Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Menewsha Hallowe'en Event 2008 (
-   -   Eroy and Sizzla's Halloween Hangout ~Now with page prizes from the Lucky Duck Charity! ~ (

Eroy 10-28-2008 01:46 AM

Eroy and Sizzla's Halloween Hangout ~Now with page prizes from the Lucky Duck Charity! ~
Hey guys! By tradition Sizzla and I are making a hangout thread. So come in and chat with us!

We might give away stuff from our charity, Lucky Duck. That's yet to be determined though.

Oh! And we love free art ;)

Stick around :D

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:04 AM

Page Prizes!

Page prizes are as follows:
Pg. 10 = 10g
Pg. 20 = 20g
Pg. 30 = 30g... etc.
(prizes are for the first poster on each of these pages that are NOT Sizzla or Eroy or an NPC)

We will also be giving random prizes for specific post numbers!

All prizes are provided by The Lucky Ducky Charity. If you're looking for more prizes please be sure to visit us there!

Waffle 10-28-2008 03:07 AM

Is this thing open? nuu? *leaves*

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:11 AM

Ya! Stay and chat. I fail at setting up these things. xP

Waffle 10-28-2008 03:15 AM

lol xD just kidding Roro <3

kitkat 10-28-2008 03:16 AM


Waffle 10-28-2008 03:17 AM

HEY D< I found her first. *uses Roro's brain as bait to catch kitkat*

Sizzla 10-28-2008 03:18 AM

Woot! Hangout threads pwn!


Thanks for making the thread this time around Eroy. :hug:

My Cup Of Chai 10-28-2008 03:20 AM

*runs in and pounces on Eroy* Mmm...brains. *nom nom nom* Er... wait... no brains? D; *pouts*

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:20 AM

Np Siz! Oh bookmarking.. I should do that since we can't subscribe. How's your night going?

*noms on Waffle* :drool:

Oh noes it's a kitkat! Dx *hides*

Chai ~ What!? Eroy no brains....? :cry:

kitkat 10-28-2008 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by waffle (Post 4127920)
HEY D< I found her first. *uses Roro's brain as bait to catch kitkat*

-sniffs- :< ...

-walks away slowly-

@eroy: -zombie hug-

My Cup Of Chai 10-28-2008 03:25 AM

Aww. *hugs the Eroy* It's okay, 98% of the world's population don't have brains either. xD <333

Waffle 10-28-2008 03:26 AM

;_; I know! *hops on kitkat's head* now I can stay here and can't get eaten :3

Sizzla 10-28-2008 03:26 AM

I love the corpse skin. The scars are so great.

My night's going pretty well Eroy. :yes: I got to video chat with Ian for a bit, and that was fun. I think we'll rather enjoy the webcams. XD Good times, good times.

Yeah, bookmarking is necessary. I also need to post a link in my profile so I can get here from work tomorrow. Since we can't search our posts...

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:26 AM

Chai ~ Well at least I'm in the majority! :rofl:

kitkat ~ Ewwww... you're nasty looking. *puts on zombie proof pumpkin helmet*

Siz ~ Haha, webcam. Don't go into too much detail please. :talk2hand: xP

That's a good idea. :yes:

sweetly25 10-28-2008 03:27 AM

weeeee *pokes in*

Hi hi :3

ladyumbra 10-28-2008 03:28 AM

Bwahaha another event another chance to talk with sizzla.

kitkat 10-28-2008 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by waffle (Post 4128171)
;_; I know! *hops on kitkat's head* now I can stay here and can't get eaten :3

you win this round...

@eroy; -eats pumpkin


-goes in dark chamber with teh books-

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:30 AM

Hey sweetly! Did you get your trade situation worked out?

Hey ladyumbra! I haven't seen you in a while. How's it going? xD

kitkat ~ Haha, you're one of those people addicted to those books eh? :rofl:

I haven't read them. I don't really have any desire though.. I've never really been into vampire stories.

Sizzla 10-28-2008 03:30 AM

LOL I'm full of TMI!! :XD But seriously, nothing scandalous happened. XD He played with his special effects, which put scenery behind him -- like the ocean, or a waterfall, etc.

And then he's got these funhouse mirror setting so it looked like he had two heads. It was amusing. :rofl:

My Cup Of Chai 10-28-2008 03:31 AM

Tsk tsk naughty Sizzla for webcamming. ;P

@Eroy: lol True, true! x3 But it's hard for us zombies to find someone to eat off of. D;

*looks up at Waffle* Brains? :D

Eroy 10-28-2008 03:32 AM

Hahaha. Well that's cool that you can see each other while you're talking. I'm sure that makes it seem more like he's actually there.

chai ~ Woot! That means I'm safe from zombification. *hi5*

Sizzla 10-28-2008 03:33 AM

@sweetly: :glomp: Hey woman. XD Welcome to our thread. ^_^

@Lady: OMG I haven't seen you in forever it feels like! :hug: How've you been? Seriously, where do you hang out on Gaia anymore? I miss you!

@kitkat: Ugh. Twilight. I don't see the appeal... I refuse to read the books though, so I guess I can't make an informed decision about them. The concept just seems super lame.

kitkat 10-28-2008 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by eroy (Post 4128280)
kitkat ~ Haha, you're one of those people addicted to those books eh? :rofl:

I haven't read them. I don't really have any desire though.. I've never really been into vampire stories.

ehh not really addicted... just enjoy intensely.. xD i wasn't into vampire stories until i read twilight..

@sizzla: i liked the books O: but the movie looks like a piece of poo >O

Sizzla 10-28-2008 03:35 AM

Aww, I'm sad! Multi-quote isn't working. T_T

@Chai: There's been no naughtiness... Yet. ;)


@Eroy: Yeah, it'll be fun to just hang out with him. It was kind of strange at first, but I think I'll get used to it. It's entertaining at least. :D You should add him to your buddy list -- though do you have an AIM list somewhere? He's [email protected].

@kitkat: Yeah? I dunno. Twilight just seems to be all hip these days and I guess I'd have to actually read the books to know if they're worthwhile. I just don't have a good impression of them at this point I suppose.

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