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(akari) 12-17-2008 06:39 PM

Yeah I know, and I'm so sorry. Just curious, do you dress more masculine or feminine?

Oh and if you like books Luna by Julie Anne Peters is great. It's about a trans-girl so kind of the opposite of you but it's still a fantastic book.

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 06:43 PM

I dress feminine-ish. Most of my clothes are for girls. I'd still wear them if I were a man, though. Except maybe my skirts, I don't think I could get away with wearing those unles I wore jeans under them. XD

I like to dress masculine sometimes, but I have to be in the right mood for it. If I'm not in the right mood to deal with people being stupid, then I just play along with my gender role like a good little freak.

Eh, I don't really like reading books regarding gender-queer and such. Gay? Yes. But I'm kinda iffy on reading most stuff about trans. I dunno why, I just am.

(akari) 12-17-2008 06:45 PM

Hmm, interesting. That's like the total opposite for me; when I was exploring my sexuality I was reading like crazy. Then again I've always read a lot. It's unfortunate however that there is hardly any teen literature about bisexuals; it's mostly gay guys with a sprinkling of stories about lesbians.

Insane Cricket 12-17-2008 06:49 PM

Well see, if it's fiction and gender queer just happens to be part of it, then I'm not so bleh about it. But if it's the main focus it bugs me because it just makes me more and more frustrated that I'm in the situation that I'll never have the physical body I want for many reasons.

It kinda makes me want to die, if that makes any sense. >.< God, sorry if that sounded emo, it wasn't emo though...

(akari) 12-17-2008 06:54 PM

Oh. That makes sense. Honestly those books often make me cry so...yeah, I can see that.

It doesn't sound emo. You have a perfectly legit reason to feel sad. But maybe we should change the subject so you aren't so sad. lol

If you were against Prop 8 in California you should watch this, it's hilarious :

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 07:04 PM

@Cricket: Hmm, I know what you mean. I knew a guy (was a tranny in private), but he would talk constantly about being a woman when we were alone... Up to that moment I thought he was just a gay guy, but than he was telling me how he felt like a "Straight woman." I thought he was joking until he got the sex change done... I must say he made a hawt woman. XD Lol.

Yeah, I suppose you're right. Thats what I like about this site too, but sometimes I wish I could show people my picture... Gah, I need a digital camera for Christmas. Lol.

Oh my gawd, that would be sooo cool if you made a banner Cricket! Could you pwease? x3 I'd be soo happy. I'm still working on this crazy pegasis/unicorn banner... but its hard for me to draw horsies.

@christa: *nod* Brownies and cakes sound yummy right now. <3 Sadly, I can't them either though, cuz I'm allergic to them. =______= I dunno, but I've always consumed a lot of meat... I have a strange diet, but if I eat any other way my stomach gets upset. My stomach is sooo sensitive. Hehe yes I dream about becoming a chef and winning over the hearts of America on my Mr Cool Chef show. Lol. *huggles christa* And you can be my guest of honor! <33333 hehe.

@akiri: Hello welcome~ How are you? ^^

(akari) 12-17-2008 08:05 PM

Thoth Star -- I'm good! ^-^

So are there any straight people posting on here? lol We should work on that.

Thoth Star 12-17-2008 08:14 PM

Mmm, so far I think christa is the only straight person, I dunno.
I'm bisexual... XD

Seiki Nova 12-17-2008 09:25 PM

I always thought about how much easier it would be to live as a female as opposed to a male, but I would never go through with the task of doing it. Too scared, and it would take a lot of work to make myself happy haha.

I don't like when in fiction, a book will have a gay character and its a big deal that they use all throughout the plot. Its not important to anything and its overly drawn out : (

Did anyone read Hero by Perry Moore? That was actually a really good gay fiction novel even if it was a little drawn out.

