Menewsha Avatar Community

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Head Librarian 02-23-2009 11:04 PM


All Zantarni-related chat in here.

Zantarni is another avatar community out there (this one with a heavily medieval/fantasy theme). Along with the usual of being able to dress up your avatar in a selection of clothes and items, you can also decorate a room, forage for items, and fight other creatures. They also have "jobs" you can perform.

d2hiriyuu 02-25-2009 06:15 PM

Hi people, I jsut started zantarni, I like their wing items more than mene, but dislike the system as much as mene too. How many other people are on this site?

jellysundae 02-25-2009 06:42 PM

I have a Zantarni account. I signed up there the same time that I did here, but it's always been harder to get into for some reason, despite there being much more to do over there, they only ever seem to have half the online numbers that we do.

I do and don't like it. The avie's sway-backed posture and fatness bothers me, as does the fact that the majority of the nice items are either old donation items or discontinued store items that cost 6 figures, but I've bitched about that already xD

I like the theme, and the site has a lot of potential, they've just suffered from the same problems that we have, being started up by a loser, basically : / Neither we nor Zan have progressed as far as we should have by now, due to previous mis-management by former owners.

Zan's been around longer than we have, but seeing as our creator started off as Admin over there, then set up Mene after he and Tom fell out, well...need I say more? :roll:

Liath 02-25-2009 06:46 PM

I joined Zantarni the same day i joined Mene.
I like Mene more though. I agree with what someone else said: menewsha is easier to get into than Zantarni is. I can't quite put my finger on why that is. Maybe Menewsha's forums have more intelligent conversations. 'cuz all of the topics I see on Zantarni are "what's your favprite movie" and that kind of stuff. One thing I do like about Zantarni is the fact that you can make your own items. and I like the avatars a lot.

[Hero] 02-25-2009 10:03 PM

Zantarni is my..fourth favorite avatar site.

One thing I have to say about it is that the people are nice. You can get into any conversation without either malice or people blatantly ignoring you. And that's saying something. Many of the sites I've joined are just filled with a very clique-y atmosphere, where it feels like it's almost impossible for an outsider to make some new friends. But, that is not the case here. I really encourage people who like to talk without worrying about being ignored to go here! Even if it takes some time, people will respond.

d2hiriyuu 02-25-2009 10:33 PM

i am not really ever on my account though I do agree with jelly about the fatness of the avi. the eyes bother me. Also i never knew that jelly, what is average progress for forum sites?

jellysundae 02-25-2009 11:01 PM

I couldn't tell you what average is, but we stagnated for a whole year basically while Lee owned us, we changed to better software but got nothing new for people to do. For what I can gather from people who were active on Zan when Tom was in charge, well, he didn't do a thing, basically ._.

d2hiriyuu 02-26-2009 01:13 AM

ah, that would not be fun either. interesting mene didn;t move for a year though being only 2 years old.

Leela 02-26-2009 02:47 AM

I have a Zan account too. I think I signed up right after Halloween in 07?
I still have a hard time getting into it and yes all the rare items that are impossible unless you donate for gems, are frustrating.

Tre Le Coco 02-26-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by jellysundae (Post 1764096746)
being started up by a loser, basically : /

Which is why zantarni is dead to me :P

Originally Posted by Liath (Post 1764096755)
One thing I do like about Zantarni is the fact that you can make your own items. and I like the avatars a lot.

since when can you make your own items on there? o.o;

poet`s playground 02-26-2009 01:36 PM

I love how the avatars are more laid back and not super-thin. They're not exactly fat, but they're fuller than most sites' avatars and that's awesome. The art there is great, and there are a lot of cool things to do. That said, there isn't a whole lot of variety with the items, which are very expensive and very gendered, for the most part. Beyond even that, it seems I just haven't been able to get into the site, although I do love the developments it's made since it's changed hands.

@Tre: You can use your refined resources (wood, metal, etc) and create items for yourself, such as furniture (for the new house system) and weapons for the battle system.

Jennifer 02-26-2009 07:20 PM

I actually really adore the bases over there. Even though the belly bulges out a bit more. They're really cute though. They have really cute hairstyles over there as well.

But I think it's really silly how expensive things are over there. The only way you're really able to get anything is by donating for gems; and using them as currency to purchase other items. You pretty much have to buy your way through it all it seems. Even with foraging and all that other stuff. I guess it just shows you must have a lot of effort and patience to be able to get anywhere on that site.

It's an enjoyable site, as far as meeting people and making friends go. But as for collecting items to dress up your avatar, it's rather tedious.

jellysundae 02-26-2009 08:29 PM

I just mine and sell the spoils to the trader to get currency. Because it's so slow-moving, and I feel like a newb over there, I find it difficult to find anything to post about.

poet`s playground 02-26-2009 08:35 PM

Yeah; I know what you mean. I mainly look at hangouts and try to keep my entertainment threads alive... but then, that's generally what I do on most other sites as well, because after a while the interesting topics fail to draw me in.

