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Nyvok 07-09-2012 08:37 PM

Pirating?: Good or Bad?
What do y'all think of pirating? You pro pirating, anti pirating? The government is seriously about trying to end this stuff, but I know many people have different side of the views and I'm hungry for opinions.

iSpam~ 07-09-2012 10:52 PM

I'm totaly pro pirating! And not for political reasons, just because I live in the Netherlands and most movies don't make it to the cinema's here.. And if they do, they've been online for several months. And the same goes for shows, can you believe Breaking Bad and Dexter only started being aired about a year ago? It's an disgrace really. D:

So yes, I love pirating, and I love my precious torrentday.
Life would be a lot less fun without it imo!

Ana_M 07-10-2012 01:12 AM

I'm pro-pirating. Majority of the people who do pirate, if they really like what they are pirating they will buy it later on. That's how I am. I'm getting Sims on steam soon, but I've been pirating it after my whole legal collection was wiped. :c I had well over 15 games for Sims all of them bought for around $30 USD. So that's a lot of my fam's cash going to support them, I do it with music when I can, too.

Dystopia 07-10-2012 05:29 AM

Pa-chinko 07-13-2012 09:56 AM

Pro-pirating. Mostly because then I get access to things that never make it to the countries I'm in.

sam-deanwinchester 07-14-2012 11:02 PM

i'm kinda both.

i will only buy a album if i like all the songs or i like the band in genreal. I will pirate music to see if i like most or all the songs before i buy it. I won't waste 20$ for just 1-5 songs i like.

Admonish Misconstruction 07-15-2012 03:52 AM

I don't need music, movies, and software to live. I'm not Robin Hood or some political activist. Maybe I'm a little lazy and maybe I want to choose where my money goes (I donated $100 to the Blue Scholars for their album, for example). There's no real moral justification for it. You can argue that it's ethical but I think the counter arguments would be just as if not better. You can argue that pirating does not hugely negatively effect the music/game/movie/etc industry (decline in sales due to other factors that aren't pirating for example) but these arguments aren't arguing against whether it's right or wrong but whether or not it's really hurting anyone that much.

So maybe I pirate. I don't have a great ethical comeback against people say it's wrong. I can argue it into the ground from the ethical side and somewhat from the legal side. In the end though, I think somewhere along the line it can be argued as unethical or just selfish.


On the related subject of government current attempts to combat piracy (I'm looking at you, America) is unconstitutional, dangerous, and I would argue immoral. Looking back through history these sort of plans don't generally go well for anyone involved.

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