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Mascot Sith 03-06-2008 03:33 PM

Good morning everybody!

Hiroko 03-06-2008 08:00 PM

@ Eme: I felt school was like a prison at times. XD

@ Sith: *Waves back* Is it really a "good" morning. I think I will just say morning. ^_^

woohoohelloppl 03-06-2008 11:53 PM

I haven't had anything below an A- my two years of middle school so far... :mrgreen:
I'm in eight grade right now. XP

Hiroko 03-07-2008 01:00 AM

My oldest niece is in 7th grade right now. She better bring up her grades as well or she will be grounded a lifetime.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by woohoohelloppl
I haven't had anything below an A- my two years of middle school so far... :mrgreen:
I'm in eight grade right now. XP

ME TOOO! Exxcept I'm turning 12

Jennifer 03-07-2008 06:42 AM

-hops inside-
HELLOOOO! /elllooo, ellooo
OHHH, there's an echo in here. XD

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 06:43 AM

Thanks for posting here! I only had 2 applicants for the applicants for donatios form. x3 I have to do a lucky draw!

Jennifer 03-07-2008 06:47 AM

No problem. C:
You'd think lots of poeple would be applying...but I guess not. I wonder why not so many people hang out in the charity forum anymore. ;C

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 06:48 AM

Quests, Most have work, School,study,tutoring, ect. So Yeah, I drew out a name- Mascot Sith!

Jennifer 03-07-2008 06:50 AM

Haha, not exactly stupid I know...but gah, I miss some of the people that don't get online as often anymore. ;________;

Oh yay! I'm sure he'll be thrilled! C:

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 06:51 AM

Wewt! I wonder how much I should give him?

Jennifer 03-07-2008 06:54 AM

I'm not so great at helping others figure out that sort of stuff. Just give him however much you'd like. -nods- C:

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 06:55 AM I dunno?

Jennifer 03-07-2008 06:56 AM

3OOg should be fine. It takes a long while to get that much; so he should have no reason to complain. XD I'm sure he'll be happy with any ammount.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 06:57 AM

300g that is! Let me make him go! WHAT THE....???!!

Jennifer 03-07-2008 07:00 AM

Something wrong? O__________O

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 07:02 AM

Nope I just have grammer wrong:

Originally Posted by Princess Emeraude
300g that is! Let me make him go! WHAT THE....???!!

Supposed to be:

Originally Posted by Correction
300g that is! Let me make him go ''WHAT THE...?!?''

My Bad, x3

Jennifer 03-07-2008 07:08 AM

Don't feel bad, my grammar is always messy, lol.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 07:12 AM

Lulz. My grammer is sometimes like that, typing, writing its good, I'm 11 going 12 right? Last year I turned 11, and My spelling age then is 14 :3 Two years ahead!!! Now its 15. ^.^ Pretty high, since I'm the best speller in the class. AND about the fastest out of the girls.

Jennifer 03-07-2008 07:18 AM

I'd say you're great! Though, grammar is spelled grammar...just to let you know. :wink:

Oddly enough, I was the best speller all throughout intermediate school. Quickest as well. Which is why I could read so quickly back then.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 07:19 AM

Ahh. I always quite spell grammar wrong. x3 Beccause theres a Grammer school and Grammar. D:

Jennifer 03-07-2008 07:22 AM

I spell everything wrong. XD Or at least it seems so. I think that at least if you can tell you're making an effort, then it shouldn't be to big of a problem. I see people make mistakes all the time. But they at least try, so I don't worry about getting after them. I refuse to be a grammar/spelling nazi, lol.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 07:24 AM

^.^ I guess so, I have good memory for words, like I look at a long word in a book, I look it up and stare the word for a few second. then I turn away and I can spell it. Like Simultaeneously.

Jennifer 03-07-2008 07:29 AM

OH AWESOME! I wish I could do that. I'm sure I could, but I'm so slow at things. I have to look over something about 50 times before I finally process it in my brain. <//3 The thing is, I'm super smart, I know I am. I'm just slow at recieving and storing information.

MessyArtist 03-07-2008 07:34 AM

Yeah. Well processing information into my brain, As long as its ready by someone else. I can memorise. Like I was sitting near a reading group, teacher was reading to them, I was doing my work, and She was reading about the great depression, and I was sneakilly listening, and yeah, She read it to us the other day, and I recited the whole thing to her. Boy, she was amazed. People call me catwomen these day...But really I'm catwomen #4

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