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-   -   Haunted Halloween III: Who Killed Bishop Crane? - Event over! Game is still on! Check first post for details! (

BellyButton 10-16-2013 03:02 PM

Haunted Halloween III: Who Killed Bishop Crane? - Event over! Game is still on! Check first post for details!
banner by the mysterious and talented Seridano

".. to die is a debt that we all must pay." - Euripedes

Welcome once again to another installation of Haunted Halloween. Whether you're new to our twisted tales, or you've been with us through the ghostly halls of Marcheford Manor and the mad, howling streets of Podunkia, we're so very glad you're here!

This year we could really use your help in solving a little mystery. It all takes place at sea, aboard the luxury yacht of a certain billionaire -- or, I should say, a certain late billionaire -- Mr. Bishop Crane.

Grab your monocle and fingerprint kit, don your thinking caps & step aboard as we try to answer the burning question:

Who killed Bishop Crane?


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1772247645)
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that tonight's round will last until the event is shut down. The results post, along with instructions on how to submit your favorite murder suspect, will be posted in the Community Discussion forum sometime in the next day or so. We may or may not ping you all there depending on how evil we are feeling at the time. [ninja] Thanks!!

Captain Howdy 10-16-2013 10:39 PM
Bishop Crane

Alright junior detectives, here's the story. One Bishop Crane, sixty-four year old multimillionaire and owner of the Crane Games toy company, has been murdered!
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! *dramatic reverb*

On the night in question, the victim invited seven people onto his lavish yacht for an important announcement. These people included: Mr. Crane's ex-wife, his son, his girlfriend, his personal secretary, his estranged brother, the CEO of his company, and his old friend turned business rival. At the present we don't know what Mr. Crane's planned announcement was. What we do know is that somewhere between the time his guests boarded the yacht and dinner, the old man was stabbed to death with a letter opener in his office, situated at the very top of the boat. The ship's crew was minimal and have all been accounted for, leaving only Mr. Crane's invited guests.
Listen close, junior detectives. All suspects have been sequestered in the dining room. Detective Belly and I will be interviewing them one by one. At the same time, it will be your job to investigate their last known whereabouts for evidence. This evidence will help point you toward the identity of the killer. So make sure your sleuthing skills are at their best. -- And should you find a little somethin'- somethin' in your search, I'm sure we can turn a blind eye. [;)]

BellyButton 10-17-2013 12:36 AM

Once every 24 hours, you may:
  1. Look at Today's Search ( here ).
  2. Choose an action from the list.
  3. Copy and paste the provided form, with your action added, into this thread.
  4. Check back after 9PM Pacific for the results. (Click here for current Pacific time.) We will post them in this thread directly, but you may also find them in "Yesterday's Results," here. If you miss a day, you can find results for past maps further down the page.
  5. Return to Today's Search for the new map. Rinse, and repeat! [yes]

In addition to the chance of winning prizes each day, you will begin to reveal information that incriminates suspects. As the details of the case unfold, you will be trying to decide which of the suspects you believe to be guilty of the murder of Bishop Crane. At the end of the event, we will tell you how you can close the case for a chance to win additional prizes.


Only one account per person may play.
Exception: Staff-approved charity mules are welcome to play for their charities.

You must accept any trades within 30 days.
We'll cancel long-unaccepted trades and reroute those items to active charities.


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1772247645)
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that tonight's round will last until the event is shut down. The results post, along with instructions on how to submit your favorite murder suspect, will be posted in the Community Discussion forum sometime in the next day or so. We may or may not ping you all there depending on how evil we are feeling at the time. [ninja] Thanks!!

Q & A

Q. I think I know who did it! How do I state my accusation?
A. Hold that thought, gumshoe! Once the event draws to a close, we'll explain how to wrap things up. This will likely take place in a new thread we create in Community Discussion after the event. You'll have a chance to tell us who you think the murderer is, and which pieces of evidence you're basing your case on.

Q. I keep finding Evidence, but that means I am not winning any prizes!
A. We kind of thought you might say that. So we added a little raffle to sweeten the deal. Each time you find evidence, you will gain one raffle ticket for Howdy and my costume bits. The more clues you find, the more chances you will have to win those items. You can read more about it in the Costume Raffle post. [yes]

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 12:58 AM

Here are your seven suspects, rookies. Inspect them carefully, 'cause one of them is a killer!
Balthazar Crane
Bishop Crane's estranged younger brother and the black sheep of the Crane family. Many years ago Balthazar accused Bishop of turning their father against him, after he was disowned. Balthazar vowed revenge on his elder sibling, then left town and never came back... until now.
Brad Crane
The son of Bishop Crane, heir to the Crane family fortune and next in line to run Crane Games. Brad is a handsome, yet spoiled playboy, whose idea of work solely consists of working on his tan. Bishop long hoped to instill some responsibility into his only child, but in vain. So in effort to straighten him out, Brad's father recently cut off his allowance, which has made the younger Crane very unhappy.
Loretta Crane
Bishop Crane's bitter ex-wife. After more than three and a half decades of a marriage filled with infidelity, Loretta decided she'd had enough and filed for divorce. She thought she was having the last word, but the final insult was produced by Bishop's lawyers, in the form of a prenuptial agreement eliminating the possibility of alimony. A prenup that Loretta claims she never signed.
Lucy St. Clair
Bishop Crane's bubbly, beautiful, and much younger girlfriend. A ditzy blonde with more makeup than class, Lucy claims she and the old man were on the path of true love. Some have to wonder, though, if she wasn't just after his money.
Nathan Matsuyama
Bishop Crane's personal secretary. For three years Nathan has had the thankless task of being Mr. Crane's assistant. Living in the Crane mansion's servant's quarters, he has been subjugated to his boss' commands twenty-four hours a day. The proverbial whipping boy, some have wondered why Nathan hasn't simply quit. Some speculated that he couldn't.
Samantha Talbot
The CEO of Crane Games. A brilliant businesswoman, Samantha has long been at odds with her employer, Bishop Crane. He has continually shut down her ideas and stifled any attempts to grow the company. It has been known in recent months that Mr. Crane was using his influence over the board to pressure them into removing her from her position.
Ulrich Jacobs
Once a good friend to Bishop Crane, they have since become business rivals. Long ago Ulrich worked for Crane Games, but left to fulfill his dream of opening his own toy company. Bishop took this as a betrayal and never forgave him. Years later, Jacobs' company is now floundering and Crane has positioned himself for a hostile takeover.

BellyButton 10-17-2013 01:21 AM

Found in Lucy's CabinX
World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
Lying flat beneath Lucy's fluffy pillows, you encounter what is probably the last thing you were expecting to find: a well-used copy of The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics. Thumbing through for loose items, you find none, but note that some of the pages in the Astronomy section have been dog-eared.
Odd Painting
You may be a rookie, but you've seen enough detective films to know there's usually some sort clue secreted behind the paintings. Unfortunately, lifting each of the four small frames reveals nothing but wall. Oh well. You then take a closer look at the paintings. They're pretty typical: a flower, a hummingbird, a grasshopper perching on a leaf. But one of them is rather strange. It's a poorly done watercolor of a clown standing on a mountain, in front of some pine trees. The clown looks back at the observer with an unsettling grin, and beneath it are inscribed the words 'Never forget me. - Toodles'. What could that be about? Who's Toodles? One thing's clear, taking a second gander at the clown's face, you wish you could forget it.

Found on Upper DeckX
Ulrich's Notebook
Patting down the cushions seems like busywork, but you realize the importance of being thorough. Just as you're finishing up you see something dark along the inside of the sofa between the frame and the seat cushion. It's a notebook with the initials "UJ" embossed on the cover. Opening it up, you see it belongs to one of the suspects: Ulrich Jacobs. Seems our boy Ulrich is developing a game he's calling "Clupea," that involves putting together clues to solve a murder. He must have brought this along to work on his concept during the trip.. or, was this more of an itinerary?
"Psycho Nancy"
Okay, let's the check the railing! Nothing can be more exciting than checking the railing! You dust for prints, look for any abnormalities, but it turns out to be a regular old railing. And the excitement soon runs out. But wait... leaning over the railing you catch a glimpse at the yacht's name. Psycho Nancy? That's a curious name for a boat. Exactly who was Nancy, and just how psycho was she?

Found in BarX
Soup Recipe
You'd imagine that a classy joint like this would be kept neat and tidy, so you don't really expect much to come from looking under the armchairs. And sure enough your search seem futile, until you reach the last chair. You feel around and pull out a small bit of paper. It's a recipe card. Written at the top in big letters is 'Aunt Celerina's Miracle Fish Soup'. Now you don’t know much about cooking, but it does seem a bit unusual. It reads:

5 qt. of liquid from the waters of Arno
1 cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 fish, such as bass
3 hot dogs, diced
1 rooster, sectioned
salt and pepper to taste

On high heat bring water to a rapid boil; add cabbage, carrots and celery. Sever head from fish and toss into water. Allow fish head to flavor water for 6-8 minutes, then remove. Place body of fish into soup, along with hot dog and rooster pieces. Turn heat down to medium-low and let simmer, uncovered, for 40 minutes. Serves 7.
Autographed Photo of Mark Hamil
You'd assume the bar top would be a gold mine of fingerprints, but you've gone over it twice and it's spotless. A few martini glasses, a couple bottles of expensive looking hooch. Not much out of the ordinary. But at the far end of the bar sits something unusual. An autographed photo of actor Mark Hamil. It reads: "To my biggest fan! - Mark Hamil - 15th of November, 19XX". The last two digits in the year have been smudged and are unreadable. -- Who was his biggest fan? Could it have been Mr. Crane?

Found in Game RoomX
When you think "game room, card table" you think "hidden compartments." Well, you thunk right! Sure enough, on what appears to be the "dealer's side" of this octagonal table there's a small slide-out drawer. It proves a bit hard to open because someone has stuffed it full of something white and awkward. You manage to wrestle the item out, and unroll what looks like a white, nylon golf flag with an unfamiliar symbol written on it. It obviously wasn't supposed to go in there.. was it?
The top of the poker table looks pretty clean. You search the felt for hairs or fabric fibers, but come up with nothing. You wonder who was playing here, as it appears the table was abandoned mid-game. Looking over the cards, your interest is piqued. All the hands are turned face down, except for one. Aside from the 9 heart kicker, it's made up of two pair: An 8 of clubs, 8 of spades, ace of clubs and ace of spades. If you remember correctly, in poker this is called the Dead Man's Hand. Considering the situation, it's grimly appropriate.

Found at the PoolX
As you examine the stars painted on the ceiling over the pool, you're lost for a moment in the soothing effect it has on your being. But then you notice a faint tracing between some of them. It's quite distracting, once you've seen it. It looks like someone has attempted to form a constellation of some sort by connecting the dots. I wonder what it means?
A good detective knows no boundaries. A good detective will go to any length to seek out the truth. This is what you tell yourself as you step down into the freezing water of the swimming pool. What gives? Shouldn't this thing be heated at least a little? Securing your goggles, you bite the bullet and dive in. The pool is thankfully well lit and you do a visual sweep of the bottom. Nothings stands out as abnormal, but then something small and spherical catches your eyes. Reaching down you grasp the object, then bring it back up to the surface. It's a marble. A yellow, cat's eye marble. As there are no children on the ship, you wonder how that could have gotten there.

Found in Samantha's CabinX
The sitting area looks fairly un-sat, except for one thing. There's a book left out, laid open, face down on the armrest of one of the chairs. You flip it over and read an excerpt:

"Her ivory skin still glistened with bath water and her bosom heaved with anticipation as David stepped toward her, dropping his towel to the floor."

Whoa!! This is one of those smutty romance novels like they sell at the grocery store -- perhaps Samantha isn't such an ice queen after all?
You wonder what secrets lie behind Samantha Talbot's cold exterior. Could she be a spy? Or a secret agent working for Scotland Yard? Opening the desk drawers, you prepare yourself for a world of espionage and intrigue... But instead find nothin' but a buncha paperwork. Ah well. But then something small catches your eye. A matchbook from the Drunken Bass bar and grill. "The Best Seafood in Texas!", it reads. Is Texas even known for its seafood? Lifting the book cover, half the matches have been used. Hmm, you can't recall if Mrs. Talbot smoked or not.

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 01:30 AM

Being that it's Halloween, we were planning to dress up in spooky garb, fight some pirates and roam the island with the other folks. But this pesky murder business has changed all that. Rather than let our costumes go to waste, we're going to raffle off the pieces to those folks who are able to find evidence to help with the murder investigation.

Every time you find Evidence, you will be granted one raffle ticket. At the end of the event, we'll do a random drawing to hand out the goods. It's possible to win more than once if you get multiple tickets! Got it? Great!

The Costumes:

Belly: So. I was gonna be some sort of Foxy Witch thing, but I couldn't make up my mind on the exact costume.. I really hate shopping so I went once and bought some extra stuff, so I would have plenty to choose from and wouldn't have to go out again. I was planning to throw it together at the last minute, but, well, then the dead guy happened. But hey, our loss is your gain, right?
People who find clues on Days 1, 3, 5 or 7 will get tickets for my costume bits.

Belly's Costume BitsX

Note: Items will be raffled in the order shown.
I started off with a Kitsune and Kaboodle for the tail & ears -

Then went with a Fox Spirit, for the eyes -

The Fox Hat was super cute so I got that too -

I knew I would use most of either the Cute Witch or Cute Wizard set - (winner can choose which set.)

