Enzeru's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 142
  1. hummy
    11-23-2015 08:14 PM

    Happy ☆ holidays ♡
  2. hummy
    03-30-2015 09:59 AM

    we still have a trade, E♥
  3. hummy
    03-20-2015 02:04 PM

  4. hummy
    04-13-2013 10:08 PM

    Ennie can we complete our trade, please?

  5. hummy
    08-21-2012 09:38 PM

    i hope things are well.
  6. hummy
    02-19-2012 02:26 AM

    will do, Ennie.

    imma try to win more too!

  7. hummy
    02-18-2012 10:29 PM

    ♥ you have 2 artsu from nuruhanj ♥
    just pm her with what you would like.
    plz add that they are hummy's wins.
    she knows all about it.

  8. Fiona_Watergate
    09-21-2011 02:03 AM
    Posted the gold up <3
  9. Annalesia
    08-08-2011 12:03 AM
    Thank you! You can expect me at your shop again! :)
  10. Annalesia
    08-07-2011 09:14 PM
    Oh! I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to embarrass you! :feesh: Bad me! Do you want me to delete it?

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  • About Enzeru
    Oh, nothing you'd like to know.
    Evergreen Island
    anime, gaming
    Bounty Hunter
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  • Last Activity: 04-16-2021 11:25 AM
  • Join Date: 04-13-2008


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Posted 09-01-2009 at 08:33 PM by Enzeru Comments 0
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/gaming/menewshan-exchange/92085-s-event-items-commons-spirit-atlantis.html"]Item Shop[/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I sell items. As in clothes. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]As in menewsha stuff for gold.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/art/art-shops/pixel-other-art/94117-enzerus-userbars-divination-tarot-practice-freebie.html"]User Bar and Divination Shop[/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I do numerology, dream interpretation, make userbars, and I'm practicing tarot cards.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/community/roleplaying-forum/one-one-requests/126984-one-one.html"]One on One Rp Request[/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Want to RP? I might be able to help.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/gaming/quests/91855-pretty-witch-quest-just-time-halloween.html"]Quest Thread[/URL][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]I am Questing.[/COLOR]

Posted 11-13-2008 at 05:06 PM by Enzeru Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
While Dr. Orpheus and Enzeru sat talking about the old days they failed to notice Treana come in until she shut the door behind her.

“How was school today, pumpkin?” Dr. Orpheus asked as soon as her saw her.

“It was alright I guess.” Treana replied.

“That’s good. Pumpkin, this is my old friend, Enzeru. She will be staying for a little while as our guest.”

Enzeru stood up and nodded slowly, “Nice to meet you.”

Treana looked at Enzeru a moment and then started to walk off, “Whatever.”

“Does she think I’m [I]her[/I]?”

“I don’t think so,” Byron replied.

“That’s good, last thing I need is for that to get around.” Enzeru sat back down.

They sat a few moments in silence before there came a pounding on the door.

“I wonder who that could be,” Dr. Orpheus said as he stood up to answer it. He put his hand on the knob and withdraw it quickly.

“What’s wrong?” Enzeru asked.

“There is only one person who could heat a door knob like that, fetch me a pot holder!” Dr. Orpheus became very dramatic.

Enzeru rushed to the direction he pointed in, hoping it was the kitchen. It was and there was a pot holder on the counter. She grabbed the pot holders on the table and returned.

Byron was clearly readying himself to attack, "When you open the door hide behind it. You do not want to get blasted by the shadows of hell!"

She took a deep breath and opened the door using the potholders. Enzeru hid behind it as Byron had said.

Dr. Orpheus released a powerful blast of necromancer power on whoever was at the door. "Shut it!"

Enzeru quickly shut the door. "What?"

"That was my arch. Chances are he's up to something bigger than making me burn my hand."

"Well, there is something I know the location of that is quite invaluable. Ever hear of the living flame?"

"Who hasn't? How do you know where it is?"

