Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Time Tales: Ancient Celes-bration (
-   -   Roachi & Queens Epic Star Festival - Win BIG, Gold Prizes, Deco Stockings, Queens Crown & More.... Extra Stars Added! (

Roachi 07-24-2017 07:34 PM

Roachi & Queens Epic Star Festival - Win BIG, Gold Prizes, Deco Stockings, Queens Crown & More.... Extra Stars Added!

Roachi 07-24-2017 07:35 PM

The Origin of Tanabata

It's said that the origin of Tanabata, which is also known as the Star Festival, dates back to more than 2,000 years ago. Its roots are described in an old Chinese tale. According to the tale, once there was a weaver princess named Orihime and a cow herder prince named Hikoboshi living in space. After they got together, they played all the time and began to neglect their work. This angered the king, who separated them on opposite sides of the Amanogawa River (Milky Way) as punishment.

The king relented somewhat and allowed Orihime and Hikoboshi to see each other once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar. Tanabata literally means the night of the seventh. The Japanese believe that Orihime and Hikoboshi can't see each other if the weather is rainy, so it's customary to pray for good weather on this day and also to make wishes.
Post Contest
(well we think it says that lol)

As always we reward those who are most loyal.
You must have over 100 posts by the end of this event to qualify for the top prizes.

Top Poster = 15k, Kitsune & Caboodle
2nd Top Poster =
12k & Peeblo the imp
3rd Top Poster =
6k & Yumeh Slippers
4th Top Poster =
2k & Raven Headwings & Dove Headwings
5th Top Poster =
3k & Random EI
Posts over 100 =
Random EI + 200g
Last to post - 5k!

Queen_Andais 07-29-2017 03:48 AM

This will be the grand prize game and the winner will be determined by the person that has the most points accumulated from throughout the event. There will be no judgment or bias, because the points will be collected by participating in various games over the course of the event. It would be difficult to win this one simply by posting alone, however, it would be impossible to win it without posting in here at all.

There are going to be stricter rules in place for the sheer fact of keeping it fair for all involved. I'd apologize for being kind of abrupt about this, but things in the past have necessitated that the rules be blunt and up front to avoid any issues later on during the event.

Many factors will contribute to a person's over all point base:
1. Posting - This will probably be a serious helping force behind a person gathering points to win the top prize(s). It is also necessary for you to post in this thread a specified number of times to even be considered as a participate for the top prize.
2. Games - Of which there are many to choose from, I promise. Everything from dice, to hangman, guess the number, plus a few others, so keep your peepers peeled.
3. Luck - Dice are not something you can easily control and let's face it, they can be the very biggest of assholes at times. Choosing the right square can be a big boost and picking the wrong square can set you way back.

1. Posting is required for a person to even be considered as a participate for this prize. There is no designated sign up sheet, your posting dedication will be the indication that you are here to play.
2. You can join in on the action at any stage of the event, but you must hit the minimum number of posts (200) before the event ends. (This number could be reevaluated at some point during the event if the thread activity does not support that high of a number).
3. Friendly competition is acceptable, anything outside of that will not be tolerated.
4. Posts to be counted must contain a minimum of 8 words, not including emojis or punctuation.
5. Posts are to be on topic. It's fine to announce yourself when joining the conversation, but don't just completely ignore what is currently being discussed and run off on your own tangent where you are basically talking to yourself and no one else in the thread. And keep bodily actions to a minimum. Do NOT come in burping, farting, sneezing, what have you, it's not enjoyable to the bulk of people to know that your body is performing a specific, natural function.
6. I reserve the right to exclude anyone from the competition if their behavior is disruptive, rude or otherwise malignant to the others conversing in the thread. No exceptions.

1st Place - Golden Decorative Stockings + 5k
2nd Place - CI of Choice from a list + 25k
3rd Place - CI of Choice from a list + 15k

Queen_Andais 07-29-2017 03:48 AM

Games to be played for Seventh Star:

Dice - Everyday everyone playing gets a chance to roll two dice! Two!
1. First dice will be 5 sided and this gives you automatic points (Ranging from 100-200, depending on the number you land on)
2. Second dice will be 10 sided and this gives you additional chances for points. Depending on the number rolled, you can receive an additional 1-3 rolls of the point dice.
3. When you've rolled your 10 sided dice and you get your number (1-10) you then get to roll the following additional dice:
1-4 = 1 additional roll
5-9 = 2 additional rolls
10 = 3 additional rolls
4. The 7th day of the event will be special for the dice, you have to have rolled dice for at least 3 of the previous days. Point values will be significantly higher and the second dice DO NOT apply for this day. One roll only.