I wanted a familiar, so I bought a Yumeh Plush -

Had to have a Witch's Broom, of course -

And since I probably wasn't going to actually Trick-or-Treat, I thought I'd indulge in a Festive Pumpkin Lolly -


Belly's Ticketholders
  1. fireprincess
  2. Hadsvich
  3. LaVida
  4. lunanuova
  5. shinigamikarasu
  6. TamLin
  7. Anglie
  8. Ascadellia
  9. blueblackrose
  10. Cora
  11. DariaMorgendorfer
  12. DarthMudkip
  13. DivineHeart
  14. girlbot9
  15. LadyDesi
  16. Maria-Minamino
  17. Mikio
  18. Nephila
  19. Shadami
  20. Shania583 .
  21. Angel Spirit Girl
  22. Anglie
  23. blueblackrose
  24. Cardinal Biggles
  25. Cora
  26. Damia Flagg
  27. death_to_the_reaper
  28. DivineHeart
  29. Emma Corrin
  30. EvertlastingRitz
  31. Nema
  32. numerica
  33. Nike13
  34. PapillonCameo
  35. star2000shadow
  36. X---AznCo0ki3
  37. Zombie Pixie
  38. Chexala
  39. Codette
  40. Darth Mudkip
  41. EirianHikari
  42. elizabeth_mazur
  43. LadyDesi
  44. Mikio
  45. musasgal
  46. Risque
  47. Shania583
  48. shinigamikarasu ..
  49. Ascadellia
  50. blueblackrose
  51. Cardinal Biggles
  52. Dystopia
  53. fireprincess
  54. Iroase Delschatten
  55. Ivvy
  56. Kamikaze Kendra
  57. LaVida
  58. Ling
  59. Mikio
  60. PapillonCameo
  61. pollik17
  62. RhianwenHikari
  63. Roxxxy
  64. Saravi Boo
  65. shinigamikarasu
  66. Silence
  67. slurpz
  68. SuperZombiePotatoe
  69. TamLin
  70. Vox
  71. Wish
  72. Woodlandnymph
  73. Aganab
  74. Cora
  75. DivineHeart
  76. Exaggerated Rebellion
  77. GwenaHikari
  78. Hadsvich
  79. Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
  80. KatMagenta
  81. LilyPotter
  82. Risque
  83. Shadami
  84. sushi_mew
  85. Wyrmskyld
  86. X---AznCo0ki3
  87. zigbigadorlube
  88. Aganab
  89. Ascadellia
  90. Beekeeper
  91. Chexala
  92. Codette
  93. Darth Mudkup
  94. DivineHeart
  95. dragoness129
  96. girlbot9
  97. Iroase Delschatten
  98. Ivvy
  99. Liztress
  100. Mageling
  101. Mikio
  102. Pollik17
  103. Shadami
  104. sushi_mew
  105. Vox
  106. X---AznCo0ki3
  107. Zombie Pixie
  108. Anglie
  109. Antagonist
  110. Cora
  111. DariaMorgendorfer
  112. Death_to_th_reaper
  113. Dystopia
  114. Eirian Hikari
  115. elizabeth_mazur
  116. Exaggerated Rebellion
  117. fireprincess
  118. Gwena Hikari
  119. HIM_ROCK
  120. Kamikaze Kendra
  121. Kilia
  122. LadyDesi
  123. LaVida
  124. Maria-Minamino
  125. Nema
  126. Nephila
  127. numerica
  128. p o p p e t ♥
  129. PrincessKasumi
  130. RhianwenHikari
  131. Rochiel Silverfire
  132. Seridano
  133. slurpz
  134. spicedroses
  135. star2000shadow
  136. SuperZombiePotatoe
  137. wish
  138. Woodlandnymph
  139. woofie267
  140. Wordstreamer
  141. Wyrmskyld

Howdy: On Halloween night, some of us fantasize about locking the doors, turning off the lights, eating all the candy and taking a nice long nap in the bathtub like that guy in I Am Legend. But since Belly wasn't allowed to do that this year, I promised her I'd dress up like a Zombie Pirate and parade around the yard instead. Regrettably, I must now pass that burden on to you -- have fun, suckers! [insane]
People who find clues on Days 2, 4, 6 or 7 will get tickets for my costume bits. Yes, Day 7 folks will get tickets for both sets! :D

Howdy's Costume BitsX

Note: Items will be raffled in the order shown.
All good zombies need BRAINZZZ foremost -

Add one Shiver Me Timbers, for the ship deck and facial hair -

Maybe some sea elements from the Reef Explorer -

For your weapon, either a GIANT Spork or The Big BANG - (winner choose one) - or

For fabulous pirate hair, The Star Eater's Wig is a must -

And where would you be without this commons ensemble? Mostly naked, my undead friends!
(Includes Brown Pirate Eyepatch, Brown Pirate Hat, Black Polka Dotted Bandanna, Frank's Old Shirt, Frank's Inky Pants, Mechanic Boots, Brown Doubled Belt, and Black Brigand Cloak.)

Let's finish off with some accessories from Where's the Rum, shall we? -


Howdy's Ticketholders
  1. Angel Spirit Girl
  2. Damia Flagg
  3. DivineHeart
  4. Kent
  5. Linnea
  6. nike13
  7. star2000shadow
  8. TutsTalkin..
  9. Chexala
  10. Death_to_the_reaper
  11. Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
  12. Ling
  13. Liztress
  14. Nephila
  15. pollik17
  16. spicedroses .
  17. blueblackrose
  18. Damia Flagg
  19. Irishrain
  20. KatMagenta
  21. LadyDesi
  22. Mythos
  23. RhianwenHikari
  24. Shinigamikarasu
  25. SuperZombiePotatoe
  26. Woodlandnymph
  27. Zombie Pixie
  28. Aganab
  29. Cora
  30. Death_to_the_reaper
  31. Dragoness129
  32. Emma Corrin
  33. Exaggerated Rebellion
  34. Hadsvich
  35. musasgal
  36. p o p p e t ♥
  37. Velvet
  38. Wyrmskyld ...
  39. elizabeth_mazur
  40. Hadsvich
  41. iC[a]ndy
  42. ~LONGCAT~
  43. Angel Spirit Girl
  44. Antagonist
  45. DivineHeart
  46. Dystopia
  47. EirianHikari
  48. girlbot9
  49. GwenaHikari
  50. hummy
  51. LadyDesi
  52. musasgal
  53. p o p p e t ♥
  54. PrincessKasumi
  55. slurpz
  56. Zombie Pixie
  57. Aganab
  58. Ascadellia
  59. Beekeeper
  60. Chexala
  61. Codette
  62. Darth Mudkup
  63. DivineHeart
  64. dragoness129
  65. girlbot9
  66. Iroase Delschatten
  67. Ivvy
  68. Liztress
  69. Mageling
  70. Mikio
  71. Pollik17
  72. Shadami
  73. sushi_mew
  74. Vox
  75. X---AznCo0ki3
  76. Zombie Pixie
  77. Anglie
  78. Antagonist
  79. Cora
  80. DariaMorgendorfer
  81. Death_to_th_reaper
  82. Dystopia
  83. Eirian Hikari
  84. elizabeth_mazur
  85. Exaggerated Rebellion
  86. fireprincess
  87. Gwena Hikari
  88. HIM_ROCK
  89. Kamikaze Kendra
  90. Kilia
  91. LadyDesi
  92. LaVida
  93. Maria-Minamino
  94. Nema
  95. Nephila
  96. numerica
  97. p o p p e t ♥
  98. PrincessKasumi
  99. RhianwenHikari
  100. Rochiel Silverfire
  101. Seridano
  102. slurpz
  103. spicedroses
  104. star2000shadow
  105. SuperZombiePotatoe
  106. wish
  107. Woodlandnymph
  108. woofie267
  109. Wordstreamer
  110. Wyrmskyld

BellyButton 10-17-2013 01:33 AM

Belly: Please have a seat, sir. We’ll try not to take too much of your time.

Howdy: Your name please.

Brad: Bradley Alexander Crane. I was named after my maternal grandfather, Bradley Hurston. You may recognize the name. He founded the very lucrative Hurston Foods.

Howdy: [unimpressed] Of course. Your age, Mr. Crane?

Brad: Twenty-four.

Belly: How are you related to the victim?

Brad: He’s my father. [quickly changing the subject] Say, how likely is that I’ll be able to get out of here tonight? Some friends and I are supposed to be leaving for Antigua early in the morning. My good chum Burke Hostetter and I were up all night at the Montrose in Brookville. The Montrose is very exclusive, but Burke and I never have any trouble getting in. His family owns Hostetter Airlines. Anyway, we were there till six and then went to the Paladine for breakfast where we ran into Robert Carmichael. His family owns the Hermes Shoe Company. They recently dedicated the library at Buckley to his grandmother, after she donated a small fortune to them. Anyway, Robert wanted to show us his new custom Maserati, so we went back to his house where we spent much of the day driving it around his private racetrack. So I haven’t been home to pack?

Belly: [briefly giving Howdy a disbelieving look, as if to say ‘Can you believe this bitch?’] We… don’t really have a time frame, but we’ll try not to keep you here any longer than you need to be.

Brad: [smiling] Good.

Howdy: What do you do for a living, Mr. Crane?

Brad: [momentarily befuddled by the question] Well, I… I don’t… That is to say… I’m.. Well, I’m rich. I mean, some day I shall inherit Crane Games. Some day very soon, now that I think of it.

Belly: So you’ve been trained in the business?

Brad: [stammering] Well, I… I haven’t been trained, per se. But how difficult could it be? The Crane men have successfully run the company for generations without issue.

Belly: Can’t argue that logic. -- Tell us a little about your childhood.

Brad: [brightening] It was wonderful! Summers in the Hamptons with mother. Winters in Aspen. I had scads of toys, my playroom was burst to overflowing. Thankfully we were able to convert the nanny’s quarters into another playroom.

Howdy: And what happened to the nanny?

Brad: [nonchalantly] We put her in the attic. She was fine. [enthusiastic again] Oh, and I had the most expensive two-story, luxury tree house. It was fantastic. And I attended the very prestigious Beaumont Academy, where three times I was chosen to lead the Governor’s Procession. An honor only previously held by William Rothschild, of the famed Banton Hill Rothschilds. Then there was…

Belly: [cutting him off] Are you an only child, Mr. Crane?

Brad: Yes, I am. Having already the perfect son, I assume my parents felt no need to have any more children.

Howdy: [under his breath] More like cutting their losses. [normally] What was your relationship with your father like?

Brad: Well as a boy it was typical of any father/son relationship. [without irony] He worked and I saw him perhaps twice or three times a week, at which time he’d give me a present or maybe a little spending money. What we had was great. But as I got older, he only seemed to get more unreasonable.

Howdy: How so?

Brad: Father was always harping on the subjects of responsibility and planning for the future. It was all so tiresome. Youth is fleeting and I’m a handsome young man. Seize the day, live life to the fullest, and so on. Besides there was no need to worry, my future is comfortably set. But father would hear none of it. He was completely unfair! For example, the summer before last my friends and I had spent two weeks vacationing in the south of France and they were all staying a few extra days for Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez. Well father flat out refused to give me the money to stay on. I was so humiliated.

Belly: [sarcastically] You poor thing.

Brad: [oblivious] And that was only one of the many instances of how arbitrarily unfair father could be. But it all culminated into the unthinkable when four months ago he cut off my allowance! It’s like there’s no justice in the world!

Howdy: You musta been plenty mad at your dad.

Brad: And deservedly so, I think. I had been hoping he would come to his senses. Thankfully, I haven’t been left completely destitute. Mother has seen fit to throw me a little money now and then.

Howdy: How do you get on with your mom?

Brad: Fantastically. Father would say that I was flighty. But mother understands me. She knows how much depth I really have.

Belly: What did you think of your parents’ divorce?

Brad: [shrugging] It happens.

Howdy: And what’s your opinion of your father’s new girlfriend, Lucy St. Clair?

Brad: [grinning] She is a… tasty little thing. [pauses, then notices he’s being stared at] But completely without pedigree.

Belly: Returning to the subject of money; after your father cut you off, did you ever think he would change his mind?

Brad: I’m sure it would have only been a matter of time. [looking away as he speaks] I… I wasn’t too worried about it.

Belly: Tell us about your uncle, Balthazar Crane.

Brad: [his eyes widen, then he nervously laughs] What… What’s there to say? I only first met the man tonight. He’s a bit uncouth, I suppose. C--Considering where he comes from. – Listen, is this going to be much longer?

Howdy: Just a few more questions, Mr. Crane. Your father gathered everyone here tonight for an important announcement. Do you know what it could have been?

Brad: He didn’t say. I was disappointed though to learn this would be a small gathering. Why own a fabulous yacht such as this, one not unlike those owned by the crowned heads of Monaco, if you’re not going to throw a party? I would’ve liked to have invited Lindsey Parkman. Her family own Parkman Pharmaceuticals. She and I…

Belly: [abruptly] Can you tell us your whereabouts since boarding the ship?

Brad: I was in the lounge, speaking on the phone to Douglas Winthrop. His family…

Belly: [clenching her fist] Were you alone in the lounge?

Brad: I do believe so, yes.

Howdy: One last query, Mr. Crane. Who do you believe may have murdered your father?

Brad: The most likely suspect, in my opinion, is that woman, Samantha Talbot.

Howdy: Why do you say that?

Brad: Father always complained she was trying to wrestle control of the company from him. It really is distasteful when a person doesn’t know their place. He was attempting to get the board to dismiss her, but they did nothing but drag their feet. I know when I become head of the company, I won’t allow such things. When that happens I'll finally no longer have to tolerate the slanderous opinions of others. I will be a man of power, who will do as he pleases. Spend as much time in Saint-Tropez as I like.

Belly: [taking a deep sigh] I think that’s all, Mr. Crane. You can return to the dining room.

Brad: [He stands to exit, but then turns with a sincere face] I very much hope you can catch my father’s killer, detectives. … It really would be a shame to miss Antigua. [leaves]

Belly: Y'know, I think after this case we should go find Captain jelly. You know jelly, her family owns a pub. Get us a stiff drink and a sandwich.

Howdy: A fancy sandwich? Maybe with gruyere?

Belly: Hell yeah. Gruyere’s classy as balls.

Investigative Options:
-- Check the tabletops.
-- Scan the perimeter.
-- Examine the statues.
-- Pat down the draperies.
-- Inspect the piano.
-- Open the decanter.

Paste this form into the thread to play:

[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="5"][B]We're in the Lounge today.[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="4"]I want to: [ your action here ]


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1772247645)
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that tonight's round will last until the event is shut down. The results post, along with instructions on how to submit your favorite murder suspect, will be posted in the Community Discussion forum sometime in the next day or so. We may or may not ping you all there depending on how evil we are feeling at the time. [ninja] Thanks!!