"My father told me when I was really young. He trusts me to keep it out of the hands of his brother's side of the family."

"What does your uncle have to do with my arch?"

"My uncle is your arch's father."

"Then that makes us enemies?"

"Far from it. It make is stronger allies than before. You see, my cousin's father is a few minutes younger than my father which makes me the heir to all the family secrets and such. The jerk has been trying to kill me for years."

"Too bad there is no room on my team."

"We could always do like a Charley's angels thing."

"Perhaps so."

"Wether or not I'll adhere to the not fighting ideals or not is still left to be seen." Enzeru smirked.

"I'll think it over and talk to the others." Byron replied as he looked at his watch. "It is getting late. Are you staying anywhere by chance?"

"No, I was thinking about camping a little west of here and continuing my journey later."

"Then why not stay here? We have plenty of room and a working toilet." Byron was very dramatic when he said the last part.

Enzeru giggled.

"What?" Byron asked.

"You did it again."

Meanwhile outside of the Venture compound a mad sat flaming and rubbing his arm.

"How the hell did he know it was me?" Torrid grumbled.

"Because you're way too obvious," A snobby voice replied from behind a tree.

"Who goes there?" Torrid flamed up.

"Settle down. It's me, the guild's number two," Phantom Limb limped out from behind the tree, his body supported by a makeshift crutch.

"What the hell you doin here?" Torrid asked as he let his guard down ever so slightly.

"I'm here to seek help getting my revenge against those awful Ventures and their necromancer neighbor."

"I thought you were seekin revenge on that big butterfly."

"I was but I thought I'd start with someone the sovereign isn't protecting and not expecting me to attack. Who better than an aging necromancer?"

"Alright, I'm in."

"First we will need to watch him, see what mannerisms he has that we might be able to use against him."

"He has a daughter and some other woman is over at his place."

"Excellent start. Now I'll require Dr. Venture's lab long enough to create a new leg and arm."

"Let me guess, we need to watch them too."

"That is what I will be doing."

Back in Dr. Orpheus's home Enzeru lay awake on the pull out sofa bed wondering what adventure was in store for her next.

The feeling of trouble was in the air but she expected that Treana leaving out at midnight might be the cause. Byron knew about this but seemed blind to the fact that his daughter was going to an unchaperoned party with guys and all kinds of illegal substances could be there. Perhaps it was her instincts or her paranoia that worried her, but Enzeru was indeed worried.

Posted 10-31-2008 at 10:14 PM by Enzeru Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
The rain had just stopped pounding on the walls of the Venture compound. Two days of bad weather had kept most of the occupants indoors, but one person felt it necessary to make his daily rounds as normal.

"Alright, boys, it seems like the fence is intact and I don't see any psychos out here," Brock said as a blond haired boy stepped outside.

"I told you rain chases away the baddies." Hank said as he looked back at his brother, a brown haired boy.

"I never said there were any," Dean replied.

"Poor little Deano, I think he hit his head on something," Hank shook his head and picked up a football from the steps.

"Take that back you meanie!" Dean replied.

"I was just goofing, catch," Hank threw the football to his brother, who caught it full in the chest.

"You boys play nice, I'm going to go check the gate again," Brock replied.

Meanwhile a feminine figure in a white hooded cloak was approaching the gate. She examined it a moment and then pushed it open. It creaked as if there was a month of rust in the gears.

"Miss, I'll have to ask you to leave this is private property," Brock said as he approached the woman walking through the gate.

"I come seeking Byron," The woman said as she continued her approach.

"Are you friend or family? He doesn't get many visitors," Brock replied, "He's around back, I'll take you to him."

The woman removed her hood to reveal dark hair and pale blue eyes, "Good to know I'm in the right place."

As Brock led the woman across the compound her unusual appearance attracted the attention of the boys.

"Who's that woman with Brock?" Dean asked.

"Probably his new girl friend, yep, I bet he gets a new one every day. But you wouldn't know anything about that." Hank replied as he picked up the football Dean had half thrown half dropped.

