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Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 12-18-2008, 04:06 AM

@Seiki: Yeah, I've always wondered which sex has a harder life....
I agree, making yourself happy is most important. Being male is fun though. XD Lol.

Yeah, I know what you mean... Its like throughout the story people keep getting freaked-out. Hahaha. I think its just that many old writers were anti-homosexual...And today its like girls like gay guys just becuz they're gay... I don't get that either.

No, I haven't read anything by Moore before... That sounds interesting. ^^
I've never read a gay fiction novel that I liked...

@akari: Hahaha, well thats good. Its important to be comfortable with you're individual gender. I don't mind being a guy... I mean, sure my life might be easier the other way around... I mean, financially.... but things are meant to be this way for a reason, I guess.

@Cricket: Liking both women and men sexually would define you as bisexual, I suppose...

@christa: Well, I can eat rice, corn and potato bread. Lol. XD
*Nod* Well, vegetarians still consume dairy, eggs, and fish on occasion...
Its vegans that can't eat anything from animals completely. I love meat too much not to eat it... Hehe, yes. *huggles* <3333

Yes, but who doesn't love boobs? Lol.
Sooo you're undecided? Thats ok. ^^
I know, its a confusing topic... Haha.

@rain: Heh, I'm crooked too. XD
What is it about creeping people out that you enjoy? Their expression?