Menewsha Avatar Community

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Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 05:01 AM

Chains of Obsession

Welcome to CoO! This has been created with rabid fans in mind. I have lately been feeling a little... well, less-than-inspired, lately. It's a very depressing thing when your muse abandons you for sunnier shores. I have always been interested in creating a pet shop. It occurred to me that I could make a fan shop to appeal to my own inner otaku, as well.

You're probably waiting for the main point. Basically, this shop will make a pet for you out of any character you wish. An avatar, an anime, a movie... whatever floats your boat, provided it already exists and I don't have to make it up. xD Yes, this includes OCs, as well.

Now for my little twist.

Once a pet has been requested by tacking up a WANTED poster in the thread, the items and genetic material of that character will become readily available for anyone else to use in chimera and toy requests. The one who paid the 'research/discovery' fee will get 10% value in shop points each time the discovered items and materials are used (officially bought from the Toybox/Genesplicer or not). This means you may use them for discounts up to 50% per transaction.


This is (currently) a breedable only petshop. We do not yet support any changing pets. The creations herein are designed for use in Menewsha signatures. This is not to say that you can't use your pets on other sites; I merely inform you of the point of the design, because different sites have different signature standards. I can only guarantee you that it will fit the rules of this one.
You may resell anything you buy here at whatever price you wish, PROVIDED you credit the respective workers responsible. All creations will be listed along with the ones that have a hand in their formation, so there should be no problems knowing who did what.
Physical characteristics like skin and and hair cannot currently be altered, but this can be worked around with things like tattoos, dyes, and contacts.
I will NOT do fanart of other shops without prior permission from them. Please don't ask unless you can get me that (but I sooo don't mind if you do! xD).
Just because a pet has been requested by a WANTED poster, doesn't mean the prospective owner automatically gets profits when their items/clothing are used again. This requires an extra fee.



Q) If I helped to create a pet and they use a discount, do I get paid less?
A) No. All discounts derive only from what I get, which is the reason for the percentage limit.

Q) What if my Original Character uses similar weapons/clothing to a researched character?
A) I will decide this on a case-by-case basis; if I feel the item is similar enough, all appropriate parties will get their respective dues, but it doesn't affect the price you pay, just who gets the gold.

Q) Can I opt for getting gold instead of shop points?
A) Yes, but you cannot exchange existing shop points for gold.

Q) Can I transfer my shop points to someone else?
A) Yes, provided I receive appropriate requests for this from all involved accounts.

Q) Can I transfer my pets?
A) Yes you may. It counts as selling for free; follow the appropriate resell procedure, just with a price of '0'.

Q) Can I co-own a pet?
A) Yes, but it can only be bought by one person. Items can't be removed or added without permission from both parties.


August 29, 2009
I am currently hiring artists on a per-pet basis, as well as a coder for future changing breeds. I already have a hosting site, so all I need is to pick your brain. You will receive 50% of all changing pets sold using any code you provide. Please PM me or post in the thread.

I am also very interested in doing cross-overs with other shops, if you know anyone interested.
Good morrow, ladies, gentlemen, and undisclosed individuals! This shop is under heavy construction, BUT functional. Knowing how I am, it will be in near-constant flux, as far as layout, extras, etc, is concerned. The basics shall remain unchanged, however, so I see no point in not opening as soon as reasonably possible.



Candace Ankle Socks (10g) [single sock mod; 5g for one sock]
discovered by BellyButton

Candace Cute Shoes (10g) [single shoe mod; 5g for one shoe]

Candace Checkered Skirt (10g)
discovered by BellyButton

Candace Sailor Shirt (10g) [short-sleeved mod, same price]
discovered by BellyButton

Toad Pants (10g)
discovered by Sidhe

Toad Shoes (10g)
discovered by Sidhe

Toad Vest (10g)
discovered by Sidhe

Inuyasha Baggy Pants (10g)
discovered by Storm Maker

Inuyasha Bead Necklace (10g)
discovered by Storm Maker

Inuyasha Overcoat (10g) [tied around the waist mod, same price]
discovered by Storm Maker

Inuyasha Shirt (10g)
discovered by Storm Maker

Inuyasha Sword (10g)
discovered by Storm Maker



[Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility]
Candace DNA (50g)
reasearched by BellyButton

Inuyasha DNA (50g)
researched by Storm Maker

[Mario Bros]
Toad DNA (50g)
researched by Sidhe



Pets, Clones, and Chimeras






sp: 0

***Candace DNA [Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility]
***Candace Sailor Shirt
***Candace Checkered Skirt
***Candace Ankle Socks
***Candace Cute Shoes




sp: 100




sp: 0


***Toad DNA [Mario Bros]
***Toad Pants
***Toad Shoes
***Toad Vest



Storm Maker

sp: 0

***Inuyasha DNA [Inuyasha]
***Inuyasha Overcoat
***Inuyasha Shirt
***Inuyasha Bead Necklace
***Inuyasha Baggy Pants
***Inuyasha Sword


If you have any questions, let me know! All this has been dancing around in my head for awhile, so there might be missing pieces. ^^;; I'll edit accordingly.

