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Happy Birthday Seikibutt!

Posted 07-01-2009 at 03:37 AM by Donna (Mumble Bumble ::)

Everyone go wish him a good one. He needs all teh loves he can get. D:
We've both been so busy lately.
Poor Seiki.

Well, it's also been almost a year since I posted in my blog here, and I guess I should post another one.
Looking at the last entry, I should update you that Nikolay left, we got a new manager named Ronnie, and she left within a week so now at work we are boss-less. Work has been even more grating on my nerves now that I'm working nearly every day. I don't have much time for all the things I used to do [like sleep, take care of my brother and dog, clean, etc]. I finally have two days off in a row so I can just relax and chill out, and catch up on some sleep! Yay!
I'm over the Stephen thing, way over. I don't have a boyfriend since that...whatever the hell you call it...fling? Haha. I'm to busy to have a personal life. Me and Chica got back to the bestie thang, and she's back to friends with Nina and Stephen.
My parents are getting divorced. I don't even know where to start on that. I'd love to just hire a hitman to kill my gold digging whore of a mother. We're now almost officially broke even though we make more than 100k a year. I can now sympathize with those who have deadbeat husbands/wives. What a pain in the ass these leeches are that suck the energy, money, and soul out of people. Butttt enough with that.
I'm hoping on securing an interview for an internship at my dad's work in civil service as a buyer that would give me a job for the future. Hey, it's not like there's much else I want to do with my life besides be a wife and mother. I seriously do not see the point in continuing wasting my money on college when I plan on having someone support me the rest of my life. I know it sounds horrible, but I've never been really good at anything except raising children, cleaning, and cooking [when I have the time and energy to]. This is why I wish sometimes I was born in the past, before women's rights. I'd be right at home in that lifestyle...except for the fact that I love to voice my opinion.
I'm jabbering on, still. That has not changed. And probably never will. >>
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Posted 07-23-2008 at 05:49 AM by Donna (Mumble Bumble ::)

Ugh. I just HAD to jinx myself thinking tonight at work would be easy because Dan would be shift manager since he has the past month or so on Tuesdays. Until I walked in the store and saw dun dun dun! NIKOLAY. D:
I looked everywhere around the store when going to put my bag away but Dan wasn't there. Dammit. So of course tonight was awkward, especially since Margie had just announced her intentions of quitting and I got a look that seemed like he thought I would too. Puh lease. I don't have parents that are exactly thrilled about buying all my necessities. And besides, I kind of like working...and getting paid so I can [hopefully] save up to move out. Geez, how the hell would I be able to wait until after I graduate college to get a job? Psh, you must be joking.
Well no more work for the rest of the week. I'm glad.
So Stephen still hasn't called me. It's been four for him...days since he left to PI. I kind of get the fact that it's 15 hours time difference, but he could at least leave a message on my phone! >[ Even IF my dad told me not to call him on my cell. :D
Hahah he had to pay 100 dollars extra on my cell bill this last month. xD Sorry. Funny though he didn't make TOO big of a deal about it other than to tell me to watch my texting and talking. But no, last year when KB and me were texting constantly, he freaked about a $20 more charge...which is bullshit anyways because she has verizon and we're "in" -.- I fucking hate Verizon. Best service my ass. I'm lucky to get one bar in my own damn room, but if I go downtown, I get three bars!
Gah whatever.
But yeah, I miss hearing from Stephen. It's so boring without all our inside jokes about Nikki and insurance and claire's radio. XD I'm not too worried about him finding a girl there because, well, let's just say I don't need to worry. x] But he may get a little relationship crazy over some when he gets back. And then I may get a little depressed...again. Why am I always a little depressed over him? First it's not being honest with him and telling I like him, then it's being jealous that he's not spending enough time with me, and then that I feel I'm moving too fast wanting to kiss him before he left, and now that he'll be back to the way he was before he left [maybe even worse] drooling over all the hotties. :[
Me and Margie seem to be growing apart, and she was one of my strongest friends. Me and Nina, though good friends, have never been really down to talk about anything, but some things. Roger and I don't talk much though I can tell him anything. And Stephen, well, he's gone for a month. I have other friends, but they're almost more acquaintances in the fact that we don't really ever talk much/at all. So we all know what this means...I'll actually have to start making friends again at college. Ugh. Or maybe I can actually start focusing on schoolwork without having a bunch of friends and their problems/drama to deal with.
As far as my own drama, I have journals I can vent at. XD

I think that's enough bs for now.

