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Master of Cupcakes
Dearest is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 10:37 PM

Of course the prices won't go down again, but something should be done to prevent them from continuing to rise as fast as they have the last month... (since the new games came, I might add...)

A cap on how much gold you can earn from games won't solve the problem, but it would help, and to some degree prevent the economy from getting worse... (I'm not talking big changes, but maybe it would allow new items to only double their price during one month, instead of trebling or quadrupling....)

CLAMP is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 10:47 PM

Dearest: So true.
And then people wouldn't hoard on every single damn item. Stupid greediness.

Nesseh is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 10:59 PM

No, I know A LOT of people are trying to prevent inflation and deflating New CI's back to 600g. I can name a few. The problem is that they are not careful about the people they sell sets to. So the result they are trying to do might backfires. People buy from them for less, then they sell later for more. XP

stay gold
Caroline is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by Dearest View Post

Firstly, the games aren't capped, because if you play all day, you can make as much gold as you can play, and that's a LOT (500 per game per day, I heard, meaning 2500 in one day. I spent a month getting my first 1000 when I started being active) Also, people generally are good at the games, as they're not very hard. They're your basic internet game, and everyone has skills at at least one of them (mine's Tetris, I'm not exceptionally good, but I get 50 gold without too much trouble). Also, although fishing will not be back for a while, it will be back, and that's 100-200 gold more every day. No denying that.
500 from games in a day is more than enough, I say. We don't need all that cash!

And I'm not saying that the "desparation and pay more" thing is all that's causing inflation, but it would help if there was less desperation. Every little step counts, right? And putting all the rares into a marketplace is not a good idea in my book, both because rich people can hoard without trouble, and after seeing how the marketplace has affected places like Gaia, I think it ruins much of the community part of an avatar community, leaving only avatars and money. Superficial stuff like looks and cash. Not my ideal society, and a society is exactly what Menewsha is.
There is no 500g per game cap. It's 50g per play and as many plays as you want. One of my friends made like 4k in one day once from playing Tetris. When people want gold to buy something now, you don't hear them say "I need to post more for gold" anymore; it's "I need to play tetris for gold."

& Yeah, people are always desperate and overpaying, but they wouldn't be able to offer such ridiculous amounts if they couldn't get gold so easily from the games. I don't know about everyone else, but I am not necessarily asking for deflation; that simply is not how the economy works. Take away the excess gold supply and we MAY see a tiny bit of deflation, but the main effect will be a decreased rate of inflation. THAT is what we should be working towards.

Naeru is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 11:54 PM

Hoarders are usually the main reason for inflation-- and they prolly get their gold from games or selling older items. It's very smart of them to invest in rising items actually-- it can bring in lots of gold with little or no effort, but such behavior is hurting the menewshan economy since there is only so many items in the system and Menewsha is simply too new of a site to have items inflate so fast.

I also would support this capping on the games. And add some gold sink into the economy... like raffle off an older item in a lottery or something (Yumehayla did something like this in the past).

Hina is offline
Old 06-05-2008, 11:59 PM

Prices aren't rising on just one item, so even if a person hoarded and wanted to trade for other items, they would get the same amount as before.. they're just worth more in gold. o_O;; I myself prefer items instead of gold.

The rising prices are caused by many factors, not just one. You can't blame it all on games and you can't blame it all on the rise of users. The inflation can be linked to both and also to many other sources. If anything, I'd say this inflation is more natural, although it is too.. steep? It needs to be leveled off and slowed. <<;;

As it was said, if the games are capped there might be a SLIGHT deflation, or the inflatino would be halted. But if the inflation is such a big problem, then the users themselves need to do something about it. not just talk about how bad inflation is and how horrible it is being on our community.

Also, I believe this point has been touched but Im not too sure but, this is partially user caused. When someone sees a person selling an item at a certain price, they ask for that price as well, ven if it is absurdly high. Everyone does this from greed and perhaps if these people would not ask for absurd prices, items would not inflate so quickly.

there is no one point that can be the main cause of the inflation. you can't only blame hoarders or place a ton of blame on them, people buying from them also help contribute. There are many factors to the inflation and you can't only blame hoarders.

Last edited by Hina; 06-06-2008 at 12:01 AM..

Naeru is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 12:06 AM

I didn't say it's only them, of course there are multiple reasons to inflation-- it is very complex. But personally, I just feel that hoarders and games are still a big factor as well as the decline of value of gold.

It is not healthy for an economy not to have any inflation nor is it likely to happen, so I agree with your point that inflation needs to be slowed down rather than stopped.

\ (•◡•) /
Jali is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 01:57 AM

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask this or not but i'm gunna try anyways!
I was wondering just whats going on with Juru's 50% exchange.
Is there a certain list of commonns shes selling?
Or can you name whatever commons you want and buy them?

