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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 11-04-2012, 07:12 PM

Hummmyyyypie! Haiihaii! <3

@ Xu; Oh, I see. That's why! Your vote denies mine >(
Ah, well. The economic "GO GREEN" is expensive, so it can't be implemented. Especially with those new economic cars, the hybrids. How can anyone try to get a more efficient car that'll not affect our environment when it's so expensive? We need the jobs to earn such things. Recycling is the only cheap thing I know that works.

We recently did a survey over my Campus and I sent them a really sarcastic nasty letter about all the cigarette butts around the parking lots, the sidewalks, and the school building. People there just blow the smoke in your face, while you sit on the benches that are loose and aren't even bolted to the cement and wobble. I told them it's really professional, using cigarette butts as decorative ornaments around its environment. Now they made a new town ordinance where they can't smoke near or at campus anymore and they'll be fined $50 if they do, even if they're in their car. LOL Darn cancer sticks make me mad.

Yes. Um... I'm not really sure? I'm going to assume it is, though she doesn't like math. And I end up doing her homework.