[I]I waaaant you to want me
I neeeed you to need me
I'd looove you to love me
I'm beeeegging you to beg me[/I]
Gotta love Cheap Trick.

And speaking of songs on my itunes, I sooo want to show Stephen the new Disturbia "thriller" video that Seiki showed me. D: He'd love/hate me for it, but he has no internets. ><
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Lemme go back to sleep.

Posted 07-20-2008 at 08:10 PM by Donna (Mumble Bumble ::)

I woke up at 7 earlier and had a mini bladder infection so I didn't get to sleep until about 8 after I took some cranberry pills. Margie called a few times but I didn't bother picking up, I was dreaming about Stephen. I remember the last bit of it more vividly than the rest. He was sitting at another table and I was sitting with Margie or someone and blowing the straw papers all the way across this open space at him until he got pretty upset and came over to me, boiling. His shirt was off and he was tense, about to punch me and I was laughing and smiling up until I saw his stomach where he had a cut and my smile faded. He saw my expression turn and relaxed. I asked what happened and took him over next to us near this pool and cleaned the cut, along with a couple others I'd seen and washed the blood away.
Then I woke up...well my dad woke me up to surprise me with lunch and a happy birthday.
Yeah, right, happy.
I've had a horrible day so far and without Stephen here to cheer me up, I can't hope for any point in time better. I wish I could go back to sleep just to be with him, but I doubt that I'll dream of him and besides I'm awake now. Might as well make the most of this day...if I can.

Cute banner on the front by the way, that almost cheered me up. I think those personal announcements are adorable.
"Hey, it's your birthday! Many happy returns from the Menewsha team! ^_~"
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Posted 07-20-2008 at 09:28 AM by Donna (Mumble Bumble ::)

I guess it's my birthday...again.
It's no fun until I'm 21 and can LEGALLY go get shitfaced...whatever.

I have a major headache right now.
I went to Disneyland on Friday. That was pretty nice, though it had its ups and downs.
Yesterday was Shearlene's birthday. She turned five. She's Stephen's sister so of course I spent the rest of my money on her gifts at Disneyland on Friday before we left. Then we went to the beach to hang out and I noticed I was having to withdraw more than normal because I kept wanting to be intimate with Stephen. And even though I already told him Thursday night kinda about how I thought he was cute and that I had flirted with him before, I don't think he understands that I'm going to be missing him terribly for the next month while he's gone. I told him to call me up when he's in PI, but come you actually think he'll call? Maybe if he gets bored enough. Stupid loser said he'd text me on the plane. What an idiot. You have to turn off your phone on the plane because the radio waves interfere with the flight. -.- Doesn't mean just talking on the phone. Texting, playing games, even having it on.
Anyways, yeah. I kept wanting to reach out and touch him and at one point when we were standing there smiling, I nearly kissed him. I stopped myself before I could lean in and actually stepped back in the sand a bit. A few seconds later he asked why I moved away and I said it was because the tide was coming in [which was a was fluctuating and I wasn't paying attention to the tide at ALL]. But at least I got to take Stephen to the beach [he'd been wanting to go all week] before he left.

Arrighty. I'm going to sleep. I need it after two days of absolute exhaustion.
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Posted 07-15-2008 at 09:33 AM by Donna (Mumble Bumble ::)

I told Seiki about one of my major problems going on and it was just sooo relieving seeing as I couldn't tell any of my friends the whole story. He says I should tell him because he deserves to know since we're friends and even though he doesn't like me, I still want to clear the air and be an honest friend since he deserves it since he's always honest with me. But I don't want to feel like I'm selfish and putting my own interests first. But whatever, I'm telling him...but whether to tell him Friday or Saturday [since I guess I'm going to his sister's birthday now...]. But I want to give him time to process it before going off to PI for a month. So I guess I'll tell him Friday at Disneyland, and then we can still talk or whatever at his sister's party [kinda but not really] the next day so I can make sure everything's cool between us.
I guess that's how I'm going to do it. Wish me luck he won't do anything crazy stupid and we'll still be friends. That's all I'm hoping for...and that he'll still continue to be honest with me, no matter how he thinks it might hurt me...I want the truth, no matter how brutal.

Loser needs to call me back soon I swear. I'm going to kick his ass. Hahahah spiicayyyyy. XD LMAO.
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