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Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:54 PM

Gay And Straight Alliance! We Honor TIM CURRY for his Acting Amazingness~



BOLD = Official Gay and Straight Alliance Decisions

1. Intro
2. Love list
3. Artwork
4. Gay/Straight Alliance Honor List!
5. Contests/Prizes
6. Games?
7. extra OPEN~
((I soo want this scarf!))

Update Ideas anyone??

Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:55 PM

~Thoth Star [Gabriel]
~'Kitami [Christa]
~XxRainbows [Melanie]
~Seiki Nova
~Ithir // TKC [Bri]
~Crappy Lia
~aoi midori
~Lullaby for you
~Hidden From View
~Emelith Xiuhcoatl
~Kah Hilzin-Ec
~LoversEnd [Beffi or Bethany]
~AND LOVE SAiiD NO [Krystal]
~Lilith W
~Jester of Intoxication
~Alexandrus Gambino
~Gumdrop Raindrop
~celestial pocky
~Jayn Newell
~Ziv Xanthus
~sacrilegious requiem
~Le Pomme (~Le Banane- Same Person??)
~The Bebe Girl
~Riyo Kasiyuga
~Maka-chan (Maki)

<3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Everyone gets New Chance to be my friend. 8D

Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:55 PM

Artwork! // Banners!

I like to post ANY art related to LOVE...
If you have a pic. related to love you would like to share and it is pg13 I will be willing to put on the 1st page!
Sooo cute LoversEnd. Thanks. ^^

Old pic from me~
I know Smoking is BAD, I'm sorry, don't take meh art seriously. 0 30

I love the art. Thank you katMagenta!


I love you Christa! Thank you for the art love. <333

Thank you Bound Birdie. You're a great artist. ^^

Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:56 PM

Gay // Straight Honor List!!!

1. Ellen the generous <3 (Nominated by Crappy Lia) ((August 2009))
Becuz she's the first les to come-out in public and still made it!!!
Also, she's a great person.

Originally Posted by Crappy Lia
i wanna add something to Ellen DeGeneres biography :'D
She's 50 allready, and daaaamn o:
she still has no flappy grandma arms :D!


2. Kathy Griffin (Nominated by DariaMorgendorfer) ((Sept. 2009))

Kathy regularly talks about how much she loves her "Gays" in just about every comic stand up act she does. She is a great icon of a straight person who is a fruit fly and loving it! AND, she's effing HILARIOUS...and that should count for something.[/color]

3. Lady Gaga! (Nominated by Thoth Star) ((Oct. 2009))
QUOTE By Associated Content. com

What was believed to be a hermaphrodite picture is now believed to be proof that Lady Gaga is a man. Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, has been fighting the wild rumors of being a hermaphrodite or a cross-dresser for quite some time now, but the persistence of an internet armed with a picture taken from a video at the Glastonbury Festival, plus an equally persistent "quote" attributed to the pop star, has morphed the entire controversy from Lady Gaga as hermaphrodite, a person having the physical genitalia of both sexes, to that of a man (an individual with a penis) wearing a dress.
Psh she's all lady!!

4. Adam Lambert (nominated by 'Kitami)
Before auditioning for American Idol, Adam performed as part of the ensemble and served as a Fiyero understudy in the first national touring company and the LA production of Wicked. Not only an amazing singer, but he has a great personality! And he sticks up for his fellow homosexuals. w00t.

5. For November 2010, Freddie Mercury!


After all, he raised awareness about AIDs with his death and hey, he's a real legend. Nothing has been able to dim his starlight TwT♥
By Kah Hilzin-Ec.


Nomination// Freddie Mercury!
Reasons: 1) He's a rock-and-roll LEGEND
2) He's a gay LEGEND
3) Totally raised awareness about AIDS
4) Was totally fucking awesome
and 5) Kita loves him and she's been trying to get him on the Honor List for like forever.
by `Kitami


I'm throwing in my vote for Freddie! *dances* "Buddy, you're a boy making big noise..."
By Wrenji-chan


I vote for Freddie too! How is he not up there already?
By fairywaif.

