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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 05-19-2017, 07:04 AM

Dear Dr. Charles Krauthammer of Fox News,

I was watching Tucker Carlson's show tonight and did happen to catch your appearance in the "Friend Zone" segment of his show. During this segment you outlined seven things Donald Trump could do to improve his presidency. Last on your list of seven was your suggestion that he see you for one hour a day for the next seven years. My question to you, sir, is: does this mean that you believe Donald Trump will be re-elected in 2020?

What a difference eight months can make. From no hope of being elected, to being elected, then being re-elected as president of the United States.

Also, I agree with two of your other points that President Trump should change the narrative and take a trip abroad. Perhaps to Diego Garcia where he personally witnesses B-52 bombers take off to carpet bomb North Korea or some point in the middle east. One can only hope.

May God bless you and keep you.