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Purple magic swirls and undulates; the fairy hoping the lad takes the bait. ;)
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 01-20-2011, 06:43 PM

Jerik hadn't gone to practice that day, having slept in too long and then not seeing the point after that. He knew he was likely to get yelled at or some such thing but he didn't really care all that much. He had fun going to the town and...borrowing things occasionally. He patted the satchel that was always at his side as he walked back to the arena and headed to the dining hall. He hoped the food would be good. He had worked up quite the appetite.
When he got there, he noticed that only one of the other heroes were there. Probably all the rest were trying to finish up whatever it was that they were made to that day. He grabbed some food from the cooks, winking at one of the woman and said, "Thank you," to each of them. Since Megara was the only one there, he went over to her table and sat across from her. "Hello there. Did you work hard? I'm pretty beat." He was, of course, pretending he had been there.

Thathearian stretched after all the running she had just done. Nothing like a good run after a bunch of practice. After she heard the bell ring for dinner, she pulled her hair out of its braid and started to redo it as she walked towards the smell of food, being careful to grab the spiked strap right and then rebraiding it correctly so that it was hidden until someone decided to grab it. Her hair had become a mess from all the days doings. She decided she was definitely taking a bath after dinner. She was dirty. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of dinner. As she walked, she tried to pull the skirt of her uniform down. She really hated dresses and would have preferred what she had usually worn at home. Men's gear was more her thing then this flimsy piece of fabric.
As she walked, she wondered if any of the boys could run. She developed a wicked grin as she thought about it. She doubted they could run as fast as her. That would be a contest she would enjoy tremendously.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 01-20-2011 at 07:27 PM..