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Mr. Wrong
Challenge your paradigm
Mr. Wrong is offline
Old 11-10-2017, 04:04 AM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
In 1955 "they" dumped a bunch of chemicals into a public swimming pool in my city. All the people died of the same cancer 7ish years after the test. To this day our city is labeled as a test city. Mostly for new "food" products (to our knowledge). We all have it in the back of our minds, well at least people that know about it do. -it's part of why I grow my own veggies.

We also have one of the largest infectious disease research labs in Canada. It's called the National Microbiology Laboratory. They got fricken Ebola and black plague in their fridges. *shudders* They also do extensive research on Lyme disease. It's carried by an oddly specific kind of tick, and not very pleasant.

I got a conspiracy theory for you...

What if they're working on a way to weaponize "Lyme disease" by mutating it with Ebola & Rabies to come up with an efficient population killer. If those three get combined together in the right way it would appear very much like a zombie outbreak the way it's spread. (biting and liquid transfer)

yup. I'm calling it now, if ever "zombies" become a real thing it'll be coming out of that lab.

I'm weird without coffee. XD
I would have little doubt believing something nefarious is brewing in that laboratory, especially since the local populace has been experimented on so long ago. Want to really scare yourself? Look up Agenda 21.