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kelseydee 05-16-2019 01:19 AM

Blondes,Pisces and other misfits
Like what!eveeeeeer u wanna talk about.

---------- Post added 05-15-2019 at 09:21 PM ----------

For the moment my hormones r in sync with my rw self.

Inzanebraned 05-16-2019 06:03 AM

That's good for you!
Stuff has been about the same for me...the springing of Spring has not helped my anxiety or depression like it has in years past.
Hope graduates from kindergarten next week! She is such a smart kid! ...been reading and doing math on a first grade level for a few months now!

pinkypisces 05-22-2019 03:22 AM

This is a hostile take over. Everyone panic

kelseydee 07-04-2019 09:08 PM

Well, Pinky's gone awol. There's no telling for how long. But I'll hang in here as a 65 yr old grey frosted Pisces for the time being.... Why yes,I am crazy. Thanks for noticing. 🤡😋😜

Inzanebraned 07-04-2019 10:20 PM

It is good to see you!
Unpredictable Pinky must be on vacation or something. Lol!
I hope things have been going well for you! [heart]

kelseydee 07-05-2019 12:09 PM

So far so good. I think my heart attack last month killed pinky. 🙃 So how's about u and BF?

Inzanebraned 07-07-2019 04:00 AM

Maybe the heart attack really scared Pinky and she is just in hiding for a while.
I hope you continue to stay in good health!
BF is still happily enjoying his tow truck job. His boss treats him well and notices the BF's work ethic and rewards him with bonuses and good praise.
I am still under the cloud of depression and anxiety...still hoping it will wear off one day.
Hope and family plus Toasted Melba Toast's oldest daughter are in Hawaii for 11 days. Turtles says the heat and humidity are not making her feel very good, but they have been doing some fun stuff and seeing scenery.
This makes Hope's third trip to Hawaii!
It has been unseasonably not very hot in Denver lately! ...highs around 80°F and lots of thunderstorms. Last year we were baking and wishing for a drop of rain by now!
I hope you had a pleasant 4th of July! [heart]

kelseydee 07-19-2019 03:10 AM

Hi ho people. Who's still here?

kelseydee 07-21-2019 10:32 PM

Just stopping by. How's everyone

Inzanebraned 07-24-2019 02:59 AM

It's always nice to see you!
I'm doing okay...about the same as always.
How are you doing? [heart]

kelseydee 07-30-2019 02:32 AM

Really well. Since my heart attack I've become more active and lost ten lbs.

Inzanebraned 07-30-2019 10:27 AM

Good for you! That is great news!
I seem to have a lack of energy that keeps me from being more active...and my lack of appetite keeps me from needing to lose any more weight. I plan to talk with my doctor about my blood pressure being extraordinarily low and see if that could be the reason for my lack of energy and if we need to do something about it.
Have you been taking walks around your community like you had been before? You used to post some pictures and talk about the stuff you encountered.
You could do that again! (hint hint!) [heart]

Dazzlingdreamberry 07-31-2019 06:05 AM

Hi capt! Hi Izzy! Congrats on losing some wt, cap! Weather finally cooled down a bit here. Mr x s hygenist just sold her house and moved to Kentucky. The Gilroy garlic festival is in our neck of the woods. I was always intrigued about going, but it was always done at the hottest part of summer. They would advertise garlic flavored everything. Even ice cream! Driving down the freeway you could smell the garlic. Monsieur ugly spotted Again in the hills. And deer now spotted down here in the low lands eating roses. A coyote catching cats right down the St. I'm scared to go out of the house.

Inzanebraned 08-01-2019 12:15 AM

Dazzlingdreamberry: Hi, Dazzy! It's so nice to see you!
I read about that tragic event that happened at the garlic festival. So sad!
There has been too many things like that happening lately!
There was a sighting of a bobcat in a residential neighborhood, here, captured by a porch camera. Very odd considering it was far from any creeks or direct pathways from the foothills!
Maybe you should invest in a walking stick, if you don't already have one, to take outside with you in case you encounter a coyote.
Where I live, there are numerous rabbits around the apartment complex...and there is a family of raccoons that visit by coming up the storm sewer...and I have seen a few coyotes in the parking lot, but they run scared when they see me.
I hope things are good with you, Dazzy! [heart]

kelseydee 08-08-2019 02:21 AM

We have bobcats, mountain lions, deer galore, skunk ,coons and assorted wildlife. My wife worries about my activities but as I tell her, I'm scarier than anything around here.

---------- Post added 08-07-2019 at 10:22 PM ----------

Oh. Last Sunday I posted my Sunday sermon live on FB. I intend to do so every Sunday henceforth.

kelseydee 08-12-2019 10:42 PM

Well, I'm still kicking. But even with Medicare and VA benefits I can't afford all the care I need. I'm alright for now.

kelseydee 08-14-2019 08:54 PM

Where oh where have the memes all gone? Where oh where can they beeeee?

Inzanebraned 08-14-2019 11:24 PM

I'm still here...I just don't post much.
The depression and anxiety that I experience daily prevents me from doing things I used to fact, I barely get my daily household tasks done!
Then, when I drop in on this site, it makes me feel more depressed because it is so sad that there is barely ever any activity here.
Dropping in on Menewsha reminds me of going to visit the place you grew up...the house is still there and a few of the neighbors might still be around, but the house is empty and all the things that used to make you feel happy are gone.
I still drop in here usually every day...but I usually don't have anything to post so I don't stay long.

What medical care is it that you can't afford?
I am fortunate that Medicaid pays for my ongoing care and my prescriptions only cost me up to $2 out of pocket.
I hope you are staying healthy and that things are going well for you despite the cost of medical care! [heart]

kelseydee 08-15-2019 03:17 AM

Doing my best. Trump's appointed head of the VA changed the billing. Now your bills broke up so even though u make payments anything older than, 3 months is turned over to the Treasury dept as delinquent.ill just have to as much as possible avoid illness

kelseydee 08-17-2019 02:23 AM

So here I am. Minding my own business when suddenly be I had a pleasant day . Nothing outrageous. Just nice. I got 3 eggs today. 1 from each hen. Finished wifelady quilt rack/shelf. Just a nice day.

Inzanebraned 08-18-2019 02:52 AM

I am very happy for you to have had a nice day! [heart]

kelseydee 08-18-2019 09:36 PM

Something's just aren't fair. I lost most of the feeling in both feet, except for pain. The increasing arthritis pain in my feet comes through loud and clear.

kelseydee 08-21-2019 02:25 AM

Well, I haven't had any contact with the monster since January. But she shows up in my dreams. I don't think it's just me. I've been convinced for years that she's like super phycic. But that's ok. I blow her off in Dreamland too.

kelseydee 08-23-2019 01:35 AM

Well. Pink pisces has shown up on But she feels more like barfly. Why yes, I do know I'm insane.

Inzanebraned 08-23-2019 03:40 AM

I had to giggle because not many folks know who Barfly is!
I don't think of you as insane....more like "unique!" [heart]

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