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Kent is offline
Old 04-12-2024, 07:32 PM

That's awesome, Cora! Can't wait to see your new kitty. o wo


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-12-2024, 08:37 PM

The adoption process at some of the shelters around my house are starting to make me a bit upset. I really liked this one cat at the local shelter named Bobby.

The application took me over an hour to fill out due to how extensive it was. They wanted me to have a vet, even though I currently have no pets. So I did what they asked, I went to the vet that mom used to take our old cat Bear to. They put Bear under my name and created me a new account so that I could apply to adopt Bobby. They rejected my application on the grounds that my mother did not take Bear in for yearly Vet visits. It's disheartening. I'm going to another local shelter tomorrow though, hopefully they do not try and make me jump through as many hoops.

bluerockman is offline
Old 04-13-2024, 01:21 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
The adoption process at some of the shelters around my house are starting to make me a bit upset. I really liked this one cat at the local shelter named Bobby.

The application took me over an hour to fill out due to how extensive it was. They wanted me to have a vet, even though I currently have no pets. So I did what they asked, I went to the vet that mom used to take our old cat Bear to. They put Bear under my name and created me a new account so that I could apply to adopt Bobby. They rejected my application on the grounds that my mother did not take Bear in for yearly Vet visits. It's disheartening. I'm going to another local shelter tomorrow though, hopefully they do not try and make me jump through as many hoops.
To think they don't have a plan for new adoptions, you know, for people who'd be adopting for the first time. I mean, not everyone's going to find a stray they can rescue and raise to be friendly.


Kent is offline
Old 04-13-2024, 08:35 PM

That's bizarre. So they only release pets to people who have already had pets...?


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-24-2024, 02:21 PM

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that Cora. Not all places will be so strict. I hope you can find your new furry friend soon!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 04-25-2024, 12:48 AM

I did find a new kitty, his name is Dusty. He's an orange tabby. Eventually I'll try and put up some pictures for you guys. He's a handful. About a year and a half and gets into just about everything he isn't suppose to. The other day I found him on my countertop, with the top cupboard open, grabbing cups and throwing them on the floor just to hear them crash. I also have the inability to eat in peace because he keeps trying to steal food right off my plate. He climbs right into my lap and tries to grab the plate in my hands. He always acts like I'm starving him. He got yelled at earlier, which I try not to do but I don't know what else to do sometimes, which triggered his over stimulated stress response which is to bite. Enough to hurt but not enough to draw blood. I didn't get mad at him but I did lock him in his room to let him settle down for a bit after that. My arm looks like it went through a battle. I think all of this is just the stress, he's still young and he's only been here 2 weeks. So I'm not angry, just exhausted. I didn't adopt a cat, I adopted a toddler

Other then that, he's pretty cuddly, never misses his litterbox and is very playful. He had some stomach issues, but I started feeding him a bit of canned pumpkin in his food and it has seemed to sort itself out.

bluerockman is offline
Old 04-25-2024, 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
I did find a new kitty, his name is Dusty. He's an orange tabby. Eventually I'll try and put up some pictures for you guys. He's a handful. About a year and a half and gets into just about everything he isn't suppose to. The other day I found him on my countertop, with the top cupboard open, grabbing cups and throwing them on the floor just to hear them crash. I also have the inability to eat in peace because he keeps trying to steal food right off my plate. He climbs right into my lap and tries to grab the plate in my hands. He always acts like I'm starving him. He got yelled at earlier, which I try not to do but I don't know what else to do sometimes, which triggered his over stimulated stress response which is to bite. Enough to hurt but not enough to draw blood. I didn't get mad at him but I did lock him in his room to let him settle down for a bit after that. My arm looks like it went through a battle. I think all of this is just the stress, he's still young and he's only been here 2 weeks. So I'm not angry, just exhausted. I didn't adopt a cat, I adopted a toddler

Other then that, he's pretty cuddly, never misses his litterbox and is very playful. He had some stomach issues, but I started feeding him a bit of canned pumpkin in his food and it has seemed to sort itself out.

Canned pumpkin helped him out? That's good news.

Will you be training him to be an alpha predator and eat all the mice, by chance? Or just be a ball of cuddles and purrs? Either or is good.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 04-25-2024, 07:04 PM

Aww, Yuna was like that with the food when I got her as well. I think she didn't get enough to eat on the streets and had some sort of starvation fear response. She would jump up on the table and literally steal the food right off your plate in front of you. It took time but she's very good about it now. Those young kitties can be a handful though!


Kent is offline
Old 04-27-2024, 02:51 PM

Aww, sounds like a starving stray. ; o; My cat's been like that too since I got him off the streets. I think once they feel secure about getting food every day, they'll calm down. Might need to get child-proof locks on your cabinets. XD The injuries will definitely lessen as the months go by too. Hope he has plenty toys!