Dice Forms: (Don't forget to ping me)

Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 6 [dice]5[/ dice]
For Luck! Day 6 [dice]10[/ dice]
Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 7 [dice]5[/ dice]

(Otherwise known as Hot or Cold)

I will post a number of 1 to ??????. Everyone will have a chance to make their first guess.
1. Once you have guessed, please wait for my response before posting your next guess.
2. There are levels to the Hot and Cold: They are as follows:
A. Pluto: Any number guessed that is 1000 or more outside of the actual number
(i.e. 1456 was guessed, however, the number is really 324, the response I would give is 856: Arctic)
B. Neptune: Any number guessed that is 900 or more, but not 999 outside of the actual number
C. Uranus: Any number guessed that is 800 or more, but not 899 outside of the actual number
D. Saturn: Any number guessed that is 700 or more, but not 799 outside of the actual number
E. Jupiter: Any number guessed that is 600 or more, but not 699 outside of the actual number.
F. Mars: Any number guessed that is 500 or more, but not 599 outside of the actual number.
G. Earth: Any number guessed that is 400 or more, but not 499 outside of the actual number.
H. Venus: Any number guessed that is 300 or more, but not 399 outside of the actual number.
I. Mercury: Any number guessed that is 150 or more, but not 299 outside of the actual number.
J. Sun: Any number guessed that is 50 or more, but not 149 outside of the actual number.
K. On the Sun: Any number guessed that is 1 or more, but not 49 outside of the actual number.
3. While you are guessing, so are others. It's not against the rules to watch and see the response your fellow participants are getting to help you figure out the number.

Numbers that are 3 digits: Winner Receives 50 points
Numbers that are 4 digits: Winner Receives 100 points
Numbers that are 5 digits: Winner Receives 150 points

Roachi 07-29-2017 04:07 AM

This game is fairly Simple!
Complete each task, collect the stars & Reap the rewards!

Instructions (Yes you will need to read this!)
There is a list below which will contain 12 Different coloured stars.
For each star, there is a task you must complete.
Some are easy, some may be hard.
Every time you complete a task, use the claim form below & ping Roachi with the information.
Your star will be added to your collection on the front page. Once the information is confirmed as correct & completed.
At the end of the event if you have collected enough stars you will be rewarded the corresponding prizes (see prizes below).
You do not need to collect the stars in order, just do the ones you can!
Do not cheat! I've designed this game, so you must complete the tasks yourself!
Everything must be new so no using old posts, dice rolls etc.
It must be from the start of the event only.

I have the right to add or change rules if i see fit. Plus this is a new game, so not sure what kind of issues may arise just yet lol.

Gain 50 Posts in this thread
Roll a 500 Dice and get a number between 50-100
Introduce yourself to a newbie, down in the welcome forum!
(You will get a special star if you introduce yourself to at least 3 Newbies& make them feel welcome.)

Gained 100 Posts in this thread
Donate to someone who has a quest thread
Roll a 100 dice and get any of these numbers 1, 13, 27, 33, 55, 80, 99
Post at least 20 times in another thread, or 10 times in 2 different threads
- In the event forum.

Nominate someones avatar for Users Pick!

Post at least 10 times in Roachis auction house
(If you bid on an item, you will get a special star,
Only bids from the start of the event on wards, count).

Roll a 100 Dice and get either of these numbers 45, 89

Gain 250 Posts in this thread
Post at least 5 times in charity thread

This is a special star - If you do the extra tasks you may receive more then one.
This will entitle you to 1k per extra task completed & 10 entries into the raffle.
They do not count towards the 12 you must get, they are just extra credits.

Extra Credit Stars!
Earn more raffle tickets and prizes!
Please only collect these stars if you've finished collecting the first 12 above!

★ Gain 500 Posts in this thread
Gain 20 Posts in Utopias new newbie thread
Gain 100 Posts in Utopias new newbie thread
Post 20 times in someone else's hangout or quest thread
Start a new topic in one of the forums, maybe try one you've never been in before!
Tell us at least 2 things, you'd like Mene to either improve on, or implement that you think will benefit the community.
(Recent posts only from the start of the event on wards, and please follow TOS, no spamming)

In the event, no one collects ALL stars, it will go the person who has the most.
In the event of a tie, the prize will be split between the winners.
You will also forfeit the lower category prizes if you're a top winner.
Yellow stars do not count towards the 12 you must collect.
They are extra credit only!

You can only win raffle tickets through collecting stars OR as a random prize from roachi.