"No, cause I'm a one woman man." Dean sighs a little at the thought of his special person.

The woman ignores the presence of the boys as she passes.

"So how long have you known Dr. O?" Brock asked.

"Since we were very young. It has been a long time since we last spoke. He isn't expecting me." The woman replied.

"So are you two...?" Brock began.

"No." The woman replied.

The two of them approached Dr. Orpheus's door.

"This is it. I better go check on Dr. Venture, I left the gate open and anything could have snuck in." Brock said and began to walk away.

The woman knocked on the door three times before ringing the bell.

Meanwhile behind the door a necromancer was in his kitchen with a cup of coffee and a newspaper. Before the doorbell even rang he stood up made his way to the door as if he felt the presence of another gifted with powers those around him seems oblivious to.

The door slowly opened and the towering forum of Dr. Byron Orpheus appeared.

"Why are you reading about black magics?" the woman asked in a sweet girly voice as a smirk formed on her face.

"Enzeru! Is that really you? It's been ages. Come in, come in!" Byron ushered his friend inside.

"I felt I was long overdue visiting you and seeing as how I was more or less told to go on vacation or be kicked out I decided to come here. How are you?" Enzeru said as she glanced around.

"As you can see my sense of style hasn't changed much." Byron laughed a little as he offered his guest a seat.

Enzeru smiled a little, "Good to see you haven't changed." She sat down and crossed her legs.

“Why is it I never see you when I go to teach my conjuring class?” He asked, sitting down in a chair across from her.

“I’m either locked in my office doing paper work or out cleaning up someone else’s mess.” Enzeru smirked and waved her hand in the air as if to signify coming and going.

“Would you like something to drink?” Byron asked.

“Not really, but thanks. How’s the whole ‘Triad’ business going?” She replied.

“I can’t seem to get then to take it seriously. It’s like they think it’s a game.”

“Let yourself have fun.”

“You sound like my Master.”

“Mine was the one who quoted that to me my first mission as a paladin. I tried to do everything perfect and by the book but there were times the book did not apply and times when there were no perfect choices.”

Byron smiled a little, “I see. Then I shall vow to enjoy fighting my arch!” He was a bit more dramatic on that last bit.

Enzeru giggled.


She giggled again. “Nothing.”

“Last time someone giggled at me like that I said ‘duty’”

Enzeru shook her head. “It’s nothing, just one of your little mannerisms that always makes me laugh.”

“Ok, now you got me curious, tell me.”

“How your voice gets all dramatic like when it comes to some of the smallest things.”

“I see.”

“Don’t worry, it’s a good funny.”

Meanwhile in Dr. Venture’s lab.

“Hey pop,” Hank said as he walked over to Dr. Venture, who was working on some odd machine.

“Don’t get mud on my blueprints,” Dr. Venture barked.

“Have you met Brock’s new girlfriend?”

“Another one? He just got a new one yesterday.”

“Hey doc, the gate’s broken, I’m going to need to borrow HELPER for a little while.” Brock said as he walked into the lab.

“Hank was just telling me about your new girlfriend. Is she hot?” Dr. Venture’s face formed into a sly expression.

“You met her yesterday, and yes she’s hot.”

“That’s not the same girl you were with today,” Hank replied.

“That wasn’t my girlfriend, she was a friend of Dr. O’s.” Brock said as he picked up a remote from the toolbox on the floor.

“Is she hot?” Dr. Venture asked.

“She seems like one of those conservative types, but I guess as far as that goes, she’s pretty,” Brock replied as he rubbed his neck uncomfortably.

"Well, she's a new person on my property, woman or not, I should probably go meet her," Dr. Venture said as he stood up and brushes off his speed suit.

"Won't it look suspicious, you just going over there?" Brock asked.

"That's why I decided to let the boys throw a Halloween party this year." Dr. Venture's face was once more a sly grin.

"Thanks pop!" Hank exclaimed before running off to change into 'The Bat'.