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Check the tabletops.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    blueblackrose - x
    Kent - x
    musasgal - x
    Risque - x
    Velvet - x

  • - Scan the perimeter.
    KatMagenta - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x
    Mythos - x
    Neora - x
    shinigamikarasu - x

  • - Examine the statues.
    Aganab - x
    Ascadellia - x
    Beekeeper - x
    Chexala - x
    Codette - x
    Darth Mudkup - x
    DivineHeart - x
    dragoness129 - x
    girlbot9 - x
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Ivvy - x
    Liztress - x
    Mageling - x
    Mikio - x
    Pollik17 - x
    Shadami - x
    sushi_mew - x
    Vox - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

  • - Pat down the draperies.
    Damia Flagg - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    hummy - x
    iC[a]ndy - x
    Jeannesha - x
    lunanuova - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    Shania583 - x

  • - Inspect the piano.
    Anglie - x
    Antagonist - x
    Cora - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    Death_to_th_reaper - x
    Dystopia - x
    Eirian Hikari - x
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    Gwena Hikari - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    Kilia - x
    LadyDesi - x
    LaVida - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Nema - x
    Nephila - x
    numerica - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Seridano - x
    slurpz - x
    spicedroses - x
    star2000shadow - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    wish - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    woofie267 - x
    Wordstreamer - x
    Wyrmskyld - x

  • - Open the decanter.
    dessertdesiert - x
    Hadsvich - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Irishrain - x
    Linnea - x
    Miscreant74 - x
    nike13 - x
    Popcorn Gun - x
    Saravi Boo - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 01:33 AM
Investigation Location: Samantha's Cabin

Thumb through the books.
+800g! [gold]
The books on the shelf cover a wide range of genres and variations. Aside from the standard, gilded encyclopedia, titles range from Shakespeare's Othello, to Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, to a dog-eared copy of 50 Shades of Grey with the inscription 'Property of HIM_ROCK' written on the inside. But reaching the end of the shelf, you find something strange about Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. There's an unusual jangle coming from the book. Opening the front cover, you find that it's hollow... and contains a generous pile of gold. Hot dog! You should read more often.

Scrutinize the lamps.
+600g! [gold]
The first thing you notice when you step into the room is how dang bright it is in here. Recessed lighting in the ceiling, overhead lights by the shelves, wall lamps, table lamps, and a desk lamp?! It's absurd and greatly offends your inner conservationist, so you take it upon yourself to go around and unscrew lightbulbs just enough to turn off those lamps that you find excessive. Your little protest probably just saved the Crane estate 600g, which you're perfectly comfortable billing them for.

Inspect the sitting area.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
The sitting area looks fairly un-sat, except for one thing. There's a book left out, laid open, face down on the armrest of one of the chairs. You flip it over and read an excerpt:

"Her ivory skin still glistened with bath water and her bosom heaved with anticipation as David stepped toward her, dropping his towel to the floor."

Whoa!! This is one of those smutty romance novels like they sell at the grocery store -- perhaps Samantha isn't such an ice queen after all?

Crawl under the desk.
ink Blott
You pride yourself on being a top notch detective. Well, crawling under the cabin desk, you're right now a top notch detective with their posterior wagging in the air. Carrying your old timey magnifying glass, you visually sweep the ground for clues. Too bad you didn't see the black puddle you just put your hand into. What is this stuff? On closer inspection, you find that it's ink. And it's everywhere down here. Seems that Mrs. Talbot accidentally knocked over her ink well. Say, be good citizen and clean it up.

Examine the art.
Belle Poule Hat
You focus your attention on the various art pieces displayed around the room. There's a very definite nautical theme going on here, which is not exactly out of place on a yacht. One painting shows a large ship on a stormy sea, another a smaller fishing vessel. There's what looks like an old sextant in a display case on one of the shelves. Not far from that you spot something that strikes an arrow of nostalgic longing into your heart: a little model ship. You've always wanted a little model ship. Why couldn't you ever have one? You should get one. Why not this one? I'm sure nobody will miss it. Not if you hurry.

Rifle through the desk drawers.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
You wonder what secrets lie behind Samantha Talbot's cold exterior. Could she be a spy? Or a secret agent working for Scotland Yard? Opening the desk drawers, you prepare yourself for a world of espionage and intrigue... But instead find nothin' but a buncha paperwork. Ah well. But then something small catches your eye. A matchbook from the Drunken Bass bar and grill. "The Best Seafood in Texas!", it reads. Is Texas even known for its seafood? Lifting the book cover, half the matches have been used. Hmm, you can't recall if Mrs. Talbot smoked or not.

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Thumb through the books.
    Chexala - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    Death_to_the_reaper - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    dragoness129 - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    Kilia - x
    Ling - x
    lunanuova - x
    Mageling - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Mythos - x
    Nephila - x
    mike13 - x
    numerica - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    SaraviBoo - x
    Shadami - x
    Shania583 - x
    shinigamikarasu - x
    star2000shadow - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    Vox - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Woofie267 - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Scrutinize the lamps.
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    M i n u x e - x
    Neora - x

  • - Inspect the sitting area.
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    Hadsvich - x
    iC[a]ndy - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x

  • - Crawl under the desk. PRIZE: Ink Blott
    Aganab - x SENT
    Ascadellia - x SENT
    Cardinal Biggles - x SENT
    Codette - x SENT
    Cora - x SENT
    EverlastingRitz - x SENT
    KatMagenta - x SENT
    Roxxxy - x SENT
    Seridano - x SENT
    TutsTalkin.. - x SENT
    Velvet - x SENT
    Wordstreamer - x SENT
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x SENT

  • - Examine the art.
    blueblackrose - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Ivvy - x
    Jeannesha - x
    LaVida - x
    Liztress - x
    Mikio - x
    Nema - x
    pollik17 - x
    Risque - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Silence - x
    spicedroses - x
    sushi_mew - x
    TamLin - x
    wish - x

  • - Rifle through the desk drawers.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Antagonist - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Dystopia - x
    EirianHikari - x
    girlbot9 - x
    GwenaHikari - x
    hummy - x
    LadyDesi - x
    musasgal - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    slurpz - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

BellyButton 10-17-2013 01:35 AM

Interrogation of Lucy St. ClairX

Belly: Your name, ma’am?

Lucy: [with self importance] I am Lucy St. Clair.

Howdy: [raising an eyebrow] That your real name?

Lucy: [offended] It’s real enough, ain’t it?

Belly: Just answer the questions, Miss St. Clair. How old are you?

Lucy: I am twenty-one years old. Some girls are so uptight about their age. I think as long as you can hold on to your beauty, you don’t need to worry 'bout it. That’s why it’s never gonna be a problem for me. I know I’ll always be beautiful.

Howdy: [rolling his eyes] Ohh-kay. And what’s your relation to victim?

Lucy: [sniffing] We was gonna be married. [wiping her eye] I hope you can catch the awful person who did this.

Belly: We’re going to try our best. Now what do you do for a living, Miss St. Clair?

Lucy: At the moment, nothin’. I used to be a lounge singer, until I met my Bishie.

Howdy: Bishie? You’re referring to Mr. Bishop Crane?

Lucy: [sadly] Yeah, I call him my Bishie.

Belly: [whispering in sing song voice] Irony.

Lucy: I was singin’ over at the Blue Flamingo when I met my Bishie. Our eyes met and it was love at first sight.

Howdy: You sure it wasn’t love after the first sight of his wallet?

Lucy: [angered] I resent that remark! You’re just like the others! They say I was only with my Bishie for his money. But they’re wrong! Sure he was little older than me, but age ain’t nothin’ but a number when you’re in love!

Belly: I’m sure my partner didn’t mean anything by it. So you said you were a lounge singer until you met Mr. Crane.

Lucy: My Bishie didn’t want me to work no more. He said I was his princess. And a princess shouldn’t havta bust her hump to make a livin’. So I quit my job, and my Bishie put me up in a real pretty condo. [voice cracking] He was so good to me.

Howdy: How long were you and Mr. Crane dating before you decided to get married?

Lucy: [counting on her hand] Three months.

Howdy: That’s awfully fast.

Lucy: Why wait when you know it’s true love?

Belly: Did Mr. Crane ask you to sign a prenup?

Lucy: [tersely] No! Why should he? Me and him was gonna be together forever.

Belly: You’re quite the romantic, Miss St. Clair. Maybe a little naïve.

Lucy: Maybe you just need a little bit more romance in your life, detective.

Howdy: [stifles a laugh]

Belly: [eyes Howdy sternly and turns her attention back to Lucy] Did you and your Bish.. I mean, did you and Mr. Crane ever talk about his will?

Lucy: [begins to nervously tap her foot] Why would we ever talk about somethin' like that? My Bishie was still a young man.

Howdy: If sixty-four is young, I'd hate to see middle aged.

Lucy: [upset] He was young in spirit! - [pouting] To answer your question, No, we never talked about no will.

Belly: Mr. Crane was planning to make an important announcement after dinner tonight. Do you know what that could have been?

Lucy: Haven’t got a clue.

Howdy: He didn’t say anything to you?

Lucy: I assume it had somethin’ to do with business. My Bishie liked to keep his business and pleasure separate.

Belly: Can you tell us your whereabouts this evening?

Lucy: Most of it was spent in our cabin, gettin’ ready for dinner.

Howdy: Were you alone?

Lucy: Yeah.

Belly: Where was Mr. Crane?

Lucy: I dunno. Maybe his office. I couldn’t say. It’s a big boat.

Howdy: Miss St. Clair, what’s your relationship with Brad Crane?

Lucy: [weakly laughing] There really ain’t no relationship to speak of. I barely know ‘im.

Belly: Really? He’s a handsome young guy, that Brad Crane. Don’t you think?

Lucy: [frowning] I don’t like what you’re insinuatin’, lady. Lucy St. Clair ain’t no two-timer. Besides Brad Crane is a boy. I’ve had my fill of boys. I need a man. And my Bishie was all man!

Howdy: All right, all right, no harm done. Now one final question. Who do you suspect killed Bishop Crane?

Lucy: [fiercely] Oh I know who it was. It was that old harpy, Loretta.

Belly: Mr. Crane's ex-wife?

Lucy: Yeah, she was jealous of what me and my Bishie had. Just cause she blew her chance with him. That woman made my poor baby’s life a livin’ hell. Sayin’ he tried to cheat her with a phony prenup.

Howdy: You think she’s lying?

Lucy: Of course she’s lying!

Belly: Now why would he make her sign a prenuptial agreement and not you?

Lucy: Simple. With me and my Bishie it’s true love. They only got married cause their families were pressurin’ them to. He never thought the marriage would last. He’s a saint to have stuck it out as long as he did.

Howdy: Okay, Miss St. Clair. That’s all we need right now. Head back downstairs to the dining room.

Lucy: Couldn’t I go back to my room? I expect I’ll need to do some TV interviews, and I’d like to fix my hair.

Howdy: ‘fraid not

Lucy: Phooey. [she leaves]

Belly: I need to step outside for a moment. The smell of perfume is choking me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
Investigation Location: Lucy's Cabin

Examine the vanity.
100g! [gold]
You've never seen one surface so crowded with makeup and toiletries and other flowery, feminine doodads. Hot pink lipstick. Lavender eyeshadow. Eau de Jezebel, 'The scent that lingers longer than you do.' None of this stuff is of use to you. Except maybe this stack of gold.

Look behind the pillows.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
Lying flat beneath Lucy's fluffy pillows, you encounter what is probably the last thing you were expecting to find: a well-used copy of The World Treasury of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics. Thumbing through for loose items, you find none, but note that some of the pages in the Astronomy section have been dog-eared.

Search under the bed.
Red Love Taps Whip & Red Domino Mask
Part of you thinks the only thing you'll find under the bed is some dust bunnies. But what's this? A whip and a mask? What on earth could these be for? Was someone pretending to be Zorro or the Lone Ranger? Then what's the whip f... Oh god. ... Oh god! [gonk]

Rummage through the night stand.
300g! [gold]
It feels rather unseemly to rummage through the personal effects of others. But remember, you're a detective! It is your duty to delve deep into these hidden worlds, for clues can be anywhere. See this pile of gold? That could totally be a clue. No really. Better take it and do some personal analysis later. [ninja]

Check the paintings.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
You may be a rookie, but you've seen enough detective films to know there's usually some sort clue secreted behind the paintings. Unfortunately, lifting each of the four small frames reveals nothing but wall. Oh well. You then take a closer look at the paintings. They're pretty typical: a flower, a hummingbird, a grasshopper perching on a leaf. But one of them is rather strange. It's a poorly done watercolor of a clown standing on a mountain, in front of some pine trees. The clown looks back at the observer with an unsettling grin, and beneath it are inscribed the words 'Never forget me. - Toodles'. What could that be about? Who's Toodles? One thing's clear, taking a second gander at the clown's face, you wish you could forget it.

Poke around the wardrobe.
White Opera Gloves
The wardrobe is jam packed full of clothes. Lucy certainly doesn't travel light. You see a garment bag with the words 'The Blue Flamingo' written across the front. You recall Miss St. Clair used to be a lounge singer there. Opening the bag, you find a rather sexy and sparkly, pearl white evening gown, with long white gloves to match. You have to wonder if she'll be needing them again, or if Mr. Crane's will will make sure she never has to work for a living?

Where is everyone investigating?X

Examine the Vanity PRIZE: 100g
Codette SENT
Dystopia SENT
elizabeth_mazur SENT
GwenaHikari SENT
Irishrain SENT
Iroase Delschatten SENT
Roxxxy SENT
Seridano SENT
spicedroses SENT
zigbigadorlube SENT
Iku - x

Look behind the pillows.

Search under the bed. PRIZE: Red Love Taps Whip & Red Domino Mask
Beekeeper SENT
Damia Flagg SENT
Emma Corrin SENT
Exaggerated Rebellion SENT
katyasha SENT
Linnea SENT
numerica SENT
PrincessKasumi SENT
star2000shadow SENT
wish SENT
Woodlandnymph SENT
X---AznCo0ki3 SENT
nike13 - x

Rummage through the nightstand. PRIZE: 300g
Cardinal Biggles SENT
CrimsonShadow SENT
Death_to_the_reaper SENT
dessertdesiert SENT
EirianHikari SENT
hummy SENT
Izumi SENT
Kamikaze Kendra SENT
KatMagenta SENT
maidenroseheart SENT
Mythos SENT
PapillionCameo SENT
Popcorn Gun SENT
p o p p e t ♥ SENT
Rochiel Silverfire SENT
slurpz SENT
Wordstreamer SENT
Wyrmskyld SENT
Neora - x

Check the paintings.

