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The Most Amazing Thing

Posted 05-12-2012 at 02:39 AM by Drexy4ever

[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="SandyBrown"]So I was on my website, Deadlynews.ucoz.com, and I was reading one of the blogs on it, and then I looked at the amount of views, and I was amazed. There was only twenty something, but I remember when there were only about three not including my dad. Sometimes, it's little things like that that make me feel oddly amazed. Seeing those numbers rack up like that made me have hope for my own self becoming famous. I know I will be. I'm the chick who writes raps constantly until they're all perfect. I sit in front of my mirror and mouth the words to songs while I practice my hand motions. I'm the one who loves to pretend to be being interviewed. Yeah, I'll make it. But anyways, I just found that little moment kind of inspiring so I needed to post it down. If you read this whole thing, then thanks for not going off and doing something else whilst I droned on about sappy hope and crap. Luh ya.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
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The Life and Times of Ki Ki: Ep. 3

Posted 03-17-2012 at 10:11 PM by Drexy4ever

[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I do like my neighborhood! See, here's what happened. I just hung out outside one day and discovered that just down the street from my ouse is a strip mall! The very thing that I was yearning for! I feel so satisfied. I was missing being able to walk down the blocks and get snacks and such, run errands, etcetera. And since it's about 3 blocks away, I burn off some weight, too. It's all in all a perfect way to waste time! Now all I need is some money, preferably by having a job, and I'll be set! Hey! Do you guys realize this is the first possitive blog post I've ever written? Awesome x 2!!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
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The Life and Times of Ki Ki: Ep. 2

Posted 02-29-2012 at 11:35 PM by Drexy4ever

[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="YellowGreen"]I hate my life. Well, I shouldn't say that. It's more like, I hate [I][B]most[/B][/I] of my life, like my mom, and my neighborhood and such. See, it wasn't always this way. I used to be an A-B honor roll student, but now it's more like F-D. And I used to have a bunch of friends. Now I have basically 3. And that's without counting. That's just a random guess. I hate that everyone takes me as a joke. It's not terribly aggrivating, but it gets me thinkin', "Do they just say that because I'm black, or because of the way I talk?". I'm refering to the way people, even teachers, say, "Hey, girl!" When they see me. I wonder why. It can be because of my skin. Maybe not. But it's not that important. Anyways, I just can't wait to get older and move in with my sexy lesbian/bi roommate (That's just a fantasy of mine. I'd also be willing to move in with a super sexy guy, too.) JKJKJK. Well, not completely...

But I keep trying to keep my head up. There's really nothing for me to look forward to except the times I get to go with my dad and Gramma and the rest of my black family. They love me and they are funny and wonderful. When I'm with them I feel like I'm on vaca, and when I go back with my mom I feel like someone put 666 pounds back onto my back (Really, it does. I have sore shoulders and scoliosis.). Uggghhh. I hate life so, so much. I just can't wait for 18.

Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
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The Life and Times of Ki Ki : Episode 1

Posted 02-16-2012 at 03:11 AM by Drexy4ever

[FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="hotpink"]Yesterday was Valentine's Day, the absolute worse day in the world. I can't believe people actually [I]like[/I] that holiday. It's not as bad as St. Patrick's Day, but it's running a close second.

Anyways, I hate VDay for one reason, and that's all the gooby icky nasty ways people want to act on that day. The single people all mope around, and the people in relationships all feel the need to showboat it around like a trophy. Now, I don't blame them because if I had a boyfriend or girlfriend, I'd be right up there with 'em, but why do they have to be so, so... [U]annoying[/U]? What's with all the frickin' touchy touchy feely feely? Can't they do that when they get home, or at least in the bathroom or something? I don't wanna see all that! Especially not when it's someone all... let's just say, [I]not so attractive[/I]. I'm not extremely shallow, only moderately shallow, but it still grosses me out. Ewww. I wish people would take my advice and get a fucking room. But since I know that they probably will not do that, I'll continue to cover my ears, shut my eyes, and move quickly across to the next hallway/street. I know alot of people are gonna disagree with me, but oh well. I'ma quote Eminem in this next sentence and say I just don't give a fuck ya'll can kiss my ass. As long as you do it in a bathroom or some other closed area, because I'm not a hypocrite. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'.
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