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Li Mei 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

Team Multicolored Awesome
Teams work is great and all - but let's not get too wrapped up in the competition . . OK?

So, like, this thread is totally for everyone, not just team red, pink, purple and black, all teams and all of you who don't want to join a team.

Be cool and all, make nice and have fun and stuff.

Li Mei 02-14-2009 08:24 PM

Oh yeah - I'm reserving this in case I decide to put cool stuff here

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 08:49 PM

Hi Li Mei! n-n

Your thread is near the bottom. /pushes it up

Mort 02-14-2009 08:50 PM

Ohh . . multi team chat . .more victims . . ermm, I mean , ,friends to pillow fight with

Li Mei 02-14-2009 08:54 PM

Hi x-cutie-x-pie-x - and thanks for the push.

So anyone doing anything interesting tonight?

Risque 02-14-2009 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Mort (Post 1763965546)
Ohh . . multi team chat . .more victims . . ermm, I mean , ,friends to pillow fight with

My thoughts exactly! XD

Just Menewsha tonight, it seems. x3

clubcouture` 02-14-2009 08:56 PM

There really isn't any competition for this event.
So far it's just get feathers for yourself.

Anglie 02-14-2009 08:56 PM

Yay for multi-coloredness

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 08:56 PM

Me? Not really. xD

What about you? n-n

I'm outta attack points. Otherwise I'd be walking in every thred. :lol:

Suona 02-14-2009 08:56 PM

I agree. :)
We should all get along. *hits others with pillows*

Li Mei 02-14-2009 08:56 PM

That's a pretty fun plan, at least I think so anyway. :yes:

I might try to visit with the brats and my Mother tonight, if I can get away from the shop long enough.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 08:57 PM

Aww. That's sweet Li Mei. :lol:

Li Mei 02-14-2009 08:59 PM

Yeah - I do nice things sometimes :oops:

It's pretty dorky to be hanging out with your Mom on Valentines day, but she really wants me to be there so I guess I'll suck it up and be a dork for her tonight.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:02 PM

Aww. My mum is downstaris, so I don't have to go very far. xD

I'm out of Attack points for the next half hour (again) xP

Arikana 02-14-2009 09:03 PM


Yay for multicolouredness!! 8D <3

So how's everyone doing today? >w<

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:05 PM

Hi Arikana! n-n

/nibbles fan

I'm doing good.

I think I should go for a shwoer thought. >>; It's 9pm here. xP

WinglessFairy 02-14-2009 09:05 PM

Whoo! Rainbow love!

Li Mei 02-14-2009 09:07 PM

You're lucky. My Mom misses me a lot, but I have a life and a shop so I can't just drop everything to see her all the time, but she's totally going to move here soon if she can.

Not sure how I feel about that sometimes, the little monsters are totally harsh on my stuff and break my things.

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:08 PM

Aww. But that's but little monsters are like, right? xD

Li Mei 02-14-2009 09:14 PM

Yeah, I suppose so, I just wish they could leave my clothes out of their path of destruction :lol:

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:32 PM

I admire your clothes. They're very pretty. n-n
But then, so are all of menewsha's clothing.
Especially these event commons. =]

wasashu 02-14-2009 09:37 PM

hehe ima go shopping soon for baking materials >:3 ive probably said this so many times already but im excited to make lots of sweets tonight, cake, cupcakes and maybe cookies XD it'll be loads of fun to decorate them :3

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:38 PM

It's late now. >w<

I think a bit too late to bake. xDD

How are you wasashu? ^o^<3

wasashu 02-14-2009 09:40 PM

haha im fine thank you cutie :3
and actually it's like 1:39pm over here. *lives in westcoast* xD
i need to shower before i go shopping for anything delicious >w> too bad there's no baking contest like before in the event, otherwise it's perfect time to bake for valentines and the event :3

x-cutie-x-pie-x 02-14-2009 09:41 PM

I might see if I could make anything tommorow. =o
I mean~ Baking at home is good, because everything you buy in supermarkets have preservatives, colouring and stuff in them. At home~ it's completely natural (ish) xD

Remember when I first joined? When you were in my hangout thread. =o

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