Poke around the wardrobe. PRIZE: White Opera Gloves
Aganab SENT
Antagonist SENT
Chexala SENt
dragoness129 SENT
Jeannesha SENT
Liztress SENT
Mageling SENT
musasgal SENT
Risque SENT
TutsTalkin.. SENT
Velvet SENT
Woofie267 SENT
Zombie Pixie SENT

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 01:52 AM

Interrogation of Ulrich Jacobs.X

Belly: May we have your name, sir?

Ulrich: Ulrich Jacobs.

Belly: And your age?

Ulrich: Sixty-one.

Howdy: What is your relation to the victim?

Ulrich: Ah… [ponders] That is uh, a difficult question. We were very good friends, Bishop and I, once upon a time. I do wish we could have remained friends, but fate would have it otherwise. We became strangers. And in these latter years, I’m sad to say, rivals.

Belly: You are founder of the Dream Things toy company, are you not?

Ulrich: [proud, but not arrogant] Indeed I am. Built it from the ground up. I started with a single store front and turned it into what it is today.

Howdy: Tell us a little about your history with Bishop Crane, Mr. Jacobs.

Ulrich: That’s going back some years. When we first met we were both twenty-two and both fresh out of college. I had always loved toys, and dreamt of someday becoming a toy designer. I was thrilled to be accepted into an entry level position at Crane Games. Bishop, I thought… Well, it seemed at first his heart wasn’t entirely in the business. He was there because he was the boss’ son. Heir to the throne, so to speak. Trying to make the best of a situation he wasn’t altogether happy with. – We started out in the same department. In those early days, I felt painfully awkward around him.

Belly: Why’s that?

Ulrich: The Cranes were a wealthy and important family, as they continue to be. And fittingly, Bishop was refined, well spoken and impeccably dressed. Myself, I come from what’s referred to as ‘the wrong side of the tracks’. My parents were working folk. And they both worked very hard to ensure their children would live the kind of lives the two of them could only dream of, to which I am eternally grateful. But at the time, I felt inadequate. I was unpolished. My speech. My mannerisms. The only suits I could afford were those I picked up from thrift stores and consignment shops. I didn’t want to be seen merely as some kid struggling to shake off his impoverished roots. I wanted to be taken seriously. I wanted an even playing field.

Belly: And did Mr. Crane treat you as his lesser?

Ulrich: No, to my surprise, he didn’t. Bishop has the reputation nowadays of being standoffish. But when we first met, he was actually very amiable. Much more receptive to the ideas and opinions of others. We complimented each other nicely. Bishop was able to see my enthusiasm for the job, and he in turn was inspired. We partnered very well together, which old Mr. Crane took note of.

Howdy: That would be… [checking his notes] Jeremiah Crane, Bishop Crane’s father?

Ulrich: Yes, old Jeremiah Crane. A very disagreeable man. One would believe that to own a toy company, you would need to possess at least inch of whimsy. Not Mr. Crane. He was a strict, unyielding and humorless man. Which contributed to the fallout between Bishop and myself.

Belly: How so?

Ulrich: I had been with Crane Games for six years, and I was frustrated. For being such a lucrative toy company, they were hopelessly old fashioned. This was Mr. Crane’s doing. His idea of what the company should be was quite limited. Our line of electronic toys was near non-existent, and we were already into the late seventies. Arcade gaming was just entering its golden age, and I thought there was a lot of potential there. I proposed the idea of putting together a programming department, but old Mr. Crane wouldn’t hear of it. ‘Nothing but a fad!’, he would bark. I would have brushed it off, but too many times, again and again, my ideas were dismissed. I knew it was time for me to go. – I had played with the idea of starting my own company, and I felt it was the right time. And I wanted Bishop to come with me. This wasn’t an act of subversion, or an attempt to throw a monkey wrench into the mechanics of Crane Games. I simply knew that if properly motivated, Bishop could live up to his full potential. I realize now that I was asking a lot, for him to turn his back on his family name. But his answer didn’t come so easy. He was torn, between me and his father. I was hopeful, but ultimately he chose his father. He’d say that the old man would retire soon enough, and then he’d be at the helm, and I would be given much more freedom to experiment and flesh out my ideas. But by then, the desire to go off on my own became a need. It was something I had to do. I left. Bishop took this as a betrayal, and when some of the Crane Games designers followed, it only compounded the feeling. He never forgave me.

Belly: At what point would you become rivals?

Ulrich: In truth you could say we have been rivals for decades. We both make toys. We both jockey for space on the toy store shelves, hoping to enchant at least one child’s heart. But I never felt like Bishop’s rival. I always wished him success. What exactly he wished on me… [chuckling, then sighing] There’s irony in that I felt Crane Games was outdated, but yet they are still going strong. And my own beloved Dream Things is floundering. There have been far too many losses in recent years. I fear my doors may close. And though I haven’t spoken to him in years, I knew Bishop was poised to buy out my company should that happen, to scoop up everything I’ve worked so hard for.

Howdy: That musta made you plenty mad.

Ulrich: One might think that. But I find it difficult to summon any hatred for Bishop, [sadly] especially now that he’s gone.

Belly: How well are you acquainted with Loretta Crane?

Ulrich: [smiling] Ah, Loretta and I still remain friends. She’s a damn fine woman. When they were married, we'd meet every few years and talk. Not so often. But ever since she divorced Bishop , we get together maybe every season and have lunch. I enjoy having her back in my life. I often felt sorry for her.

Howdy: How come?

Ulrich: She was very devoted to Bishop. But Bishop, I’m afraid, was mostly only devoted to himself. Not in a malicious way, but he was a man ruled by his own desires. I knew that he was a philanderer, and often felt terribly for Loretta. She deserved much more.

Howdy: Do you think perhaps she may have had feelings for you?

Ulrich: [staring off for a moment] Yes, I do. How strong those feelings were, I couldn’t say. But I, sadly, never felt that kind of love for Loretta.

Belly: Have you ever been married, Mr. Jacobs?

Ulrich: Yes, briefly. The marriage ended, amicably. She and I were just very different people.

Belly: Do you have any children?

Ulrich: [pauses as he thinks, and then almost abruptly] Ah, no… I don’t. I… have never been blessed with children. A pity really, especially when you think that I’m a toy maker.

Howdy: Mr. Crane gathered you all here tonight for an important announcement. Do you know what that could have been?

Ulrich: No, I don’t. I’m honestly perplexed as to why he would invite me here tonight at all. I assume it had something to do with the business.

Belly: Can you tell us about your whereabouts this evening?

Ulrich: It was spent staring out at the sea on the upper deck, off the stern side.

Howdy: Were you alone?

Ulrich: I… believe so. I couldn’t really say. I was too lost in thought.

Belly: One last question, Mr. Jacobs. Who do you believe the killer may be?

Ulrich: I hesitate to say. Aside for Loretta, I really know none of the others gathered here. Except for Balthazar.

Howdy: Mr. Crane’s younger brother?

Ulrich: Yes. I remember him vividly. Where Bishop was the good, devoted son, Balthazar was wild and impertinent. It wasn’t unusual to see old Mr. Crane red-faced and fuming over his antics. Balthazar mixed with the wrong people and had a habit of getting himself in trouble. You could sometimes hear him and his father screaming at each other from behind closed doors. More then once he had to be physically removed from the building. – The relationship with his brother wasn’t any better. He resented Bishop. He called him a weasel and a sycophant. Not in those exact terms. His words were far more derogatory. And it all came to a head when Mr. Crane removed Balthazar from the will and denied him any ownership in the company. Balthazar accused Bishop of turning the old man against him and vowed to get even. Shortly thereafter he left town.

Belly: Well, Mr. Jacobs, I believe that’s all we…

[there is the sudden sound of a small cuckoo]

Howdy: [looking down at Ulrich’s wrist] That’s a nifty watch.

Ulrich: [smiling] Yes. I designed it myself. It’s reminding me that it’s time for my pills. For the ol’ ticker. May I be excused now?

Belly: That’s fine. We’ll call you back if we need to.

[Ulrich leaves]

Belly: Must be sad. To have to give up a friend to follow your dream.

Howdy: For the last time I’m not leaving the force to open a frozen yogurt stand with you.
Investigation Location: Upper Deck

Search the Tables.
Lipstick - Candy
The tables are nearly immaculate. From the looks of things, two people were intending to enjoy a drink here, but the glasses are still mostly full. What catches your eye are the distinct lipstick markings on the rim of one of the glasses. After holding that glass up to the light for a moment, you instinctively smell the liquid. The bubbles tickle your nose and the scent is so familiar. Is that.. Mountain Dew? Anyway, you figure the lipstick part might be important so you hang onto it just in case.

Peek inside the lifeboat.
Yellow Rain Hat
As you head over to the lifeboat, you imagine the sorts of scenarios that would cause someone on a fancy yacht to want to abandon ship. Mechanical failings, paranormal events, a giant octopus snapping the ship in two.. Of all the things one might need in those situations, what you find in the lifeboat seems like the least important item on the planet. But, who are we to question the priorities of the rich?

Pat down the cushions.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
Patting down the cushions seems like busywork, but you realize the importance of being thorough. Just as you're finishing up you see something dark along the inside of the sofa between the frame and the seat cushion. It's a notebook with the initials "UJ" embossed on the cover. Opening it up, you see it belongs to one of the suspects: Ulrich Jacobs. Seems our boy Ulrich is developing a game he's calling "Clupea," that involves putting together clues to solve a murder. He must have brought this along to work on his concept during the trip.. or, was this more of an itinerary?

Dig through the planter.
200g! [gold]
Moving the greenery in the planter aside reveals nothing. As you rake your fingers through the soil, feeling the dirt jamming up under your nails, you wonder why you're doing this. And then finally, your fingers hit something solid. You brush it off and recognize it as a rare commemorative coin worth 200 gold!

Check the railings.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
Okay, let's the check the railing! Nothing can be more exciting than checking the railing! You dust for prints, look for any abnormalities, but it turns out to be a regular old railing. And the excitement soon runs out. But wait... leaning over the railing you catch a glimpse at the yacht's name. Psycho Nancy? That's a curious name for a boat. Exactly who was Nancy, and just how psycho was she?

Reach inside the hot tub.
400g! [gold]
Truth in advertising can be a good or bad thing. The hot tub promised to be hot, and boy did it deliver. Reaching your hand into the steaming water, you quickly pull it back with a yelp. All the other detectives look at you and snicker. Well, you'll show them! Determined, you plunge your arm into the water, grit your teeth, and feel around. The only thing your fingers find is the bottom of the hot tub, until you come across a small grouping of metal objects. Pulling them out, you're delighted to see it's gold. 400g, to be exact. [:D] ... Red hot gold! Yeouch! [gonk]

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Search the tables. PRIZE: Lipstick - Candy
    numerica - x SENT
    p o p p e t ♥ - x SENT
    slurpz - x SENT

  • - Peek inside the lifeboat. PRIZE: Yellow Rain Hat
    Beekeeper - x SENT
    dessertdesiert - x SENT
    dragoness129 - x SENT
    Dystopia - x SENT
    Emma Corrin - x SENT
    girlbot9 - x SENT
    GwenaHikari - x SENT
    Hadsvich - x SENT
    Kamikaze Kendra - x SENT
    KatMagenta - x SENT
    Mageling - x SENT
    musasgal - x SENT
    PapillonCameo - x SENT
    sushi_mew - x SENT
    wish - x SENT
    zigbigadorlube - x SENT
    Zombie Pixie - x SENT

  • - Pat down the cushions.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    nike13 - x
    star2000shadow - x
    TutsTalkin.. - x

  • - Dig through the planter. PRIZE: 200g
    Anglie - x SENT
    Antagonist - x SENT
    blueblackroses - x SENT
    Cardinal Biggles - x SENT
    CrimsonShadow - x SENT
    Daria Morgendorfer - x SENT
    Darth Mudkip - x SENT
    EirianHikari - x SENT
    fairywaif - x SENT
    fireprincess - x SENT
    Iroase Delschatten - x SENT
    Ivvy - x SENT
    Izumi - x SENT
    Jeannesha - x SENT
    LadyDesi - x SENT
    lunanuova - x SENT
    maidenroseheart - x SENT
    Maria-Minamino - x SENT
    Mikio - x SENT
    Mythos - x SENT
    Nema - x SENT
    PrincessKasumi - x SENT
    Roxxxy - x SENT
    Saravi Boo - x SENT
    Silence - x SENT
    Velvet - x SENT
    Wyrmskyld - x SENT
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x SENT

  • - Check the railings.
    Chexala - x
    Death_to_the_reaper - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Ling - x
    Liztress - x
    Nephila - x
    pollik17 - x
    spicedroses - x

  • - Reach inside the hot tub PRIZE: 400g
    Aganab - x SENT
    Ascadellia - x SENT
    Codette - x SENT
    Cora - x SENT
    elizabeth_mazur - x SENT
    EverlastingRitz - x SENT
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x SENT
    hummy - x SENT
    Irishrain - x SENT
    LaVida - x SENT
    Neora - x SENT
    Rochiel Silverfire - x SENT
    Seridano - x SENT
    Shadami - x SENT
    Shania583 - x SENT
    shinigamikarasu - x SENT
    TamLin - x SENT
    Woodlandnymph - x SENT
    Woofie267 - x SENT

BellyButton 10-17-2013 01:57 AM

Interrogation of Loretta CraneX

Loretta: Mind if I smoke?

Howdy: It’s fine.

Belly: Your name, please?

Loretta: Loretta Elizabeth Crane, née Hurston.

Howdy: Your age?

Loretta: [wearily] Is that really necessary?

Howdy: I’m afraid so.

