wickedblooddrop's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
  1. Scarlet Robin
    12-28-2009 10:41 AM
    Scarlet Robin
    Thank you so much. I think I would have to do there whatever is necessary at the time. Helping with organisation, maybe cleaning, being a native speaker (it's a language school!) for german, doing stuff at the PC and so on.
  2. Scarlet Robin
    12-27-2009 10:57 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    I'm always soooo happy if I manage to understand a single sentence of it. Gives me the feeling the learning helps. At the moment I'm waiting for an email, that tells me, if I can work in japan next summer for a month, I'm so nervous...
  3. linxe
    12-25-2009 12:42 AM
    thanks :)
  4. linxe
    12-02-2009 09:35 PM
    hey cool ava
  5. Scarlet Robin
    11-29-2009 08:26 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    Japanese rap is so funny. I never understand a single word, but somehow it sounds cute. Scary mask you've got there!
  6. Scarlet Robin
    11-28-2009 03:21 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    There is hiphop I like too (although it's not too much), but the songs about money, cars and easy women are really not my stuff. For example there are some songs from eminem I like and some german things.
  7. Scarlet Robin
    11-26-2009 03:58 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    Visual kei and punk. Cool. Are you listening to the music too?
  8. Scarlet Robin
    11-20-2009 04:18 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    Wow, that really sounds like a cool hairstyle. Maybe people don't overlook you at all. There might be the ones who admire your style, but are to shy to look you right into the eye. I'm sure there are some that don't dare to look until you are not looking in their direction. And of course there will be the ones who just don't like gothic at all. But who cares about them, right?
  9. Scarlet Robin
    11-19-2009 11:37 AM
    Scarlet Robin
    Smart is hard to define, so don't tell me you're not, because you may be smart in many different ways. ;)
    So you don't dress in real live like in mene? Because, if you would not be easy to overlook I guess.
  10. Scarlet Robin
    11-18-2009 03:53 PM
    Scarlet Robin
    Yeah it worked!
    I can't stay angry for long either, although it seems necessary sometimes. There are a few people how need that before they take you serious (obviously not the smartest ones).
    Yeah the selfconfidence problem,... I really wish there was a formula that always worked, because I've met many people who are smart and everything but they have no selfconfidence and are overheard so often.

About Me

  • About wickedblooddrop
    i like to draw and hope to one day go to japan to study alternative fashion ^.^
    in the middle of nowere
    drawing,video games,reading,sleeping. oh yeah i forgot eating.
    what job im to lazy for a job


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-30-2012 04:35 AM
  • Join Date: 09-21-2009


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