"I'm going to go fix the gate." Brock said, clearly wanting no part of this, and walked out of the room.

"Great, I'll head over to Dr. Orpheus's place and let him know about the party," Dr. Venture smirked and also left the lab.

"Treana will be home soon, you haven't seen her since she was a baby. Care to stay a while?" Dr. Orpheus asked Enzeru.

"I wouldn't want to intrude, but I would like to see the young one again," Enzeru looked at the door just as a knock came.

"I wonder who that could be," Byron rushed to the door and opened it with magic, "Hello there Dr. Venture."

"I thought I'd let you be the first to know I'm letting the boys have a Halloween party," Dr. Venture said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company."

"Come in. I'd like for you to meet my old friend, Enzeru." Byron stood aside so Dr. Venture could come in.

Enzeru raised an eyebrow and then stood out of politeness. "Hello."

"I wasn't aware Dr. Orpheus had any lady friends." Dr. Venture said as he sat down close to where Enzeru was sitting.

"Well, I haven't been around a lot lately. I've been working a lot more than what my Master thinks is healthy." Enzeru replied.

"Master? Don't tell me you're one of those Necro-mumbo-jumbo people too."

Enzeru glowered, "It's not 'mumbo-jumbo' it's a genuine art and a science. I, however, did not choose that path. It didn't suit me. I choose to be a paladin."

"A what?"

"You know how you hear about 'super heroes' defeating 'monsters' that's us."

"In other words, she cleans up the messes left by magic and science. Paladins protect the weak and innocent from the grim deaths that would surely befall them," Dr. Orpheus replied in an overly dramatic tone.

"Oh, well, I need to get back to planning the party for the boys. I'll see you both there," Dr. Venture replied before leaving.

"What an odd man," Enzeru commented once he had left.

"Well, none the less, we've both been invited to his 'Halloween' party." Dr. Orpheus said, propping his feet on an ottoman.

"We should probably go. Maybe I'll wear my armor as a costume." Enzeru replied.

"I'm not sure how good of an idea it would be for me to clothe myself like a vampire, one of my friends slays them for a living." Dr. Orpheus sat thinking a moment, "The whole idea of costumes is silly."

"Don't worry, you'll come up with something. I know, you can go as Dr. Strange. He doesn't wear anything too different than you and I'm sure we can find everything we need for the costume easily."

Dr. Orpheus grinned, "That is a fantastic idea! He's been my idol since I was a small boy."

"Then it's settled."

Posted 10-23-2008 at 05:30 PM by Enzeru Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Name: Enzeru Tomoshibi
Parentage: Mother was a paladin and father was a fire elementalist
Age: unknown but is suspected to be around Byron Orpheus’s age.
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130lbs
Build: average with some feminine features.
Eyes: blueish gray
Hair: black
Allies: Dr. Orpheus, Pete White, Dean and Hank, Treana, The Sovereign, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
Enemies: Phantom Limb, various minor guild villains, Torrid
Former Arches: Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
Group: Alliance of Merlin (head paladin)
A group for the magically gifted that was formed by Merlin during the signing of a treaty between all the magically gifted humans. The head quarters has become a training school for the younger members of the alliance to hone their skills and one day make their parents proud.
This group has also been charged with keeping the magical balance in the world and keeping normal people (innocents) from getting hurt. Paladins are the muscle of this group, attacking with both holy magic and battle skills.
Being head paladin requires many years of intense work to reach, leaving almost no time for personal lives.
The ‘Master’ of the Alliance is an elected from being the head of a group. The current master is of the family of shadows and is suspected to be a necromancer and shape shifter.

