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PlatinumBlue is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 03:56 AM

I'm new.
Not sure how threads work around here,so if I violate any rules, please help fix it.

kinda sleepy.
I always am....
I'm confused what do I do now?

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-15-2013, 03:58 AM

welcoe to mene!
you did a great job with your introduction threadie
now you just chat to make goldies or play games and such

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 10:26 PM

Hey Platinum, welcome! Do whatever you likes and have fun!

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 10:31 PM

today is doublebubblebonusgoldiesdays!
post a lot and you will make double goldies until it ends.
this happens every day a contribution items is released!

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 09-16-2013, 10:43 PM

Hiya PlatinumBlue! Welcome to Mene, we're glad you found your way here!
So far you're doing fine-- this section is just to introduce yourself and start meeting some folks around Mene but you can always jump right on into other sections (like nations or RP) if you'd prefer that.

I'll be nosy and get the jibber-jabbering started here, though! Feel free to ask questions in this thread while you're getting settled into Mene by the way. Menewshans are super, super friendly and you'll find plenty of people happy to answer them for you or point you in some direction where you can find the answers you seek!

Do you have any hobbies?
What kind of movies do you like?

PlatinumBlue is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by Mythos View Post
Hiya PlatinumBlue! Welcome to Mene, we're glad you found your way here!
So far you're doing fine-- this section is just to introduce yourself and start meeting some folks around Mene but you can always jump right on into other sections (like nations or RP) if you'd prefer that.

I'll be nosy and get the jibber-jabbering started here, though! Feel free to ask questions in this thread while you're getting settled into Mene by the way. Menewshans are super, super friendly and you'll find plenty of people happy to answer them for you or point you in some direction where you can find the answers you seek!

Do you have any hobbies?
What kind of movies do you like?
Thanks for the info. What exactly are RP and nations?
As to those questions...
I like to write,draw and animate.
But I never really finish any of it once I start.
I'm not really in to movies but I'd say I like action or dramas.

---------- Post added 09-16-2013 at 05:15 PM ----------

Originally Posted by hummy View Post

today is doublebubblebonusgoldiesdays!
post a lot and you will make double goldies until it ends.
this happens every day a contribution items is released!
Wow. That's cool. I like the name of that. Thanks for telling me!

Daynah is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 02:08 AM

Hello! I'm new too, I started a couple days ago. If you like to draw you could make an art thread, that's what I've been doing to get started and make some gold and friends.

deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 09-17-2013, 07:02 PM

Originally Posted by PlatinumBlue View Post
Thanks for the info. What exactly are RP and nations?
As to those questions...
I like to write,draw and animate.
But I never really finish any of it once I start.
I'm not really in to movies but I'd say I like action or dramas.
RP as in Roleplay (it's like acting through text, and is very fun if you haven't tried it before!) and Nations is what we call the forum section where the hangout threads are located.

Ahh, another artist! You'll have to share some of your creations with us, sometime! Even if it is just sketches (I'm pretty bad about getting distracted mid-artwork as well)

I've gotta say I'm not much interested in drama, but I'm all about those action flicks!


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