Loretta: [frowning] I am sixty years old.

Belly: What is your relation to the victim?

Loretta: I’m his ex-wife.

Howdy: Now Mrs. Crane…

Loretta: [almost scoldingly] Ms. Crane!

Howdy: My apologies. Now Ms. Crane, I realize this is all very uncomfortable. But just answer the questions truthfully, and this shouldn’t take to long.

Loretta: [with hardened self-confidence] I’m not nervous. I’ve nothing to hide.

Belly: How long were you and Bishop Crane married?

Loretta: Thirty-five years. Thirty-five very long years.

Howdy: How did the two of you meet?

Loretta: We were first introduced at a gala, but had known of the other before then. The upper class huddle together like rats, afraid that a little blue collar blood will get in the mix. In our circles, you know a person’s reputation before you know their face.

Belly: Was it love at first sight?

Loretta: No. In truth, I question if I ever really truly loved him. Don’t get me wrong, there was a certain level of affection and attraction. Enough to concede to our parent’s insistence that we get married.

Belly: Why did they insist?

Loretta: We were both from very well off and influential families. They thought we were a good match. [thoughtfully] I realize now though, if I had been given time to sit with myself and think, I may not have married him.

Howdy: Why’s that?

Loretta: Bishop could never fully commit to another person. He was someone always more concerned with his needs. I recognized that early on, but I was intrigued by him. And I stupidly hoped marriage would change this fault. He was much more charming in his younger days, very different from what he became.

Howdy: And what did he become?

Loretta: His father. [with venom] A miserly, vindictive and insufferable bastard.

Belly: You sound bitter.

Loretta: You’re damned straight I’m bitter. I gave that man the best years of my life. I gave him my youth. And what did I receive in return? He cheated on me every time my back was turned. It was all too much to bear. So four years ago I asked for a divorce.

Howdy: And you were never unfaithful to him?

Loretta: [aghast] Of course not! What kind of woman would that make me?!

Belly: Ms. Crane, what can you tell us about Ulrich Jacobs?

Loretta: [caught off guard] I… I really don’t know what I could say. We were all friends in our younger years. In fact, he and Bishop were best friends.

Howdy: And how close were you to Mr. Jacobs?

Loretta: [disapproving] Not as close as you may be thinking. … I mean… [softening] There were some days, though, I did wonder what would've happened if I had met Ulrich first. Would have most likely come to nothing. He was working class. My parents wouldn’t have approved. -- Oh, but he did have character. So different from Bishop. He wasn’t handed success on a silver platter. Ulrich worked for it, pulled himself up from his bootstraps. [wistfully] He was ambitious and idealistic. A dreamer and a romantic. I had the sense he was also very lonely. … [coming back to herself] Yes well, after the falling out between he and Bishop, Ulrich and I really haven’t kept in contact.

Belly: Have you ever thought of marrying again?

Loretta: Not as of yet. Being married to Bishop has left a sour taste in my mouth. And I can’t say our divorce has been so happy either.

Howdy: The business with the prenup.

Loretta: [furious] I never signed a goddamn prenuptial agreement! He forged those documents! He forged my name! Him and those devils he called lawyers! And why? To get back at me for leaving him.

Belly: Your family operates the very lucrative Hurston Foods, don’t they? Is money really a problem?

Loretta: It’s not about money, my dear. It’s principal. I stood by that man for thirty-five years, thorough thick and thin. And time and time again he made a fool of me. There’s only so much one person can take. I tried to keep my chin up, when he would go off with any harlot who caught his eye. Like that little idiot sitting downstairs.

Howdy: Lucy St. Clair?

Loretta: I don’t need to know her name. To me she’s nothing but the last face in Bishop’s parade of tramps.

Belly: Miss St. Clair claims she and Mr. Crane were going to get married.

Loretta: [laughing with genuine amusement] The poor simple thing. I’m sure she believes that. Her time would have come, though. But now that Bishop is dead, she can continue with the delusion. Unknowing of what kind of nightmare it really is to be married to that man. [reflects] So many regrets. The only one I don’t have is my little Bradley.

Howdy: Your only son, Brad Crane?

Loretta: Yes, my sweet boy. He is the jewel of my existence. So very much unlike his father. Bishop never understood him. Bradley is a sensitive child, with a poet’s soul.

Belly: Some might call him a directionless, playboy.

Loretta: [grimacing] Well those some should bite their tongues. Idle talk like that is nothing more than jealous spite. [spitting the last word]

Howdy: Ms. Crane, do you know why Mr. Crane had you all gather here tonight?

Loretta: Haven’t the foggiest. He and I hadn’t exactly been on speaking terms. I received the invitation and promptly threw it out. But I must admit curiosity took the better of me.

Howdy: Can you recount your whereabouts this evening?

Loretta: After coming on board, I had a short lie down in my cabin. Then I made my way to the bar and helped myself to an aperitif.

Belly: Were you alone?

Loretta: Yes. There was no bartender. Bishop, the tightwad, had short staffed the ship.

Belly: A final inquiry, Ms. Crane. Who do you suspect killed your ex-husband?

Loretta: I really couldn’t say. [pauses] But I will tell you who I’m suspicious of. That Nathan Matsutake.

Howdy: You mean Nathan Matsuyama.

Loretta: [waving a hand] Whatever. Now I’m not a prejudiced woman, but there is just something about him I am wary of. I haven’t had many meet ups with Bishop since our divorce, but each time I did that young man was always there, hovering in the background.

Belly: But he was Mr. Crane's personal secretary. That was his job.

Loretta: And that’s my point. In all the years we were married, a womanizer like Bishop never had a male secretary. I suppose you could call it a changing of the times, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel right.

Howdy: [writing in his notepad] Alright, Ms. Crane. We thank you for your time. You can return to the dining room.

Loretta: Thank god. I could use a gin. [leaves]

Howdy: And you wondered why I never got married.

Belly: I thought it was because of your freakishly small pinky fingers.

Howdy: Hey, you know I’m sensitive about those. [:(]
Investigation Location: Bar

Empty the ashtrays.
Emptying the ashtrays proves to be just as disgusting as one might imagine. They've not been dumped in a while and wrinkled-up butts, ash, and the odd gum wrapper here and there threaten to spill out onto the floor as you make your way over to the trash. On your last tray you find that someone has tucked some money underneath, like you might do with a cash tip at a restaurant. [:o] Do people tip ashtray-dumpers on yachts? Hm.

Reach under the armchairs.
EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
You'd imagine that a classy joint like this would be kept neat and tidy, so you don't really expect much to come from looking under the armchairs. And sure enough your search seem futile, until you reach the last chair. You feel around and pull out a small bit of paper. It's a recipe card. Written at the top in big letters is 'Aunt Celerina's Miracle Fish Soup'. Now you don’t know much about cooking, but it does seem a bit unusual. It reads:

5 qt. of liquid from the waters of Arno
1 cabbage, shredded
2 carrots, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 fish, such as bass
3 hot dogs, diced
1 rooster, sectioned
salt and pepper to taste

On high heat bring water to a rapid boil; add cabbage, carrots and celery. Sever head from fish and toss into water. Allow fish head to flavor water for 6-8 minutes, then remove. Place body of fish into soup, along with hot dog and rooster pieces. Turn heat down to medium-low and let simmer, uncovered, for 40 minutes. Serves 7.

Carefully search the glasses.
Slick Shades - Steel
Glasses. Right. You mosey over to the rack of cocktail glasses behind the bar and inspect them for any abnormalities. You don't notice anything amiss - they're a bit dusty, but nothing seems out of place or suspicious looking. Turning around, you see a different sort of glasses sitting on a little tray behind the bar: a pair of tacky shades. Those must've been left behind by a patron or guest at some point? You don't figure they're coming back for them any time soon.

Open the bar fridge.
Bubbly Celebration
Clues can be anywhere, and so can sandwiches. Which is why you volunteered to check the bar fridge, seeing as you haven't had anything to nosh since breakfast. And if not a sandwich, maybe some other tasty morsel. But the only contents of the fridge is a chilled bottle of champagne. Maybe it was to celebrate whatever was going on tonight. If that's the case, they certainly won't be needing it anymore.

Examine the liquor bottles.
+300! [gold]
Looking over the vast collection of wine bottles makes you feel like a kid in a candy store. Or maybe a kid in a wine shop. A kid with a drinking problem. Regardless, it's an impressive assortment. Reds and whites. Cabernets and Bordeauxs. Makes you wish you were cuddled up by the fire with a nice glass, listening to some smooth fusion jazz. But don't get too friendly, these are some expensive looking wines. Not one has a twist-off cap. Too bad. But there is one open bottle. Peering inside, it's empty except for a small gathering of gold at the bottom. How did that get in there? Well if you can get it out, it's yours.

Do a sweep of the bar top.
EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
You'd assume the bar top would be a gold mine of fingerprints, but you've gone over it twice and it's spotless. A few martini glasses, a couple bottles of expensive looking hooch. Not much out of the ordinary. But at the far end of the bar sits something unusual. An autographed photo of actor Mark Hamil. It reads: "To my biggest fan! - Mark Hamil - 15th of November, 19XX". The last two digits in the year have been smudged and are unreadable. -- Who was his biggest fan? Could it have been Mr. Crane?

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Empty the ashtrays.
    Beekeeper - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    Mythos - x
    pollik17 - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    slurpz - x
    sushi-mew - x
    Velvet - x

  • - Reach under the armchairs.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Anglie - x
    blueblackrose -
    Cardinal Biggles - x
    Cora - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    death_to_the_reaper - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    EvertlastingRitz - x
    Nema - x
    numerica - x
    Nike13 - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    star2000shadow - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

  • - Carefully search the glasses.
    Antagonist - x
    Dystopia - x
    fairywaif - x
    KatMagenta - x
    Liztress - x
    Neora - x
    Nephila - x
    Popcorn Gun - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    Roxxxy - x

  • - Open the bar fridge. PRIZE: Bubbly Celebration
    girlbot9 - x SENT
    GwenaHikari - x SENT
    Hadsvich - x SENT
    hummy - x SENT
    Irishrain - x SENT
    Iroase Delschatten - x SENT
    Ivvy - x SENT
    Jeannesha - x SENT
    Ling - x SENT
    p o p p e t ♥ - x SENT
    Silence - x SENT
    TutsTalkin.. - x SENT
    Woofie267 - x SENT
    Wordstreamer - x SENT

  • - Examine the liquor bottles.
    Aganab - x
    CrimsonShadow - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    LaVida - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Saravi Boo - x
    Seridano - x
    spicedroses - x
    wish - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Do a sweep of the bar top.
    Chexala - x
    Codette - x
    Darth Mudkip - x
    EirianHikari - x
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    LadyDesi - x
    Mikio - x
    musasgal - x
    Risque - x
    Shania583 - x
    shinigamikarasu - x

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 02:10 AM

Interrogation of Balthazar CraneX

Howdy: Could we have your name, sir?

Balthazar: [gruff] Balthazar Crane. And you can put that ‘sir’ nonsense away.

Howdy: If you like. How old are you, Mr. Crane?

Balthazar: I’m fifty-nine years old.

Howdy: How did you lose the eye?

Balthazar: In a bar in El Paso, long time ago. Ugly affair, that was. She was a beautiful lady, but had a nasty temper.

Belly: [throwing a quick sideways glace at Howdy] What is your relation to the victim?

Balthazar: Victim, huh? [chuckles and ponders the word] Bishop’s my brother.

Belly: Your elder brother, correct?

Balthazar: By five years, yes.

Howdy: What do you do for a living, Mr. Crane?

Balthazar: I don’t see how that relates to what’s goin’ on here tonight.

Howdy: [friendly] It’s standard procedure, I’m afraid.

Balthazar: [relenting] I’m a wood worker. I mostly make furniture. I don’t earn a whole lot, but I’m my own boss and I decide my own hours. I get to spend my days out in the sun, doin’ what I love. As you can see by the tan.

Belly: Not a typical profession for someone of your social standing.

Balthazar: Lady, I lost my social standing years ago. And truth be told, I’m glad to be rid of it. I learned early on that high society keeps its nose up in the air cause it’s surrounded by nothin’ but bullshit.

Howdy: [smiling] Not terribly fond of where you come from?

Balthazar: I wouldn’t go back even if you drove a dump truck fulla money up to my door. The way these people act, the way they live; they’re phonier than a three dollar bill. I’ve had enough white collar wingnuts and debutante dumbasses to last me a lifetime.

Belly: What was your home life like?

Balthazar: What are you, a shrink?

Belly: Please try to bear with us, Mr. Crane.

Balthazar: What can I say? I was born in my father’s house and I grew up there. But it was a home in name only. I had no attachment to that place. Moved out when I was sixteen years old.

Howdy: That’s awfully young. Weren’t you missed?

Balthazar: Who was gonna miss me? The butler? The maid? The chauffeur? Hell, they never treated me like I was human. There’s a clear divide between the haves and have nots. It might be fine some people, but I got real sick of being treated like some sacred calf.

Belly: Well what about your family?

Balthazar: Can you tell me what a family is? Cause growing up I never knew. It’s only after goin’ out into the world did I learn what one really entails. A family gives you love and affection and cares about your well being. I had only ever received a watered down version of that. -- Now I hate t’ sound like a total ungrateful bastard. My parents fed me and clothed me and put a roof over my head, to which I give thanks. But what I remember wanting most of all as a kid is for them to look in my direction. Cause the nanny wakes you up in the morning, gets you dressed, makes sure your teeth are brushed. The maid brings you breakfast. The chauffeur drives you to and back from school. The tutor sees that your lessons are done. The maid brings ya dinner. Then the nanny gets you dressed, makes sure your teeth are brushed and puts you to bed. And in the midst of all that, if you’re lucky and if they have time, you might get to say hello to your parents. That's a big 'if', mind you. Cause to my old man, time was money. He lived and breathed business. My mother wasn’t any better. She had a full time job of keepin’ up appearances. Who can bother with the kids when there are luncheons to attend and galas to organize? Both of them subscribed to the old adage that children should be seen and not heard.

Howdy: What about your brother?

