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-   -   Menewsha's Space Station: a hangout for astronomers, stargazers, and anyone else with their head in the stars (OPEN, Now with added Discord!) (

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 02:06 AM

Menewsha's Space Station: a hangout for astronomers, stargazers, and anyone else with their head in the stars (OPEN, Now with added Discord!)

~*Discord Invite Link*~

Welcome to Menewsha's Space Station, a place for the astronomers and stargazers on Mene to come and look out at the stars from the earth's orbit, study stellar phenomena, or just talk about what's going on in the cosmos, or even imagine what people on other worlds are thinking as they look out at our own sun.

We'll be doing several research projects as we orbit our planet, even though our lovely station isn't quite finished yet. There are some places that are restricted until they are finished, unless you would like to meet your end in the cold, hard vacuum of space.

Feel free to share your pictures of the night sky, talk about what you've been seeing, or just chat about whatever. Even sign up to be part of our research teams for one of our projects.

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 02:22 AM


1. Follow Menewsha ToS.
2. No cyberbullies.
3. Be literate!
4. I have nothing against having online boyfriend/girlfriend relationships in this thread, just don't take it too far!
5. If you'd like to be a member of our crew, fill out the application. Please.
6. Keep the swearing to a minimum.
7. Just because this is a thread devoted to outer space and all that's in it doesn't mean that you have to stay on that topic! If you'd like to start a conversation on something else, then go ahead!
8. When talking to someone when there are others present, please specify who you're talking to. Let's try to avoid 'talking to the void.'
9. There may be aliens come through here, so please be polite to any off-worlders we get. Let's make a good impression for all of Menewsha!
10. Try not to be rude to each other, either. Just because we're orbiting high above the planet doesn't mean you're off the hook. If you're nice to others on-planet, then be nice to others in orbit as well.
11. 'All work and no play' is no fun. Even when we're on research projects, we're all entitled to our own bits of fun.
12. DON'T PULL ANY PRANKS ON THE GUYS BACK ON EARTH!!! Please! This means, not transmitting fake radio signals for the guys at SETI to pick up! If you do that, I'll throw you out the airlock myself!
13. Do NOT destroy the station! And not just because it cost so much to commission and build; because we're in space! If you blow out a wall here, we're all dead. Literally.
14. You don't have to undertake the research projects in real life. It's only on the site that we're 'researching' something.
15. Behave. This goes along with the "no pulling pranks on the SETI guys" thing. Another example of misbehavior is throwing your trash out the airlock. Or throwing other people out the airlock. Either way, please behave yourselves.
16. No throwing you boss (that would be me) out the airlock! Just because I can't die doesn't mean you can throw me into the vacuum!
17. DON'T TOUCH THE RED MATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. Have fun!

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 03:09 AM

~White/Black Lists~

White List:


Black List:

~No one. Keep it that way!

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 03:28 AM


Head of Operations--TaiyoTsuki
Assist. Head of Operations--
Head Physicist--
Head Chemist--
Head Astrobiologist--
Head Geologist--
Head of Mantinence--
Head Counselor--The Wandering Poet
Head of Supply--MintyRey
Cheif Engineer--Car'a'Carn
Head Doctor--
Cheif of Security--HappyStarr
Alien Liason--April
Resident Idiot--musasgal

Here's a list of people who aren't part of the crew, but drop by enough to be listed as Frequent Visitors:


~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 03:42 AM

~Bulletin Board~

Important Dates:

6/9/2009--Space Station commissioned
8/23/2010--Space Station put into operation
10/30/2010--Event Hangout created
10/30/2010--Site Halloween event started
10/30/2010--Ghost found! YIKES!!!

Contests and Events:

5/3/2016--Pheonix Jubilee 2016
5/3/2016--Arboretum officially opened for use!

Research Projects:


Other Crap:


~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 04:01 AM

~Application for Positions~


Position Desired:

If there's a position you want that isn't listed in the Crew post, then put that in the position desired slot. I'll put it up with your name should you get it.

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 04:35 AM

Main lab:
This is where most of our major research is collected and studied. Information from all the other labs are transferred to here for complete analyzation. There's a large main viewscreen that looks out to the void beyond.

Here is where we study alien life forms; the microscopic kinds. It's also where the biological makeup and processes. It can be very interesting...or entertaining. Depends on how you look at some of the stuff that comes through here......

Chem Labs:
Stay outta here unless you know what you're doing. Or crazy. One of the two. Most of the dangerous chemicals are kept here for experimental purposes. This includes napalm, hydrochloric acid, C-4, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc....You get the picture.

This is where our poor, overworked doctor is most of the time. Come here if you've got anything wrong with your health. Or you could just stop by to have a chat; our doctor would definitly appreciate that.....

Physics Lab:
Anything that deals with physics is done here. Please, don't try and create a warp bubble in here. They place'll be destroyed if you do.

Main Observatory:
If you like looking at stars, then you're here. There's plenty of complicated instrumentation to suit your fancy, just don't play with any of it! It's essentially a circular room with half the wall devoid of anything. The reason? It's an observatory; labels and data can be projected onto the screen to make things a bit easier to see.

With any luck, this place won't be seeing many people. However, there'll be times when the crap hits the fan and we get hit with hostile aliens we have to fight off. Like said, hopefully we won't need it....

FOOD! This is where we eat our meals. There's something called a replicator in each wall that produces food from....well, let's not say. All I'm telling is that all materials from the station are recycled.

