a quest for everything panda, and panda slippers are next on the list. I keep donating my gold though, so it's far off yet :lol:

Bartuc 01-09-2011 02:38 AM

Well, I'd suggest to go for 10,000 gold. =) Its a nice area to get to.

I currently have.. alot of items. My most expensive item is, either my Vday Pin or Green Clover Hairpin. I don't really have a dream item anymore. *shrugs* Over the course of time I traded, donated and obtained gold legitimately to get all the items I wanted. No dream is to big on this site. Not at all. Just have to keep your head up and keep pushing forward towards it. You can achieve anything you want with a bit of patience and alot of hard work and dedication to your goal. =)

sarofset 01-09-2011 03:50 AM

XD Oh my gosh, what are those Items you're wearing right now? They are freaking awesome! It's all angel like.

Mystic 01-09-2011 04:16 AM

I think the most gold I earned was 15K. I'm not exactly sure how much I had but it was somewhere around there. I think my most expensive item is my sash of order. I donated to get that so I never really paid much attention to how much the Exchange price was. I don't have a dream item since mot items that I want I can get pretty quickly if I wanted to.

Seito 01-09-2011 04:47 AM

I'm a dork.

Bartuc is wearing Trinity Guardian (that's the cape and feathers), Robes of Healing (the skirt, the long piece of fabrics hanging down from the shoulders), Panda Slippers, The wand is from Wizard's Wish, the Floating Stars are from Star Catcher, Dove Anklewings, Dove Headwings, Crown, Lightspell, and gold duck is from Midas' touch. I'm missing a few more items (like what's on his wrists) but yeah. *shot*

Anyways, my most expensive items are probably the vday 07 set. They were my dream items back when I first started. Can't remember how much I paid for them. Don't really have a current dream item, though I suppose questing for Channah's items work?

sarofset 01-09-2011 04:51 AM

See I don't really know what most of the items from before my time look like. If I did I'm sure I'd want at least one, like crazy. I do kinda want to get a quest going, but it would be for like... everything. So I'm not sure that's totally with the rules. Also I don't have tons and tons of friends, and I might not get very far. XD

Seito 01-09-2011 04:56 AM

Have you tried the Price Guide Forum? They have sample pics of what the items in that set look like.

And you're always welcome to quest everything. xD I use to attempt to do that... until mene started releasing more items then I could keep up with. You can also make new friends as you go along the way. :3

sarofset 01-09-2011 06:06 AM

Shiny. I'll have to do that. Though with the amount of gold you have you could probably make a decent dent in the commons at least. lol. :)

Seito 01-09-2011 06:10 AM

Nah not really. Even at half price this wouldn't get me through the entire amount of commons they release every event. :P

sarofset 01-09-2011 06:12 AM

I didn't say all, I said a dent. like ten percent counts for that. Could you buy one in ten items? How many do you already have?

Seito 01-09-2011 06:20 AM

Items as in commons? Hrm. According to my inventory I own around 2100 items. Subtract from that about 500 that are not common related, that's about 1700. That's a little compared to others. So not a very big dent at the very least.

Could I buy one in ten items? Depending on the price range of the items, yes I can.

Darrell 01-09-2011 06:26 AM

I have to agree wholeheartedly with what Bartuc said about being able to get the items you really want if you work hard enough for them. There are users who never even bother trying because they think that the items they want are out of their reach before they even try.

I have to saying, being the common junkie that I am, that I'm always upset when I hear people say that they sell off what they own to create new outfits. Its wasting gold that you worked hard for to pay for what you have already. You should always keep what you already own because you're not helping yourself when you sell it for half the price you paid for it just to repeat the process. Even if you think you'll never use it again, keep it anyways. It could come in handy with future item updates.

edit, totally forgot that I was on my mule account >>

sarofset 01-09-2011 07:22 PM

Thanks for the advice. :) I'm going to keep going, until I have what I decide is enough. I'm not sure how much that'll be.

Bartuc 01-09-2011 07:27 PM

The wrist items are from the Starcatcher item, along with the stars. =) And then just misc tattoos I dont really ever remove. ^^


It is also possible to buy every item. It just takes alot of time to keep up with it, and its normally better to do so out of the stores as looking in the exchange takes way too long. =)

I agree with Darrell as well. Keeping items is a great thing. They may release something that makes you want to use an item you haven't used in several months. =)

sarofset 01-11-2011 10:23 PM

All very good points. I'm still not quite sure how quest threads work though....

star77 01-11-2011 11:31 PM

I'm new to the site do you guys have any suggestions for me? What's the easiest way to get gold as well?

sarofset 01-11-2011 11:35 PM

The games are quick, but you don't really get too much from most of them. Posting in the forums is of course a good way to make money. and finding a good one where you can have in depth and therefore long posts will help.

star77 01-11-2011 11:36 PM

Oh I see. Thank you for your help. how are you today?

sarofset 01-11-2011 11:39 PM

I'm pretty good. yesterday a crown on one of my molars broke, but they're gonna fix it for free because it was still under Warranty. :) how are you?

star77 01-11-2011 11:45 PM

I'm good. That sounds painful. How did it happen if you don't mind me asking. One of my guys friend broke his, and now he has to get a bridge because he let it go to long.

sarofset 01-12-2011 12:14 AM

didn't hurt at all. only the ceramic broke. I was eating delicious toast. :)

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