1st to collect ALL stars = 20 Raffle Tickets, 25k, x3 Random CIs Claimed
2nd to collect ALL stars =
10 Raffle Tickets, 15k, x2 Random CIsClaimed
3rd to collect ALL stars =
10k & x1 Random CI, x10 Raffle Tickets Claimed
Completed Collections = Random CI & 2k, x5 Raffle Tickets
Collected at least 6 Stars = x3 Raffle Tickets
Collected at least 7 stars =
200g + 5 Raffle Tickets
Collected at least 8 stars = Random EI & 5 Raffle Tickets
Collected at least 9 stars = 500g + 10 Raffle Tickets
Collected at least 10 or 11 stars = 2k & Random CI & 10 Raffle Tickets

Extra Credit Stars - 20 Raffle tickets for each star completed, and a special prize.
30 Raffle tickets for reaching 500 posts star.

Ping these forms to Roachi
If you don't use the form (from now) - it won't be updated.

Star Claim Form
Task you have completed:
Links to evidence:

I have all 12 Stars!
Stars have been updated to front page as complete:
Completed the special star tasks:

Roachi 07-29-2017 04:12 AM

Last Updated: 25th Aug @ 10:14pm NZST

(3rd) ||Extra Credit:
dragoness129 -
(2nd) || Extra Credit:
Eastriel -
(1st) ||Extra Credit:
`Kitami -
Shadami -

Salvete -
(6th) | | Extra Credit:
Suona -

Yellow Star Collectors

*Hime* - [Awarded; 2k & 20 Tickets]
dragones129 -
[Awarded; 2k & 20 Tickets]
Eastriel -
[Awarded; 2k & 20 Tickets]
Salvete -[Awarded; 2k & 20 Tickets]
`Kitami -
[Awarded 1k & 10 Tickets]
Shadami -
[Awarded 2k & 20 Tickets]
Suona -
[Awarded 2k & 20 Tickets]

** gold still to be awarded. However tickets already awarded. **

Queen_Andais 07-29-2017 05:05 AM

A raffle that isn't really a raffle:

This is how I envision this happening:
Everyone buys A ticket for 25 gold each day.
I will draw two names a day
Those two people get to pick a square
A square can only be chosen once
Each square will have a prize, no gold, a CI.

List of possible items to win:
Swarm of the Monarch, Exotic Greenhouse, Time Warp, Hammer of Thor, Dragon Helmet, Midas Touch x2, Yin Yang x2, Peeblo the Imp x2, Imperial Lucky Cat, Woodsprite, Nature's Imp, Bao Bao the Panda, Sunny Side Up

How to get in on the action:
1. Send your donation to Queen_Andais
2. I will allow prepaying for tickets, just note that in the comments
3. Yes, you can purchase tickets for others, please note that as well. Just make sure that they don't already have the maximum allowed. (Which is 1)
4. Yes, mules can participate, charities are also included.

Drawings will occur in the evening of that day. Please know I will try to announce 1 hour before the drawing so people are reminded to get in on the drawing.

Ticket Holders:
Day One:
Professor Lily - Winner
*Hime* - Winner

Day Two
Eastriel - Winner
sadrain - Winner

Day Three:
Mnemosyne - Winner
Professor Lily - Winner
Kirin Rosenbaum
Precarious Fool

Day Four:
Kiari - Winner
Professor Lily
Kirin Rosenbaum
Precarious Fool - Winner

Day Five
*Hime* - Winner
Professor Lily
Kirin Rosenbaum
Precarious Fool
Suona - Winner

Day Six:
Eastriel - Winner
Professor Lily
Kirin Rosenbaum - Winner
Precarious Fool

Day Seven:
*Hime* - Winner
Eastriel - Winner
Professor Lily
Kirin Rosenbaum
Precarious Fool

1 - Eastriel - Sunny Side up
2 - Kirin Rosenbaum - Woodsprite
3 - Precarious Fool - Nature's Imp
4 - *Hime* - (Imperial Cat)
5 - Mnemosyne - (Swarm of the Monarch)
6 - Kiari - Peeblo the Imp
7 - *Hime* - Yin Yang
8 - Professor Lily - (Midas Touch)
9 - sadrain - (Hammer of Thor)
11 - Eastriel - (Yin Yang)
12 - Suona - Dragon Helmet
13 - Professor Lily - (Peeblo the Imp)
15 - *Hime* - Exotic Greenhouse

Queen_Andais 07-29-2017 05:05 AM

It is Tanabata custom to write your wishes on colorful paper called tanzaku and tie/hang them on bamboo trees. Typically the trees are then floated down the river or out in the ocean and burned as an offering. There won't be any burning involved, or floating the trees down the river or onto the ocean, instead you will simply hang your wish here for me to grant.