Balthazar: We had fun, for a while. There were a few years there where our childhoods overlapped. It didn’t last very long. See, Bishop was the kinda kid who always wanted to be older than he was. Always tryin’ to act so mature. And when he decided to put away childish things, I apparently went with them. He could never see past the fact that I was his little brother. It’s the thing about Crane men, we’re all so damn serious. Funny for a family of toy makers. I was told though, that my great, great grandfather, Silas Crane, had a big sense of humor.

Belly: So you were a lonely child who transitioned into a troublesome teen.

Balthazar: [grinning] That’s right. I thought, ‘If you’re gonna ignore me, I’m just gonna havta raise enough hell to get your attention.’ And I understand now that’s all that was, a backwards attempt to be acknowledged. I disobeyed every authority figure to cross my path, skipped school, dropped out of college. I smoked, I drank, messed with drugs, hung around with the wrong people and got in trouble with the law.

Belly: What kind of trouble?

Balthazar: Petty theft, vandalism, stuff like that. I’m sure you people can look it up. All of it was done just to get a rise out of my father. But it was a vicious cycle we were in. The more trouble I caused, the more my father tried to control me, and the more I resented him. And then all I wanted to do was cause more trouble. We fought like cats and dogs, screamed and hollered. It never got physical, but boy did I want to punch his lights out. Well you can only push a person so far, and pretty soon my dad reached his breaking point. He disowned me. I was a disappointment to him, he said, and an embarrassment to the Crane name. He cut me out of the will and cut off any rights I had to the family business.

Howdy: Some people say you blamed your brother for that.

Balthazar: And they would be right. I had a special sort of resentment for my brother. I desperately wanted someone to be on my side, and as Bishop was the closest to my age, I thought it should have been him. The two of us were just too different, though. I thought he was always trying to brown nose our father, but I see now that in many ways they were the same person. But I hated the way he always praised Bishop. So in my mixed up head, I decided he had a hand in my dad finally turning his back on me.

Belly: Is that when you vowed revenge on your brother?

Balthazar: [laughs] You people sure do your homework. Yeah, in my anger I left town, declaring I would someday come back to get even with Bishop. But then somethin’ happened.

Howdy: What’s that?

Balthazar: [pointedly] I grew up. -- See, all through my teens and into my twenties I thought it was just me against all the phonies around me. But when I got out into the world, I eventually realized that I was nothin’ but a spoiled, little rich boy who was as phony as they were. Yeah, I would say to anyone who would listen, ‘I’m not like you. I’m different.’ But at night I’d still go back to that big ol’ mansion. Even when I moved out, I was still usin’ my daddy’s money to rent me a lavish apartment. I thought I was a rebel. But what kind of rebel gets an allowance? – I was mad at Bishop, when I should have been mad at myself. I hated to admit it, but the real reason I was upset was because I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too. Yeah I had crappy parents and a lonely childhood, but every choice I made was my own. I have no one else to blame. And I now take responsibility for all my actions.

Belly: If you’ve since had this epiphany, why didn’t you ever come back?

Balthazar: My new way of thinking doesn’t change the fact that my family is a messed up buncha people. I’ve seen no reason to. I’m happy with my life as it is.

Howdy: And yet finally you’ve mysteriously decided to return and within days your brother is murdered.

Balthazar: [amused] You two are wily sons of biscuits, I swear. There ain’t no mystery to it. I may not have come back to see my family, but I have been back to town on business before. This time round I was showin’ off some of my goods at a local furniture show. I guess Bishop caught wind of me bein’ around and sent me an invitation for this important announcement. I don’t know what that could have been, but as I have no more ill will toward my brother, I thought why the hell not come and see.

Belly: We noticed you brought your tools on board. Do you always carry those around with you?

Balthazar: Seein’ as I was planning to drive back home tomorrow mornin’, yes. Didn’t want to leave ‘em in the truck. I’m quite fond of them and they cost a pretty penny.

Howdy: Can you tell us your whereabouts this evening?

Balthazar: Sure. I was the game room, watchin’ TV.

Belly: Were you alone?

Balthazar: Yup. Just like I like it. I’m not too big on socializing.

Belly: Before we let you return to the dining room, Mr. Crane, we’d like your opinion. Who do you think may have killed your brother?

Balthazar: [thinking] In matters as grave as this, I’d normally hate to say anything with such aplomb. But as it stands, I’d put my last dollar on his son, Brad.

Howdy: Why do you say that?

Balthazar: 'Cause tonight wasn’t the first time I’ve met my nephew. About three and a half months ago, little Brad Crane tracked me down and showed up at my doorstep.

Belly: For what reason?

Balthazar: I’m not even sure I could tell you. The boy’s all nervous, hemming and hawing, and just one look at him tells me he’s trouble. He explains that he’s Bishop’s son, and then I just had a bad feeling. But despite that, I let him in. He starts rambling about how unfair his father is, how his daddy cut off his allowance. And I’m quickly not liking where this is going. So I looked him dead in the eyes and said, ‘Son, I have no time for nonsense. Why did you come to my house?’ Now I think I may have put the fear of god into him, cause he spilled some foolishness about hoping I would speak to Bishop for him, taking no mind to the fact that we haven’t done so in more than thirty-five years. I said he was out of his tree, and he left shortly thereafter.

Howdy: Sounds like you shared similar situations. Maybe he was looking for a kindred spirit.

Balthazar: I don’t know. That kid had a crazy look in his eyes. The look of greed. Like I said, there’s a clear divide between the haves and have nots. And some people will do just about anything to make sure they continue to have. Dumb kid.

Howdy: Do you have any children, Mr. Crane?

Balthazar: Not that I know of. None of them have showed up on my doorstep as of yet.

Belly: Ever been married?

Balthazar: Nope. I’m just too goddamned ornery for any woman to want to stick around. [winking] Unless you’d like to give it a go, pretty lady.

Belly: That’s a tempting offer, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.

Balthazar: Suit yourself. Can I head on back?

Howdy: Sure thing. Thank you for your time, sir. Er uh, Mr. Crane.

[Balthazar leaves]

Howdy: I think you two would have made a lovely couple.

Belly: I’d have sooner poked out his other eye.
Investigation Location: Game Room

Examine the card table.
EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
When you think "game room, card table" you think "hidden compartments." Well, you thunk right! Sure enough, on what appears to be the "dealer's side" of this octagonal table there's a small slide-out drawer. It proves a bit hard to open because someone has stuffed it full of something white and awkward. You manage to wrestle the item out, and unroll what looks like a white, nylon golf flag with an unfamiliar symbol written on it. It obviously wasn't supposed to go in there.. was it?

Poke through the cabinets.
600g! [gold]
Opening the cabinets reveals a sizable collection of board games. The noteworthy thing about this is that they're all Crane Games brand. 'Frisk the Farmer', 'Autopsy', 'Donut Democracy', 'Pigs and Princesses', 'Foreclosure', 'Blabble', and everyone's childhood favorite, 'Mexican Standoff', just to name a few. You're not too keen on searching through every game for clues, but it's your job, detective. Opening the 'Crane-opoly' box, you're surprised to see that the paper money has been replaced with real money. The rich are a funny lot. You pocket a handful of gold and tuck the game back into the cabinet. [ninja]

Ponder the playing cards.
EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
The top of the poker table looks pretty clean. You search the felt for hairs or fabric fibers, but come up with nothing. You wonder who was playing here, as it appears the table was abandoned mid-game. Looking over the cards, your interest is piqued. All the hands are turned face down, except for one. Aside from the 9 heart kicker, it's made up of two pair: An 8 of clubs, 8 of spades, ace of clubs and ace of spades. If you remember correctly, in poker this is called the Dead Man's Hand. Considering the situation, it's grimly appropriate.

Explore under the rug.
400g! [gold]
Something tells you that the big beige rug underneath the card table is covering more than just the floor. You circle the perimeter, prying up the edge just so until you spot it: there's a small trap-door beneath the dealer's chair! Hooking your finger into the door pull, you open the compartment to reveal a small wooden box filled with poker chips and small bills. You've no use for the poker chips, but you could definitely find a use for the cash!

Check out the chairs.
It's not that you have a strange obsession with furniture, there just isn't much to look at in this room. At least that's what you tell yourself as you stroll over to those lush green chairs that surround the card table. Stroking the velvety upholstery, you can't help but wonder how they'd look with that neat striped wallpaper you saw at the mall last week.. Ooh, would you use the pink, or the black and red? *daydream* OH!! Ahem. No clues here, no ma'am!
(( Note: There will be slight delay in handing these out, but we'll get 'em to you ASAP! ))

Scope out the fish tank.
Red, Golden, Snowy & Purple Festive Fish
Your motto is 'To Protect and Serve', not 'To Clean Fish Tanks'. But your bosses want no stone left unturned, even if that stone is underwater. You scoop out the fish, drain the tank, and sift through a mess of plants and gravel. All for nothing, as it turns out. Exhausted, you really dread putting this all back together. But looking the fish over, they are cute little guys. You just might take them home.

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Examine the card table.
    blueblackrose - x
    Damia Flagg - x
    Irishrain - x
    KatMagenta - x
    LadyDesi - x
    Mythos - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    Shinigamikarasu - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

  • - Poke through the cabinets.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    girlbot9 - x
    hummy - x
    Kent - x
    Ling - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    nike13 - x
    numerica - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    slurpz - x
    star2000shadow - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x

  • - Ponder the playing cards.
    Aganab - x
    Cora - x
    Death_to_the_reaper - x
    Dragoness129 - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    Hadsvich - x
    musasgal - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    Velvet - x
    Wyrmskyld - x

  • - Explore under the rug.
    Ascadellia - x
    Cardinal Biggles - x
    Codette - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Dystopia - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Linnea - x
    lunanuova - x
    Mikio - x
    Nephila - x
    Risque - x

  • - Check out the chairs.
    Anglie - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x
    Mageling - x
    Wordstreamer - x

  • - Scope out the fish tank.
    Antagonist - x
    Beekeeper - x
    DarthMudkip - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    EirianHikari - x
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    EverlastingRitz - x
    fairywaif - x
    fireprincess - x
    GwenaHikari - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Ivvy - x
    Jeannesha - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    LaVida - x
    Liztress - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Nema - x
    Neora - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    pollik17 - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    Roxxxy - x
    Saravi Boo - x
    Seridano - x
    Shadami - x
    Silence - x
    spicedroses - x
    sushi_mew - x
    TamLin - x
    TutsTalkin.. - x
    wish - x
    Woofie267 - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

BellyButton 10-17-2013 03:01 AM

Interrogation of Nathan MatsuyamaX

Howdy: Alright sir, could we have your name and age please?

Nathan: Nathan Matsuyama. I’m twenty-seven years old.

Belly: Matsuyama is a Japanese name, is it not?

Nathan: Yes, I am of Japanese decent, on my mother’s side. My father was caucasian.

Howdy: What is your relation to the victim?

Nathan: I am… That is to say, I was Mr. Crane’s personal secretary.

Belly: Tell us a little about your background, Mr. Matsuyama. You say your father was caucasian, but yet you have a Japanese surname.

Nathan: My mom and dad weren’t married. I never actually met my father. He died before I was born, in a car accident. Then at birth, I was given my mother’s last name.

Howdy: It must have been tough, growing up with only one parent.

Nathan: I wasn’t much bothered by it. It’s all I ever knew. My mother was a single parent and she worked hard to make sure I’d have everything I’d ever need, so I never felt the full weight of that loss. I’m very appreciative to her.

Belly: Did you grow up in the area?

Nathan: No, I’m originally from out west. I moved here about four years ago.

Belly: For what reason?

Nathan: Work. I got a job in the marketing department at Crane Games.

Howdy: That’s an odd leap, to go from marketing to being a personal secretary.

Nathan: It came about by an odd meeting, actually. Three years ago, I was working late to complete some paperwork. I finished up for the night and headed down to the lobby. I had just stepped off my elevator, when the adjoining elevator opened. It was Mrs. Talbot, and she appeared to be angry.

Belly: Samantha Talbot, the CEO of Crane Games?

Nathan: Yes. I don’t think she saw me, cause she stormed past without looking in my direction. Also in the elevator was Mr. Crane. I assumed there had been a disagreement. The two are known throughout the company for their arguments behind closed doors. Unsure as to what I should do, I said hello to Mr. Crane. He looked at me and said, ‘You! Do you work here?’ I confirmed that I did, and he told me to go back upstairs to his office and retrieve a briefcase he had left behind. Well, you just can’t say no to the boss. There was a bit of fumbling on my part, as I had never been to the top floor. But I was finally able to locate his office and find the briefcase. I then headed back to the lobby, returned the case and he said, ‘I’ve also left my wallet. Go get it for me! It’s leather! Black!’ I thought he was being kinda harsh, not knowing then that was his usual manner of speaking. But I did as I was told. I went up, came back down, and he said, “It appears it may rain. Fetch my umbrella!’ Feeling a bit like a yo-yo, I complied once again, fearing he may have forgotten something else. But he took the umbrella and looked at me with those stern eyes of his and asked what my name was. I said, ‘Nathan Matsuyama, sir’ He then turned without another word and left. – I didn’t ponder it too much, thinking it would just be a strange story to tell my co-workers. But coming into work the next day, I was told to report to Mr. Crane’s office. When I got there, the office secretary handed me a stack of papers and a check, saying I would need to get a new suit. I asked what this was all about and she said Mr. Crane was taking me on as his personal secretary. So after all that, in truth I really had no say in the matter.

Howdy: And were you happy to become Mr. Crane’s personal secretary?

Nathan: [fidgeting] Well, not exactly. I would have preferred to stay in marketing. Thing is though, Bishop Crane wasn’t the kind man you just said no to. If I turned him down, I risked losing both positions. I did see it as sort of a waste of my abilities, but I thought the job would be easy enough, plus the pay was better.

Belly: Mr. Crane was known to be a lover of women. And someone of his importance should have had no problem getting a pretty little thing to be his secretary. Don’t you think it’s unusual that he would want a man for the job? Especially one he had only briefly met once?