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 02:09 AM

You can request whatever you want! x)
EDIT: Commons, I mean. XDDD

There used to be a list of things but Juru removed it because it's easier for her to buy items that people want, as opposed to being left with a bunch of items that people don't want.

Kyou Blade
Kyou Blade is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 04:32 AM

Please do not beg here, dear. Check out the charities and you may be able to get some help along the way there. But don't beg for gold. Ever.

Lejic is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 05:46 AM

Beg? I think she was just asking a question Kyou. =P Unless there was a begging post that was deleted, that is.

And on the inflation issue;

I do agree with Hina; as I've been saying as well, the games aren't the devil and the hoarders are, well, not doing anything against the rules. The inflation can only be stopped by users. You should just care more about where your gold goes.

Also; slightly off-subject but I made 10k in two days during the jubilee event. There might be at least a tiny bit of an effect from the event too, I think. I know it's made me richer, maybe it helped other people too. I'm not blaming it, I'm just pointing it out. For non-exchanger users, that 10k+ might have been the reason they said "eh, I'll pay ____g more for this, it's better than hanging around in the exchange for a long time" since not everybody likes to stay in the exchange.

In conclusion; I think the cap on games would slow down the inflation some. And to slow it down more, the users will have to start being more patient~ I've been waiting for days to get a mask of atlantis for example when it is being sold, just at a ridiculous price, so I'm waiting for a "real" seller.

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 05:53 AM

Lejic, there used to be a post above Kyou's there but it was deleted. XD It was a newbie girl asking for donations.

Winter Wind
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Old 06-06-2008, 06:39 AM

I think most people agree that Mene's economy is going slowly downhill, from the sudden flow of gold from the games and the lack of sellers, as well as people who sell high and/or buy/offer high.

I have a few ideas to address these problems: a sale day and/or "looking down" on hoarders

These two proposals address the issues of the lack of sellers and hoarders who keep items from circulating.

First, I propose a sale day. The owner of any exchange thread must sell at least one item per month. They can sell more than just one item, but during the month they must sell at least something, instead of pure buying. Of course, threads that have been dead for a week or so need not to follow this; I'm suggesting that people who have active threads and/or are buying stuff should do this.

How would this help?

It would increase the number of sellers. This way, there will be more items released into the community. If there are sellers, then it'd at least cause a little deflation, simply because people are selling.

My second proposal is to "look down" on hoarders. (I consider hoarders to have more than 8x of any item; the people who buy CIs with their own money are not considered hoarders) Whenever a user asks for, say ten sets, it would be effective to have other users look down upon it. If other users say "Oh, you shouldn't buy so much, it's not healthy for the economy" and such, it would at least deter some users from buying so many. This would also relate to the sellers; I agree it is difficult to refuse someone who's buying a single CI item at 2.25k, but by denying the offer it would help slow down inflation.

How would this help?

Hoarders are part of the problem why there aren't as many rares circulating around Mene. I agree, some are truly wonderful and coveted, but to have 6x of that item is just ridiculous. If hoarders were looked down upon, there would be more available rares (ie the CI sets), and prices wouldn't shoot up as quickly.

As for the game gold cap idea, I give my wholehearted support.
It certainly would control the amount of loose gold in the economy, as well as bring back the community aspect of Mene. More people would feel inclined to post as to continuously play Tetris.

...sorry for the bunch of text. xD;

Cami is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 04:28 PM

I would really prefer if we avoided pointing fingers and blaming other users. All that will do is cause drama and make everyone more unhappy.

Hoarder is such a vague term anyway. How many extra sets do you have to have to be a hoarder? Are you a hoarder if you donated for your extra sets, or only if bought them in the market? I have a few extra sets of some things. Will that make you look down upon me?

It's an investment. Perhaps some people are more unethical in how they go about getting extra sets, but the process of buying them, in of itself, is not wrong.

Also, we cannot force people to sell things. I'm unlikely to sell anything this month. I'm also unlikely to sell anything next month. It may be a year before I sell anything. That's because I usually buy things to keep, not to sell. Also, my current financial circumstances do not allow me to donate to the site, so I can't sell current donation items. I'm sure there are a lot of people in similar situations, and it's only going to cause resentment if we tell people they must sell something.

Lejic is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 06:02 PM

Well, "hoarder" is a vague term but some people do have a ridiculous amount of the older items. With newer items it's not bothersome but when someone has dozens of sets of an old item you want and they're not selling, it gets a little, um, annoying.

I do agree, though, that while it may cause some of the inflation, what the hoarders are doing is totally legal. It's not against the rule to have more than ___ amount of an item, it wouldn't make sense if there was a rule like that anyway.