Wishes can consist of items in the event shop, items in the regular shops, and possibly high priced items such as EIs/CIs.

1. You may send in a wish at anytime during the event (Send the wish via PM to Queen_Andais - Subject should say WISH)
2. You may submit 3 wishes in all (Try not to be indecisive with your wishes, I will not look kindly on someone sending in a wish one day only to have them rescind that wish and ask for a different item in its place.)
3. Be specific in your wish by including the item name, exact color and shop where the item can be located
4. This is not limited to main accounts, Charity Mules are allowed to participate. (No Mules please)
5. Anyone wishing for a EI/CI will need to understand that a best effort will be put forward, but please limit the price to no more than 3,000 gold.
6. At no time will a wish for pure be granted. Should someone ask for the pure in place of an item that person will be banned from wishing for the remainder of the event and subject to exclusion in future event threads.
7. There will be no wishes accepted on the last day of the event. This is to ensure that I have enough time to fulfill wishes made throughout the week.

dragoness129 - The Bitter Hag - Granted
dragoness129 - Trident of Atlantis; Blueberry Silken Gown - Granted
Salvete - The Luuv Guru; The Bitter Hag; Temptress Bodice (Red)Granted
Kiari - Tiki Beach Party Granted
*Hime* - Duvalian Mining Corp. - Granted
Kirin Rosenbaum - Peacock Scythe; Purple and Black Voodoo Skirt; Purple and Black Voodoo Bodice
Precarious Fool - Priest of Feast Skirt & Priest of Midnight Skirt from special (Granted)

Roachi 07-30-2017 12:21 AM
You can only win raffle tickets through;
Collecting stars OR as a random prize from roachi.
** You can not win any of the remaining prizes if you win the queens crown.**

What you could win!
Top Prize -
Gold - x2 10k, x2 5k, x10 2k
Also... Random CIs & EIs

Ticket Holders

Eastriel - x60
dragoness129 - x
*Hime* - x70
Salvete - x20
`Kitami - x10
Shadami - x20
Suona - x25

Roachi 07-30-2017 12:22 AM

Roachi's Trades

*Hime* - x20 Raffle Tickets + St Paddys Extra Lucky Black T (F) + 500g
x20 Raffle Tickets + Masquerade King (Done)
Eastriel - x20 Raffle Tickets + St Paddys Extra Lucky White T (F) + 500g (Done)

Star Collections
Eastriel - 1st Prize (Done)
dragoness129 - 2nd Prize (Done)
*Hime* - 3rd Prize (Done)
Suona - Completed Prize (Done)

