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Scarling Zombie
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Scarling Zombie is offline
Old 11-04-2009, 01:59 PM

I want to write my name in the snow sometimes.
It's not easier to be a guy. I just want a penis on occassion.
I want to show off my manly erection and take charge.
I want to club a man over the head and drag him to my cave, in a sense. If a woman sexually goes after a guy she's labeled as desperate. Men are just men. I find that sad.
It's a biological fact that woman can be choosier when picking a mate because we have so many eggs, but men have billions of sperm, and they just regenerate daily.
Women want the best offspring as possible, but men seem to stick it in anything.
"Oh, that hole in the trunk of that tree would be fun."
Women can't do that! I'm jealous.