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[CENTER][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=#2376E1][B]On the mountain peak, you come across a journal lyinging in the frozen snow. The journal does not contain an information page with the name of the author or their contact information. Although you do not wish intrude upon someone else's privacy, curiosity gets the better on you and you begin to read the journal. You reason with yourself it was best to do so, so you might come upon the location of its author so you may return it to its rightful place....[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
Rants As you read the journal, you realise that it is sectionalized. You flip to the section labled "Rants" to see what it contains....

When a Student has to contact the Board of Education....

Posted 09-10-2008 at 01:39 AM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

You know, it is pretty sad that I had to just contact my local board of education about book distribution. For some dumb reason, they decided to replace almost all the books for every grade level [I]THIS[/I] year. And even dumber, they started with kindergarten, not the high schools. In elementary school, you do not really need a book. I believe that the high schools should be top priority, espicially since my county has two of the top 3 high schools in my state. And if not the high schools, you should at least give us our AP books. But no. We are four weeks into the school year and I still haven't gotten my AP physics book, and my class knows that our teacher has been on their case about it.

This is the message I sent:
To whom it may concern:
I am Amber ---------, a senior at ------------- Magnet School. For the last four weeks, my A.P. Physic’s class has been awaiting our books. The lack of a book has been hindering our studies, and although Mr. ------ is doing everything in his power to keep us from getting behind, I believe that it will be inevitable if we do not receive our books soon, considering that I learned in previous AP classes that the first day you are back you are already two weeks behind.
I understand that the --------- Board of Education is doing everything in its power to get all the newly ordered books distributed to all the schools in the county. However, as a graduating high school student of 2009 on the engineering track at ----------, which requires 5 math and 5 science classes, I would like to be given the best chance possible to pass and receive sufficient credit for this advanced placement class. Our physics class is fairly small, with 9 or 10 students. So, if it is not too much of a hindrance, it would be much appreciated if it could be arranged for those books transported to our school as soon as possible.

(some things blanked out for privacy reasons, plus I edited before sending. xD This is just the message I copy and pasted from word into my email.)

And I sent that to the director of special schools, who was my sister's principal at my schools rival magnet school. If anyone will do anything about it, he will.

So yeah. Right now I am pretty pissed. We had our first grade/test in AP physics yesterday and I got a 60 on it, and I had the HIGHEST grade in my class. Though it would of been admittedly higher if I didn't make one huge stupid mistake in one of the problems. :lol: I remembered the correct order of the problem AFTER turning it in though. But still, that is pretty pathetic. xD
Miss You Guys <3
Posted in School Events, Rants
Views 1406 Comments 0 Winterwolfgoddess is offline

Highschool Senior Year SUCKS

Posted 08-18-2008 at 10:56 PM by Winterwolfgoddess (||Wintery Wonder Land|| Personal Blog Edition)

Dear ARJ,[INDENT]Yes, our Class of 2009 may be the biggest and brightest one you have had to graduate in years. Yes, a bell curve is nonexistent in our GPAs as well as really low scores....BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SENIOR CLASS! You know we have been procrastinators all throughout our highschool journey, but making our senior year our hardest is just not right. We are risking our GPAs here... We cannot take the classes we want to, because they are "easy". Nope, you just place us in an Advanced Placement class without asking, making our schedule unchangable because of the classes we have to take. That is just wrong...

Sorry, just had to get that out.

Miss You Guys <3
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