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Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 05-08-2015, 01:28 PM

seriously?!? David Cameron will remain British Prime Minister for another four years?!? lol, more like David Camewrong! I can barely believe that the Conservatives won the general election today after the shambles they've made of 'runing' the country these past four years. the final few votes came in a few moments ago and the Conservatives have overreached the magic number of three hundred and twenty six seats (the minimum amount needed to constitute a valid government, in addition to having more than half of all those which were available, and more than any other party by about four seats.) they took three hundred and thirty seats in the end. the SNP (Scottish National Party) leader Nicola Sturgeon had a great night (thatsso funny, because her predecessor was named 'Salmon') they snatched up some fifty six seats (their previous best was about five) they took third place. the leader of the Labour Party, Ed Milliband (he looks like Wallace from Wallace and Grommit) resigned as after his appallingly humbling loss of twenty six previously held seats (that's what you get for stabbing your own brother in the back to become party leader) he had his hopes up on winning the election but they kept fewer seats than they did in the last election. they did manage to hold second place with two hundred and twenty nine seats under their belts though. the Liberal Democrats, led by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, experienced even worse results. they're on course to see the number of MPs they have go down from 57 to less than 10 seats, putting them in fifth place, after the 'one policy' border blockers, UKIP. Clegg's another one who stepped down from running his party. and rightly too, he didn't stick to any of the policies he'd promised when he co-formulated our coalition government four years ago. that was in part the cause of the student riots we had too. lol, looting in the twenty first century, what's next, the London mayor trading two goats for six chickens? lol, saying that, I wouldn't put anything past our 'crazy haired' mayor, Boris Johnson. he still calls table tennis, wiffle waff. and all of this on V.E.Day too, for shame. lol, but I bet everybody has their own political gripes, right? ��

Last edited by Menelaus; 05-08-2015 at 03:44 PM..

Inzanebraned is offline
Old 05-11-2015, 02:26 AM

I rarely get involved in politics....and I am not a registered voter.
I also rarely complain about our leader and government...cuz if I don't vote, I feel I have little right to complain.
I'm just along for the ride....till somebody shoves me out of the car while driving over a bridge! Lol!

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 05-11-2015, 05:07 AM

lol, I know what you mean. I never used to vote either, but eventually the issues began to impact on my life, and I thought, "hey, I know that my teeny weeny little vote is just a drip in the ocean, but sometimes it only takes one more drop to overflow the bathtub" ��

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-12-2015, 12:35 AM

Just a Yank here, but I heard some blurbs about the election before it took place. I heard Miliband was having some trouble getting much support due to being... I think the word they used was "awkward"? Lame? Boring? Uninteresting? Bland? Not that Cameron is winning any personality contests either.

How was the atmosphere surrounding the election over there? Did people on both sides seem passionate, or was there a general sense of disinterest? I know over here, any time a lack of interest strikes, the conservatives immediately take over (apparently only the left wing gets malaise, the right wing is always fiercely voting). Do you think that could have contributed to this outcome? Or were the Miliband supporters out in full-force?

Also, I heard something about protests with Cameron saying he will be getting rid of the human rights act... "Yikes" is an understatement.

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 05-12-2015, 01:05 AM

lol, voting is actually quite civilized here, not much different from buying a lottery ticket from a gas station. and the run up is very boring and downplayed (mainly canvassers knocking on doors brandishing clipboards and the occasional vindictive commercial on TV). but Milliband hasn't been liked ever since he ousted his own brother for party leadership, and the last Labour government is still being blamed for two Iraq wars and the credit crunch. David Cameron on the other hand, thinks that the poor should just buck up and stop being poor. while he's good for the country as a whole, the individual will suffer. for the last four years his party, the Conservatives, has been in a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats, because, even though Labour had more votes last time, they didn't have enough to form a government. this time, mainly because the Liberal Democrats failed to keep the promises the made before coming into joint power, the Conservatives squeezed through alone with about four seat above the minimum requirements. over sixty percent of the country voted against them, but they still had enough, just. personally, I'm expecting four years of hell, especially now that Cameron hasn't got the Lib Dems holding him back anymore. he's so out of touch with society's problems. they asked him the price of a pint of milk, and he couldn't answer. how can he lead us if her can't even relate to us? the Scottish National Party did great this election though, and if Labour had got the vote they should have, they would have joined them in a coalition government. as it is now, Scotland as a country may leave the Uk for independence if the SNP have too many disagreements with the current government. suffice to say, the results of this election will cause more problems that those that will be fixed ��

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-12-2015, 01:09 AM

He sounds just like American Republican politicians.

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 05-12-2015, 01:23 AM

lol, I think that's where he gets his inspiration from ��

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 05-13-2015, 09:51 PM

I agree with it being disappointing. I did not vote for a conservative government, but if there had been the option of voting for the previous coalition government then I think I and a lot of other people would have voted to keep them in. The Liberal Democrats were (although many think they didn't do anything and if so, abandoned their promises) stopping the conservatives with going ahead with certain things that I genuinely worry about them doing now that they have free reign..

Cardinal Biggles
Patron Saint of Pigeons🌙

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Cardinal Biggles is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 05:28 AM

Cherry sees me blogging all about the election. She probably has politics fatigue by now

Miliband did have the milifandom though

(that image was posted by PBS bonus)

Spartan Warrior Extraordinairé
Menelaus is offline
Old 05-14-2015, 06:04 AM

lol, Ed Miliband is always made to look stupid or weird in pictures, but the funny thing is, with all of the crazy random faces he pulls whenever there's a camera in the room, he really doesn't need any assistance ��

lol, its so true that the Lib Dems have acted as a buffer between the Conservatives and their plans of civil domination. but then, that was the whole reason why the Lib Dems were formed in the first place, they were an amalgamation of the Liberal party and the Social Democrat Party. they joined up back in Iron Maggie's days to go throw a spanner in the works of the two big parties, Labour and the Conservatives. its a pity that they forgot their roots, because if they hadn't wasted the last four years pandering to the Tories like lost sheep mindlessly following the wolves to their den, its probable that they could have achieved their primary goal ��


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