6. For December, 2010= We Honor Neil Bartlett!


an award-winning British director, performer, translator, and writer
The main reason I nominated him is because I LOVE his playwrights and I've always thought he was a brilliant writer and comedian. Also, he's a really nice guy that cares about his fellow homosexual man.


I'm really, really BEHIND WITH THE HONOR LIST!!!
So please, if you know a gay or bi or straight person that DESERVES to be here, than pm me soon! K?

By the way, I'm looking for a MAN ICON that can be added to these 2 cute Honor-Girls...
We need men and women~ w00t.

Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:56 PM

Contests/ Prizes

Please if you have any ideas for a contest I would love to hear it! <3

Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:56 PM


Thoth Star 12-16-2008 08:57 PM


Rainbows 12-17-2008 12:00 AM

Snagged a first post, pwn.

-flashes rainbows-

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 01:21 AM

Hehe indeed. Hows it going? 0 30

`Kitami 12-17-2008 02:36 AM

This is a good idea. :yes:

Rainbows 12-17-2008 02:47 AM

Well, sign rainbow up as a supporter of free lovin plz xDD

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 05:14 AM

-Snuggles Thoth- Doesn't Gender Love kinda count as sort of a GSA?

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 05:18 AM

Aww, thanks Christa love~ *huggles* <333
How are you? 0 30

Fo' sho rainbow lady. heheh.

Hmm, I always thought your thread was more like a gay/bi/les thread, but I suppose it could be considered a GSA too, Cricket. ^^ *hugs*

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 05:37 AM

Well, GL is for everyone of every sexuality and every gender identity. Not just GBL.

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 05:59 AM

*nod* Thats cool. Ah well, I just made another gay thread. Hahahaha. XD
I find it amusing that people are so open about their sexuality online, but offline its such a closed-subject for many people...

Seiki Nova 12-17-2008 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Thoth Star (Post 4377250)
*nod* Thats cool. Ah well, I just made another gay thread. Hahahaha. XD
I find it amusing that people are so open about their sexuality online, but offline its such a closed-subject for many people...

People just feel more in control online. Its easier to tell strangers who you'll more than likely never meet your secrets than it is to tell the people you love the most for fear of rejection.

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 06:52 AM

Hello seiki nova! ^^Hows it goin?

I suppose you're right, I mean, that makes sense...
Rejection is hard for many people to stomach.
Plus, I'm sure theres some fear mixed in there... In many places homosexuality is a foreign concept.

`Kitami 12-17-2008 07:44 AM

Gab:: I'm actually just making my dinner. O.o
This is what happens when I'm in charge of making my own food. ><
So late. xD God I hate cooking.

Seiki:: Hey there. ^^ -waves-

Seiki Nova 12-17-2008 07:50 AM

Well another thing is that even though homosexuality is a generally accepted thing in western cultures, its still a very taboo subject within many areas of society. Where you live in the country is a major part of how people view the subject and how people approach it when they decide whether or not they want to come out publicly to the people they know. For some, keeping their secret is truly just a means of survival whether it be in terms of shelter or physical safety from others.

The topic itself is generally a walking contradiction in my opinion. Everyone says they're okay with it, and then they say its ruining our society to have gays marry, or to even have them function together with the heterosexual community. Its the whole "Whites Only" racism issues of the mid 20th century, only with new groups.

Edit, hey Kitami! : )

Sorry to say hello and goodbye all at once, but I need to be headed off to bed. My last final is tomorrow morning and its my math final. Gotta do well on that one DX Talk to you guys later! <3

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 08:01 AM

@Christa: I'm the same way... hahaha. It was hard adjusting to living on my own and making my own meals all the time, but now I don't mind. In fact, I think I make better food than some restaurants... x3 One day I'll have my own cooking show. Lol.

@Seiki: Yes, I know what you mean... Like in Pakistan and Iran I know if you were to come out about your sexuality they would stone and burn you alive... >< Which is why made homosexuals leave for Israel (one of the few places such behavior is accepted).