Jennifer 02-26-2009 08:40 PM

Even the hangouts are dead, haha. So I find myself posting in a thread, then notice someone finally has responded to my reply about three days later. :XD And the conversation oddly continues like that before it eventually dies, haha.

jellysundae 02-26-2009 08:42 PM

I don't want to end up having the same conversations on different sites. Also...I find it a little scary when I get accosted by over-friendly people that I don't know, just because they're friends with people that I know already. That makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to be glomped by total strangers just because they're friends with my friends :gonk:

poet`s playground 02-26-2009 08:42 PM

Well, yeah, but I don't require that they be extremely active, personally, when I'm on so many sites. I'd have more motivation to be active, however, if the items were something that I felt like I could work toward, but as I said, there aren't so many that are of particular interest to me, given the genderedness.

EDIT@Jelly: Yeah; I know what you mean. I don't particularly mind it, I just sort of go with the flow, I suppose. I occasionally prefer over-friendly attention to negative attention, or being ignored...

Jennifer 02-26-2009 09:00 PM

Haha, that happens to me. And with my friends at that. I'll be on Zani, Ava or Gaia and Menewsha at the same time. And my friends will post stalk me and reply. We'll be discussing the same thing on both sites. It even happens here on just Menewsha, but in two different threads. I try and change the subject, and if it doesn't work -- I just sort of leave. Although, I am sort of guilty of talking to people I only know through another friend. I don't think I start conversations. It's just more of a "Hey, I know you! You're friend will so and so...yep. ...yep. Bye." :XD

There are so many items on Zantarni that I wish were unisex. They don't really separate them. And I am often rather too stupid to notice beforehand that some items are male only. Damn that little icon. >___>

poet`s playground 02-26-2009 09:02 PM

Yeah; exactly. I have bought male-only items only to realize that they were male-only and I didn't want have a male avatar. I became very sensitive to the little icon, and most of the items that are unisex are accessories and small things - not the sort of things you could make an outfit out of. I mean, there are a few plain pieces of clothing, but all of the more elaborate stuff, as well as the majority of the less expensive clothing items, are very very gendered.

Tre Le Coco 02-27-2009 01:07 AM

oh there was alot of clothing made but the old owner just couldn't be bothered uploading it all :P the bastard lol

*has a whole collection of the older donation items on there...even the st yorick wings*

Mama Juru 02-27-2009 01:10 AM

I log in there every once in a while. Last time I logged in I found that I had been changed in to some form of funky green thing. I was not exactly happy with that. I don't have any wings but I have some of the older cloaks and random odds and ends. Nothing real valuable I don't think.

I tried to get in to it there and there are people that I know over there but it didn't really hold my interest.

Jennifer 02-27-2009 01:14 AM

You'd be surprised to learn the value of a lot of the older items. They all sky rocket in price rather quickly.

Are you serious, Tre? All the effort into making those items, then the owner just being too lazy to even upload

Guivre 02-27-2009 01:15 AM

I signed up really early over at Zantarni. I liked it, but the battle game part of the site bankrupted me so my poor avatar is pretty much naked. I really didn't want to donate to Zan until they had some bugs worked out and then the site kind of went downhill, so ...

Though I would have enjoyed having some of the items, even if the site isn't so popular. The avis are cute as a button, also.

It's sad because, even though Gaia kind of is a bit of a bully in sucking up users, I think Zantarni was in the game early enough and was unique enough that if the original owner had been able to handle it (for whatever reason he couldn't, whether by act of god or his own issue depending on what the deal was) I think the site could have been HUGE.

Jennifer 02-27-2009 01:22 AM

I agree with you. When I first joined, I had no idea the stuff the site was going through at the time. For the moment, I saw it as a really great site. Cute avatars, nice people and I love the Medieval theme a lot! But then I quickly realized how slow it was and how there seemed to be so many issues. It was disappointing. That is why I left and didn't go back until recently.

Sizzla 02-27-2009 02:32 AM

I invested a lot of money into Zantarni at first, because I thought the setting was cool, and I liked the pudgyness of the avatars. I thought they were cute. XP So I donated, and hung out for awhile, but I quickly learned that the site wasn't going anywhere... So I signed off one day, found Menewsha and didn't go back for months.

Now I've got an art request thread up so that I can trade some of my old items for artwork, but the forums over there are pretty slow, and I haven't been overwhelmed with my selection of artists. I have gotten some really quality pieces, but I just don't think the site gets enough traffic to attract a lot of artists. :( I have realized just how much my stuff is worth, and it's AMAZING. XD

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