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-08-2024, 03:56 AM

Cat briefly became fish.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-08-2024, 08:47 PM

Speaking of starving Cats.......Dusty learned how to open the closet that his food was in. He chewed a hole in the bag of the new more expensive food I bought him and I found him asleep inside the bag of the old food. Helped himself to a feast until he passed out. Thankfully a day later it does not seem like he is sick at all.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-09-2024, 01:25 PM

OMG what a feast he had!


Kent is offline
Old 05-09-2024, 01:56 PM

Oh my. My cat learned how to open the cabinet where his food was too but he never tore open the bag. XD
I'd love to see a pic of him sleeping in the bag. XD Sounds like you might need to leave him more food to graze on throughout the day, unless he gobbles it all up quickly?


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-09-2024, 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
OMG what a feast he had!

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Oh my. My cat learned how to open the cabinet where his food was too but he never tore open the bag. XD
I'd love to see a pic of him sleeping in the bag. XD Sounds like you might need to leave him more food to graze on throughout the day, unless he gobbles it all up quickly?
He's a little glutton of a cat. He was kinda underweight when I got him but he's already pretty much where he should be which means if I don't keep control on his food, the little glutton is gonna get fat. Because yes, he gobbles everything up instantly.

I wish I'd taken a picture of him in the bag of food, but I was so startled that I kinda made a noise that started him. Not like yelling or anything but loud enough and he scampered out of there.

I put a 10lb weight in front of the hinge on the door (because its not a latch door, its a folding door and he still managed to get it open. The 25lb weights seem to be doing the trick for now, but he's a clever little adorable monster. I adopted a toddler but I love him

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-10-2024, 02:03 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
He's a little glutton of a cat. He was kinda underweight when I got him but he's already pretty much where he should be which means if I don't keep control on his food, the little glutton is gonna get fat. Because yes, he gobbles everything up instantly.

I wish I'd taken a picture of him in the bag of food, but I was so startled that I kinda made a noise that started him. Not like yelling or anything but loud enough and he scampered out of there.

I put a 10lb weight in front of the hinge on the door (because its not a latch door, its a folding door and he still managed to get it open. The 25lb weights seem to be doing the trick for now, but he's a clever little adorable monster. I adopted a toddler but I love him

Giving him all the incentive to become big and strong.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-11-2024, 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post

Giving him all the incentive to become big and strong.
Jeepers, who knows what he'd get into then

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-11-2024, 04:09 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Jeepers, who knows what he'd get into then
Whatever he wasn't given. :P


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-11-2024, 04:16 AM

Ain't that the truth

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-11-2024, 04:43 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Ain't that the truth

Do toys distract him?


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-11-2024, 10:40 PM

For a time they do yes, but I haven't the energy to play with him long enough to keep him distracted indefinitely. I am considering a cat wheel eventually but I don't know if he would actually use it and that's quite an investment if he does not.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-13-2024, 02:33 PM

Oh my the misadventures of kitty! Sounds like he's keeping you entertained though. Would one of those electronic toys work for him? I had a few for Yuna, one that moved a laser around the room and one that would spin a feather toy around under a piece of fabric that would partially hide it. She liked them for a quite a while but did eventually get tired of them.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-13-2024, 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
Oh my the misadventures of kitty! Sounds like he's keeping you entertained though. Would one of those electronic toys work for him? I had a few for Yuna, one that moved a laser around the room and one that would spin a feather toy around under a piece of fabric that would partially hide it. She liked them for a quite a while but did eventually get tired of them.
Oh that's an idea, I hadn't considered that. I am considering a harness so I can take him out into the yard, and one of the toys that attaches to the back of his collar. He's got so much energy. His latest endeavor is to attack my feet while playing. He's clearly only playing but my arms and legs look like a battlefield.


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-14-2024, 03:58 PM

I used to take my first kitty out in the yard sometimes. He like it but as a kid I found it boring because he would take like 2 steps and then flop down and roll around in the dirt, lol. I then resorted to pushing him around in a baby stroller which he loved. . I'd try to get a really secure harness though, my kitty was able to back out of the harness a few times which freaked me out.

Yuna also used to attack my feet a lot. She still does it from time to time but not as much thankfully!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 05-14-2024, 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I used to take my first kitty out in the yard sometimes. He like it but as a kid I found it boring because he would take like 2 steps and then flop down and roll around in the dirt, lol. I then resorted to pushing him around in a baby stroller which he loved. . I'd try to get a really secure harness though, my kitty was able to back out of the harness a few times which freaked me out.

Yuna also used to attack my feet a lot. She still does it from time to time but not as much thankfully!
Well that is a new fear, he's got so much energy that I am afraid he'll figure it out too hahaha.

---------- Post added 05-14-2024 at 11:43 PM ----------

Finally kicked my butt in gear to get these on the computer, they've been on my Phone

bluerockman is offline
Old 05-15-2024, 01:27 AM

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Well that is a new fear, he's got so much energy that I am afraid he'll figure it out too hahaha.

---------- Post added 05-14-2024 at 11:43 PM ----------

Finally kicked my butt in gear to get these on the computer, they've been on my Phone

He'll learn to turn his cuteness into a weapon, to get all the treats you're trying to hide from him.


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