(akari) 12-18-2008 12:30 AM

Well males are encouraged to be more independent, so I don't know if it would be easier to give female. Although I suppose I'm biased cause I'm female and I love it. I love everything about being a girl, even wearing uncomfortable heels. lol

`Kitami 12-18-2008 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Insane Cricket (Post 4377852)
Yeah, I know female bisexuals are looked down upon. Well, at least they're considered sluts. And guys are like, "Dude, she's bi! Let's get her in a threesome!" Or some other stupid crap.

I feel extremely sorry for bisexuals of both genders, at least the ones that really are in it for love, and not just for the sex. Because I've met a lot of people who claimed to be bi and all they did was fuck their brains out with as many people as possible. That's not a bisexual in my mind, that's a whore.

Truth be told, I honestly prefer men. I'm more drawn to their personalities, their physical appearance, their smell (you know, not the gross smells), and I personally feel that they're more beautiful when they're being true to themselves, because it's rarer in men than it is women.

Though I also find myself sexually attracted to women, just less attracted to their personalities. No offense, but most of the girls around here are the stereotypical ones that carry obscene amounts of emotional baggage over nothing. They're brewing in self-made angst just for attention and I hate them.

Sadly, my body is female. One of my male friends doesn't get why I keep saying I'm transgendered, especially because I seem to play the appropriate gender role quite nicely. Truly, I'm rather androgynous. But most people can't see that because of my physical body. I'd still be girly in a male body, I just wouldn't be so rejected for my male characteristics, and at least people would realize I was breaking the gender barrier, instead of everyone thinking I'm a girl because my body is a girl and I act female most of the time in public.

I honestly don't know what sexuality you'd call me. Do I count as bisexual? I don't care what gender you are as long as you're worth loving. I don't care if your physical body doesn't match your gender identity, but I find men more attractive as a default.

And that's why I just tell everyone I'm bi but lean towards men. ^^;;; Sorry for rambling.

Yeah. Its very wrong and annoying. >_>
I don't even say a sexuality. I don't like to label myself with a sexuality anyway anymore though, because I don't think its right to put something like a person's sexuality in a neat little box. I just like to say I'm a "people person". :3
Because. I am. Its the person that matters to me; the person that's worth loving, not whether they're male or female.

Mmhmm. That's why I've never been in a relationship with a girl. Because all the "bi" girls that I've ever met have only been like purely physical, and I so do not want a relationship like that. :roll: That's not real. Dude, even with a guy, I don't want a relationship like that. I want love, and -fuck fuck fuck- is not love. =_=

I understand what you're saying, because I'm the same way. XD I'm attracted to men in a more loving sense; and women in a more sexual sense. I've only seen two girls as more than pretty things to look at, but not to touch; and they were both my friends. One of them still is.

I'm happy as a girl (well most of the time), so I can't say I know how you feel. But I do feel sorry for you. I'd hate to feel like I was trapped in the wrong body.

I used to ask myself that question all the time, before I stopped worrying about it.
Well when I was a kid, it was "Am I right?" Because like, I was always confused as a little kid because of things like....well, for example, I had a crush on Sailor Moon about the same time I had a crush for the first time on a little boy at school, in kindergarten.
She was prettier than he was. :|


Originally Posted by Thoth Star (Post 4379411)
@christa: *nod* Brownies and cakes sound yummy right now. <3 Sadly, I can't them either though, cuz I'm allergic to them. =______= I dunno, but I've always consumed a lot of meat... I have a strange diet, but if I eat any other way my stomach gets upset. My stomach is sooo sensitive. Hehe yes I dream about becoming a chef and winning over the hearts of America on my Mr Cool Chef show. Lol. *huggles christa* And you can be my guest of honor! <33333 hehe.