History: When Enzeru was a child she spent her days in the back of the library reading books about magic. Her parents had encouraged the interest at an early age. After several attempts at different kinds of magic the light finally was chosen among the few successes to be her medium.
She had met some interesting people in the magic section of the library. One being a young man also interested in magic, but his talents seemed to point more to the darker side. They still became fast friends.
A couple years after meeting Enzeru was forced to leave her cozy life and join the Alliance. She vowed to do her best so one day she could see her friend again.
Later on she met another friend at the Alliance who was also a paladin, but no where near as good at it. The girl was flighty and given to go against her orders and loyalties.
One day Enzeru got a visit from her old friend, the boy from the library. Her new paladin friend fell in love with him and eventually married him.
A few years later she leaves him for a younger guy. The Alliance kicks her out for her lack of loyalty to her husband and baby girl.
Enzeru has never forgiven her.
Now Enzeru is head paladin and finally has time to go see her friend for closure.

Posted 10-21-2008 at 03:03 AM by Enzeru Comments 0
“Imagine that’s your child on the other side of the fence!” The trainer yelled as three young women climbed a wooden fence.

An older woman in white robes approached the trainer and smiled, “I see the new recruits are doing well.”

“Lady paladin,” the trainer gasped and bowed slightly.

“No need for that. Tell me, how are they advancing?”

“Quickly. I’ll be able to have them in the field soon.”

“Give them an extra hour of handbook study. Knowledge is a greater weapon than any blade.”

“As you wish.”

The young women reached the end of the course.

“Take five ladies,” the trainer ordered before returning her attention to the paladin, “I heard you will be leaving us for a while.”

“Yes. I have some personal matters and a lot of vacation time to attend to.”

“The master ordered it, didn’t he?”

“Why else would I leave my home?”

“I wish you the best, I will keep you no longer.”

The two women bowed lightly to each other before the paladin walked away.

It wasn’t long before she had went back inside the main building before a druid rushed up to her.

“Lady paladin, please be careful. There are reports that the guild is more active than ever.”

“The guild is no worry of mine. They are just normal humans capable of extraordinary things for the most part.”

“What about…”

“Stop. I will not have my cousin’s name spoken in these hallowed halls.”

“I’m sorry.”
“Easily forgiven, you had no way of knowing. One of the new recruits will probably become your apprentice.”

“Thank you for the warning.”

“I must finish preparations.”

“Good luck.”

“I’ll need it where I’m going.”

“Where’s that?”

“The Venture compound.”

“Oh my goddess, you have to be kidding.”


“You old boyfriend is a Venture?”

“Eww, no. He’s a necromancer, wait, he was never my boyfriend. Don’t try to confuse me.”

“Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”

“I have to go, like, now if I want to get the rest of my things.”

The paladin began jogging up a staircase.

“Don’t forget your crystal!”

“I won’t!”

The paladin left the druid behind and made her way to the third floor of the massive structure. Two doors away she entered a room that was cleared of everything save a crystal sphere and a suitcase.

She waved a hand over the crystal, “Are you there master?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“I am leaving now, as you ordered.”

“Don’t think of this as a mission, more of a visit, a chance to see an old friend.”

“Thank you master, I will.”

“Then go and be you.”

The crystal went dark and then clear again. The paladin packed it in the open suitcase on her bed. This was it, she was leaving her home for the first time in twenty years to stay somewhere she didn’t know that wasn’t a forest, swamp, or desert.

The paladin left her room, suitcase in hand, and hurried down the stairs. She made her way to the platform in front of the main building.

“The lady wishes to travel?” A mage asked her.

“Yes, you know where I must go.”

“Then speak you name and be on your way.”

“Enzeru Tomoshibi.”
Recent Comments
Posted 10-29-2009 at 08:15 AM by Kitty Kiki133_1_1 Kitty Kiki133_1_1 is offline
Dragon ball yayy xD
Posted 10-28-2009 at 11:35 PM by Pulla Pulla is offline
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Good news! They let us off work today because there won't be much to do. I've been working on my numerology list. 8 people left to go. I'm thinking about charging for this from now on. It was popular and everyone seemed to like it. I'm going to probably add it with my userbar shop.[/COLOR]
Posted 05-23-2008 at 08:32 PM by Enzeru Enzeru is offline