And this is just a discussion, I don't think a few people saying "I think this is the reason" translates into "DO IT NOW MODS". Requests would go to a different forum, right? This is just people in the exchange talking.

That's what I thought anyway.

Cami is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 06:24 PM

Lejic: Of course it is, and I was responding to it in the same way. I have opinions too, and was speaking as a member of this site, not as staff.

Lejic is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 06:33 PM

I didn't mean to get offensive, sorry if it sounded that way. XD I just didn't want you thinking that we non-staff people were trying to order you guys to do something. =P

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 07:13 PM

No worries - it's all just talk here, gang. :) :heart:

A cap of some kind will be coming on games as soon as Ken-ly possible (Ken is not human, so I can't say "humanly possible" >_> ). I know the conditions that the staff has decided on, and it's similar to what has been discussed here. But until we know for sure, I'm not going to drop what that cap will be. But it is coming.

The Giving Back auctions will help with inflation. At least a little bit. The Quester's Raffle will help a little bit as well. We have ways of making sure that these rare items are being given to those people who want them and not to "hoarders".

Various Charities also help - I just won a pair of Dove Headwings today, for instance. (I suppose you might call me a "hoarder"... I have four sets of March CIs in my inventory. One set for me and three sets for my art contest as prizes.)

All of my "hoarding" is to attract artists. These items will eventually make their way back into the economy. I don't purchase extra items, though. And my shop has - from the very first post - said, "This thread does not support inflation."

Don't buy at inflated prices and it will help them fall.

There are some items that should honestly not be as expensive as they are - because there are plenty of them!

I'm curious as to if people believe the Phoenix Jubilee and the bud system was, in retrospect, a bad idea? It would seriously help me plan for the next event if we figure out if the bud system would be a bad idea to do again - or any alterations that would have less impact on the community's economy?

Lejic is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 07:17 PM

Well, technically I was very happy to get buds and have a chance to get the new items. There was basically no way a person who really tried couldn't get at least some of the items that they wanted. Yet I do think I might've earned a little too much. Might be because I work from home so have a lot of spare time? ^^; But earning 10k from an event in pure is something I hadn't expected. o:

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-06-2008, 07:22 PM

In my opinion, not all hoarding is bad. P: (Bad in the sense that I look down on it, I mean. XD) It depends on the user's purpose - I think questing is a good reason. A lot of people simply want to invest in items that will boost their offers later on.
A friend of mine made a good point the other day. She told me she had a huge sale before the inflation had hit, and now she is watching her gold lose more and more value each day because she didn't invest in any CIs.
I know of a few friends who had saved up a LOT of pure for their quests before the inflation had begun, and I worried for them because I knew the buying power of their gold was going to decrease by a lot. D:

Realistically, with the current state of the economy, you're probably going to have to do some amount of 'hoarding' to be able to afford a big quest item. Currently, most sellers of big ticket items won't accept too much pure in their offers and favour item offers over pure offers. On top of that, you need to make sure your offer is either keeping up with inflation or beating it. That would involve either investing in CIs or another source of income like posting or playing games. Personally, I find it easier to invest in CIs. XD

I think the Giving Back Auctions may change that, though. :'D Like last time, there'll probably be a huge scramble for pure. It's a good way of getting extra gold out of the system and lifting the demand for gold. *o*

wish is offline
Old 06-07-2008, 12:52 AM

well i'm a little confused so i ask this, if someone buys when there is a lot out currently that month, and then half a year later down the line it becomes rare. Is it their fault? are they a hoarder? o-o

or are they just making good choices on investments?

is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 06-07-2008, 01:24 AM

I would say a hoarder is broad term which includes anyone who has many multiples of one or more items. XD People who own many Phoenix Jubilee sets are hoarders, as are people who own many wing sets. But I suppose in this particular context, most people are using the term to define the more malevolent type of hoarding.

As for fault, I'd personally say no, and that they made a good investment choice. But to me, it also depends on what they're keeping the items for and also, how they went about hoarding.
I know I wouldn't have been able to finishing my rares quest if I hadn't bought a lot of slippers sets back in October last year.

This is my opinion though.. I'm not sure if other people will think differently. ^^; I feel like I'm pretty lax about hoarding compared to some other responses I've read in this thread. @w@;

wish is offline
Old 06-07-2008, 01:33 AM

xD This is like a debate about abortion, everyone has their own cut off point as to what defines a hoarder and what doesn't.

i think i'm pretty lax at the definition of it too.

L o g a n
L o g a n is offline
Old 06-07-2008, 03:25 AM

Are old EIs/CIs being regenerated to keep up the giving back auctions/lottos?

wish is offline
Old 06-07-2008, 03:28 AM

They aren't regenerated. they're taken from perma banned accounts and accounts that do offsite trading i believe.


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