Nathan: I asked him about that. Y’know, why hire me, when there are plenty of people, women specifically, far more qualified and willing to fill the position. He said, ‘Female secretaries have a limited shelf life. And it gets so bothersome to always have to teach every new girl the ropes.’ Fidelity wasn’t Mr. Crane’s strongest point, whether it be in work or play. And it wasn’t unusual for the two to cross, if you catch my drift. With a man, he needn’t worry. He also added that when we first met. he took one look at me and knew I wouldn’t cause him trouble. I wasn’t very flattered by that. He never said the words out loud, but I believe he thought I was weak willed.

Howdy: What exactly were your responsibilities as a personal secretary?

Nathan: A little bit of everything and anything, really. I was at his beck and call, twenty-four hours a day. I even had to move into the servant’s wing of his mansion. That part wasn’t so bad, considering the cramped studio apartment I was coming from. But the job wasn’t as easy as I expected. Mr. Crane was very demanding, and often not very thankful.

Belly: But after three years, there must have been some sense of closeness between you two.

Nathan: There were moments I thought that. But he didn’t let many people get close to him, let alone someone like me. Despite that, I think in these later years I knew him better than anyone. You hear these stories of the curmudgeon, who despite their harsh attitude always holds a kernel of goodness deep within them. But Mr. Crane, I think, was a selfish man, through and through. He was not above lying, and certainly didn’t think twice about breaking his word.

Howdy: It doesn’t sound like you were very happy. If so, why stay on for three years? You could have walked away at any time.

Nathan:. I would have, but I needed the money. See, shortly after I started working for Mr. Crane, my mom got really sick, real fast. The hospital bills quickly piled up, and her insurance only paid a small percentage of it. We don’t have anyone else. I’m the only one who can take care of her. I’ve been earning good money, and my mom sacrificed so much for me growing up, I thought the least I could do was tough it out with Mr. Crane for a few years.

Belly: How’s your mom now?

Nathan: She’s in remission, thankfully.

Howdy: Living in the mansion must have made you privy to some of the going-ons there. Have you met any of the Crane family?

Nathan: Some. Here and there. His brother Balthazar I only met tonight, but he seems like a nice enough guy. – Loretta is a fearsome woman. I don’t believe she likes me. But then I don’t think she likes most anyone connected with her ex-husband.

Howdy: She claims Mr. Crane tried to swindle her with a falsified prenup. Do you believe that?

Nathan: I wouldn’t put it past him. I do feel sorry for her. It’s an injustice to be denied what is rightly yours. Mr. Crane held a lot of sway in this town, but now that he’s gone, I think she may have a fighting chance at seeing some of that money.

Belly: Have you had many interactions with Brad Crane?

Nathan: [stiffening] Not a lot, no, which has been to my favor. I find it difficult to stomach Brad Cane.

Belly: Why’s that?

Nathan: [aggressively] There are fewer people in this world that are as spoiled and undeserving as him. It is a testament to the unfairness of our society when millions struggle to make ends meets, while arrogant, little playboys such Brad Crane piss away their days with their rich friends. [pauses] I apologize. It just kinda makes me sick.

Howdy: No need to apologize, Mr. Matsuyama. Now, after moving into Mr. Crane’s home, you continued to work with him at the company, did you not?

Nathan: That’s right.

Howdy: And you say that he and Samantha Talbot didn’t get along.

Nathan: They fought like cats and dogs. Thing is though, no matter how much the cat hisses and scratches, the dog will win out. Mrs. Talbot wanted to bring change to the company, and she could argue till she was blue in the face, but she was ultimately powerless.

Belly: Do you know why Mr. Crane had everyone gather here tonight?

Nathan: His important announcement. What it was, I couldn’t say. He was a secretive man.

Howdy: Can you tell us your whereabouts after boarding the ship?

Nathan: I was in my cabin for a while, and then I went down to the lower deck for a swim.

Belly: Were you alone?

Nathan: Yes.

Belly: A final question, Mr. Matsuyama. If you had to guess, who do you think may have killed Mr. Crane?

Nathan: Well, I can’t pretend he didn’t have his fair share of enemies, many of who are assembled here tonight. But right now my suspicions lie with Lucy.

Howdy: Lucy St. Clair?

Nathan: Yeah. In the time I’ve known him, I’ve seen Mr. Crane go through more than a half dozen women. I don’t think monogamy was in his vocabulary. But there was something different about Lucy. I really do think he had fallen for her. She on the other hand, I’m not so sure. – Right off the bat, you think about a wealthy, sixty-four year old man and a twenty-two year old girl, and you make natural assumptions. And you'd see how affectionate they were toward each other, and how she sparkles when she speaks about him. But Lucy spent a lot of time at the house, and living there I’ve caught instances when that bubbly demeanor seems to fall away. I think she’s actually very cunning, and more intelligent than she lets on. And I think perhaps Mr. Crane may have loved her enough to change his will.

Howdy: That’s food for thought. – Well, we appreciate your time, Mr. Matsuyama. You may return to the dining room and we’ll call you back if need be.

Nathan: I appreciate your efforts, and I hope this can all be over soon.

Belly: We’ll try our best.

[Nathan leaves]

Howdy: Geez, imagine having to cater to a sour old man night and day. Do you think he had to…

Belly: Wipe his butt?

Howdy: Ew, no! I was gonna say bring him breakfast in bed!

Belly: [shrugging] Oh.

Howdy: … But now I’m wondering.
Investigation Location: Pool

Peek into the urn.
Sheik Blue Swimsuit & Reef Swimshorts - Red
You feel a slight bit of trepidation that you are about to commit a social faux pas, but that urn is just begging for you to peek inside it. Rather than the final resting place for the remains of an old relative, though, you find that it's been acting as a receptacle for.. used swimwear? Yuck!

Check the poolside tables.
The various poolside tables set around the room are adorned with decorative items: a nice candle-holder here, a small potted orchid there. Several of them contain little ornamental trays in which poolgoers can deposit any items they don't wish to get wet while swimming. You're not finding any personal items or things that would seem to pertain to the murder, but after a full sweep of the room you do manage to collect a fair bit of pocket change.

Inspect the lounge chairs.
Life's a Beach
You're here to do a job, and you're going to inspect the hell out of these lounge chairs. You remove the cushions, pat them down. Go over the wood and steel frame with a fine tooth comb. And in the course of your inspecting, you realize that these things are pretty well made. They'd be perfect for the tropical vacation you're planning next week. You've already bought the umbrella and towels. Hmm, you wonder if there's a way to get one of these chairs off the ship.
(( Note: These will be sent out shortly.. ish. Shortlyish. Yeah. ))

Gaze at the stars.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
As you examine the stars painted on the ceiling over the pool, you're lost for a moment in the soothing effect it has on your being. But then you notice a faint tracing between some of them. It's quite distracting, once you've seen it. It looks like someone has attempted to form a constellation of some sort by connecting the dots. I wonder what it means?

Dive into the pool.
EVIDENCE [+1 Raffle Ticket]
A good detective knows no boundaries. A good detective will go to any length to seek out the truth. This is what you tell yourself as you step down into the freezing water of the swimming pool. What gives? Shouldn't this thing be heated at least a little? Securing your goggles, you bite the bullet and dive in. The pool is thankfully well lit and you do a visual sweep of the bottom. Nothings stands out as abnormal, but then something small and spherical catches your eyes. Reaching down you grasp the object, then bring it back up to the surface. It's a marble. A yellow, cat's eye marble. As there are no children on the ship, you wonder how that could have gotten there.

Visit the fountain.
700g! [gold]
From a distance, it's not so clear what the shrine-like feature in the room is. But taking a closer look, it reveals itself as a fountain. Not much to investigate, except for the large receptacle the water pours into. Peering inside, it's eerily dark and you reach your hand in with some hesitation. The water is bitingly cold and the basin is much deeper than it appears. But finally your hand grabs onto something. It's gold, and a sizable amount. That's a nice surprise. This must be a wishing fountain. -- You wonder what an old guy like Mr. Crane would wish for. Probably to be alive. ... Ohhhhh. Too soon?

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Peek into the urn.
    Beekeeper - x
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    iC[a]ndy - x
    Liztress - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Nema - x
    Neora - x
    Nephila - x
    numerica - x
    star2000shadow - x
    Wordstreamer - x

  • - Check the poolside tables.
    Anglie - x
    Chexala - x
    musasgal - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    TutsTalkin.. - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

  • - Inspect the lounge chairs.
    girlbot9 - x
    Kent - x
    Kilia - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    M i n u x e - x
    Velvet - x

  • - Gaze at the stars.
    Ascadellia - x
    blueblackrose - x
    Cardinal Biggles - x
    Dystopia - x
    fireprincess - x
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Ivvy - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    LaVida - x
    Ling - x
    Mikio - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    pollik17 - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    Roxxxy - x
    Saravi Boo - x
    shinigamikarasu - x
    Silence - x
    slurpz - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    TamLin - x
    Vox - x
    Wish - x
    Woodlandnymph - x

  • - Dive into the pool.
    Aganab - x
    Cora - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    GwenaHikari - x
    Hadsvich - x
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x
    KatMagenta - x
    LilyPotter - x
    Risque - x
    Shadami - x
    sushi_mew - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Visit the fountain.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Antagonist - x
    Codette - x
    DamiaFlagg - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    Darth Mudkip - x
    dragoness129 - x
    EirianHikari - x
    hummy - x
    Jeannesha - x
    LadyDesi - x
    Linnea - x
    lunanuova - x
    Mythos - x
    nike13 - x
    Rochiel Silverfire - x
    spicedroses - x
    Woofie267 - x

Captain Howdy 10-17-2013 10:16 PM

Interrogation of Samantha TalbotX

Howdy: We thank you for your time, ma’am. This shouldn’t take too long.

Belly: Could we have your name and age, please?

Samantha: I am Mrs. Samantha Talbot. Forty-six.

Howdy: [taking note of the accent] You’re British.

Samantha: Yes. I grew up in Hampstead, in London.

Belly: What is your relation to the victim?

Samantha: Mr. Crane was my boss. I am the chief executive officer of the Crane Games Toy Company.

Howdy: What exactly does a CEO do?

Samantha: A CEO’s job is to lead. We are in charge of the everyday operations of the business. We make most of the daily decisions, motivate the employees, and basically ensure the gears of the company are oiled and turning.

Belly: That’s quite a lot of responsibility.

Samantha: [a bit sour] Yes, it would be, if one were allowed to appropriately do one’s job.

Belly: And you’re not?

Samantha: I haven’t been, no. In the past I have successfully helmed two other companies. I was hired on at Crane Games based upon my outstanding reputation and my unflagging competence. A CEO’s duty is to help grow the company, to help it climb the rungs of excellence. This is what I signed on to do. Unfortunately, what I found was a business mired in arrested development. It’s stunted, and the name of the stunt was Mr. Bishop Crane.

Howdy: How was Mr. Crane hindering the company?

Samantha: I am very good at what I do. I know how a business should be run. Immediately I spotted where Crane Games was lacking and how it could be improved. I was intent upon making the necessary changes, but found my ideas stifled at every turn by Mr. Crane. I realize how callous it must seem, to speak so ill of the recently dead, but it is only now that I can finally speak so freely. Bishop Crane was an obstinate, old fool. He was a relic, unyielding and pig headed. A man so averse to change, it astounds me that his doors remain open. – I was told that in Mr. Crane’s earlier days he was much more receptive to new ideas, when he took over the reigns from his father, Jeremiah Crane. But the man I knew was loathe to move even an inch.

Howdy: But now he’s passed. How does that affect you?

Samantha: [sighing] I don’t want it to seem as if I’m celebrating my employer’s demise. It is a terrible, terrible thing that has happened tonight. But if it’s the truth you seek, I assume now that Mr. Crane has moved on to the next world, the company will finally be able to grow.

Belly: Weren’t there rumors, Mrs. Talbot, that recently Mr. Crane had been pressuring the board of directors to have you removed?

Samantha: [purses lips and shifts uncomfortably in her seat] Yes, well, that is regrettably true. Mr. Crane didn’t make any attempts to hide it. I believe he assumed I would be a pushover, but I became more of a thorn in his side. He couldn’t outright fire me; he would need to go through the board first. But it would have been only a matter of time.

Howdy: And now that he’s been removed from the picture?

Samantha: It would seem that I’ve been spared, at least until the new head steps into position.

Belly: And who would that be?

Samantha: I couldn’t say. Mr. Crane never openly named his successor. One would naturally assume that it would be his son, Brad Crane. Though it would be a dark day for Crane Games, as the boy is lazy, aimless and irresponsible. But should it come to pass, I suspect I may have to step up my role in the company.

Howdy: You understand how this makes you look, right? It gives you quite the motive. Some would say you’re trying to become the power behind the throne.

Samantha: [smiling] Yes, I understand it would appear that way. But I am merely being honest. And I can afford that honesty because I have committed no crime. I am wholly innocent.

Belly: What can you tell us about Nathan Matsuyama?

Samantha: [thinking] I don't believe I know who that is.

Howdy: Mr. Crane's personal secretary.

Samantha: Oh, him. Well, I... What could I say? He's merely an assistant. I do know the old man worked him like a pack mule, though.

Belly: Mr. Crane was gathering you here tonight for an announcement. Any clue what that could have been?

Samantha: As outdated as his notions were, he was also wily as the day is long. So I really don't know.

Howdy: Could you tell us your whereabouts since boarding the ship?

Samantha: I was in my cabin, reading through some product proposals.

Belly: Were you alone?

Samantha: [eyes widening] Of course. My husband is away this week on business.

Howdy: A final inquiry, Mrs. Talbot. Who do you think may have killed Mr. Crane?

Samantha: Of everyone present here tonight, it seems to me the most likely suspect is Ulrich Jacobs.

Belly: Mr. Jacobs, owner of the Dream Things toy company?

Samantha: The very same, yes. Dream Things is on the verge of collapse. They have been beset upon by far too many losses in recent years. The tragedy in this is they were all losses that could have been easily prevented. It all boils down to poor decision making. This is the company that not only greenlit, but also produced ‘Twitchy the Tiger’, the tiger that teaches your child about tourettes. That’s all fine and good, and I’m sure well intentioned. But the toy was shown, at random intervals, to explode into a string of expletives so foul that more than three dozen children had to be put into therapy. Then there’s the case of ‘Switch Blade Suzy’ and the ‘Junior Breaking Bad Rock Candy Meth Lab’. And they're only just a few of their most disastrous blunders. These decisions have not only tarnished the company’s reputation, but cost Dreams Things millions of dollars. Despite this, there is still value in many of their products, and Cranes Games has been readying itself to buyout their assets.