Totally... It was funny watching John Stewart debate Mike Hucklebee over whether its morally right to refuse homosexuals the same rights and I couldn't help but laugh at Mike's naivete and moronic reasoning.... Sadly, many Americans have the same reasoning as Huckabee so nothing will ever change probably... ;; But its still amusing to debate about it.

Bai bai~ G'luck on the final. 8)

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 08:45 AM

Thoth: Actually, I'm really open about my sexuality, I just say I'm bisexual in real life. It's my gender identity that I don't tell everyone about in real life, because they'll just look down, poke my boob, call me a chick and that's that. There's no winning that battle with people in real life.

But online, all they have to reference you is your avatar and what you type. You can be yourself and no one can question that. There's no preconceived physical image for people to overcome.

Also, I wanted to know if you wanted to use my rainbow Gender Love banner that I made that didn't actually have the thread name in it. Or if you'd like me to make you a banner using that background or whatever.

`Kitami 12-17-2008 09:22 AM

Gab:: All I know how to make is stuff out of boxes. X_x -had a bit of Rice-a-Roni just then- x_x
I really. Don't enjoy cooking. Like I can't stand to touch meat. >_> -shudders-
Well, making baked goods. Like cakes and cookies. I love that. O.o But I don't eat that stuff now, very much, so I don't make it very much.

Are you a secret chef, darling? <3

Argg. Its 3am. I think I'm going to bed. >_o

Seiki:: Good luck on your final! ^^

Cricket:: I can't even say I'm bisexual in real life, because (In my experience) it seems like female bisexuals, unless they're pretty much lesbians are often looked at as sluts that will just do anything. Which I am completely not. :-x
I would just love whoever I fell in love with regardless of whether they had a penis or a vagina. ><
It doesn't matter to me, I love you for you, not for your reproductive organ. :lol:

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 09:34 AM

Yeah, I know female bisexuals are looked down upon. Well, at least they're considered sluts. And guys are like, "Dude, she's bi! Let's get her in a threesome!" Or some other stupid crap.

I feel extremely sorry for bisexuals of both genders, at least the ones that really are in it for love, and not just for the sex. Because I've met a lot of people who claimed to be bi and all they did was fuck their brains out with as many people as possible. That's not a bisexual in my mind, that's a whore.

Truth be told, I honestly prefer men. I'm more drawn to their personalities, their physical appearance, their smell (you know, not the gross smells), and I personally feel that they're more beautiful when they're being true to themselves, because it's rarer in men than it is women.

Though I also find myself sexually attracted to women, just less attracted to their personalities. No offense, but most of the girls around here are the stereotypical ones that carry obscene amounts of emotional baggage over nothing. They're brewing in self-made angst just for attention and I hate them.

Sadly, my body is female. One of my male friends doesn't get why I keep saying I'm transgendered, especially because I seem to play the appropriate gender role quite nicely. Truly, I'm rather androgynous. But most people can't see that because of my physical body. I'd still be girly in a male body, I just wouldn't be so rejected for my male characteristics, and at least people would realize I was breaking the gender barrier, instead of everyone thinking I'm a girl because my body is a girl and I act female most of the time in public.

I honestly don't know what sexuality you'd call me. Do I count as bisexual? I don't care what gender you are as long as you're worth loving. I don't care if your physical body doesn't match your gender identity, but I find men more attractive as a default.

And that's why I just tell everyone I'm bi but lean towards men. ^^;;; Sorry for rambling.

(akari) 12-17-2008 06:28 PM

Hey everyone.

Insane Cricket it's awesome you're so comfortable with yourself. Maybe if you told people you were gender queer it would make it easier to understand? Gender queer's not fitting into male or female or maybe even feeling like you're a different gender altogether.

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 06:36 PM

The main problem with telling everyone that I'm gender queer is that they just don't understand, and when I try to explain it it just goes in one ear and out the other. And then someone will say something like, "But you've got boobs, so you're a girl."

It's just too frustrating to try to deal with constantly.

Though I really would prefer to be in a male body. The female body just seems so disgustingly wrong for me. It doesn't feel like it's mine. It's not the body I should have. It makes my skin crawl sometimes.

It's not that I hate women, it's just that I hate being female because it's not the right body for me. >.<

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