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Thoth Star 01-18-2009 04:40 AM

Haha, wow you really are young rain. XD Cool....
I was such a loser when I was 14. haha.

Rainbows 01-18-2009 04:41 AM

xD Lol.
Mine were only noticeable in school pictures starting fourth grade, I THINK. I haven't looked back.

Kita, seriously, though.
I was talking with chelsea, the girl I wanna go on this across-the-states roadtrip with, and we were saying we're going to Cali for sure, and I said I'm going to missouri to see my auntie, and my cousins- and my cousin's new baby! She'd be three by the time I got to see her though...
And, I remembered you lived there too. xD
So I was like, Oh yeah! Christa lives there.. and her boyfriend's in cali, so we could kidnap her... xD

Because chelsea has her boyfriend and too many friends in cali,
friends in cali for me, too. o-o
So, if we're still friends and stuff when chelsea and I are going on our trip, look forward to being snatched. ;)

You just called me cool in a roundabout way.

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 04:43 AM

Gabby: I was an outcast when I was 14. People called me shrek cause.. I'm alittle on the bigger side, weight wise annnd I wouldn't have sex with my boyfriend at the time, so he dumped me and started rumors and shit.. That was just when I was discovering my sexuality.

Rainbows 01-18-2009 04:43 AM

That's horrible.
I've never had a boyfriend that goes to highschool, as I do.
But, if I ever get around to it, I'd really hope I didn't get a shitty guy like that...

Thoth Star 01-18-2009 04:45 AM

@Tut: Oops. *releases tut* Haha. XD
Don't ever worry about hurting my feelings or anything... I LOVE to debate!
I want you to think differently than me. *nod* Aww I hate when the debate teacher does that, make you fight for a cause you don't care about... ><

@everyone: Going to a party! SO I got get offline... BYE BYE

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 04:46 AM

Rainy: I know right? But it's all better now, I get talked about behind my back, but.. that's not really a big deal. It's so much better than walking down the hall and having someone who you don't even know, have the nerve to come up to you and go "Hey are you Shrek?" Or.. some other kind of shit that just.. really hurts. At least I can deal with the back talking. Hoinestly, well I've never told anyone about this before, but it really drove me to the point that I tried to commit suicide and my mom stuck me in one of those.. crazy house places. I needed help. But meh, It's better now, I have friends who care about me and my girlfriend and hell, I have you guys, how can I NOT mention you people? ^^

Gabby: Well fine them, hmph. xD Just kidding, have a good night hun!!

Sforzando 01-18-2009 04:48 AM

I was stupid when I was 14. That was when I pretty much confessed my love, poured out my heart to a guy. Only to have it ripped into a billion little pieces and slowly stitch back together over the years by different guys, who each, in their turn, have ripped the stiches out again.

Oh wow, that sounds so emo.

EDIT: *gasps and unclenches fists.* You are lucky, Thoth. Because I promised my friend that I would no longer bite when people hugged me. And that's what your supposed to do in debate. You are supposed to be able to fight for both sides. Concession and Rebuttal. And I'm okay with it because I totally had a genius idea and swayed the whole debate so my side one.

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 04:49 AM

Tut: It's really sad, people have so much to look forward to, and then they get in so deep depression that.. it's really bad and they need help. I didn't do it for attention, I really felt hated and wuite frankly, I wanted to die. Technically not emo, lol.

Rainbows 01-18-2009 04:50 AM

Aww, that's sweet to think of the little people, lover. x3
Well, yeah, in middle school the underclassmen are always obnoxious and retarded, and I got rude as hell comments and gestures all the time... But now I'm a freshman in highschool, so there aren't any asshole little kids to make fun of me! Mwahaha.
I much prefer the backstabbing and rumors that I don't hear about than open violence in any form... ._. I know what chu mean.
Mene really helped me out, and my life's been better ( if not spent more on the internet.. lol ) since I joined...
Which is kinda pathetic, but, fuck that, I'm happy noww. .-.
Er.. On the emo topic, Yeah, guys are evil. You just have to find the good ones. ._.;
They are few and far between.

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 04:53 AM

Rainy: Aw, yay! Well, it's really bad, it followed me into highschool, it JUST got better a year ago when I moved here to San Antonio, I FINALLY got away from all that crap. The ONE guy who called me Shrek here, got expelled from the school for smoking weed on premises the next day. xD I was all "Take that bitch!" xD

`Kitami 01-18-2009 04:53 AM

Lovers:: Sure, you can call me Christa. ^.^
And yeah. I would. D<
But I don't know if Gab would want me to fight with him. XD;;

And that's horrible. -hugs- I got teased throughout school too, and then when I was like 16, I cut off all my hair, so it was just spikes and long in the front, and I didn't have a boyfriend, so I got called a lesbian a lot. :roll: And once, this girl who was like my best friend, decided to turn on me, and she was like yelled "Look, there's the fat lesbian bitch!"
Not that my depression wasn't bad enough anyway... >_>;;
I didn't stay in school very long after that...

