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Kay 01-06-2018 03:35 AM

Ps4 game recommendations?
So, I just got a ps4 recently and need some more games for it. I've only gotten two so far. I've got Ratchet & clank and Minecraft.

So, anyone know some good games?

monstahh` 01-13-2018 11:15 PM

Gravity Rush (2) is a lot of fun but can be very disorienting. [lol]

onsenmark 01-17-2018 03:33 AM

FF XV, duh.
FF XIV for the ongoing free trial.
FF X/X2 HD and .hack//G.U. Last Recode for nostalgia bomb.
Tera, once that drops.

Kay 01-19-2018 05:10 PM

onsenmark: .hack, what's that game/series about? Never played it.

Got two more games today. Got FF X/X2 cause nostalgia. And I got the Crash bandicoot N Sane trilogy. Also cause nostalgia.

onsenmark 01-19-2018 11:49 PM

.hack = simulated MMO. Media empire includes games, anime, manga, books, and movies. Predates Sword Art Online, but is better, IMHO.

`Haru 05-09-2019 10:49 PM

Pssh I always rant and go on about Overwatch.
If you're into pvp/cute cartoon-y graphics I recommend it!
Warframe is also pretty neat (and it's free).

I've recently gotten into myself Assassin's Creed: Odyssey too...
Can't think of any others atm but I'll ponder some good ones! :)

Crimson Fang 01-27-2020 10:10 PM

Not sure if you still want recommendations but A Hat in Time is an amazing 3D platformer. I also enjoyed Yooka Laylee, but it is not as popular. The game mechanics are more dated and I probably enjoyed it more since it reminded me of the platforming games I played in my youth.

I can't really comment on SAO vs Hack, as I have never gotten into SAO. I do however very much enjoy the Hack universe. Well the anime series I have seen as well as .hack//G.U. Last Recode. Never got very far into it on the PS2, but playing it on PS4 was amazing since I was more invested in the universe then.

Tales of Berseria, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered, Ni No Kuni 2, and Dragon Quest XI are all amazing JRPG titles.

Witcher 3 is also amazing.

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