-- Still to award gold for yellow stars

Queen_Andais 07-31-2017 01:05 AM

*Hime* - 100 Points - Winner of Hot or Cold
dragoness129 - 125 points - Day 1 Roll
Eastriel - 100 points - Day 1 Roll
Eastriel - 175 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Shadami - 150 points - Day 1 Roll
dragoness129 - 125 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Shadami - 200 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Shadami - 125 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 100 points - Day 1 Roll
*Hime* - 100 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 200 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Salvete - 100 points - Day 1 Roll
Salvete - 100 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Velvet - 150 points - Day 1 Roll
`Kitami - 125 points - Day 1 Roll
`Kitami - 175 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 100 points - Day 1 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 200 points - Day 2 Roll
Eastriel - 150 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 125 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 175 points - Day 2 Roll
`Kitami - 150 points - Day 2 Roll
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 125 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 200 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 150 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Shadami - 100 points - Day 2 Roll
Salvete - 175 points - Day 2 Roll
Salvete - 150 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Shadami - 150 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Shadami - 100 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
star200shadow - 150 points - Day 2 Roll
dragoness129 - 200 points - Day 2 Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Suona - 175 points - Day 2 Roll
Suona - 100 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
Suona - 125 points - Day 2 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 150 points - Day 3 Roll
`Kitami - 125 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 100 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 100 points - Day 3 Roll
*Hime* - 125 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 200 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
Suona - 200 points - Day 3 Roll
Suona - 150 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
salvete - 150 points - Day 3 Roll
salvete - 125 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
salvete - 125 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 175 points - Day 3 Roll
Eastriel - 150 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
Shadami - 150 points - Day 3 Roll
Shadami - 200 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 100 points - Day 3 Roll
dragoness129 - 125 points - Day 3 Additional Roll
Suona - 150 points - Winner of Hot or Cold
Eastriel - 150 points - Winner of Hot or Cold
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 4 Roll
`Kitami - 175 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 125 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Precarious Fool - 175 points - Day 4 Roll
Precarious Fool - 175 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Precarious Fool - 125 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 125 points - Day 4 Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 150 points - Day 4 Roll
*Hime* - 150 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 175 points - Day 4 Roll
Eastriel - 200 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 175 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Suona - 150 points - Day 4 Roll
Suona - 150 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Suona - 100 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Shadami - 175 points - Day 4 Roll
Shadami - 100 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 100 points - Winner of Hot or Cold
Salvete - 150 points - Day 4 Roll
Salvete - 175 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
Salvete - 175 points - Day 4 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Winner of Hot or Cold
Eastriel - 100 points - Winner of Hot or Cold
`Kitami - 100 points - Day 5 Roll
`Kitami - 125 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Salvete - 125 points - Day 5 Roll
Salvete - 125 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Salvete - 175 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 150 points - Day 5 Roll
Eastriel - 100 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 125 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 175 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Precarious Fool - 200 points - Day 5 Roll
Precarious Fool - 100 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Precarious Fool - 150 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Suona - 175 points - Day 5 Roll
Suona - 175 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 200 points - Day 5 Roll
dragoness129 - 100 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 150 points - Day 5 Roll
*Hime* - 100 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 150 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 100 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Shadami - 150 points - Day 5 Roll
Shadami - 150 points - Day 5 Additional Roll
Salvete - 150 points - Day 6 Roll
Salvete - 100 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Day 6 Roll
dragoness129 - 150 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
dragoness129 - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 200 points - Day 6 Roll
*Hime* - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
*Hime* - 175 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Suona - 150 points - Day 6 Roll
Suona - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Suona - 150 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Facade - 100 points - Day 6 Roll
Facade - 175 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 200 points - Day 6 Roll
Eastriel - 100 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Eastriel - 150 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 100 points - Day 6 Roll
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
`Kitami - 350 points - Day 7 Roll
Precarious Fool - 175 points - Day 6 Roll
Precarious Fool - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Precarious Fool - 200 points - Day 6 Additional Roll
Shadami - 300 points - Day 7 Roll
Salvete - 450 points - Day 7 Roll

Queen_Andais 07-31-2017 04:21 AM

Current Standings:
*Hime* - 2825
Eastriel - 2375
`Kitami - 2375
Salvete - 2100
dragoness129 - 2050
Shadami - 1750
Suona - 1700
Precarious Fool - 925
Facade - 275
Velvet - 150
star2000shadow - 150

Roachi 08-01-2017 08:54 PM

I've finally got someone to do the art - lets see how it turns out ^^

Roachi 08-01-2017 08:54 PM


Roachi 08-18-2017 09:56 AM


Queen_Andais 08-18-2017 02:15 PM

We are open, please come in and start posting. Roachi just hasn't had a chance to get on and update that we are ready for visitors.

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 02:16 PM

Hiya queen

---------- Post added 08-18-2017 at 09:17 AM ----------

I wasn't sure so I didn't post earlier

Eastriel 08-18-2017 02:18 PM

Phew you're open hello hello!

dragoness129 08-18-2017 02:18 PM

Queen_Andais: Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 1 The 5-sided dice lands on 5
For Luck! Day 1 The 5-sided dice lands on 5

The 500-sided dice lands on 434
The 100-sided dice lands on 61
The 100-sided dice lands on 64

xoxoAngiexoxo 08-18-2017 02:18 PM

Hiya eastriel

dragoness129 08-18-2017 02:22 PM

So many fun things!
I love Tanabata! ^_^

The 500-sided dice lands on 380
The 100-sided dice lands on 28
The 100-sided dice lands on 4

---------- Post added 08-18-2017 at 02:23 PM ----------

Roachi: I rolled between 50-100 on the 500-sided die.

Shadami 08-18-2017 02:30 PM

oh goodness so much to read. :3 kidding i'm just being lazy as I poke around all the wonderful threads to see what's up. looks fun as usual ^^

Eastriel 08-18-2017 02:30 PM

Here I go! Wishing on a Star! Day 1 The 5-sided dice lands on 3
For Luck! Day 1 The 5-sided dice lands on 4

Queenie how do we let roro know we've achieved the star challenge things?

Queen_Andais 08-18-2017 02:30 PM

How exciting! People posting!

Welcome fellow star folk.

Eastriel 08-18-2017 02:30 PM

I dont get how the dice work?

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:04 PM.