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iBunniee 08-24-2014 08:25 AM

Community Choices D:
I have no idea what to do, I just got word from my mother that my father and brother are thinking of going to college. My older brother has never been to college before but my father has, although I worry about him sometimes. Past experiences and some flashback memories come up from time to time, which aren't very pleasant.
If they happen to attend college in the same town I am currently staying, and by the time they get here, I should have my own place.
My parents are urging me to attend college but the problem with that is, I have a bill with SFA (Student Financial Assistance), which isn't very much but it is a lot to someone who is looking for employment. -__-: My parents are determined to get me to go back to college and are going to pay the bill off for me, my parents aren't the richest too. My older brother can't hold a job for very long and my younger brother doesn't want a job, so it's my mother paying for EVERYTHING! My father only works when people call him for work but he is getting old and can't haul his equipment by himself anymore. And the other issue is, I don't know what I want to take anymore, my dream was always to become an animator and that died when I started believing what some extended family has been telling me "It'll never happen, people from here don't become something like that." I'm from a small community, I'm aboriginal from the Northwest Territories Canada and it's about 5% of us that actually become something, something that involves us following our dreams and succeeding.

I'm not sure what I'm asking but probably just your opinion on the whole thing or whatever.

steelmagghia 08-24-2014 04:55 PM

Often the reason that minorities do not achieve education and career goals is that they're told they can't or are not expected to do those things. It is harder without support, but you can do it.

iBunniee 08-24-2014 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by steelmagghia (Post 1772900999)
Often the reason that minorities do not achieve education and career goals is that they're told they can't or are not expected to do those things. It is harder without support, but you can do it.

Thanks for the response, much appreciated. n n

If nothing comes up or I don't get a place of my own soon, I might just take a course that doesn't really give me much of a successful future but it will pay a lot of cash. There's Mining companies that are recruiting mostly Aboriginals and Inuits, well, that's what they're mostly looking for anyway and they pay very well. I don't have children or a significant other, so there's really nothing holding me back from doing what I can to move myself forward~ <3

steelmagghia 08-27-2014 11:36 PM

Just don't do something that you'll regret.

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