Our poor engineer spends most of his time here, keeping all the proceses our station needs to stay in operation. If there's any kind of trouble with the tech anywhere, call down here and a mantinence man will be sent to solve the problem.

Ship Dock:
This is where visiting ships dock when they need to replenish supplies, get mantinence, ask for directions, find out who's been tossing crap out the airlocks, etc. Most of the people who come through here are from Earth, but every once in a while we'll get some aliens. Our alien liason spends a lot of time here.

Cargo Bay:
This is where most of our supplies are kept. The supply department spends most of their time here, and it looks pretty empty right now....

Recreation Center:
More like Recreation Deck! This is a big station with hundreds of personnell, and we all need a bit of r&r. Since we can't always get down to the planet for some fun, we've got a well-equipped rec center on the station. It includes a gym with weights, treadmills, mechanical bikes, stair climbers, and indoor track, wrestling mats, and punching bags. There's a game room with plenty of game consoles such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Wii plus enough arcade games for even the nerdiest people. There's a bowling alley with a bar/lounge, which (despite the bar) doesn't serve alcohol, but something called synthehol instead. This means you can have any regular alcoholic beverage (beer, jin, wine, mead, etc.) you like, without the not-so-good effects of getting drunk. There's also two gymnasiums for playing sports and an olympic-sized swimming pool.

Living Quarters:
There's an entire two-and-a-half decks devoted to housing the crew and their families. The living quarters are essentially apartments. Usually someone's assigned quarters are relatively close to their workplaces, but there are some times (such as with me) where a person's quarters are nowhere near their workplace. There's also several suites that are purposly left empty for visitors to our station, such as stranded travellers or diplomats.

Briefing Room:
This is where the staff meetings with our senior staff (the guys listed in the 'Crew' post--excluding our resident idiot) take place. It's where we decide what our next research project(s) should be, solve any major problems in the station, plan events for the entire station. If there's anything going awry it'll be discussed here and any action to correct it will be taken.

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 04:40 AM

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 04:41 AM

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TaiyoTsuki 08-25-2010 04:41 AM

~Opening Comments~

Menewsha's Space Station is now open for operation! Feel free to come and chat about anything related to stargazing, astronomy, or anything!

~Introduction~*~Rules~*~White/Black Lists~*~Crew~*~Bulletin Board~*~Application for Positions~*~Tour~*~Reserved~*~Reserved~*~Opening Comments~

TerrenaAnimula 08-26-2010 01:56 AM

Well, gee, and I wanted to throw someone out of the airlock. I don't care who...I just want to do it. It would be grand. Then just watch them float among the stars...

But we could do it the "safe" way. Put them in a space suit with oxygen...then throw them out...but they aren't attached so they just kind of float away. XD

But in the end...we should attach them so they don't go too far and we can reel them back in. It could be a ride!

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2010 02:00 AM

We'd have to talk to the guys funding this thing if we wanted to do that....

TerrenaAnimula 08-26-2010 02:03 AM

We couldn't charge the people who wanted to push someone out for some exorbitant fee that would pay basically pay for it? That's something and that where the guys funding it wouldn't have to fund the ride...although...I guess they would in the very beginning though. Hmm...

It would be a source of income though. You know they'd be people willing to fork out a large some just to do it.

Or can we at least push imaginary friends out of the airlock?

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2010 02:26 AM

Imaginary friends are okay; you can just make them poof back into the station.

There's another hangout I'm gonna be revamping. It's for all the ROTCers on here...provided I'm not the only one.

HappyStarr 08-26-2010 12:12 PM

Ah...I'm no ROTC. XD But yayyyy the thread's up! *pushes sister's imaginary friend out the airlock* Bwahaha! :twisted: ...ya. >.>

Should I post my crew application here? Yes? No? YES?

Username: HappyStarr
Position Desired: Chief of Security
Reasons: 'Cause I'm :ninja: and ready to take on challenges. I can fight hand-to-hand and with weapons. And as for inside intruders, I'm not so easily fooled. :twisted:

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2010 05:05 PM

You're ready for the job, alright! Kk, I'll put you up for a crew posistion, then.

This is a huge space station, and there's only three people on

HappyStarr 08-26-2010 08:10 PM

lol only three!? 0.0 We must be very hard workers.

TaiyoTsuki 08-26-2010 11:17 PM

Or people just haven't found it yet....

Okay, who touched the Red Matter?!

HappyStarr 08-26-2010 11:38 PM

0.0 It wasn't me, I swear! ...maybe Peeblo snuck in.

TaiyoTsuki 08-27-2010 12:02 AM

Who's Peeblo?

HappyStarr 08-27-2010 12:10 AM

0.0 Peeblo is the little devil of Menewsha. He's always sneaking into threads and blowing rooms up and stuff.

TaiyoTsuki 08-27-2010 12:23 AM

He'd better stay the hell away from the Red Matter......we don't need a black hole popping into existance above Menewsha!

TerrenaAnimula 08-27-2010 12:35 AM

It wasn't me! I didn't touch the red matter!

I might be able to bring someone over to the space station! But she's currently not on AIM...and I don't even know the last time she was on Menewsha either. XD

HappyStarr 08-27-2010 12:39 AM

0.0 Well...ya could always try! :D

And I agree! Peeblo shows up, and it's on! D<

TerrenaAnimula 08-27-2010 12:42 AM

Peeblo is the first NPC I've even talked to. And it was an argument about tea. It was grand. And it made my day.

But I could definitely see him touching the red matter!

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