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 05:14 AM



WANTED Poster (for unmodified kidnapping requests)
Before you fill this out, make sure you check the following:

1) The character has not been researched. Check with the Genesplicer; you could end up with a discount, too, because discovered DNA is cheaper than researching it.

2) There's nothing similar to the outfit you want them wearing. Remember, you can make minor modifications to an item for free, and it will open up more slots for free toys.


3) DOUBLECHECK YOUR REFERENCES. I will need a complete view of the character, and that includes his feet... ^^;; You may use more than one picture to cover all the needed aspects. Make sure you have tattoos and special items you want shown. I apologize for not having experienced every anime/manga/movie/game in the world (totally not sarcasm, sadly xD), but it's bound to happen that I won't know what character you're talking about. Include as much detail as possible, so I don't go making you the wrong person.


Everything in order? Good! Here's the form you need to fill out:



I WANT TO HIRE A KIDNAPPING! (100g, but you get to keep DNA to reuse for cloning or chimera(ing?) and three free non-charity toys)
Character Name: [Use as full a name as possible, to avoid confusion. If you need to flood me with a lot of detail, it's perfectly acceptable. Just keep in mind that I might have to put your pet on hold if it confuses me, but just until I know who you're talking about.]
Universe: [What anime, manga, book, etc, are they from?]
Reference Shots: [I need pictures that include full hair style, entire outfit (don't for get the shoes!), extras that might be covered up (like tattoos and trinkets) most of the time. They don't all have to be in the same picture, as long I just get an idea what they look like and what stuff they have.]
Opt-in for Research? [yes/no; requires an extra 25g]
If yes, do you want to be reimbursed in gold or shop points? [...only answer if the above question was yes, you snarky smartasses]


Chimeras, Clones, and Toys, Oh My!
Yeah, yeah, lame, whatever. xDDD Anyways, this is what you fill out if you want anything that's already been discovered.

Chimeras are when you combine the genetic material of more than one creature. Yes, this is where 'breeding' comes in. You are required to either own at least one clone, kidnappee, or another chimera to use this option (and their genetic material will be included in the offspring). In terms of the shop, it's where you say you want to combine the different aspects of different characters together (i/e, if you wanted Sasuke with the same hairstyle as Naruto, and Kakashi's eyes). IMPORTANT NOTE: Every splicing and cloning has a 10% of producing an additional 'Shadow Reflection Chimera', where unused recessive traits become dominate. You will receive this extra genetic code free, and you may fill out an additional form to bring him/her to life (qualifies as a clone), or simply sell it. It is a unique pet will NOT appear in the Genesplicer section unless you request it (also free, and you get 50% each time it's sold).

Clones are what you get when you bring Genesplicer DNA to 'life'. You have a 10% chance of producing a Shadow Reflection Chimera. If you're bringing a Shadow Reflection Chimera to life, the chance of it having another Shadow Reflection Chimera of itself is the same.

Toys are any item or minion that aren't physically a part of the pet itself. This includes scars, weapons, tattoos, etc.

With that cleared up, here's the form you need. Please, please, PLEASE, for my degrading sanity, only use one per pet. If everything applies to the same pet, that's perfectly fine.


IT'S ALIIIIVE!!!! (50g for each unique genetic material; if you use 10, it would cost 500g) (toy prices mentioned in Toybox section)
Purpose of this form: [chimera/clone/toy(s), choose all that apply]
If Chimerea/Clone, which genetic sample? [use proper shop name of genetic item, i.e. 'Sexy Jutsu Naruto' not 'the female naruto']
If Toy, which one(s)? [use appropriate shop name to avoid confusion]
Discount: [if you have shop points, say how many you wish to use; leave blank or say '0' if you don't have any]


STAFF (in alphabetical order)
[main staff] - paid weekly, + x% profits
FakeSunShine --- joat, alpha tester
Kitten Disaster --- Shopkeeper, Artist, Head Manager

[part-time staff] - paid once per pet, or in x% profits, or flat fee for services, etc.