Howdy: And this is enough for Mr. Jacobs to commit murder?

Samantha: Wouldn’t you be upset if your life’s work came to naught? I also understand that he and Mr. Crane were once very good friends. I’m sure that’s salt in the wound.

Belly: I think that should be all for now, Mrs. Talbot. We’ll call you back if we need to. You can return to the dining room.

Samantha: [sarcastically] Lovely, I can breathe in more of Mrs. Crane's second-hand smoke. Disgusting habit. [sighing] I do hope this won’t take too much more of my time. I am a very busy person, with other matters to attend to.

Howdy: We’ll try our best, Mrs. Talbot.

[Samantha leaves]

Belly: It’s too bad Mr. Crane’s death conflicted so much with her schedule.

Howdy: Yes. The next person in her life who dies should really call ahead.
Investigation Location: Samantha's Cabin

Thumb through the books.
+800g! [gold]
The books on the shelf cover a wide range of genres and variations. Aside from the standard, gilded encyclopedia, titles range from Shakespeare's Othello, to Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, to a dog-eared copy of 50 Shades of Grey with the inscription 'Property of HIM_ROCK' written on the inside. But reaching the end of the shelf, you find something strange about Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. There's an unusual jangle coming from the book. Opening the front cover, you find that it's hollow... and contains a generous pile of gold. Hot dog! You should read more often.

Scrutinize the lamps.
+600g! [gold]
The first thing you notice when you step into the room is how dang bright it is in here. Recessed lighting in the ceiling, overhead lights by the shelves, wall lamps, table lamps, and a desk lamp?! It's absurd and greatly offends your inner conservationist, so you take it upon yourself to go around and unscrew lightbulbs just enough to turn off those lamps that you find excessive. Your little protest probably just saved the Crane estate 600g, which you're perfectly comfortable billing them for.

Inspect the sitting area.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
The sitting area looks fairly un-sat, except for one thing. There's a book left out, laid open, face down on the armrest of one of the chairs. You flip it over and read an excerpt:

"Her ivory skin still glistened with bath water and her bosom heaved with anticipation as David stepped toward her, dropping his towel to the floor."

Whoa!! This is one of those smutty romance novels like they sell at the grocery store -- perhaps Samantha isn't such an ice queen after all?

Crawl under the desk.
ink Blott
You pride yourself on being a top notch detective. Well, crawling under the cabin desk, you're right now a top notch detective with their posterior wagging in the air. Carrying your old timey magnifying glass, you visually sweep the ground for clues. Too bad you didn't see the black puddle you just put your hand into. What is this stuff? On closer inspection, you find that it's ink. And it's everywhere down here. Seems that Mrs. Talbot accidentally knocked over her ink well. Say, be good citizen and clean it up.

Examine the art.
Belle Poule Hat
You focus your attention on the various art pieces displayed around the room. There's a very definite nautical theme going on here, which is not exactly out of place on a yacht. One painting shows a large ship on a stormy sea, another a smaller fishing vessel. There's what looks like an old sextant in a display case on one of the shelves. Not far from that you spot something that strikes an arrow of nostalgic longing into your heart: a little model ship. You've always wanted a little model ship. Why couldn't you ever have one? You should get one. Why not this one? I'm sure nobody will miss it. Not if you hurry.

Rifle through the desk drawers.
EVIDENCE (+1 Raffle Ticket)
You wonder what secrets lie behind Samantha Talbot's cold exterior. Could she be a spy? Or a secret agent working for Scotland Yard? Opening the desk drawers, you prepare yourself for a world of espionage and intrigue... But instead find nothin' but a buncha paperwork. Ah well. But then something small catches your eye. A matchbook from the Drunken Bass bar and grill. "The Best Seafood in Texas!", it reads. Is Texas even known for its seafood? Lifting the book cover, half the matches have been used. Hmm, you can't recall if Mrs. Talbot smoked or not.

Where is everyone investigating?X

  • - Thumb through the books.
    Chexala - x
    DariaMorgendorfer - x
    Death_to_the_reaper - x
    dessertdesiert - x
    dragoness129 - x
    Emma Corrin - x
    Exaggerated Rebellion - x
    fireprincess - x
    HIM_ROCK - x
    Kamikaze Kendra - x
    Kilia - x
    Ling - x
    lunanuova - x
    Mageling - x
    maidenroseheart - x
    Maria-Minamino - x
    Mythos - x
    Nephila - x
    mike13 - x
    numerica - x
    PapillonCameo - x
    RhianwenHikari - x
    SaraviBoo - x
    Shadami - x
    Shania583 - x
    shinigamikarasu - x
    star2000shadow - x
    SuperZombiePotatoe - x
    Vox - x
    Woodlandnymph - x
    Woofie267 - x
    Wyrmskyld - x
    zigbigadorlube - x

  • - Scrutinize the lamps.
    Iroase Delschatten - x
    Kent - x
    Linnea - x
    M i n u x e - x
    Neora - x

  • - Inspect the sitting area.
    elizabeth_mazur - x
    Hadsvich - x
    iC[a]ndy - x
    ~LONGCAT~ - x

  • - Crawl under the desk.
    Aganab - x
    Ascadellia - x
    Cardinal Biggles - x
    Codette - x
    Cora - x
    EverlastingRitz - x
    KatMagenta - x
    Roxxxy - x
    Seridano - x
    TutsTalkin.. - x
    Velvet - x
    Wordstreamer - x
    X---AznCo0ki3 - x

  • - Examine the art. Prize: Belle Poule Hat -
    blueblackrose - x SENT
    Damia Flagg - x SENT
    Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - x SENT
    Ivvy - x SENT
    Jeannesha - x SENT
    LaVida - x SENT
    Liztress - x SENT
    Mikio - x SENT
    Nema - x SENT
    pollik17 - x SENT
    Risque - x SENT
    Rochiel Silverfire - x SENT
    Silence - x SENT
    spicedroses - x SENT
    sushi_mew - x SENT
    TamLin - x SENT
    wish - x SENT

  • - Rifle through the desk drawers.
    Angel Spirit Girl - x
    Antagonist - x
    DivineHeart - x
    Dystopia - x
    EirianHikari - x
    girlbot9 - x
    GwenaHikari - x
    hummy - x
    LadyDesi - x
    musasgal - x
    p o p p e t ♥ - x
    PrincessKasumi - x
    slurpz - x
    Zombie Pixie - x

BellyButton 10-17-2013 10:27 PM

Interrogation of Brad CraneX

Belly: Please have a seat, sir. We’ll try not to take too much of your time.

Howdy: Your name please.

Brad: Bradley Alexander Crane. I was named after my maternal grandfather, Bradley Hurston. You may recognize the name. He founded the very lucrative Hurston Foods.

Howdy: [unimpressed] Of course. Your age, Mr. Crane?

Brad: Twenty-four.

Belly: How are you related to the victim?

Brad: He’s my father. [quickly changing the subject] Say, how likely is that I’ll be able to get out of here tonight? Some friends and I are supposed to be leaving for Antigua early in the morning. My good chum Burke Hostetter and I were up all night at the Montrose in Brookville. The Montrose is very exclusive, but Burke and I never have any trouble getting in. His family owns Hostetter Airlines. Anyway, we were there till six and then went to the Paladine for breakfast where we ran into Robert Carmichael. His family owns the Hermes Shoe Company. They recently dedicated the library at Buckley to his grandmother, after she donated a small fortune to them. Anyway, Robert wanted to show us his new custom Maserati, so we went back to his house where we spent much of the day driving it around his private racetrack. So I haven’t been home to pack?

Belly: [briefly giving Howdy a disbelieving look, as if to say ‘Can you believe this bitch?’] We… don’t really have a time frame, but we’ll try not to keep you here any longer than you need to be.

Brad: [smiling] Good.

Howdy: What do you do for a living, Mr. Crane?

Brad: [momentarily befuddled by the question] Well, I… I don’t… That is to say… I’m.. Well, I’m rich. I mean, some day I shall inherit Crane Games. Some day very soon, now that I think of it.

Belly: So you’ve been trained in the business?

Brad: [stammering] Well, I… I haven’t been trained, per se. But how difficult could it be? The Crane men have successfully run the company for generations without issue.

Belly: Can’t argue that logic. -- Tell us a little about your childhood.

Brad: [brightening] It was wonderful! Summers in the Hamptons with mother. Winters in Aspen. I had scads of toys, my playroom was burst to overflowing. Thankfully we were able to convert the nanny’s quarters into another playroom.

Howdy: And what happened to the nanny?

Brad: [nonchalantly] We put her in the attic. She was fine. [enthusiastic again] Oh, and I had the most expensive two-story, luxury tree house. It was fantastic. And I attended the very prestigious Beaumont Academy, where three times I was chosen to lead the Governor’s Procession. An honor only previously held by William Rothschild, of the famed Banton Hill Rothschilds. Then there was…

Belly: [cutting him off] Are you an only child, Mr. Crane?

Brad: Yes, I am. Having already the perfect son, I assume my parents felt no need to have any more children.

Howdy: [under his breath] More like cutting their losses. [normally] What was your relationship with your father like?

Brad: Well as a boy it was typical of any father/son relationship. [without irony] He worked and I saw him perhaps twice or three times a week, at which time he’d give me a present or maybe a little spending money. What we had was great. But as I got older, he only seemed to get more unreasonable.

Howdy: How so?

Brad: Father was always harping on the subjects of responsibility and planning for the future. It was all so tiresome. Youth is fleeting and I’m a handsome young man. Seize the day, live life to the fullest, and so on. Besides there was no need to worry, my future is comfortably set. But father would hear none of it. He was completely unfair! For example, the summer before last my friends and I had spent two weeks vacationing in the south of France and they were all staying a few extra days for Les Voiles de Saint-Tropez. Well father flat out refused to give me the money to stay on. I was so humiliated.

Belly: [sarcastically] You poor thing.

Brad: [oblivious] And that was only one of the many instances of how arbitrarily unfair father could be. But it all culminated into the unthinkable when four months ago he cut off my allowance! It’s like there’s no justice in the world!

Howdy: You musta been plenty mad at your dad.

Brad: And deservedly so, I think. I had been hoping he would come to his senses. Thankfully, I haven’t been left completely destitute. Mother has seen fit to throw me a little money now and then.

Howdy: How do you get on with your mom?

Brad: Fantastically. Father would say that I was flighty. But mother understands me. She knows how much depth I really have.

Belly: What did you think of your parents’ divorce?

Brad: [shrugging] It happens.

Howdy: And what’s your opinion of your father’s new girlfriend, Lucy St. Clair?

Brad: [grinning] She is a… tasty little thing. [pauses, then notices he’s being stared at] But completely without pedigree.

Belly: Returning to the subject of money; after your father cut you off, did you ever think he would change his mind?

Brad: I’m sure it would have only been a matter of time. [looking away as he speaks] I… I wasn’t too worried about it.

Belly: Tell us about your uncle, Balthazar Crane.

Brad: [his eyes widen, then he nervously laughs] What… What’s there to say? I only first met the man tonight. He’s a bit uncouth, I suppose. C--Considering where he comes from. – Listen, is this going to be much longer?

Howdy: Just a few more questions, Mr. Crane. Your father gathered everyone here tonight for an important announcement. Do you know what it could have been?

Brad: He didn’t say. I was disappointed though to learn this would be a small gathering. Why own a fabulous yacht such as this, one not unlike those owned by the crowned heads of Monaco, if you’re not going to throw a party? I would’ve liked to have invited Lindsey Parkman. Her family own's Parkman Pharmaceuticals. She and I…

Belly: [abruptly] Can you tell us your whereabouts since boarding the ship?

Brad: I was in the lounge, speaking on the phone to Douglas Winthrop. His family…

Belly: [clenching her fist] Were you alone in the lounge?

Brad: I do believe so, yes.

Howdy: One last query, Mr. Crane. Who do you believe may have murdered your father?

Brad: The most likely suspect, in my opinion, is that woman, Samantha Talbot.

Howdy: Why do you say that?

Brad: Father always complained she was trying to wrestle control of the company from him. It really is distasteful when a person doesn’t know their place. He was attempting to get the board to dismiss her, but they did nothing but drag their feet. I know when I become head of the company, I won’t allow such things. When that happens I'll finally no longer have to tolerate the slanderous opinions of others. I will be a man of power, who will do as he pleases. Spend as much time in Saint-Tropez as I like.

Belly: [taking a deep sigh] I think that’s all, Mr. Crane. You can return to the dining room.

Brad: [He stands to exit, but then turns with a sincere face] I very much hope you can catch my father’s killer, detectives. … It really would be a shame to miss Antigua. [leaves]

Belly: Y'know, I think after this case we should go find Captain jelly. You know jelly, her family owns a pub. Get us a stiff drink and a sandwich.

Howdy: A fancy sandwich? Maybe with gruyere?

Belly: Hell yeah. Gruyere’s classy as balls.

Captain Howdy 10-23-2013 10:14 PM

fireprincess 10-26-2013 07:45 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: look behind the pillows

Woot Woot! [boogie]
I always love to play your games

Maria-Minamino 10-26-2013 07:46 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Check the Paintings

PrincessKasumi 10-26-2013 07:50 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Look under the bed

Dystopia 10-26-2013 07:52 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: [ examine the vanity ]

Woofie267 10-26-2013 07:56 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Poke around the wardrobe

Yay we're solving a murder~ Is this going to be like Clue?

GwenaHikari 10-26-2013 07:57 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Examine the vanity

Wyrmskyld 10-26-2013 07:59 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Rummage through the nightstand!

*pulls on rubber gloves first* In case there's something in there I wouldn't want to touch!

PapillonCameo 10-26-2013 08:03 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: rummage through the nightstand

Cora 10-26-2013 08:34 PM

We're in the Lucy's Cabin today.
I want to: Check the Paintings

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