I will find you a baking recipe sometime (since that's all I like to cook) that you aren't allergic to, and I will make it for you. Eventually. <3 :ninja:
I don't like meat that well. xD That's why I don't think it would be that hard for me to be a vegetarian. Well, that one kind (I forgot the name) that still eats dairy. Because I love cheese. :B

Haha. I'll just stand there and look pretty. LOL


Originally Posted by Thoth Star (Post 4379812)
Mmm, so far I think christa is the only straight person, I dunno.
I'm bisexual... XD

Er. Well, I'm not exactly straight. I have a fondness for boobs. =3
I dunno if you can really call me anything else but straight though, since I've never actually been in a relationship with a girl. But then again, I wouldn't have not been in a relationship with a girl if, under the right circumstances, I'd been in that situation. So I'm not strait?
Good lord, thinking about this gives me a headache. @_@
Lol I'm a people person. xD
I don't even like the term 'straight'. Makes gay people sound crooked. -ramble-

Ithir 12-18-2008 01:49 AM

I just have to say, Akari, I watched that video and am highly amused now.

(akari) 12-18-2008 02:17 AM

*applauds Ithir* Ain't it awesome? For anyone confused it's Prop 8: The Musical. Yes you heard me right. It's not actually a musical, it's like a 3 minute video with random singing, but still. If you support gay marriage, go watch it.

Rainbows 12-18-2008 03:45 AM

-skips in, totally crooked-

I try to be as blatant a lesbian as I can be.
Although, it doesn't really work. Because I like men, too. :l

So, hmm.. I think I just like creeping people out. :3

Thoth Star 12-18-2008 04:06 AM

@Seiki: Yeah, I've always wondered which sex has a harder life....
I agree, making yourself happy is most important. Being male is fun though. XD Lol.

Yeah, I know what you mean... Its like throughout the story people keep getting freaked-out. Hahaha. I think its just that many old writers were anti-homosexual...And today its like girls like gay guys just becuz they're gay... I don't get that either.

No, I haven't read anything by Moore before... That sounds interesting. ^^
I've never read a gay fiction novel that I liked...

@akari: Hahaha, well thats good. Its important to be comfortable with you're individual gender. I don't mind being a guy... I mean, sure my life might be easier the other way around... I mean, financially.... but things are meant to be this way for a reason, I guess.

@Cricket: Liking both women and men sexually would define you as bisexual, I suppose...

@christa: Well, I can eat rice, corn and potato bread. Lol. XD
*Nod* Well, vegetarians still consume dairy, eggs, and fish on occasion...
Its vegans that can't eat anything from animals completely. I love meat too much not to eat it... Hehe, yes. *huggles* <3333

Yes, but who doesn't love boobs? Lol.
Sooo you're undecided? Thats ok. ^^
I know, its a confusing topic... Haha.

@rain: Heh, I'm crooked too. XD
What is it about creeping people out that you enjoy? Their expression?

Insane Cricket 12-18-2008 04:57 AM

Kit: -Hugs- Yeah, I was really confused because as a kid I had the hots for 7 of 9 on Star Trek Voyager, and at the same time I had the hots for Tom Welling because of Smallville (before it went in the toilet). >.<

Thoth: Well, you can use the banner at the top of Gender Love, if you want. And I can make a ton of different variations of the words and such and then put them in my album and you can use them too. Sound good?

Also, bisexual means attracted to both genders, but what about being attracted to other gender queers? I think 'bisexual' leaves gender queers out of that. >.<

Akari: That video was freaking hilarious.

Thoth Star 12-18-2008 05:08 AM

Yeah, that would be awesome, Cricket. Thank you. 8) You so nice.
Mmm, well even gender queers either love one sex or both... So if they love both I'd define them still as bi. *shrugs*

Insane Cricket 12-18-2008 05:12 AM

Well, I meant loving a gender queer person. Because honestly, I believe there's more than two genders, there's endless genders. Bisexual means two genders, so the gender queer people who are more of a different gender get left out of the equation.

That's what I meant.

I'll open paint up in a few minutes and continue making the changes to my Gender Love banners, finish uploading them to my album, and then I'll write in permission for you to use them in the descriptions. ^_^

You can go ahead and kidnap the Gender Love banner I already have. -Nod- I can also draw unicorns. Not very well, and if you have photoshop or something I can do the lineart, scan it, send it to you, then you can color it and make it pretty.

