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Velvet 10-05-2012 01:08 AM

I would take you.. ~ Where would you take the avatar above you?
Mmmkay, hi everyone. :3

So, don't just post one word and don't sandwich, please.

Take a look at the avatar above you. Where would you take him/her?

To the park? Maybe to the movies? On a date? Or how about an action packed adventure? To view manly fairies dancing in ballet fashion? For a boat ride? To stop crime with your magical powers? To a fight club? :O To a snowy wonderland for a picnic? To an underwater fight club? ;DD To a voodoo ritual? To your couch to watch old black and white movies? To go cliff diving? To go zombie slaying?

And why?

Be creative. ;) Use that magnificent brain of yours. <3

Example: I would take the avatar above me on a dance hall because they look like they are dressed to impress and ready to dance. <3

Antagonist 10-05-2012 03:47 AM

I would take Velvet with me to a large field with nothing but grass and flowers in sight and frolic through the plains with her on a sunny cheery day. Freeeeedom! :D

Velvet 10-05-2012 04:01 AM

Yayness! That sounds pleasant. :3

I would take you, Antag, on a pleasant little picnic in a pretty, little clearing that is located in the middle of a dense and dangerous forest where you will be forced to fight your way out of.. but I know you can to it. You look like a half dressed war leader. xD

Maha-Aamir 11-10-2012 07:11 AM

velvet i will take you to the cemetary and try to wake the dead for a party :D

Kiarash 11-10-2012 09:56 AM

Mahaaamir, I'd take you to a victorian ball.
That dress is so elegant and lantern would work perfect in a dark corridor of a mansion~

Maha-Aamir 11-10-2012 11:23 AM

and i will take you up on a tower and jump to see you save me and fly with those lovely wings :D

Kiari 11-10-2012 01:25 PM

I would take you on a delightful walk through the misty evening forests, a single lantern to light our way.

Antagonist 11-10-2012 05:21 PM

I'd take you somewhere warmer and give you a cup of hot chocolate. You look like you're freezing. o_O

Kiari 11-11-2012 02:26 AM

I'd take you on a plane ride somewhere cold where we could sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. XD

Maha-Aamir 11-11-2012 11:32 AM

i will take you to a cozy cottage and give u a cup of cocoa :D

Antagonist 11-11-2012 05:06 PM

I'd take you out flying, where we can gaze down at the scenery below us and laugh at how small everyone looks. 8D

Bearzy 11-12-2012 06:31 AM

The nearest flat surface... But before that, I'd take you somewhere cozy, where you felt safe.

Dystopia 11-12-2012 09:20 PM

To bed. It looks like she wants a bedtime story.

M i n u x e 11-12-2012 10:03 PM

I will take her to my lair and suck her blood!! Mwahahaha.....
She should make me extra strong because she looks to be a goddess.

Kiari 11-13-2012 02:45 AM

I would take you to a cemetary, it looks like you would fit right in. XD

Linnea 11-13-2012 04:27 AM

i would take you to a masquerade! think phantom of the opera!

Antagonist 11-13-2012 05:15 AM

I would take you to an arena to fight for gold and glory with our combined awesome powers of sword, shield, and coffee! 8D *brandishes mug*

Velvet 11-14-2012 02:56 AM

I would take you on a sky pirate ship adventure with an expresso coffess maker... 8D You look like a steam punk captain of a ship, so that is where we would go. We could capture lightning, and fight off swarms of angry sparrows. xD

Kiari 11-14-2012 03:20 AM

I would take you to a ball for demon ninja ladies.

Bound Birdie 11-14-2012 11:45 AM

I would take you along in my scouting party to make sure our magical forest and coastlines were safe from demon spawn.

arachnidsGrip 11-14-2012 09:48 PM

I would take you to a lake for a picnic in the evening, and we could eat while watching the sun set over the water.

Kiari 11-15-2012 01:09 AM

I would take you to the hairdresser, you must be wearing that hood since your having a bad hair day. XD

Bearzy 11-16-2012 02:34 AM

I wouldn't take you anywhere, I would follow you to your part of the forest because it looks nicer than mine.

Linnea 11-19-2012 11:34 PM

i would take you on a dog sled race in alaska! you look well equipped for it and so ready for your photo finish! strike a pose, carzee!

Velvet 11-20-2012 01:28 AM

I would take you to the middle of an enchanted forest where small imps and strange goblins and fairies live. Once they see you they will think you are their leader... looking all green and powerful

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