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Ebil is offline
Old 07-30-2011, 01:34 PM

I've never come across gay vs. lesbian bashing in my time. I'm a gay male and I've got friends who are lesbians, we get along fine, same as I get along fine with some straight women.
Then I guess maybe it's because I couldn't care less about someone's sexuality, unless I'm in to them (which wouldn't happen with a woman) what they like in their bed is none of my business, so rather than seeing women as lesbian or straight, I just see them as ...people o_o
If they're a decent sort of person, I'm not going to bash them. If they're a lesbian and a complete bitch to everyone, then sure, I'll join in the bashing, same as I would with a non-lesbian who wasn't a very nice person. The bashing would have nothing to do with their sexuality and everything to do with their humanity.
If someone's a decent human being, I'm going to be decent towards them... as much as I can be anyway.

Now what I have come across which was quite odd was the huge amount of bashing going on between gays (both men and women) and bisexuals. I have no idea why, but some of it gets quite heated. Went to a Pride march years ago (never again, was not my cup of tea), and the verbal fights and general cattyness between the gays section and the bisexual section of people was scary. I really thought it would get physical a few times.
Then there were the drag queens and they were a whole class of their own, they really looked down on everyone else like we were something they'd stepped in. I guess we didn't have enough sequins for them. They got less bashing though, I think mainly because they looked like they would take things to physical bashing and they also looked like they were more than capable of winning.
Seemed so strange that a Pride march would be such a hostile place. Supposed to be all about everyone being accepted, but the hostility amongst the groups made it quite clear that the majority of participants couldn't even accept each other.