Edit: Here's a temp banner for you, but you can use it permanently if you want. I just thought you'd want something for now.
This is for signatures, by the way. ^^;;

Edit 2: Here's another banner. I couldn't get the gray to work on this one like I did the one for Gender Love. I think it's too big for signatures, but it's not too big to put in profiles or give to other hangout owners to link back to here with
I'll try to make it gray later. I'll probably use my scanner program and use a more appealing font, too.

`Kitami 12-18-2008 07:10 AM

Gab:: x3 Maybe I'll make you a loaf of bread someday?
Or a cake with rice flour? Or something. xD

Well, the thing about vegetarianism is...I love chicken. Grilled chicken is soo yummy.
Can't have that if I'm a vegetarian. :lol: So I'm not. xD
Chicken is the only meat I've ever really liked. o_o I eat other kinds, and I don't...dislike them, but they're not like "omg I have to have this".
Yeah, I know a girl who's vegan. No way could I do that. xD

Exactly. XD There is nothing bad about boobs. They're pretty, and round, and squishy (yet not), and they're fun to draw. :rofl:
Well, no, I'm not undecided. I know what I am, there's just no label for it. That's why I call myself a 'people person'. I love the person for the person, not their body. I mean, I love their body too, but... =_= I'm bad at explaining things sometimes. Let me start over. I've only been in relationships with guys, yes, but- if something would have been different and a girl would have came along that I would have fell in love with, it wouldn't have mattered that she was a girl, I would have still loved her regardless.
-sigh- Did I make any sense at all?

Cricket:: -huggles- Yeah, when you're "different" as a kid, its so confusing. Plus you have no one you can talk to.
I mean, like I was telling Gab the other day, I used to play with all my Barbies and wouldn't put clothes on them. Like ever. And when my mom saw me playing with naked Barbie dolls, and after I wouldn't dress them after she asked me to, she went and bought me a Ken doll. O.o

And you could say pansexual. Which is just, you're attracted to people, humans. But honestly, I don't recommend that, because that's what I used to privately refer to myself as, and then when I told my secret to my friend, she misunderstood it to mean that I was literally attracted to everything and made a really rude statement. x_x

Insane Cricket 12-18-2008 07:12 AM

Yeah, that's why I don't use pansexual to describe myself. Because where I live in this area, everyone thinks it means a sexual attraction to objects and that if you're horny you'll even have sex with a plant if that's all you can get.

So yeah, I avoid that description too... I guess we should make a new word for ourselves, then? How about 'soulsexual'? We're attracted to people's souls and who they are, not what gender they are.

Edit: Here's another one.

(akari) 12-18-2008 05:31 PM

lol @ 'soulsexual'
If I were you I'd just go with 'sexual,' which is actually I think a term some people use. Y'know, like the opposite of asexual.

Cricket I'm glad you liked the video. ^_^

Insane Cricket 12-18-2008 05:45 PM

Ah, but the worst part in all of it? I'm not actually a very sexual person. >.< I'm more of the intellectual type, not the physical type. But my boyfriend creature is more of the physical type. >.<;;!

`Kitami 12-18-2008 08:38 PM

Soulsexual is good, I think. :3

Aww Cricket, you sound embarrassed by your boyfriend creature. xD <3

Seiki Nova 12-18-2008 08:39 PM

Your boyfriend creature xD I don't think I've ever heard anyone call the person they're dating a creature haha.

Insane Cricket 12-18-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by `Kitami (Post 4384946)
Soulsexual is good, I think. :3

Aww Cricket, you sound embarrassed by your boyfriend creature. xD <3

Not embarrassed, just horribly frustrated sometimes. >.<

Glad you like 'soulsexual' though. <3

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova (Post 4384951)
Your boyfriend creature xD I don't think I've ever heard anyone call the person they're dating a creature haha.

He is a creature! He's too pretty too be human! And I suspect he might be transgendered as well but a third gender. He's too feminine for his own good sometimes. -Sighs- I wouldn't really say we're 'dating'. XD

We've been together for over four years, and he lives with me and my family right now. If it weren't for the fact that if I get married I'll lose my health insurance (which I desperately need), I think he and I might be married by now. XD

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