Storm Maker --- referrer (10g a paying ref)


If you have a charity that wants to arrange for a special mascot or item, just contact me. I'll do all of these myself and give 100% sales to the respective charity. They've helped me out so much on various sites over the years, and I want to give back. :3


These are other art and pet shops that let me make pets of their stuff.


Link for link. Those with banners will go on top, because they're prettier, and I like eye-candy. ^^;;

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 01:14 PM


^^;; This is to keep me honest! Any sort of money coming in and going out of this shop, as well as items (even if it's/they're free) shall be notated here, with the most recent at the top. This includes paychecks for staff, discounts, shopper points, et cetera. Ideally, 25% profits will go to shop improvement (special layouts, banners, and the like), 50% to staff and part-time workers (bumpers, guest artists, and so on), and 25% for charities. These are only guidelines, however, but I hope I can stick to them.


FakeSunShine salary (-100g +0g, -100sp +0sp)


Toad kidnapped by Sidhe (-0g +125g, -0sp +0sp)

Inuyasha kidnapped by Storm Maker (-0g +125g, -0sp +0sp)

Candace kidnapped by BellyButton (-0g +125g, -0sp +0sp) [awaiting art completion]

BellyButton referred by Storm Maker (-10g +0g, -0sp +0sp) [awaiting purchase from BellyButton]


Toad sp researched by Sidhe;
***Toad DNA [Mario Bros] (-3g +0g, -2sp +0sp)
***Toad Pants (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Toad Shoes (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Toad Vest (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)

Candace sp researched by BellyButton;
***Candace DNA (-0g +0g, -5sp +0sp)
***Candace Sailor Shirt (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Candace Checkered Skirt (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Candace Ankle Socks (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Candace Cute Shoes (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)

Inuyasha sp researched by Storm Maker;
***Inuyasha DNA (-0g +0g, -5sp +0sp)
***Inuyasha Overcoat (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Inuyasha Shirt (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Inuyasha Bead Necklace (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Inuyasha Baggy Pants (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)
***Inuyasha Sword (-0g +0g, -1sp +0sp)

Storm Maker referrals [-10g]

FakeSunShine salary (-100g +0g, -100sp +0sp) [awaiting payday Wednesday]

BellyButton 08-30-2009 07:13 PM

This is a very cool idea! I have a couple characters in mind, but just wanted to make sure about the amount of money I will need to scrape up before I proceed.. lol

Ahem, so, the initial "kidnapping" costs 100g, and this sets the features or DNA of the character as available in your shop, for building the actual dolls/pets/whateva.

Then, in order to receive a doll/pet, do we assemble it with the parts that were made after the kidnapping, for 50g a part? Or is this only if we wish to breed a new pet?

Forgive me if this was already explained. I can be a bit dense.

Edit: Ooops, I'm a dumbass. I see that the kidnapping cost includes 3 free toys. I'm sure it will all make sense in time. lol.. Is it safe to assume that 125g per character is plenty to get started (including the optional opt-in fee)?

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 07:23 PM

Ah, no, not dense at all! The total price is 100g for the character, including what items that character is initially wearing/using. You can keep the DNA as your property in case you want to clone or chimera it with another.

You see, my Genesplicer is a mad scientist, and they don't come cheaply. 50g is the price of reconstructing DNA samples, and he charges per strand. However, since your pet is being kidnapped, not cloned, then that charge doesn't apply.

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 07:25 PM

Hello Kitten, how are you?
I have two characters in mind already ^_^

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1764996777)
This is a very cool idea! I have a couple characters in mind, but just wanted to make sure about the amount of money I will need to scrape up before I proceed.. lol

Ahem, so, the initial "kidnapping" costs 100g, and this sets the features or DNA of the character as available in your shop, for building the actual dolls/pets/whateva.

Then, in order to receive a doll/pet, do we assemble it with the parts that were made after the kidnapping, for 50g a part? Or is this only if we wish to breed a new pet?

Forgive me if this was already explained. I can be a bit dense.

Edit: Ooops, I'm a dumbass. I see that the kidnapping cost includes 3 free toys. I'm sure it will all make sense in time. lol.. Is it safe to assume that 125g per character is plenty to get started (including the optional opt-in fee)?

Yes, it is. The free toys aren't applicable at the moment, either, since no one's discovered any.

