Menewsha Avatar Community

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Dawn 12-20-2008 02:22 AM

I'm great!
I just got lost in the exchange looking at all of the items I missed. Hehe
I've been gone since the anklewings came out and there are sooo many new things since then! Even when I bought these, there were a bunch of items that I missed out on. I rarely ever log on here, I'm thinking I should more often!!

Also, Anchorman is pretty awesome. Haha

(akari) 12-20-2008 02:23 AM

Welcome back Dawn. :D I love your winged anklets and the star headdress or whatever it is. :D

*has never seen Anchorman*

Ithir 12-20-2008 02:24 AM

Yea, we've had a lot of impressive items come out since then, and so many pretty commons! If only they didn't cost oodles of gold for a set. : (

It's certainly something. xD

Hey Akari.

Dawn 12-20-2008 02:24 AM

Hehe Yaayyy! Thank you!
Also..nice hair.. I did not know of this hairstyle.... Haha I should probably check those out too. :D

Edit: Nice commons? Ooh.. I'm gonna check out the stores too. Hehe
I'm so excited now!! Sorry for my nudity, I can't find the password to my older account to switch them all onto here. Haha

(akari) 12-20-2008 02:25 AM

Hiiiii Ithir. Have we talked before? I think we have.

Dawn was that compliment to MY hair? If so, yay and thankee.

Gah, seeing everyone's awesome outfits makes me feel very self-conscious.

Wow I sound hyper. lol

Dawn 12-20-2008 02:27 AM

It sure was on your hair. :D!!
Random, I don't remember putting an emote in my signature. xD And I don't even know which one it is!!

Edit: That's right!! It's because the name of the account is Vivian... Hold on, I'm gonna go sign into it and see what's on there. I might even just switch over to that one completely because it means a little more to me than this account. Haha, I'm having troubles deciding which account to ditch!!

(akari) 12-20-2008 02:29 AM

It's like an OMG one. lol

YAY MY HAIR IS PRETTY. *still sounds really hyper for no reason whatsoever* I'm thinking my avvie's outfit should be bright colored, sort of circus-y to go with the hair. *muses*

Ithir 12-20-2008 02:31 AM

Akari~ Not really, I commented that video you posted in here though.

And for circus clothes, we do have the new big top set. xD

Dawn~ Beware, you'll want to spend your gold. We even have item preview now! (Hold your cursor over the pic of the item)

Dawn 12-20-2008 02:32 AM

That's a good idea! O:
That could be reeaally cute. You should probably put a brightly colored bow in your hair too, if Menewsha has a little one I mean.. -thinks-
My avatar's getting old. Haha I need to buy a load of new things for it as well. <3 Too bad I don't have much monies. ((What is the money called here, Gold?))
And yes, I'm going to switch over to Vivian. I like it much better. It has memories. Hehee <3

Ithir: ~gasp~ OKI NOW I GOTTA SEE! Haha I was wanting an item preview for a while. Yaayyy!!!!

Ithir 12-20-2008 02:41 AM

Yea, everyone was happy when we finally got a simple version of one. ^^

Vivian 12-20-2008 02:43 AM

Yeah. I bet!
And Vivian has entered the...area! Haha There are sooo many hairstyles!! O__O

Ithir 12-20-2008 02:47 AM

Vivian is dressed. ^^
Yea, they unisexed all the hairs.

Aerimyth 12-20-2008 02:47 AM

It takes ages to gain enough money to buy anything decent when you are new and don't really know anyone. I suppose when I get moved and get a chance to join one of the role plays it will pile up decently.

Thoth Star 12-20-2008 02:52 AM

Hello to all the new people~! <3

Whats up everyone?

Ithir 12-20-2008 02:52 AM

Have you tried playing the games, Aeri?

Aerimyth 12-20-2008 02:54 AM

@ Thoth: Hello to you too dear.

@ Ithir: Yes. ^^; I have no skill apparently. I can't even get past level one.

Vivian 12-20-2008 02:54 AM

They were starting to unisex the hair when I was on here last, but now there are a TON!
I'm really liking this one though. ;3

And yeah, it does take forever to get enough monies to get anything. Most of the things I bought with real money from the contributions.
I'm thinking I should probably sign on here way more often and then start buying some things! It's always fun having a huge inventory and a variety of things to do with your avatar. <3

Uzura 12-20-2008 02:57 AM

*checks thread out*

Ithir 12-20-2008 03:00 AM

Aeri~ Ah. Yea, some of the games are just blah hard.

Hey again Thoth.

Hello Uzura. ^^

Uzura 12-20-2008 03:02 AM

Hi there. How are you?

Vivian 12-20-2008 03:04 AM

Hello Uzura!!
I'm having troubles deciding on which team I should join. I'm thinking maybe Holly Red.. Uhm... You know what though, they all sound pretty good. D: <3

Aerimyth 12-20-2008 03:04 AM

I really like some of the clothes in the shops, but with my home computer dead and moving at the end of the week, I won't be on very much for a while. ^^ So I'm just going to have to work extra hard tonight.

Ithir 12-20-2008 03:05 AM

Uzura~ I'm pretty good. You?

Vivian~ Nalin is a sexy beast. Join the green team.

Aeri~ Oh, that's too bad. What store items did you want?

Uzura 12-20-2008 03:06 AM

@Vivian: Took me a while to decide what team I wanted to be on too.

@Ithir: Not bad. Kinda tired. It's been a long day.

Vivian 12-20-2008 03:10 AM

Aawwww I'm really thinking the Green one is a pretty awesome idea, but I finally deicided that I had to be on the Star team. The girl is so cute and it sounded like much more of what I'd rather be doing for the holidays.. Which is sitting outside and looking at the sky with cookies that grandpa made. Heheeeee <333
Sounds so nice. I don't really want to go to a fancy hotel with a pool P: I wanna enjoy what we have. Not watch crouds of people trying to be happy. Heheh.. >______>

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