Mel:: Aww that'd be awesome. ^_^
Honestly though, I hope I'm already in Cali before two years from now. Because I've wanted to move there since I was 13 (ocean! *.*) and the fact that my boyfriend is there just makes me want to be there more....

Gabriel:: Bye bye love. Have fun. <33

Rainbows 01-18-2009 04:55 AM

Alright, though, the insult "Shrek" just seems immature and.. well, not well thought out.
I'd be wishing for more clever insults.

You don't look like shrek at all, and if you looked like fiona.. Well, I think Fiona is hot. xD Well, the green skin might go- and the little ogre ears, and then she'd be like BOOM dynamite! Woo!

I want to be in places warmer, too.
But, if you're not... And you need a ride...
Lol. I want more people to join teh bandwagon. :B
I'm actually considering moving to cali if I can't settle down overseas...
I know chelsea's heart is set on it, so I'll follow my homegiirr.

Sforzando 01-18-2009 04:55 AM

Well, I cried over it and all that, but I never told anyone I lied them since then. And so I can't really blame the guys if they go out and get girlfriends when I never let them know I was interested. And I've gotten over it. Maybe not completely, but I'm fine now. I'm just waiting till college and going along with my romance novels.

And about the emo thing, I'm not necessarily emo, but most of my friends are, and I can seriously get deep into an emo persona and I used to write the most emo poetry, so I kinda have an emo-ish attitude.

Rainbows 01-18-2009 04:58 AM

I don't like the word emo.

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 04:59 AM

Christa: Naw.. that's so cute. xD You guys are cute together.. you and Gabby. xD And uhm who cares? xD Gabby doesn't deserve that, but then again.. I wouldn't want you two to get in a fight over kicking his butt anyways, but okay, I'll go and you two can watch! ;D xD
I wanna go to Cali too, my ex-crush lives there and BOY was he a hottie. >.>

That's rude, I can't understand why people talk shit about other people, their ex friends especially. My friend did that to me too, actually it was another ex boyfriend and my best friend, psht, I got into it with him. I grabbed a freaking chair and threw it at his head, screaming my head off, cursing. It was funny though because the principal walked up behind me and was all "Bethany" and I was like "just a sec *doesn't realize who it is* You better watch your back bitch before I f*ck you up" Needless to say.. I got a write up. xD And everyone doing that immature OOOOO sound people do. xD

Rainy: Oh shiiittt.. I know right? D: But I mean.. I get emotional real easy anyways, lol. So, it didn't much help. Now I just kinda.. shrug everything off. xD

IRK3N 01-18-2009 05:00 AM

*pop in*

Hello ... :3!

Sforzando 01-18-2009 05:01 AM

Angsty then. I have an angsty and pubescent attitude.

No one really calls me names here. Except things like 'nerd' or 'weirdo' or 'dork.' Which are usually affectionate terms here.

EDIT: Hello, IRK3N

Lover, there's this Russian guy that used to live here. His name is S.... S something. And apparently, he was a hottie and he moved to Cali. My bff Thorn and I always joke about going down to Cali to kidnap him.

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 05:02 AM

Irk: Haiii! >.> *tackle luffs?* xD

Rainbows 01-18-2009 05:09 AM

Rrgh.. I'm hungry.. Empty tummy... GGrrrglglgld...
- 3-

So, yeah.. Hahaha. >>;
I'm the most emotional person I know.
My friend poked me with a pencil the other day, and I started crying because it hurt a tiny bit...
:cry: I.. I don't know!! You poked meeee!


Psst.. Guys..
Post faster, I want to beat Suo and Aeri's post count..
They have 20 and 30 more than I do... xD;

IRK3N 01-18-2009 05:12 AM

Wooooo, luffs! xD <3

How are you? Lookie my shiiiirt! xDDD *soo happy*

Also, I made cupcakes. Lookie!!

Uggh, sorry to pop in and then just pop back out again, but. I'm feeling really sleepy.
Plus, I gotta work at 9 tomorrow @_@;

Nite all! <3

Rainbows 01-18-2009 05:14 AM



-really hungry-

okay, so..
Shirt! That's awesome..xD;
I hear they're hard to obtain? >3>

LoversEnd 01-18-2009 05:14 AM

I wnat one!! MEMEME!!

Rainy: Talk more!! xD I'll talk.. >.> Shoopshoop.
Damnit, I was trying to find a pic of mikel. x.x

Sforzando 01-18-2009 05:17 AM

I want one too. But I cant. I'm trying not to eat so much anymore.

Rainbows 01-18-2009 05:37 AM

Argh, crap.
I poofed and went on.. Gaia.
-shuns self-

Yeah, same here.

Who? o.o

Sforzando 01-18-2009 05:40 AM

**Shun the non believer! Shuuunnn. Shhhhuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn.*

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