And you're not a dumbass! xD

I can't wait!

EDIT: Accidentally double-posted! D: How do I delete?

BellyButton 08-30-2009 07:42 PM

Character Name: Candace
Universe: Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Video Game - Wii version)
Reference Shots: (see below)
Opt-in for Research? Yes please :)
If yes, do you want to be reimbursed in gold or shop points? Shop Points!

Referred by: Storm Maker

Bio: Candace is a very shy and a very talented seamstress. She lives with her grandmother and her outgoing pink-haired sister & works in the family tailoring shop. She loves herb tea, and loathes medicine. (If you play the game as a male, she's available for marriage. I wuv her, she's very cute.)

Total cost: 125g .. Shall I 'donate' it now?
Please let me know if you need a different reference image. This was the clearest one I could find.

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 07:49 PM

This should do fine! Thank you for the order! No, don't donate until I give you your art. I trust you, but not my memory. xD If you do, I might think I already finished it tomorrow.

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 07:50 PM

Kitten-- you contact a Mod. that you accidently double posted and ask them to delete it for you.

Do we have to include a Bio? I'll have to look one up.

BellyButton 08-30-2009 07:56 PM

Thank you! :heart: I'll edit my "referred by" info into the order post too.

I don't trust my memory either.. *snicker*
PM me if you need to. =)

P.S. I hope someone orders an Inuyasha, 'cuz he'd probably make cute babies/chimera/etc!

@Storm - I just included a bio for fun, in case people wanted to know where Candace was from.. not sure how many folks around here are Harvest Moon geeks. ;)

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 08:02 PM

Actually, Inuyasha was the first character I thought of :XD I'm definitely getting him.

The second one is Tsukasa

BellyButton 08-30-2009 08:07 PM

@Storm: Sweet! That should prove profitable for you in the future. I bet Inuyasha be a popular source of genes. :)

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 08:13 PM

I love his cute ears. And probably a lot of other people do to XD
Guess i better fill out the form before someone else gets on here and does :sweat:

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 08:35 PM

Awesome! Now, I promised to let FakeSunShine try his hand with some lineart for me to work from, so I'm going to let him sketch Candace for my baseline art. We'll see how it goes. :3

BellyButton 08-30-2009 08:52 PM

Cool beans! I have a couple other characters in mind too, but I'll hold off until you're ready to be bombarded. =)

Going out for a few hours, don't work too hard. ;)

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 09:01 PM

Kitten-- Sunshine is a girl BTW ^_^ And is there a way to shrink pics? They came out big.

Character Name: Inuyasha
Universe: Inuyasha (anime)
Reference Shots: (see below) Got a head shot, can see his necklace good. And a full body one, I'll look for a simple pic so you can see his whole sword.
Opt-in for Research? Yes :)
If yes, do you want to be reimbursed in gold or shop points? Shop Points!

FakeSunShine 08-30-2009 09:24 PM

Hello everyone im sunshine and yes i am a female dont let my boyish ways fool you i will deffiently draw Candace
and umm do you want me to do : Inuyasha aswell? XP

I will be sending a pm to belly about her order i will sent one to storm if i am to be drawing for her =)

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 09:34 PM

Sun ::pounce:: ^_^

You can't seem to get rid of me can you?

FakeSunShine 08-30-2009 09:36 PM

i really cant like seriously you damn stray dog go away! i have no food for you

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 09:37 PM

You can't call me a stray cat until I get the Yumeh ears adn tail :P

so what are these actually going to look like?

FakeSunShine 08-30-2009 09:37 PM

i think i said dog?

Storm Maker 08-30-2009 09:40 PM

You said cat first, I saw it.

I want doggie ears adn tail now for this avi, that would be so cute :XD Can you imagine little brown ears that stand up but the tips flop over.

Kitten Disaster 08-30-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by FakeSunShine (Post 1764997561)
Hello everyone im sunshine and yes i am a female dont let my boyish ways fool you i will deffiently draw Candace
and umm do you want me to do : Inuyasha aswell? XP

I will be sending a pm to belly about her order i will sent one to storm if i am to be drawing for her =)

Great! Go for it, this is really a load off my plate! ^^ I can concentrate more on fine-tuning the other aspects of the shop! Just send me the lines when you're done, and I'll fix and color them up all petty-like.

FakeSunShine 08-30-2009 09:41 PM

that would be cute!

alright since i have you here storm ill not pm you
i need to know is there anyway you want him to be sitting standing ? placement of the sword? chibi form? normal form?

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